I’m still editing after initial construction in spring 2019. In order to polish a piece, I need to edit a lot and still need an outside editor. I publish while still under construction because I need accumulating actual mental torture to stop.
This defense attempts to correct the record. It requires an elaborate time structure (which requires an extra amount of very painful editing). And documentation when one is falsely accused of delusion, hallucination and psychosis. This is not a memoir. This is me still trying to save my life from retaliatory criminal (not forensic) psychiatry.
Since the spring and summer of 2019, when I first drafted this website, I’ve been filing rounds of Michigan Civil Rights complaints in response to current retaliation and harassment from my many attackers (school, police, Catholics, state of Michigan), as well as surviving. My complaints have been accepted and are still under investigation, delayed due to COVID. They are means toward possible legal redress, as I understand it.
For a another view of my claims against Oakland Community College (called Land of Motown Community College in this narration with documentation), see my latest legal demand to the school (by clicking Google docs link below):

New Part One Chapter Titles:
- The Set Up by My Nemesis, My Larry Nassar, William MacQueen
- Mr. Online Shakespeare, Ray Mort
- The Bizarre Tale of Bully Teachers Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie
- Witchhunt, Officially
By Gina Fournier

I am a survivor of suicide swatting (false reports of suicide), whose former life was ended by criminal mental health care, meaning violations of the state mental health code. One can never forget. February 22-28, 2013, I was held in a Catholic looney bin (spelled like the Warner Brothers cartoons and named after the wardens), for a week, without initial evaluation by Dr. Andrew Muzychka, in the St. Mary Merciless, Livonia, Michigan emergency room. I was set up by my EEOC-documented hostile employer, Land of Motown Community College (a pseudonym), located in Oakland County, north of Detroit. My hometown Livonia Police were misled and believed they needed to pick up a crazy lady on the loose, pronto! The cops did not listen to me. I said on Facebook I was trying to “save my life,” not suicidal.
I have been telling government, social media, and the world, anyone who will listen, that I never met and was never evaluated by dominant white male, Dr. Andrew Muzychka, who did not supervise then first year intern, Nicole Shattuck, at St Mary Merciless. Not being heard and my criminal attackers protected instead of me? That’s mental torture.
Yes, I know what day it is and understand what is really going on. Today is March 12, 2019. I have been a pawn in a cruel game of mental and financial torture since April 13, 2012, when a bogus paper trail was launched.
This paper trail was purposefully crafted to mislabel me all kinds of suddenly crazy dangerous, using specific jargon of the trade. When weaponized, to a dangerous and malignant tune, psychiatric terms can end a person’s life, like a gun. Many people may not realize that there is no scientific basis for the labels given by supposed mental health care practitioners, who are biased, 100%, like preachers and politicians.
~ * ~
This story is very complicated and way too long.
This attack actually started earlier, before 2008, with greedy union teachers who did not want to share teaching literature classes.
Of all the things to a torture and murder a woman over.
~ * ~
This story stretches back and forward for years beyond the onset of the initial attack and illegal looney bin lock up.
Its sounds dramatic, perhaps grandiose and unbelievable, but I am a pawn being sacrificed because there are too many bad actors in my story and it’s just easier to silence me, even though it means my torture, and the end of a livable life.
A basic understanding of human history and current events reminds that there is no limit to human cruelty, still.
~ * ~
English teachers and so-called mental health care workers have something in common: both fall short, as groups, of being ethical and truly caring about students and patients.
Students and patients should be told that English teachers and mental health care workers do not agree on the fundamentals of their fields. In other words, they don’t agree about what makes a good student paper or if bi-polar exists.
Disclaimers would be appropriate.
~ * ~
I was illegally held without initial evaluation in what amounts to a human trafficking Catholic mental ward. This action meets the definition of torture set by the United Nations, for I was held against my will but not charged with a crime.
I was set up for this calamity by my hostile employer, documented hostile through an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission claim, a useless gesture.
The largest community college in the state of Michigan, with the assistance of my hometown mostly white male police force, who hurt not helped, suicide swatted me, that is, made purposely false police reports, saying I was suicidal when I was not, to set me up.
When one cop, the top cop at the school, called another cop across town and said there is a crazy lady on the loose, in her home, in sexist America, in former President Trump’s grab a pussy and rape America, I was stolen from my house like a television. I was a 48-year-old woman, recently widowed, wearing a pink bathrobe and too quickly police hand cuffs.
I was not suicidal. No one listened to me. No one listens to me still. That’s mental torture.
I had posted on Facebook within the previous hour that I was literally, actually, actively, trying to “save my life” from the actions of my employer, Land of Motown Community College, who called the cops to say I was suicidal when I was not, in order to cause chaos, which ensued.
~ * ~
My words were ignored.
They still are.

