Livonia Human Relations Commission
City of Livonia
Livonia Police
Mayor Maureen Miller Brosnan
33000 Civic Center Drive
Livonia, Michigan 48154
Ph 734 466 2200
July 28, 2020
Dear City of Livonia,
No one knows who is suicidal.

Did the mayor’s husband, when Maureen Miller Brosnan was city council president, walk from Rosedale Gardens to an 1-96 overpass and jump off, when he committed suicide? Did Owen Keaton lead the Livonia Police Fuck the Bitch Squad to the mayor’s home, abduct him in handcuffs, manhandle him in and out of a police cruiser and take him to the almost secret St. Mary Merciless human trafficking criminal Catholic nut house to NOT test for a chemical imbalance and to NOT be evaluated? Instead, to be shackled, drugged, knocked out unconscious in the emergency room, stowed somewhere for hours, and admitted illegally to the mental ward over the course of an eight to nine-hour day? Did the Catholics, the Felician Nuns, the hospital, for which the mayor has a track record of bias, not recognize Sean Brosnan’s suicidal mental health?
No, they did not, because no one knows who is suicidal.
This is a legal demand: finally settle my claims and pay financial damages owed.
The city of Livonia has owed me for damages since February 22, 2013, as I have stated in writing repeatedly, since I used the Freedom of Information Act to access the Livonia Police records for that date, in the spring of 2013.
On February 22, 2013 my Equal Employment Opportunity Commission documented mentally abusive employer used the reliable sexism of the poorly trained Livonia Police against me through purposely false police reports.
Without any doubt, Livonia Police, due to historic brothers in arms sexism, took a sucker punch from Oakland Community College’s William MacQueen, in human resources, and Terry McCauley, top school cop. And I’ve paid the price dearly all these years for the ignorance, stupidity, lack of ethics, cruelty and corruption of the Livonia Police department.
Currently the Michigan Civil Rights Commission has accepted and is investigating 11 civil rights complaints, all with current action that connects to February 22, 2013, including a complaint against the sexist Livonia Police for actions on April 1, 2019, taken in cahoots with Livonia Catholics at St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward. St. Mary Merciless was built and is still run through the same “nasty “conservative Felician nuns who were allowed to raise me in lousy Livonia Catholics schools, St. Michael’s and Ladywood. I soundly rejected the Catholic Church decades ago.
At this point, Livonia Police are guilty of working with both Oakland Community College to gaslight me on February 22, 2013, and guilty of working with St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward to cover up mentally abusive crimes that occurred February 22-28, 2013, which only happened due to the negligence and lawlessness of the Livonia Police, who were led by officer Owen Keaton.
Clearly, the established inappropriately biased relationship between the City of Livonia, its police officers and the Livonia Catholics stand behind criminal and bad faith actions of the Livonia Police since 2013. The City of Livonia has been protecting Trinity Health and its own image, rather than provide equal protection and uphold state of Michigan law.
No one has a right to suicide swat but Livonia Police helped Oakland Community College suicide swat me.
Oakland Community College, my employer between August 2005 and March 11, 2013, set me up on February 22, 2013, through top cop Terry McCauley, who was ordered by then interim-appointed William MacQueen in human resources to make false calls saying I was suicidal when I was not: suicide swatting.
William MacQueen in Larry Nassar’s Michigan has in effect gotten away with my murder with the help of the Livonia Police.
The school had begun gaslighting me almost a year before February 22, 2013, on April 13, 2012. Lawyer Nick Roumel filed an Equal Opportunity Employment commission claim in 2012, which did not stop the school from acting in bad faith to break the faculty teaching contract and remove me from the classroom without cause on trumped up bogus charges about my teaching. Simultaneously, the school created a false paper trail saying I was suddenly both crazy and a bad teacher after seven years without any incident. The documented truth is that the school wanted to silence my voice, which was critical of both old school pedagogy and the inhouse teacher-first teachers’ union, a branch of the Michigan Education Association. I had been bullied among English teachers on the Royal Oak campus documented since 2008, over the creation of the teaching schedule, due to teacher ego and greed.
