Coloring with the Catholics:
My Story of Criminal Mental Abuse and Higher Ed Gaslighting in Larry Nassar’s Michigan

I am a survivor of suicide swatting (false reports of suicide), whose former life was ended by criminal mental health care, meaning violations of the state mental health code. One can never forget. February 22-28, 2013, I was held in a Catholic looney bin (spelled like the Warner Brothers cartoons and named after the wardens), for a week, without initial evaluation by Dr. Andrew Muzychka, in the St. Mary Merciless, Livonia, Michigan emergency room.  I was set up by my EEOC-documented hostile employer, Land of Motown Community College (a pseudonym), located in Oakland County, north of Detroit. My hometown Livonia Police were misled and believed they needed to pick up a crazy lady on the loose, pronto!  The cops did not listen to me.  I said on Facebook I was trying to “save my life,” not suicidal.

I have been telling government, social media, and the world, anyone who will listen, that I never met and was never evaluated by dominant white male, Dr. Andrew Muzychka, who did not supervise then first year intern, Nicole Shattuck, at St Mary Merciless.  Not being heard and my criminal attackers protected instead of me?  That’s mental torture.

 Yes, I know what day it is and understand what is really going on. Today is March 12, 2019. I have been a pawn in a cruel game of mental and financial torture since April 13, 2012, when a bogus paper trail was launched.

This paper trail was purposefully crafted to mislabel me all kinds of suddenly crazy dangerous, using specific jargon of the trade. When weaponized, to a dangerous and malignant tune, psychiatric terms can end a person’s life, like a gun. Many people may not realize that there is no scientific basis for the labels given by supposed mental health care practitioners, who are biased, 100%, like preachers and politicians. 

Thelma & Louise and Women in Hollywood

The entertainment industry is all too much a man’s world, with Hollywood at its macho center. Thelma & Louise made film history with a female screenwriter, two female leads and a controversial, female-empowered storyline. The film is well worth studying for its impact on Hollywood and, in a broader sense, its reflection of women’s role in society. This book examines the cultural impact of Thelma & Louise, not only upon its release in 1991 but throughout the years since.

The book begins with a look at the role of women in media and the underrepresentation of women in the film industry, on and off screen. Next comes a thorough examination of Thelma & Louise’s public reception: the controversy it generated, the reviews it received, and the many ways it is referenced in popular culture. Case studies from newspapers across the United States, focusing on reviews and op-ed pieces in The Salt Lake Tribune, The Washington Post, The Boston Herald, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution and others, show how the film’s reception differed from region to region. The final chapter provides current female employment statistics for the film industry and offers insight into the present role of women in film.

Gina Fournier


Born Detroit, Michigan, Henry Ford Hospital, 1963. First memory, dream turned into out of body experience.  I saw the atoms and molecules in my hand, zoomed out past my Betty Crocker Suzy Homemaker Easy Bake oven into the galaxy and returned to my bed on the same path with the message, “Everything would be okay,” a message I have not been able to hold.  I was not cut out for Catholic schools, a Catholic mother, the Catholic Church, or a Canadian dad on the rebound, a rat pack gambler rambler, or to be the only sister of an only Catholic son, who called me Fat Dancer.  I am not cut out for my own life, it seems at this point, but if not me, then who?  Life is crazy, not moi! I am goof by nature, but my nature has been under attack for too long.  I do not know why any of this happened to me.  It can’t be fate.  What kind of person earns such a horrible fate? I share pictures of me experiencing panic attacks, reasonably worried mental torture will never end.  I must try to save and reclaim my life.