~ * ~
As an artist, a painter, I seek color, and as a writer I speak in metaphors. I need people to understand the violence and criminality of what happened to me. I need to record my loss. I need some form of overdue delayed justice to survive this ordeal and to heal.
Jesus raped me. I wish things were very different, but this is an extra ugly tale of criminal mental health care, criminal mental abuse, in America, that involves the Catholic Church.
The same Catholics who raised me, in Livonia, Michigan, later criminally violated me, in an almost secret hidden Catholic Siberia, steps from the nun’s motherhouse.
And the Felician nuns refuse to admit their mistake.
~ * ~
I doubt most people know there is psychiatric ward at the heart of the Felician nuns’ tax-free Livonia, Michigan campus, on the north side of town.
I didn’t learn about its existence, until riding handcuffed in the back of a police car for the first time (but not the only time in this story of set-up and retaliation).
To silence and crush me, to make a buck off my hide, I was locked up inside an insane asylum without recourse but to wait until my captors let me out.
I’ve had time to reflect.
Initially, because the Catholic hospital was so poorly run, with so little care for the state mental health code, human rights or good health, I was locked-up without evaluation and minus any contact with the outside world–for two and half days.
In full, I was locked up for week. I was detained feet away from my crappy all girl Catholic high school, newly defunct Ladywood High School, but I was lost to the world.
I’m still lost to the world.

Felician Nun Motherhouse skirts St. Mary Merciless Human Trafficking Looney Bin (spelled like the Warner Bros. catoons and named after the wardens)
~ * ~
This story refuses to be bound.
I have been bound, multiple times.
~ * ~
This story would induce me to make more jokes and laugh at the jokes of others, if I weren’t suffering such acute now chronic mental abuse for so long.
Mental abuse turned mental torture years ago.
I live in constant real danger: imposed poverty, homelessness, further lock up due to the effects of unchecked criminal mental torture.
Hence, I’ve come to believe that mind rape is more destructive than vaginal rape. Women who are sexually abused and vaginally raped become lawyers and governor. Victims of criminal psychiatry don’t recover so spectacularly.
Once I was locked up, ever since it seems I will never be allowed to recover my autonomy in society. Strangers dismiss my story as delusional. Trolls tell me to take my meds.
Psychiatry does not allow criticism of itself.
I can’t tell people my real story, not safely.
That’s mental torture.
It only gets worse.
The title and what happens inside Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Came (title taken from Shakespeare’s Macbeth) is probably, but so painfully, the best metaphor for my story because it was applied to me from without, unwanted, and unneeded, like Catholics and psychiatry.
I don’t like science fiction. The real world is spooky enough.
And the coincidence on page 162 is too painful.

Mental torture affects an unmappable area far larger than any pain contained inside the body, which is why metaphors mean as much to me as documentation.

Something Wicked This Way Comes as a metaphor was provided by two male students in an online class I taught at Land of Motown Community College, in fall 2012, after the onset of William MacQueen. My last semester.
Before I was declassroomed, three months before suicide swatting and looney bin lock up, I was introduced to this science fiction book by two male students in cyberspace who I never met–like William MacQueen did not meet me before he pronounced me crazy dangerous, like I never met the doctor, Andrew Muzychka, who signed the paperwork to lock me up.
During an evil carnival-like semester, my last on campus, the two male students refused to find nonfiction books to read for a nonfiction reading and writing assignment I had natured and refined over my ten years teaching and instead they chose a science fiction book about an evil carnival.
The first two students to ever refuse to follow the directions.
Both insisted on reading this same science fiction book instead, though they said they did not know each other or did not hear about the book in high school.
This situation was altogether unusual in my experience. Most students, high school graduates, did not read, did not know authors or book titles, and therefore asked contemporaries for contemporary nonfiction titles, like the popular Tuesdays with Morrie, by Detroit Free Press writer Mitch Album.
In Something Wicked this Way Comes, published before either student was born, according to their shared profiles, an evil carnival comes to town and turns a spinster school teacher into a crying wild girl, who people will dismiss as crazy and lock up.
Only two of her male students, the protagonists, can help save her life.
What kind of crazy coincidence is this?
I was the spinster school teacher, but now after something wicked this way came, and stayed, I’ve become the wild crying girl who people dismiss as crazy.