Because William MacQueen failed to take out a male English teacher, John Bonnell, on bogus sexual harassment charges at Macomb Community College, where MacQueen spent the bulk of his career, he came out of retirement to take the position at Oakland Community College, to improve upon his teacher-crushing techniques with me, a female. William MacQueen, my Larry Nassar, created a way to take me out based on reliable societal sexism. I had been sent to two hacks shrinks, removed from the classroom, payment stopped and placed on federal family medical leave, without need and without my consent, prior to February 22, 2013, of which Terry McCaulely said nothing on February 22, 2013, across three phones calls to Livonia Police dispatch.
Oakland Community College sunk so low, they used against me my husband’s surprise death, December 26, 2012. I was suicide swatted after I separated from my lawyer, Nick Roumel, in January 2013, when the school knew it could most successfully strike. I think it’s possible that William MacQueen had planned the hack shrinks and suicide swatting ahead of time, based on my anti-Catholic voice publicly available in my first writer’s website, which was ransacked at the same time William MacQueen pounced.
No one has the right to assign maliciously and criminally the label “suicidal.”
Terry McCauley knowingly misled Livonia Police by sharing a purposely biased and confusing version of me as an employee and a human being. The school’s actual ongoing attack was not shared with the Livonia Police. What Terry McCauley read to Livonia Police dispatch over the phone from my Facebook posts was purposely incomplete, misrepresented in tone and intent, and taken out of context of the school’s ongoing attack. McCauley purposely withheld all big picture facts of the school’s attack to mis-portray me a crazy dangerous woman in a sexist society where clearly, as the Livonia police should know, men with guns are dangerous, statistically, not women with computer keyboards, camera lens, paint brushes and flower gardens. I have never owned a gun.
Oakland Community College closely followed and cherry-picked through my Facebook page in bad faith and struck purposely and maliciously, February 22, 2013, a Friday, before state law gives psychiatric hospitals the weekend off from some restrictions.
I retain the Livonia Police DVD and written reports for February 22, 2013, which Livonia Police say they have erased, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Upon review, the Livonia Police dispatcher recognized something was wrong in Terry McCauley’s false police reports made over the phone, but the male Livonia Police dispatcher did not handle the call appropriately. Only two of three calls made by McCauley to the Livonia Police were released by the Livonia Police through FOIA. What was said in the call not released?
By suicide swatting me, Oakland Community College was attacking me, not showing care or concern, for I was not suicidal in the least.
Instead, I was known to be highly sarcastic, and still am. Since February 22, 2013, I have said many times with my natural sarcastic voice that Catholic Jesus, Stupid Cop Owen Keaton and the Livonia Police Fuck the Bitch Squad should have shot me dead instead of setting me up for a life mental torture, social isolation and financial devastation due to retaliatory criminal psychiatry.
I heavily edit my Facebook posts. The Facebook post Terry McCauely sent to the Livonia Police via fax with a socially common reference was edited and replaced with “save my life.” The other posts surrounding that post did not support Livonia Police action. Furthermore, the time stamp on the fax suggests the Livonia Police never checked any of Oakland Community College’s suspicious claims before deploying four white male police, a chaplain and an ambulance to my home. What about calling first? Your procedure for so called welfare checks needs serious review. Furthermore, nationwide most police have no training, no interest and clear conflicts of interest in so called mental health situations.
You can consider me the police shot dead, still alive, and I am righteously pissed off. If Donald Trump (officially endorsed by Livonia Police through their union) can boast about ‘grabbing pussy,’ then I should be able to say intellectually, artistically, metaphorically, that Owen Keaton, Stupid Cop, should be ‘dick sliced with a crucifix’ by the state of Michigan for lying in his paperwork to Wayne County Probate court. Equal lack of protection meets the 1970’s film The Exorcist. “Jesus raped me,” is a metaphor I painted on my dead husband’s Garden City house in foreclosure solely due to the poverty caused by the criminal actions of February 22, 2013. You may have caught the Fox News Detroit sexist hatchet job in September 2015. Soon after, Bill Schuette, in quest to become governor, denied equal protection nonsensically in writing, referring to the Fox News Detroit sexist hatchet job, then sent the Michigan State Police to harass me.
Livonia Police led by Owen Keaton were poorly trained and reacted with reliable sexism for which the City of Livonia must finally acknowledge and assume responsibility.
