I’m still editing after initial construction in spring 2019. In order to polish a piece, I need to edit a lot and still need an outside editor. I publish while still under construction because I need accumulating actual mental torture to stop.
This defense attempts to correct the record. It requires an elaborate time structure (which requires an extra amount of very painful editing). And documentation when one is falsely accused of delusion, hallucination and psychosis. This is not a memoir. This is me still trying to save my life from retaliatory criminal (not forensic) psychiatry.
Since the spring and summer of 2019, when I first drafted this website, I’ve been filing rounds of Michigan Civil Rights complaints in response to current retaliation and harassment from my many attackers (school, police, Catholics, state of Michigan), as well as surviving. My complaints have been accepted and are still under investigation, delayed due to COVID. They are means toward possible legal redress, as I understand it.
New Part Two Chapter Titles:
Chapter: The Political Context, Democrats and Republicans
There is a larger political context for this story.
The political terrain needs to be established, before suicide swatting, before my abduction by hometown police and before my week long disappearance in Catholic Siberia, and all the horribleness that has followed.
To explain the lack of equal protection I have received, and the retaliation that follows retaliatory looney bin lock up. And why I am still fighting to save my life.
Both Democrats and Republicans have turned their back on me, but worse, Republicans retaliated outright through the office of former state attorney general, Bill Schuette, who wanted to become governor in 2018, but did not.
Democrats, no surprise, have simply acted lamely, true to usual form.
Disclosure: I vote Democrat.
~ * ~
Overtime, I have become less positive and proud and more desperate.
I’ve been made to feel like public enemy number one.
~ * ~
In 2014, my own Democratic U. S. Senator, Debbie Stabenow, got passed federal legislation intended to improve mental health care, but has refused to acknowledge formal letters and crying phone calls from me about my story of criminal (not forensic) psychiatry.

In 2019, my own U. S. Senator wanted her legislation re-authorized.

~ * ~
Debbie Stabenow has continued to ignore me all these years.
It’s possible Land of Motown Community College may have directly misled her.

~ * ~
Maybe most recent e-mail to Senator Stabenow will help:
“Can you imagine being under the forced care of a white, male, sexist doctor, let’s say an imagined Dr. Mitch McConnell or Dr. Brett Kavanaugh?“
I asked her, “Can you imagine being labeled without evaluation, shackled, drugged, admitted unconscious and held illegally for a week in a criminal, human trafficking, Catholic asylum (built by the nuns who raised you, whom you rejected), in order to silence your critical and progressive voice? Sound like a mental health care version of the Handmaid’s Tale? Well, that’s my story in a proverbial nutshell.”

~ * ~
I’m not hopeful.
Here’s Senator Stabenow talking in May 2019, at a forum on mental health care and her legislation, hosted by The Washington Post:
“If you are bipolar, it is a chemical imbalance in the brain.”

Not the chemical imbalance theory!
Does Debbie Stabenow believe the world is flat too?
Dead wrong!
It was wrong in 2012, in 2013, and it’s wrong now, in 2019. And in 2021.
The chemical imbalance theory has been debunked. And was never believed to be true by some psychiatrists. Because there is no scientific evidence for it.
There is no scientific basis for the label “bi polar,” or the Big Pharma meds used to treat it.
The psychiatric bible contains invented labels, based on bias, that are applied based solely on a so-called caregiver’s bias, which why there is a critical psychiatry movement that includes progressive psychiatrists.
~ * ~
How come Debbie Stabenow is so clueless?
Bias over science.
~ * ~
Senator Stabenow continued: “Now, I’m very familiar with this. My dad was bipolar at a time in the ’60s when we didn’t know what it was. And there wasn’t the right treatment, there wasn’t the right diagnosis. And I saw what it was like to be misdiagnosed and then to get the right diagnosis, get the medication, and for him to go back to his life.”
Beware of ALL psychiatric drugs, and don’t listen to Big Pharma or Big Medicine about their effectiveness.
(In my actual memoir, I will dig deeper and provide a reading list.)
~ * ~
Unfortunately, tragically, even major trusted media, like The Washington Post, and especially The New York Times, aren’t telling the full truth about psychiatry.
Peek around the internet. Look up “chemical imbalance theory.”
If I get a contract to publish a version of my story, I will integrate critical psychiatry.