And I was locked up. Twice. The second time in jail. For speaking out.
I would not expect any real world community college students to ever save my life.
Problem for me is, no one is saving my life, and I have not been allowed to save my own life.
People will watch psychological horror on a streaming service, but society has not tolerated or allowed me to tell my own true story of psychological horror and psychiatric mental health crime.
That’s mental torture.
Disagreements over pedagogy and work place turf wars is one starting point of this story, the worst movie I have never seen. I want Laura Dern to play me in my Lifetime channel movie bio triptych. Believe me, this is a compliment and probably a curse.
~ * ~
Chapter One: The Set Up by My Nemesis, My Larry Nassar, William MacQueen
Larry Nassar is the Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics doctor who molested hundreds of girls, females, whose stories were ignored by police, USA Gymnastics, and school officials for a very long time.
Sexual abuse survivor Rachel DenHollander asked, “What is a little girl worth?”
Society answered, “Not worth losing your job over.”

As Dr. Larry Nassar sexually molested females, mostly male, white, Republican state legislators could not say or hear the word “vagina,” while they were intent on restricting vaginas.
And Land of Motown Community College was gearing up to mind rape me.

Lansing, Michigan.
Revision: Mr. Speaker, you’ve confused your gavel with your penis, and my vagina with your boundaries.
~ * ~
The same sexist and corrupt climate that produced serial sexual abuser and pedophile Larry Nassar, also produced:
1) sexist legislators in Michigan,
2) police and school authorities who don’t respect females as much as they assume they do,
3) the Land of Motown Community College sexist gaslight witchhunt.
~ * ~
I have my very own higher ed Larry Nassar, which I do not say lightly: William MacQueen.
Just like Larry Nassar, William MacQueen was able to become a sexist monster due to a sexist and corrupt society and culture.
My old man Larry Nassar, William MacQueen, violated my life by boring a hole in my mind, then my wallet, then my entire being.

~ * ~
April 13, 2012.
The Land of Motown Community College bogus paper trail begins here.
Well, sort of.
Officially, it begins here.
At home, I got the mail, opened an envelope from Land of Motown Community College and discovered my death certificate.
As a feminist, I knew enough of world history to immediately ascertain that this one letter could precipitate the end of my life as I knew it.
My “mental state” did not ‘pose’ a “threat” to “my colleagues or others.”

Simultaneously, he ran for office and has been elected to serve the city of Southfield, Michigan. He still works at the college, but has moved from administration to faculty, with immediate tenure. Did he benefit from my murder? He won’t talk.
Previously, I had been labeled verbally objectionable.
My immediate peers, a very small group of very fortunate full-time community college English teachers, who were paid very well and enjoyed great latitude in the way they carried out their jobs, did not like my views on remedial instruction, education reform or the reading crisis, among major differences.
The biggest difference? The creation of annual teaching schedule.
Many more equally disingenuous letters followed until I was suicide swatted, February 22, 2013.
First week of May 2012.
A special meeting was decreed. At District Headquarters for Land of Motown Community College. In upper Oakland County. Home of the richest of the state’s rich.
Verbally, to my face, I was falsely accused of being the worst kind of person: a potential school shooter, suddenly crazy and very dangerous, based on nothing: no gun, no threat, no incident.
By a man who had never before met me and had zero actual cause, William MacQueen.

~ * ~
Who is saying I’m suddenly crazy dangerous without ever meeting me?
I was forced to ask.
Immediately after I opened the April 13, 2012 letter that launched the paper trail which has buried me, I discovered information on Google
I was maligned by a new interim human resources labor attorney, an established teacher-crusher, documented in federal court.
Back then, in 2012, I found more amateur-looking evidence of my Larry Nassar’s teacher-crusher reputation, which has since been updated and professionalized.
A diminutive old man, short and physically non-threatening, William MacQueen was brought out of retirement from a next-door community college.
Previously, at Ronald Reagan Democrat Community College (a pseudonym), William MacQueen chased another teacher, a male English teacher, through years of federal court action trying to end the guy’s career. The old man did this, it seems, to simply say that it is possible to take out a union teacher, and the union can’t and won’t try to stop it.
My nemesis tried to fire my predecessor based on the complaints of one student, who objected to language from literature used in the classroom by the instructor. Eventually, my teacher predecessor won his job back, but was not awarded damages. My higher ed mind rape Larry Nassar, William MacQueen, set federal court precedent restricting what college teachers can say in the classroom.