My home was surrounded by a virtual swat team of all white male police based on thoroughly un-substantiated claims that I was a threat to others, which Terry McCauley stated in his second suicide swatting phone call on February 22, 2013, without any basis and without any appropriate questioning from the Livonia Police dispatch. I had no police record at 48 years old. McCauley said I was an “employee” who was going through a “process.” Livonia Police did not even ask what the process was. Terry McCauley did not state there was an active emergency or appear to be sincerely concerned as he hummed gaily on hold.
There was no reason to assume I was a potential violent criminal likely to hurt the public or myself except for blind pervasive sexism caused by an historic brother in arms attitude that has hardened into unacknowledged misogyny, certainly blind sexism. The Livonia Police Dispatch hesitated, consulted a superior quickly, but gave in when Terry McCauley played good top cop falsely. At any point since about 9:30 am February 22, 2013, Livonia Police should have stopped and re-evaluated, corrected, acknowledged its mistake, but instead it retaliated April 1, 2019.
On that morning, February 22, 2013, I was posting on Facebook literally that I was trying to “save my life,” not suicidal, when I noticed that my rented home in Livonia was surrounded with white male police. Because of the attack on my voice by the school, I thought maybe some sort of federal swat team had come to take my computer. Naturally, I was terrified. It had to be William MacQueen and Oakland Community College. But why?
(Note: Terry McCauley testified under oath January 24, 2014, in an Oakland County administrative court room, that William MacQueen ordered the suicide swatting calls.)
No females or so-called mental health professionals were involved in the Livonia Police Fuck the Bitch Squad that was dispatched to my home.
Do you have any idea how much the Livonia Police terrified me?
As I opened the front door and stepped onto the porch, and looked out over the shoulder of Owen Keaton, I saw an ambulance parked across the street.
In addition, a silent white male chaplain for a white traditionally conservative sexist Christian church was dispatched to my home as part of the Livonia Police Fuck the Bitch Squad, who kept silent, before, during and after. Why was he there? The semblance of appropriate action meant the guy watched my civil rights being eroded and did and said nothing. His presence added pain and irony to this non-Christian, critic of Christianity, not care for my individual well-being.
Worse, led by Owen Keaton, the Livonia Police virtual swat team, with badges and weapons, dispatched to my home, did not listen to me, about my person, in my own home.
Facts are irrefutable: Owen Keaton led the Livonia Police Fuck the Bitch Squad to surround my house, knock on my door, push me inside when I stepped casually outside and asked what they were doing, then jump me, handcuff me, abduct me and walk me into the back of police cruiser in handcuffs, without cause and without listening to my side of the story, in about six minutes or less.
I looked into Owen Keaton’s face as a teacher with about 10 years’ experience teaching community college full time to a lot of adult faces, at that point, across four area community colleges. I saw an ill-prepared, ignorant white male police officer, who was afraid and who resorted to manhandling me rather than dealing with the mess Oakland Community College purposely created, just as William MacQueen could have predicted.
A woman outnumbered and overpowered can’t defend herself against sexism, sexist cops and criminal Jesus psychiatry
MOST CRITICALLY: I was not suicidal. Livonia Police procedure as practiced did not arrive at the correct conclusion and violated my humanity.
Furthermore, I did not meet the need for involuntary detainment. I was not delusional; I was able to take care of myself and I was not in danger of hurting anyone.
Livonia Police acted irrationally and unprofessionally, not in accordance with state law, when they jumped me, handcuffed me and treated me as if were arrested.
The only reason Livonia Police proceeded, misstep after misstep, going in the wrong direction, is because of misogyny and sexism inspired by Christianity, as well as very poor training and procedure.
If anyone had actually read–without sexist Christian dominant white male conservative midwestern bias–my Facebook page, my actual person would have been more apparent to Owen Keaton and the Livonia Police.
I can’t forget what happened to me on my porch and in my home due to Livonia Police Fuck the Bitch Squad mishandling, and need justice and your acknowledgement to heal.
My personality has been used against me by Oakland Community College and the Livonia Police (as well as the Livonia Catholics of my youth), as all organizations involved have sought to cover up their criminal acts and negligent missteps.
True to my personality, I was sarcastic with Owen Keaton when I opened the door to my home in a friendly manner, which was my first mistake when dealing with Livonia Police Fuck the Bitch Squad, I figured out later, much to my dismay.