~ * ~
Have her staff tried to school Debbie Stabenow?
Does anybody read anymore?
Senator Stabenow continued:
“So, part of this normalization is that this is manageable that when people step up they’re able to get the support that they need. They’re able to manage a chronic disease, cancer, diabetes, being bipolar, schizophrenia, be able to do what they need to do and go on with their life. So, it’s a very hopeful time, I think.”
In contrast, Senator Stabenow, with so much disinformation about psychiatry being spread and supported by powerful forces, like you, I think it’s a very terrifying time.

~ * ~
My former supervisor, former Dean Lloyd Crews, also a Democrat, like Debbie Stabenow, could have championed my cause, but instead he gave himself a pay raise and isolated himself from Land of Motown Community College administrators by hiding in the classroom, where there is usually zero oversight.
Simultaneously, Lloyd Crews became chummy with major Oakland County political players, including L. Brooks Patterson, top Republican in the county, as longtime Oakland County Executive, until death.

~ * ~
Democrats and Republicans working together and both parties standing against me?
Is that what happened?
That’s what it looks like to me.
~ * ~
L. Brooks Patterson, known for insensitive remarks, was profiled in a 2014 The New Yorker piece, “Drop Dead, Detroit!” subtitled, “The suburban kingpin who is thriving off the city’s decline.”
Land of Motown Community College, Michigan Democrats and Republicans, to me: Drop dead, Gina!

~ * ~
I hate to do this now, but don’t think I should wait until after looney bin lock up and after unemployment insurance court.
Jumping ahead to 2015. To share the big picture of why I am still fighting for justice in 2021.
The political scene widens.
Bill Schuette, the former state of Michigan Republican attorney general, when in office, declined to investigate or prosecute my criminal attackers: Land of Motown Community College, my hometown police and St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward.
In 2015, former state of Michigan Republican attorney general Bill Schuette declined in writing, to me, a citizen, an unusual move.
Former state of Michigan Republican attorney general Bill Schuette could have simply ignored me, like the current attorney general, Dana Nessel.
Instead, the former state of Michigan attorney general Bill Schuette went out of his way to deny my story was true to me, a lowly citizen.
Instead of ignoring me, dated October 7, 2015, through a subordinate to former state of Michigan Republican attorney general, Bill Schuette declined equal protection for the crimes committed February 22-28, 2013.
The subordinate’s name is Rich Cunningham. Rich Cunningham is still in place, even now, in 2019, under new female Democratic leadership.
WAIT! I just checked the link below, in November 2021. The organizational chart has been updated, rearranged, and I no longer see Rich Cunningham.
Rich Cunningham was an old guy, so he could have retired.
Not incidentally, it sure would be great if the current state of Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel would pull through for me in 2021, or 2022, but she’s running for re-election, so probably not.
See the end of this telling for my 2019 Michigan Civil Rights Department claims against the school, my hometown Livonia, Michigan police, St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward and the state of Michigan attorney general’s office for lack of equal protection. My claims were accepted but are still under investigation, delayed due to COVID.
~ * ~
Documented. In writing. October 7, 2015.
Documented. On video. November 19, 2015.
Affirmed through the Freedom of Information Act: The state attorney general Bill Schuette joined the Land of Motown Community College effort to silence and crush me.
First, Bill Schuette’s office dismissed me as nutz, in writing, dated October 7, 2015.
Then, secondly, on November 19, 2015, after refusing to provide me with equal protection for the crimes committed against me, state of Michigan attorney general Bill Schuette sent Michigan State Police to my home to harass me.
Students, I mean readers, please reread the above sentence. There will not be a test.
Attorney generals usually ignore people they aren’t going help.
~ * ~
It’s worth noting that the new attorney general of Michigan won against the old attorney general of Michigan arguing the U.S. Supreme Court case that allowed the constitutionality of gay marriage in the United States.

~ * ~
That battle of the sexes and sexualities probably means something in lawyer-land.
And I think it means something outside of lawyer-land, too.
But whatever this juxtaposition means, it probably won’t help me.
The chief of the state of Michigan office of the attorney general’s criminal division, Rich Cunningham, in writing to me, on October 7, 2015, penned a very peculiar letter he did not need to write.
Overall, when he refused to provide me with equal protection as a Michigan citizen, Rich Cunningham only named the college, not the city of Livonia or the Catholic hospital, in his voluntary and voluntarily abusive, written response to my request for equal protection.
I think the October 7, 2015 letter to me from the state of Michigan was all about garnering support for Bill Schuette’s planned run for governor in 2018 and letter was about protecting the college, which sits in the state’s richest and formerly Republican county.