~ * ~
In July 2013, over a year after the molestation of my mind was launched and after I was successfully crushed and forced to quit (not fired), a press release announced the arrival of my nemesis at Land of Motown Community College. William MacQueen’s position had been made permanent: keeper of the crypt.
My attacker was celebrated publicly, after he grossly violated me behind closed doors.
After I had been locked up in psychiatric ward, Putin-style, the Chancellor of Land of Motown Community College exclaimed that my attacker has “brought a wealth of experience and expertise to his duties.”
(Comeuppance: this Chancellor, Tim Meyer, was also removed, in following years, for reasons the teachers union did not disclose.)

Accusations of sexual harassment for males versus accusations of crazy dangerous for women.
Guess which one is more difficult to combat?

Bonnell worked at the college for decades before he was attacked but fought back and won.
He has since retired and passed away.
~ * ~
Chapter: Mr. Online Shakespeare, Ray Mort
Chronological order moves around a lot in this story.
The Land of Motown Community College paper trail actually starts earlier.
~ * ~
Day One on the job, the first day of the school year, in 2005, I met the union scoundrel, Mr. Online Shakespeare, Ray Mort.

At the annual kick-off-the school year free lunch for well paid full-time union teachers, I accidentally stepped on Ray Mort’s bleeding nerve by responding to his question that my partner and I did not have and did not want to have children, in chirpy voice.
Sadly, a child of Mr. Online Shakespeare’s had recently died, along with his wife, due to a genetically shared disease, the gossip grapevine told me, to explain Mr. Online Shakespeare’s sudden dark clouds and exit from the lunch table.
A peer in the English department, Nicole Pitts, told me about Ray Mort’s loss. A few years later, eventually, Nicole Pitts also informed me that Ray Mort bullied English department peers into initialing blank school letterhead stationery, at the top, BEFORE Mr. Online Shakespeare wrote the most outlandish and academically abhorrent letter about his dislike for my pedagogical views.
The campus president and dean completely ignored the bullying directed at me by Mr. Online Shakespeare, despite eye to eye conversations and formal grievances filed.
I was never safe at Land of Motown Community College.
I was always doomed, from Day One.
~ * ~
Tenure comes early at Land of Motown.
Winter 2006. Valentine’s Day. February 14, 2006.
A teary massacre occurred behind the closed door of my tiny office. Mr. Online Shakespeare made me cry in my office before he evaluated my teaching for tenure status.
I don’t even remember what the guy said exactly. Something like, I had both potential, and I was awful, minus support, which would become a pattern.
I complained to the chair of English department, Mary
Anne Nagler, about Ray Mort’s behavior, and was granted tenure.

Since the onset of Ray Mort and William MacQueen, I’ve learned about the modern usage of the term “gaslighting” and reviewed my story in terms of power imbalance between genders.
I might have done so earlier, as a supposed feminist, but I didn’t. I just thought Ray Mort was an asshole, and my immediate co-workers uninspired. Blind spots can be galactic.
The criticism Land of Motown Community College has lodged at me, beginning with Ray Mort and ending with William MacQueen, are no more concrete than the Chinese government charging a female journalist in 2021 with “picking quarrels and provoking trouble.” Like the Chinese government, Land of Motown Community College wanted to muzzle dissent.
I have kept emails and other official documention to chart professional disagreements at Land of Motown Community College among English teachers at the Royal Oak/Southfield campus.
Between 2008 and 2013, Land of Motown Community College turned inside-out and upside down the notion of who was actually attacking whom.
A pattern of mis-quoting me, taking my words out of context, and assuming my supposedly-protected critical words about education and Land of Motown Community College meant physical danger for others started in 2008.
Land of Motown Community College hands out the regal title of “dean” as if Oakland County rests in the English countryside.
Octboer 23, 2008.
An e-mail from a dean–not Dean Lloyd Crews who William MacQueen referred to in his April 13, 2012 letter launching the school’s attack, but the dean before him, Dean Tom Hendricks, dean of English–set the course for my demise.
In an e-mail to the English department, Dean of English Tom Hendricks misquoted my concerns about educational standards on behalf of students.
And he squashed fair academic discourse, through Land of Motown Community College email.