On February 22, 2013, I stepped out on the porch, to try and de-escalate a posse of white males with guns and badges in uniform surrounding my house, terrifying me. I was very afraid.
On the porch, ignorant, poorly trained, insecure Owen Keaton told me that my employer called, and he said Oakland Community College cared about me, which I knew to be deeply untrue. Because Owen Keaton appeared to believe 100% the false police report made by Terry McCauley on behalf of Oakland Community College, I knew in an instant Owen Keaton was dangerous to me, and I became even more afraid. It all happened so quickly, as Livonia Police records make irrefutable.
I said or tried to say to Owen Keaton that I wanted the abuse from Oakland Community College to stop, but Owen Keaton was not properly prepared to lead, evaluate, de-escalate or handle the situation. Owen Keaton never tried to communicate with me in a manner appropriate to the situation.
Showing a complete lack of training about so called mental health and simultaneously showing sexist bias, quickly, Owen Keaton shoved me inside me house without need in order to manhandle me, away from the eyes and cellphone cameras of any neighbors.
I had not invited the police to my home at all. I did not invite the police off the porch and into my house. There was no evidence of violence in me when I stepped outside in my pink bathrobe. There was no reason for Owen Keaton to escalate and add violence to a nonviolent situation created by the Livonia Police.
I was not bleeding. I was not holding a weapon. I was calm in my first utterances, though terrified. Owen Keaton escalated the situation, the exact opposite of what was appropriate.
I had no gun, no police record, was not suicidal or dangerous to others, but found myself in the back of a Livonia Police cruiser driven by Owen Keaton, handcuffed, wearing my pajamas and pink bathrobe.
The world around me was crazy February 22, 2013, not me.
On February 22, 2013, I was handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser essentially because I disagreed with conservative Oakland Community College tenured union English teacher co-workers over teaching Roman numeral outlining versus more simplified modern outlining among, which is absurd.
True to my personality in this crazy true story, I spoke and sang like putting on a show (like I used to do as part of dance classes as child with Livonia Parks and Recreation) to help me cope and document my hell while I rode for the first time, and for a long time, maybe 20 minutes (it was snowing at times), in the back of that Livonia Police cruiser. I still remember my panicked tortured schtick about the reading crisis, singing “God Bless America” (maybe to the tune of “God Save the Queen,” accidentally, under pressure).
In horror and a pain without end, I know Oakland Community College, Livonia Police and St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward will likely continue to act in bad faith and try to misrepresent me as crazy, instead of a gaslit, mentally abused, female intellectual and artist, who knew exactly what she was doing.
How many residents know about the criminal effective human trafficking mental ward that fuels the coffers of the Catholic Church with the help of criminal activity by the city of Livonia? Where I was not asked about religious preference, and no one got out in less than five days, regardless of human need, in order to bilk insurance. The Felician nuns raised millions of dollars off the ‘rape of my humanity’ and a pattern of law breaking that affected all patients, in order to build another empty chapel with a very large white Jesus crucifix, which will never be ok.
Owen Keaton gave me the extra shove as he escorted me in hand cuffs, as if arrested, into St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward.
At St. Mary Merciless, in the parking lot, showing his ignorance, Owen Keaton let down his guard. The white male cop sitting next him seemed to realize they had acted inappropriately, and that I was NOT going to shut up EVER about their mistreatment. But Owen Keaton and his white male partner knew their real duty was to protect the image of the Livonia Police, not me. So I got the extra shove from Owen Keaton as he pulled me handcuffed out of the police cruiser, on a supposed welfare check.
Owen Keaton turned to me from the front seat of the police cruiser while I sat in the back leaning forward, my hands handcuffed behind me. I was thoroughly aware that I was living a nightmare. I was very anxiously afraid of what waited for me ahead. I could see the back door to the St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward, which I knew was likely to be run poorly and with conservative Catholics values like the Catholic schools I attended and rejected. I later photographed the door and parking lot.
There, in the parking lot, still sitting in the police cruiser, Owen Keaton asked, like we were friends all of a sudden, “Do you know Barry Fournier?” (Or “Do you know a Barry Fournier?”)