But I’m not a lawyer.
~ * ~
Writing instruction.
Avoid pointing at the reader with your finger, “you, you, you,” unless “you” are a prosecuting attorney set upon lynching.
Was I on the witness stand? Sure sounds like it.
As defendant or accused?

~ * ~
The prosecution opened:
State of Michigan: “You assert that Land of Motown Community College engaged in a witch hunt in an attempt to silence, mislabel and ruin you.”
ME: Yes, that’s right. That’s what the evidence shows.
State of Michigan: “And you claim that you were forced to quit your tenured teaching position, and then denied unemployment benefits because school officials lied about the reason you left.”
ME: No, those are not my criminal claims for which I have asked equal protection.
I was forced to quit my job due to nonpayment and criminal action by Land of Motown Community College. Teacher bullies Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie did lie under oath in unemployment court in 2013 and 2014, about what did and did not happen in 2012 and 2008. And Land of Motown Community College did mislead unemployment court, too, in 2013 and 2014, but these are civil, not criminal complaints, which grew out my criminal complaints.
~ * ~
State of Michigan: “You allege that when you tried to address this abuse [in this deliberatively confusing presentation, “this abuse” refers to Land of Motown Community College fighting me over unemployment insurance], predominantly white male poorly trained municipal police officers acted with bias and excessive aggression toward you.”
How nonsensical! Of course the city of Livonia police had no connection to me not getting unemployment insurance.
ME: No. The prosecutor needs his head or his ethics examined. That’s not the simple chain of events at all. That’s purposefully backward.
I was suicide swatted by Land of Motown Community College before I was forced to quit and apply for unemployment insurance.
The state of Michigan cut around the crime of suicide swatting (purposeful false police reports) committed by Land of Motown Community College.

Here, at the end of the obscured timelines presented by the state of Michigan, is where this purposefully tricky paragraph should have started.
State of Michigan: “You further complain that you were mistreated by medical personnel at the mental ward of the hospital where the police officers took you against your will.”
ME: No. Not a “further” complaint at all. Not “further” as in confusing chronological order on purpose.
This is the timeline:
First, I was criminally suicide swatted by Land of Motown Community College. That’s when the snowball of crimes began. One crime led to the next.
After I got out of St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental, I was forced to quit.
How could I work with people who had me locked up in a looney bin, who weren’t paying me and weren’t firing me?
Then after I was forced to quit, I was denied unemployment insurance, which was not a criminal complaint, but a civil rights violation.
The state of Michigan knew enough of my actual story to not name the hospital or city of Livonia, as if to elevate the college among the allegedly innocent.
Land of Motown Community College is the root of the problem and most guilty of subjecting me to criminal Catholicism and criminal psychiatry.
The crime committed by the school that the state of Michigan overlooked was suicide swatting, making false police reports, on February 22, 2013.
The Land of Motown Community College top school cop committed perjury, making false police reports.
Perjury was also committed by Livonia police, who said I repeatedly asked them to kill me, which I did not do, according to their own evidence.
Perjury was also committed by St. Mary Merciless human trafficking doctors, Andrew Muzychka followed Suhasini Mistry, who did not evaluate me on the day I was locked up.
The required legal forms for involuntary detention in psychiatric ward make clear the penalty of perjury, which was committed by one Livonia police officer and two St. Mary Merciless doctors.
As well, numerous violations of the mental health code were committed.
But the state of Michigan, with premeditation and purposeful action, protected my criminal attackers, not me.
The state of Michigan tried to gaslight me, too.
~ * ~
I was criminally mistreated by the Catholic hospital’s medical personnel. Many stipulations in the law for involuntary detainment were broken. I was not evaluated, I was not allowed to make phone calls, I was not evaluated within two hours, I was not presented evidence of an evaluation that did not actually transpire within the legal time requirement. I was not evaluated for about four days!
Most importantly, I did not meet the definition for someone who should be abducted from home and locked up.
The state of Michigan completely ignored and buried my claims about violations of the mental health code.

but without justice I remain in danger of subsequent inhumane medical torture.
~ * ~
Incredibly, in 2014, soon after I got out, St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward admitted in writing to breaking state law, in a manner that affected all patients, not just me, but I still have not been able to secure justice.
~ * ~
When I asked for equal protection, in 2015, the state attorney general’s office was sent a copy of the Catholics’ written admission of guilt.
I have posted and mailed this admission of guilt to the state of Michigan, various offices, and anyone else in government I thought might help, numerous times since 2013, when the letter was written.
This admission of guilt has been ignored.
On April 3, 2013, St. Mary Merciless: “Your allegation that your right to services suited to condition to see a physician every 24 hours that was in keeping with the law was violated is substantiated.”