English teachers and academics are boring, I know, but here goes.
Regarding students moving between English 1510 and English 1520, Comp I and Comp II, I had written: “The biggest complaint I hear over and over–from students who did not take me for Comp I–is that Comp I was a ‘breeze’ or easy’ or a ‘piece of cake’ and that Comp II is so much more difficult . . . David James [an English teacher from another Land of Motown Community College campus] pointed out a few Discipline Days ago that discipline-wide Land of Motown Community College hands out way too many As and Bs in comp I. Disappointedly, the discipline seemed unmoved.”
(All five campuses of Land of Motown Community College each had an English department, which together comprised the English Discipline, which, as a group conversely and ironically, lacked discipline.)
Nothing wrong with my statement, not unless Land of Motown Community College English teachers were really more like prima donnas and mafia dons than servants to students.
Dean Tom Hendricks misinterpreted and misquoted me: “Language such as ‘students who don’t take me for Comp I tell me it was a breeze’ . . . ”
Reread what I actually wrote: “The biggest complaint I hear over and over–from students who did not take me for Comp I–is that Comp I was a ‘breeze’ or easy’ or a ‘piece of cake’ and that Comp II is so much more difficult . . .”
I simply meant that no one who took my Composition I ever said my Composition I was a breeze, especially if they came back for my Composition II, which a limited number of students did in order to work on their writing.
I was misquoted and berated by the dean of English, at the time, Tom Hendricks, and reprimanded, through email, in front of all other English department members, for no good reason.
My words regarding pedagogy were deemed objectionable by the administration. The same misguided and baseless claims will be made by Dean Lloyd Crews and Dean David Mathews in 2010, before William MacQueen’s attack in 2012.
October 8, 2008.
Dean Tom Hendricks continued his misquote and misreading to state that my words “unfairly indicts your colleagues when it may be that students haven’t gotten adequate preparation from a different institution . . .”
My wording did not locate where students may have taken Composition I or from whom.
Furthermore, Dean Tom Hendricks added inappropriately, “I think you MUST be very careful in your response. Personally, although not a faculty member in English, I would take offense at this and I would be angry.”
I bet Ray Mort talked to Dean Tom Hendricks in person and prompted his email.
I could be wrong.
I could be right.

My point about students did not concern any particular colleagues by name or any specific institution.
Teaching across four Michigan community colleges by that point, I had seen that students were totally confused and mostly turned off by the great variety of English teachers they encountered in their educational careers, especially by the end of their careers, moving from Composition I to Composition II.
For the most part, Land of Motown Community College did not like to hire exceptional people who might show up the average staff.
Tom Hendricks was an affable team player, who exhibited a friendly smile but limited thoughtfulness and talent.
Why was there a dean of English who misquoted and did not understand or champion academic freedom of expression, in violation of the faculty contract?
The Land of Motown Community College faculty contract regarding academic freedom: “Academic Freedom shall be guaranteed to faculty members, and no special limitation shall be placed upon study, investigation, presenting and interpreting facts and ideas concerning man, society, the physical and biological world and any other branch of knowledge, subject only to accepted standards of professional educational responsibility.”
Most importantly: “A teacher’s ‘primary responsibility’ is to “seek and state the truth as they seek it.”
Dean Tom Hendricks put teachers before students just like my co-workers, as if he had never heard of academic freedom or diversity of thought.

My intuition told me Dean Tom Hendricks’ email meant serious trouble for me, which is why I kept a copy, way back in 2008.
It did not take long for my bully peer Ray Mort to charge through this open door Dean Tom Hendricks created.
By fall semester 2008, three years after I was hired, teacher bully, Mr. Online Shakespeare, Ray Mort had built up a lot of angry steam about my person.
~ * ~
What had I done to elicit Ray Mort’s rage?
Two things.
One. I threatened his teaching turf.
In addition to teaching Composition I and II, I wanted to teach easier-to-teach literature courses, too, like bully Mr. Online Shakespeare, and other English department full-time union teachers, Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie, who were hired after me, to serve in the old school union shop.
The local in-house union at Land of Motown Community College is a branch of the Michigan Education Association, which is affiliated with the National Education Association.
Not necessarily a trustworthy group, in my experience.

Lansing, Michigan
~ * ~
Instead of sharing the teaching of literature, as one might expect in a community that calls itself a “community,” through private vote, at the urging of department bullies, Ray Mort, Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie, my Land of Motown Community College English department peers, locked me, alone, into teaching composition courses, the most demanding work load among department offerings. Meanwhile, Ray Mort, Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie locked me out of teaching literature courses, which simultaneously they allowed themselves to teach.
Time after time, for a number of years, my schedule alone was voted up or down by our small department. Others were allowed to teach what they wanted.
~ * ~
Isolation is the opposite of community.
~ * ~
I kept insisting, however, and after a number of semesters, and a few years, I made space for myself, and was able to start teaching literature, too, like every other teacher in the department who wanted to do so, but it cost me my livelihood and my life, which is nutz.
~ * ~
When I was preparing for my successful job interview, way back in the summer of 2005, an old fashioned education industry print magazine was sent to my house. It informed me that Land of Motown Community College sat at the top of the pay scale nationally for full-time tenured teachers, who can max out of 100K-150K a year, if they teach overtime and take on extra duties.
The pay scale from this faculty contract (below) doesn’t reflect salaries padded with overtime. Instead, the center column shows the pay per credit hour of over-time, which means teachers at the top of the pay scale earn between about $4,200 to $5,600 per extra course taught.
As you may have surmised, Mr. Online Shakespeare taught a lot of over-time sections per contract year. Teachers who hit the top of the pay scale at fifteen years (which included some of my immediate department peers), those who teach extra sections and maybe take an additional job title, like department chair or campus senate president, earn at a rate that outpaces state of Michigan elected officials, like the state attorney general.