I gave Owen Keaton a clear look of disapproval for his stupidity and so did his partner, which is what got me the extra shove, I thought reserved for alleged perpetrators.
As a result of Livonia police negligence and cruelty, I was set up for further crime, sexist psychiatric crime, at a Catholic hospital, against need and in violation of state law, even after I made clear to Owen Keaton my anti-Catholic position.
Owen Keaton handed me over in handcuffs, dressed in my pink bath robe, my hair uncombed, to medical personnel under the rank of doctor and even nurse in the St. Mary Merciless emergency room, which was dimly lit and sparsely populated.
After maybe an hour, to write his reports, taking notes, unlike before, Owen Keaton returned to St. Mary Merciless to ask me basic questions like what was my name and address, questions that he should have asked earlier, apparently. I remember joking with him when he returned, sarcastically, because he looked so pathetically ignorant: “We are not dating.” My joke covered my fear and my exposed body.
I had been undressed and held in windowless room by college student-aged workers but never saw a doctor and was never evaluated in the emergency room on February 22, 2013. Dr. Andrew Muzychkya did not evaluate me between 1:00 and 1:30, as he testified under the penalty of perjury in writing and submitted to Wayne County Probate Court. Nor did he supervise student doctor Nicole Shattuck as she allegedly evaluated me, which she did not do, and was not qualified by state law to do.
Instead, I was shackled hand and foot, knocked out with drugs, and stowed between about 1:00 and 6:00 pm that day. I was transferred illegally from the emergency room to the separate psychiatric ward while I was unconscious.
I was admitted while unconscious without evaluation in gross violation of state law, in many strokes of disingenuous St. Mary Merciless staff records, a great deal of which were changed and erased by the hospital in 2019, which is why St. Mary Merciless and Trinity Health did not want to release a second set of medical records to me on April 1, 2019.
In the evening of February 22, 2013, I woke up groggy locked up in an almost secret criminal human trafficking mental ward feet away from my dreaded alma mater, Ladywood High School, as I fully realized in horror.
There is so much to say about my week in hell. I did not need to be locked up with Catholics by the city of Livonia on behalf of every person in the state of Michigan in order to color and decoupage. The Livonia Police turned my life into an American horror story.
Owen Keaton abducted me from home while I was still wearing pajamas and had not yet bathed. I did not have hair care products at St Mary Merciless; yet according to staff notes the hospital has erased since 2013, the staff at St Mary Merciless kept me locked up because my hair was messy.
I was kept illegally, without need, inhumanely, due to Owen Keaton and Livonia Police negligence and criminal action, for a week. I learned no one got out of St. Mary Merciless in less than five days in order to bilk insurance. People were routinely lied to about release dates and kept longer than they wanted.
The Catholics only put up a pretense of helping people inside that psychiatric ward. I was not allowed to contact the outside world for two days, one of many violations of the law. After being distraught for two and half days, I gathered the strength to fake it, so I could break out.
Patients, rather inmates, never got fresh air. Patients were not seen daily by doctors, as required by law. Psychiatrists all apparently had day jobs elsewhere. Patients wandered the halls looking for their doctors to ask for release. All staff seemed to be part time. Group therapy was a bad joke, much worse than the old Bob Newhart Show, due to the reality of inhuman incarceration. My assigned psychiatrist rarely saw me; she even told me she took time off to drive to Pennsylvania while I was locked up.
I refused psychiatric Big Pharma drugs, known not to help patients for conditions that don’t exist except for bias, but I was forced to take them anyway. One of the evening presenters warned not to let the hospital accidentally kill us with their Big Pharma drug cocktails, which studies prove do harm, especially over the long term. I never filled the prescriptions the hospital included in my discharge papers. I’ve learned there are thousands of people world-wide, patients, victims, professionals, who are speaking out about psychiatry’s crimes against humanity.
A religion that seeks to the eat the flesh and drink the blood of its god is not allowed to mislabel me “delusional,” due to Livonia police mishandling, on behalf of the people of the state of Michigan, illegally or otherwise, and certainly not to make a buck. State law was broken repeatedly by the Livonia Catholics, who I had rejected and about whom I told Owen Keaton I rejected. I find the culture of the Felician nuns to be moronically ridiculous: virgin birth, ascension, only male priests, the tasteless existence of the Vatican and a pope, Catholic “gobbledygook” I heard it once described. I hated the Catholic Church before Livonia Police took me to the Livonia Catholics I rejected in order to criminally “rape my humanity,” which appears as an accurate quote in the hospital records that St Mary Merciless erased by 2019.