~ * ~
The letter from the Catholics admits my assigned psychiatrist did not see me every day.
The psychiatrists at St. Mary Merciless played hooky, probably working day jobs elsewhere, which is a pattern of medical crime that affected all patients.
This abuse was blatantly obvious, not hidden to patients, for sure.
There was more guilt to admit, which the Catholic hospital purposely avoided.

St. Mary Merciless doctors act brazenly in violation of the law due to a known lack of checks and balances in the state of Michigan.
This lack of checks and balances, corruption, was paraded in front of my eyes by the state of Michigan.
That’s mental torture.
I was never interviewed by the state of Michigan, who asked me no questions to clarify my claims.
~ * ~
Key to this story: effectively, there is no medical malpractice protection for the citizens of Michigan due to legal disincentives.
As things stand now, there’s not enough money to be made by lawyers.
In Michigan, Big Hospital and criminal doctors are protected, not citizen patients.
Yet the state of Michigan disingenuously gave its closing summary: it did not see “any legitimate basis for the involvement of this office.”
The state of Michigan went out of its way to deny me my constitutional right to equal protection.

The very real (not psychotic) problem for me is that state of Michigan Republican attorney general Bill Schuette went further than denying equal protection in writing and retaliated with the Michigan State Police.

~ * ~

Yes, I said State of Michigan Republican attorney general Bill Schuette retaliated against me with the Michigan State Police for speaking out and demanding justice.
A declassroomed English teacher in my position, mislabeled crazy dangerous, trying to set the record straight, would never make such a claim without proof.
~ * ~
Oakland County floats above the most populated county, Wayne County and Detroit, Michigan, in the fleshy base of the thumb, on the right hand of The Mitten.
Land of Motown Community College sits north of Motown, in the state’s richest and second most populated county, Oakland County.
Think “votes” and political donations.
~ * ~
Theory: Bill Schuette needed Oakland County Republican power players, such as L. Brooks Patterson, Lloyd Crew’s friend, on his side to support his run for governor in 2018.
Becoming governor was said to be a lifelong dream.

Lisa Posthumus
~ * ~
FACT: I am such a loud mouth threat, in 2015, two calendar years after looney bin lock up, Bill Schuette sent the state cops to harass me on false claims of plotting to Kill Bill!
And that’s according to Michigan State Police who knocked on my door.
I had just escaped foreclosure downstate, had just moved to remote Mid-Michigan, to a cabin lacking full amenities.
After dark, the Michigan State Police harassed me on the trumped-up, goofy claim that I was plotting to murder the state attorney general who denied me equal protection.
And the Michigan State Police said outright on camera that Bill sent them!
~ * ~
The State of Michigan through Bill Schuette kicked off further police retaliation, in 2015, which did not abate until 2019, when I filed claims with the Michigan Civil Rights Commission.

Attorney General Bill Schuette harassed me through
the Michigan State Police.
~ * ~
The bogus claim that I may be in the act of hiring a contract killer to actually murder the state of Michigan attorney general was rooted in a clearly sarcastic and minimalist Facebook post, dated October 1, 2015, which did not name anyone.
The post received two likes, a huge response for me.

~ * ~
In the video I took to document the event, my Michigan State Police harassers name “Bill Schuette” outright.
This video has been posted for years.
This video has been ignored for years.
~ * ~
After looney bin lock up, I was impoverished and eventually forced to escape to my dead husband’s cabin up north.
I had escaped to the safety of the countryside, or so I thought.
Has this happened to you?
You make a crack on Facebook, and six weeks later the state cops show up, sent by the state attorney general?
“Well, I’d like to talk to you about your Facebook post says you’re looking for a contract killer.”
The Sarcasm Patrol found me.
~ * ~
I explain that I’m sarcastic not dangerous or suicidal a few times in defense.
However, across this ordeal, this truth about me being sarcastic hasn’t been an accepted defense.
My personality has been disallowed and labeled defective.