More proof of the teacher-centric culture at the school.
And much more indicting than compensation.
At some point in contract negotiations, both faculty and administration at Land of Motown Community College decided to put more students in the classroom than other area community colleges, to pad and prioritize teacher income over student learning experience.
I know this firsthand from teaching at three other area community colleges prior to teaching at Land of Motown Community College: Closest to The University of Michigan Community College, Assembly Line Community College, and Lily-White Livonia Community College.
What had I done to elicit Ray Mort’s rage?
Two. As a female, I dared to fight back against his particularly male aggression.
Because Ray Mort would not allow me to teach literature classes, too, wielding a power he was not given contractually, I revealed his questionable behavior.
Publicly, I mentioned his self-serving insistence on offering way too many online sections of Introduction to Shakespeare.
I named Mr. Online Shakespeare, only through his pseudonym, in an essay that appeared online, as part of submitted collection of work by teachers, published by the National Education Association, one of two main national teachers unions.
I also shared the essay on my Land of Motown Community College teacher’s website, long defunct.
I can no longer find the essay online.
Now, it can be found on my writer’s website.
“One Size Never Fits All” is about the reading crisis, about people not reading and therefore not doing the kind of thinking that only reading encourages.
Please realize, according to the faculty contract, it was my duty to speak out against greedy, teacher-first old school practices that did not help students, though I’ve paid dearly.
The way I see it, the reading crisis flared up with detrimental, disastrous repercussions during the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.
November 10, 2008.
This is when the real Land of Motown Community College papertrail begins, before the school’s bogus papertrail by a number of years.
Truth is nastier than fiction.
Though we rarely saw each other during the school year, Ray Mort retaliated against me, in writing, using wild invention and academic dishonesty.
He purposefully eschewed academic integrity.
Mr. Online Shakespeare intimidated the entire small department to rally against me, in violation of the faculty contract.
A small group of English teachers at Land of Motown Community College were bullied by Mr. Online Shakespeare into initialing blank school letterhead before Mr. Online Shakespeare wrote a character assasination about me.
Faculty contract, academic integrity: Professors “practice intellectual honesty.”
So much wrong-headed teacher bullying here, it’s dizzying.

Privately, tenured union teacher Nicole Pitts, still employed at the college, confided in me that teacher Ray Mort coerced peers to initial blank letterhead in advance. She told me that peers did not read the letter before it was put in my faculty mailbox on campus.

No one read or edited Ray Mort’s letter before it was delivered to my faculty mailbox.
The department rarely met, so this picture of me derailing college business is a ruse.
And certainly my peers did not each meet with separately off campus to discuss anything.