Livonia Police Officer Owen Keaton belongs in jail for perjury. He owes me an apology and if not jail, his resignation.
To knowingly cover his missteps, Owen Keaton submitted documents with his signature on paperwork stating the threat of perjury that contained perjury to the Wayne County Probate court, dated February 22, 2013. A Livonia Police officer made up quotes about me in order to cover his law-breaking missteps, which he did with more law breaking, knowing he had presumptive sexist immunity as a white male police officer in Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, USA.
After illegally dumping me at a criminal Catholic looney bin against need, state law and my expressed wishes, Owen Keaton went back inside my home and even took my 13-year-old dog Dalva to the humane society. The Michigan Human Society mailed a letter to my rented home in Livonia saying they would euthanize my dog on the date, February 28, 2013, that I talked a nurse into signing my release from that Catholic nuthouse in the center of Livonia where Livonia Police dumped me for torture and further silencing.
Owen Keaton took my dog from my home and abducted her to the Michigan Humane Society in Westland, but he left Louie, my dead husband’s cockatiel, to fend for himself.
A total botch job, across three species.
Owen Keaton even notified my annual tax preparer that he had taken me to a looney bin using my cell phone. She wrote me a letter about the phone call and invited me to lunch. My former annual tax preparer sits on the board of the Garden City, Michigan library and can testify and support this claim.
Although I was almost 50 years old, Owen Keaton even called my estranged toxic disturbed Catholic mother, which ended my relationship with my mother, Eugenia Grzywacz. No, I did not want that woman visiting me while I was held in the illegal and cruel clutches of the Catholics she force fed me as a child, in their almost secret looney bin behind lousy Ladywood High School. Death would be preferable.
It still appears as of today’s date as if Owen Keaton and Livonia Police Fuck the Bitch Squad wanted me to commit suicide.
April 1, 2019 St Mary Merciless covered crimes in 2013 with false police reports in 2019, which the Livonia Police helped them do.
On April 1, 2019, I called St. Mary Merciless to follow up on a faxed request for a second set of medical records from my illegal and inhumane stay February 22-28, 2013, due solely to unnecessary unlawful Livonia Police abduction. I had a hunch that records I obtained in 2013 would not match records obtained in 2019, and I was correct.
All my graphic words and painted images are intellectual and artistic expressions of my experience and not evidence of biological or acute mental disorder. The Felician Nuns hung a bloody Jesus almost naked hanging on a cross in every single room at St. Michael’s and Ladywood High School, now defunct due to low enrollment. Even the grounds at St. Mary Merciless, which I photographed in April 2014, were filled with Catholic, Christian, Jesus, Mary and pope imagery, which I reject.
On April 1, 2019, St. Mary Merciless made a false police report to the Livonia Police saying wrongly, on purpose, that I had threaten to burn down the hospital. In conversation, which was prolonged because Trinity Health was in the act of delaying the release of additional set of records, true to my personality, I somewhat casually told Nicole and/or Lauren in records that the Felician nuns should be raped by Jesus, too, making a reference to my 2015 civil rights protest. “Jesus raped me” is a metaphor that draws on the 1970s movie The Exorcist as a symbol for my illegal week at St. Mary Merciless, and saying it sometimes make me laugh, a rare pleasure since February 22, 2013. The phrase makes me I think of how disturbed the ultra conservative Felician nuns, who have been informed and do know about my story, must be that I have not been silenced. In March 2018, after writing the Felician Nuns of North America, I was told by Sr Nancy Jamroz that superiors decided my claims must be ignored.
On April 1, 2019, in bad faith cahoots with St. Mary Merciless, the Livonia Police misled local Bay City area police about my alleged mental health, based on the crimes and cover up of February 22, 2013. As a result, I was harassed by a Bay City area cop on April 1, 2019, at my home.