Example sarcasm.
To my new peers at Land of Motown Community College:
“Who designed the remedial English program? The Mafia?”
Maybe my delivery needs work.
~ * ~
Summary of My Best Evidence No One Will Admit Exists.
Bill Schuette retaliates with Michigan State Police.
During the abrasive police interlude, I said I was “really afraid” three times to little Norma Naylor (sound it out).
New character. Norma Naylor is a diminutive female Michigan State Police Officer.
I’ve got her badge number recorded in a few places, including this video.
After this initial interlude November 19, 2015, she was sent to rough me up two additional times, in 2017, so I’ve gotten to know her name and face.
Norma Naylor arrested me on her third visit, so we’re close.

Foster’s grocery store parking lot,
June 20, 2017
Evart, Michigan
~ * ~
THEORY: Jailing me or sending me back to a looney bin was Bill Schuette’s plan.
In the video’s second half, a second officer, a white male, present with Norma Naylor, standing behind her, unseen at first, appeared out of the darkness.
I asked who sent the two of them.
Michigan State Police officer Todd Parsons named a superior, Mike Anderson.
And Todd Parsons admitted the order to harass me came from above Mike Anderson to include possibly Bill Schuette or Rick Snyder, the governor.
The complete four minute action-packed nonfiction script is shot in the dark, lit by cop flashlight.
I didn’t know which switch was the porch light.
I was too new to full-time cabin living.
I was totally unaccustomed to police visitors pounding on the door, in the black of night, in the remote countryside, with no witnesses.

November 19, 2015
Evart, Michigan
~ * ~
Reading tip: All sources are biased.
Rather than read a culled script, summarized and quoted, which always reveals writer bias, it’s really best to watch the video, “Bill Schuette sends state police to harass Land of Motown Community College witch.”
I’m a better painter than filmmaker. (I’m not a great painter either.)
None of my amateur videos made under pressure alone have accomplished the feat of ending this ordeal, but “Bill Schuette sends state police” stands as best in show, both in terms of infotainment quality and proof of my claims that I was set up.
Others are quite rough.

~ * ~
I like to think of the scene as being undercut with a lot of unintentional Marx Brothers and Keystone Cop movie schtick.
Unfortunately, when the fun in the film ends, my real life is much worse, and not so funny at all.
~ * ~
Good news: Michigan State Police paper documentation, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, shows that the state’s bogus claim falsely asserting I made threatening remarks against Bill Schuette’s life was quietly dismissed after the November 19, 2015 interlude.
Bad news: On the ground, I was further set up within the 911 system.
Surprising news: The white male doctor who did not evaluate me in emergency room at St. Mary Merciless on February 22, 2013 is named, spelled correctly, at the top of this FOIA response cover letter, but no investigation of my claims ever occurred.
“Subject: CR-20010879; Muzychka, Andrew”

In their police report, the Michigan State Police named and spelled correctly the unusual ethnic last name of the doctor who locked me up without ever meeting me at St. Mary Merciless Catholic Looney Bin.
I named Dr. Andrew Muzychka to the Michigan State Police, it shows in my video.
Previously, I named Andrew Muzychka’s name in my letter to Bill Schuette, asking for investigation and equal protection, to which underling Rich Cunningham on behalf of the State of Michigan responded so aggressively, like a pit bull in attack, avoiding Andrew Muzychka’s name.
I discovered through a FOIA request that the name of the doctor who locked me up without evaluation, Andrew Muzychka, appears in the cover material I received with Michigan State Police report for the November 19, 2015 police harassment.
Why? What a strange place for his name to appear.
In 2015, did the State of Michigan check phone records to see where Andrew Muzychka was on February 22, 2013, when he was not evaluating me but swore upon the penalty of perjury that he was evaluating me at St. Mary Merciless?
Republicans. White male monster sexist Republicans. Playing everywhere.
Democrats, useless to me.
Press shy still paying obeyance to the Catholic Church.

I’ve tried to laugh.
But I cry more.
I’ve told a few jokes during this ordeal. Perhaps one of my best. I ran for Vice President and won!

You can’t imagine my pain or terror.
And I am not hallucinating, which is of course exactly what most people would automatically assume, that I’m crazy or that I got deserved what I got.
That’s mental torture.
I don’t want your pity or your tears. I need society’s help winning my life back.
If I don’t win my life back, they will lock me up forever, when I finally become homeless due solely to this attack.
I don’t need to be locked up because I was locked up illegally, with utmost disregard for my humanity.

Nothing is more important than clearing my name of bogus mental health labels
criminally applied.
~ * ~
Apologies. Links to next chapter under construction. Don’t use labeled link below. To continue reading, please go back to the list of sections and choose the next chapter. Thank you!