~ * ~

Ray Mort’s letter is an outlandish and strange display of workplace hostility and a total lack of workplace ethics. It shows a killer instinct. And a clear violation of the faculty contract.
Faculty contract, acamedic integrity: “Professors do not discriminate against or harass colleagues. They respect and defend the free inquiry of associates. “
In Mr. Online Shakespeare’s smear, my voiced and written views, protected by academic freedom, were conflated with my so-called undescribed “challenging behavior.”
This purposeful confusion of ideas and actions was an approach adopted by my nemesis, William MacQueen, years later, when he officially launched the school’s attack.
Or patriarchy?
My Royal Oak/Sourfield English department peers did this outrageous thing in order to protect their own interests during the creation of the all important annual teaching schedule. Teachers competed and played politics in order to arrange schedules that best fit their personal lives and preferences. And to ride the gravy train.
In 2021, The Chair debuted on Netflix, about a cutthroat college English department.
Can you imagine any largely unsupervised work group, given permanent employment for life, allowed to create their own schedules and command their own worlds, that wouldn’t take advantage of their unchecked power and become, well, Shakespearean?
Not the Supreme Court, not any work group, not my Land of Motown Community College work group peers.
November 10, 2008. Mr. Online Shakespeare: “For the past four years, the English department at Royal Oak and Southfield campus has been distracted from our solid work, and disrespectful communication, from one member: Gina Fournier. Charges have been made through emails and published articles condemning our individual teaching, our department, our discipline, our college and our commitment to students.”
Only a prosecutor–or a Chinese state official–would claim one person could ‘draw’ others into “conflict and argument.”
Mr. Online Shakespeare’s letter plus addendum went on for pages.
November 10, 2008. Mr. Online Shakespeare: ” . . . department meetings have become unproductive due to various issues and accusations that out colleague has raised that must be addressed at length.”
Department meetings rarely occurred, as in once or twice a year.
Mr. Online Shakespeare: “Ms. Fournier has avoided process to obtain approvals and support for requesting designated full sections . . .”
“Designated fulls” were a coveted prize, which allowed a section to run and a teacher to be paid as if the classroom were full of students, even if the classroom was more empty than full, so “designated fulls” were a really important commodity to Mr. Online Shakespeare. Mr. Online Shakespeare needed help filling the excessive number of sections he offered. He needed to retain control over “designated fulls,” in order to maintain his lifestyle.
Amid his overall bogus and ironic concern for “collegiality,” Mr. Online Shakespeare asserted that I insisted my teaching was the only way to teach, in the same disjointed paragraph as his complaints about being asked to share his domain of “designated fulls.”
Mr. Online Shakespeare, in his addendum of supposed support objected to many of my views, including this passage about outlining:
“Outlining. Perhaps the most difficult composition skill to teach and learn. Most students arrive at Comp I and Comp II without a multi-stage writing process that they are willing to pull out and use, which is a huge problem. That’s not to say that Comp I teachers haven’t tried to present outlining skills. Most students do not embrace the traditional Roman numeral outline, which is so last millennium, I can’t blame them.”
Actually, it seems Mr. Online Shakespeare would be helped by some form of outlining to organize and support his claims with logical support.
Or, maybe Ray Mort should have pursued a legal career, in which he could practice purposely misleading argumentation.
Most of the support Ray Mort offered about me makes me look like a teacher who cares about quality education.
Absurdly, at the very end of Mr. Online Shakespeare’s character smear, I was quoted quoting Pink Floyd, not during official school business, though that should have been ok, too.
How ironic.
“Teachers, leave those kids alone!”
And keep your paws off other teacher’s livelihoods, too.
Wait a minute. “For the past four years . . .” The math didn’t work. People who were hired after me said I was a pain in the ass for longer than two of them, Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie, has worked at Land of Motown Community College.
And, I had only worked at the college for three years–though I did accidentally say four years in my email exchange with Dean Tom Hendricks.
Much later, after the blow to my career and livelihood, one co-worker, Nicole Pitts, cleared up the mystery and told me that Mr. Online Shakespeare coerced my peers into initialing the letter at the top before it was written.
My peers, college English teachers, an entire English department, individuals, adults, who were well-paid to teach students academic honesty, themselves violated academic integrity, in order to appease a union-protected teacher bully and in order to protect themselves in a cutthroat reality.
And then they kept quiet.
They’ve kept quiet ever since.
~ * ~
It takes a department to murder a co-worker.
In private conversation only, Nicole Pitts supported me by acknowledging bully teacher peers, but not in front of other people, not in public, not officially on the job at Land of Motown Community College.
I think of her as a smile without spine.

Until Nicole Pitts pointed out what the problem was exactly, I knew there was something extra strange about Mr. Online Shakespeare’s letter, which opens like he’s writing the Gettysburg Address, by referring to a timeline, but I couldn’t locate what exactly was the problem.
~ * ~
I understand that all my criminal attackers and all abettors have good sides, too, full lives.
Nicole Pitts was most supportive of my position as the one bullied by the others in the Royal Oak/Southfield English department,
but only when no one else was watching.

but only when no one else was watching.
~ * ~
Nicole Pitts, if I recall correctly, one year arranged to teach three eight-week semesters, so she worked only half the weeks of a calendar year, to stay at home with her young children. That’s great for her, but what about students? Very scant few, next to none, are served by condensed eight-week reading and writing courses, which encourage teachers to clip corners and lower standards.
~ * ~
I can’t forget: one teacher, Lori Linden, being Midwestern nice, told me to teach in the remedial program because it was less work than teaching composition.
This insider’s tip was true based on a number of factors, including credit hour to student ratios, which were wildly out of balance.
Lori Linden later denied her own words, then regularly voted with teacher bullies against my requested teaching schedule.
To underscore her strategic behavior, please note this woman shows a clear pattern of moving toward easier workloads. That’s the main reason high school teachers seek to jump to community college, as she did: fewer students, fewer teaching hours, fewer papers.
More time to raise a family.