NOTE: The state of Michigan attorney general’s office has been notified of the possible additional crimes committed by St. Mary Merciless in 2019. As well, like the city of Livonia and St. Mary Merciless, the state of Michigan office of the attorney general is the object of Michigan Civil Rights Commission complaint due to the actions of former Republican attorney general Bill Schuette on October 7, 2015 and November 19, 2015, to help cover up the crimes committed against me on February 22, 2013, and later in Garden City on June 9, 2014, likely as part of his failed bid to become governor, in 2018.
After I was forced to quit my tenured teaching position at Oakland Community College in March 2013, due to non-payment and criminal mental abuse, I was suicide swatted again in the same manner, on June 9, 2014, solely due to lack of protection on February 22, 2013, but the Garden City police better handled Oakland Community College’s false police report. FOIA obtained evidence from June 9, 2014 still shows blind rampant sexism, and objectionable treatment, but no illegal abduction or perjury was submitted to Wayne County Probate Court by Garden City Police.
It seems that because I refuse to shut up about my experience, in part using graphic artistic protected expression, the Livonia Police Department retaliated April 1, 2019.
Did the Livonia Police dispatch Owen Keaton again on April 1, 2019 in conjunction with my name to St. Mary Merciless due to stupidity or cruelty?
Owen Keaton’s police report for April 1, 2019 states erroneously that I have been locked up at St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward by Livonia Police multiple times, a seemingly purposeful error, which causes pain bigger than words can describe.
Please correct the record: The Livonia Police Fuck the Bitch squad only got its brothers in arms, sexist, poorly trained hands on me once, February 22, 2013.
Owen Keaton made up even more quotes about me in his April 1, 2019 police report than he did February 22, 2013. Owen Keaton’s April 1, 2019 police report contains runaway hearsay and a long list of thoroughly unsubstantiated claims that equal gross abuse, which caused further possibly lethal police harassment after Livonia Police called and misled Bay City area police.
Clearly, St. Mary Merciless was not able to supply any support for their bogus and outlandish claims, as promised inside Owen Keaton’s April 1, 2019 police report, or I would have been arrested, which thankfully did not happen on April 1, 2019, but I was forced to hire an attorney to defend myself due to the seriousness of the situation.
Mind rape must be much worse than vaginal rape.
Between 2013 and 2019, I suffered far too numerous so-called welfare checks 100% dependent upon Owen Keaton and the Livonia Police department’s criminal and sexist mishandling of Oakland Community College’s suicide swatting false police reports on February 22, 2013.
Since February 22, 2013, I have been harassed by police across Michigan, in Garden City, Evart and Bay City, mostly for reasonbably crying inside my home. Since eleven Michigan Civil Rights Commission claims have been accepted and are under investigation, the police harassment–though not the deep depression caused by Livonia Police gross mishandling–have stopped.
In addition, I have been the target and victim of additional Michigan State Police mistreatment regarding additional false claims made under oath in the 49th District Court by a second Oakland Community College cop, David Crown and his wife Cheril Crown, in 2017. To obtain a bogus personal protection order at Lake Miramichi, David Crown named Terry McCauley and William MacQueen under oath as the source of the spurious idea that I might burn down his house, based on nothing, which the Republican judge accepted. That fiasco, for which there is easy clear evidence of perjury and overall corruption, sent me to jail for a month, using the politicized bail system and poverty caused by Livonia Police mishandling on February 22 2013. The bail system, which penalizes poverty, was purposely used to punish and silence me, as the local officials knew I was broke due to unpaid property taxes and lack of work.
Fueling my ongoing horror, another community college police officer, a third, Michael Jarabek, of Delta Community College, involved himself through bad faith action in this story, September 13, 2018. I told Delta College my Oakland Community College story in the online application for adjunct teaching, but I surmise no one read it until after I was hired, when Oakland Community College may have contacted Delta College. I was removed from the classroom at Delta College the day after Bill Schuette was not elected governor, mid semester. Michael Jarabek, too, like David Crown, even tried to have me falsely jailed, again, in November 2018, by contacting the Michigan Department of Corrections and the 49th District Court about my First Amendment protected speech, as documented in my probation report. Like Terry McCauley, Owen Keaton, the Michigan State Police and David Crown, Michael Jarabek’s aim was to punish me for telling my story and to silence me, to try and keep Delta College’s name out of this story.
Settle claims and pay damages owed immediately to finally end sexist criminal mental abuse by the City of Livonia.
I am unsafe in my own home crying and feeling pain caused by Owen Keaton and Livonia Police criminal mishandling, cover up and retaliation. I am unsafe in the world and on social media telling my story. There is no place on earth safe for me, after February 22, 2013, due to mishandling by the Livonia Police. During daily panic attacks, no life would be better than the loss, difficulty, pain and danger I endure ironically because I am not and never was suicidal. My income has been cut from nearly 100K to barely 20K. I have lost two homes. My teaching and writing career have been decimated. My former life and current person have been destroyed. The negligent and unlawful actions of Owen Keaton and the Livonia Police have caused catastrophic physical, emotional, social and spiritual damages. The City of Livonia are informed they must settle claims and pay demands immediately.
All my graphic words and painted images are intellectual and artistic expressions of my experience and not evidence of biological or acute mental disorder. The Felician Nuns hung a bloody Jesus almost naked hanging on a cross in every single room at St. Michael’s and Ladywood High School, now defunct due to low enrollment. Even the grounds at St. Mary Merciless, which I photographed in April 2014, were filled with Catholic, Christian, Jesus, Mary and pope imagery, which I reject.
Livonia is my hometown, which has caused permanent pain, damage and loss.
It is extremely painful to know that police unions, including the police union to which Livonia Police belong, support the pussy grabber in chief, Bad King Donald Trump, the most inappropriate president in the history of the United States, who clearly has serious problems with women. Supporting Donald Trump is an admission of blind rampant stubborn sexism.
Livonia mayor Maureen Miller Brosnan, a classmate at St. Michael’s, commented recently about civil rights in Livonia, after a group pointed out the city’s widely known, long time racist police department, with a billboard about racial profiling in the city. Her words ring hollow and sting.
Maureen knows my story. One would think she would understand that being falsely accused of suicide risk is a serious crime and unacceptable ethically, but Maureen would apparently rather protect the Felician nuns and Livonia corruption then stand for upholding the law.
“I am proud of the Livonia Police Department and the work they do to keep our community safe, ever mindful of the great challenges and tremendous public trust we hold. I am immensely grateful to the men and women who report to duty every day, with a mission to keep us safe and protect us from harm, who carry out their mission with dignity and honor, and especially to those who give their lives keeping us all safe. They are there in times of violence, domestic conflict, death and sadness, mental health and substance use crises, mass shootings, terrorist attacks, and pandemics. Through all this, the Livonia Police Department strives to uphold fairness, equity, procedural justice, transparency, and accountability – the values that build trust. I look forward to continuing to work with LPD leaders and officers to strengthen that trust.
Livonia Mayor Maureen Miller Brosnan
Livonia is my hometown, but I never should have moved back. Of forty original public schools in Livonia, only one was named after a woman, Emily Dickinson, an American woman from the 1800s held in place by sexism still operating.
“Some keep the Sabbath going to church / I keep it staying at home”
“‘Faith’ is a fine invention
For Gentlemen who see!
But Microscopes are prudent
In an Emergency!”
The chemical imbalance theory has been debunked. My chemicals such as serotonin were not checked for balance or imbalance before the Catholics force-fed Big Pharma psychiatric drugs that I refused, drugs that are known to cause damage, not help. All the so-called mental health therapy forced upon me at St. Mary Merciless solely due to Livonia Police negligence was either illegal, lame or has been debunked, and equaled torture, for which Livonia Police are fully responsible.
For years I made peace offerings to the Livonia Police in writing, which were ignored.
The United Nations has concluded that involuntary psychiatric lock up is torture. And yet for the few first years after February 22, 2013, I made peace offerings to the Livonia Police and stated I would be willing to work with Livonia Police regarding police reform, but I was routinely ignored. As my situation became more dire and dangerous, due to Livonia Police negligence and criminal activity, I became less interested in extending generosity to the City of Livonia.
A crone middle aged female alone in the world criminally attacked and impoverished by psychiatry, which relies on bias and profits, not science, can’t fight malicious false labels of crazy dangerous in a sexist society, especially with such powerful criminal attackers standing together against me.
Still, settle my claims and pay damages owed within thirty days receipt of this letter.
In earnest,
Gina Fournier