picture accessed on Facebook June 22, 2019

human trafficking Catholic looney bin. To travel from Macomb County to Wayne County to attend this school is to say, “I am a conservative Catholic female!” very loudly, which is not a plus in my book.
~ * ~
I was isolated and targeted.
What’s a middle aged woman worth?
Not losing our jobs over.
Silence and integrity can be bought, even by otherwise seemingly good people.
Why did tenured teacher union peers think they could get away with such killer nonsense?
I talked to the campus president, Steve Reif
I filed back-to-back grievances. Both were dismissed.
Actually, the first was dismissed, the second was totally ignored.
I informed English teachers at the other campuses.
What action was taken?

Mr. Online Shakespeare acted like Donald Trump trying to silence and disparage Hillary Clinton, and win the 2006 presidential election.
Like Trump, he got away with it.
This unusual instance of mass gross lack of academic integrity should have meant the immediate forced resignation of all who failed to practice academic honesty and thus broke the faculty contract.
But it didn’t.
The Land of Motown Community College administration and faculty union completely ignored Mr. Online Shakespeare’s grotesque lapse of academic integrity, which was supported by most of my immediate peers.
An entire Higher Learning Commission accredited community college campus ignored this letter and instead of doing the right thing allowed bullying for years.
Ray Mort did not file a formal grievance about my alleged behavior, because their were no grounds, so instead bullied and attacked.
When I got this letter, I was blown away. On the spot, because of my Catholic childhood and dysfunctional upbringing, I cried. I don’t even think I showed the letter to my husband, I was so embarrassed and flabbergasted.
Probably because this bullying was ignored by my coworkers and superiors, I tried to ignore it, too. It was years before I ever used the term “bully” to describe this action. I used the word “asshole” instead of “bully,” for a long time, because I grew up before the word “bully” became popular.
I should have filed a grievance with the help of a lawyer.
I should have sued the school in 2008 for violation of the faculty contract and I should have sure Ray Mort and the others for libel.
But I was so busy trying to put students first.
People ask, what about the union?
I look at them and think, you don’t read newspapers, do you?
You don’t read Detroit area newspapers, for sure.
Have you ever seen the movie On the Waterfront, with Marlon Brando? With the line about ‘could have been a contender?’
About a union brother who is willing to use and murder his own brother for the benefit of the union mob boss?

On the Waterfront, dir. Elia Kazan 1954
No one was ever fired, my local union rep told me.
I distinctly recall my worry that I would be the first.


I should have known that the ridiculously bad behavior of my peers would mean the end of me.
Not too deep down, I did know.
But I worked too hard to look for another community college teaching job, which would have meant moving, most likely, I told myself.
I guess I should have done it anyway, or tried.
I hoped that after I won my fight to teach literature, I could lay low and be left alone, to teach, garden, paint and publish.
Mr. Online Shakespeare’s absurd bullying smear became legal evidence and was admitted into an Oakland County administrative courtroom, later, after I was forced to quit, when I fought for unemployment insurance from Land of Motown Community College, in 2014.
Fought and lost.
Yes, Ray Mort’s November 10, 2008 letter was on my mind later when William MacQueen started sending his letters April 13, 2012.
Ray Mort’s letter never left my mind.
I could not articulate or foresee the unbelievable hell that would follow this letter, but I did realize, somewhere below the level of complete sentences and fleshed out thought, that if my co-workers weren’t punished, I would be.
My co-workers were not punished.
Chapter: The Bizarre Tale of Bully Teachers Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie
And her comes Gina, me, who will prove that I was bullied, not the bully, as my nemesis, William MacQueen, claimed.
My opening statement, Gina’s Law: “It was teacher bullying in the past that led to the Land of Motown Community College sexist Gaslight mind rape witch hunt.”
“This chain events stretching back to 2008, and earlier, is the reason and the only reason I ended up sent to hack shrinks, removed from the classroom, suicide swatted, police abducted and illegally locked up in a Catholic looney bin, in 2013.”
“This chain of events involving bully teachers, still employed at Land of Motown Community College, is the cause for a snowball from hell with my name on it, meaning a lot of bad stuff that happened after illegal looney bin lock up, only because of retaliatory illegal looney bin lock up, including a month in jail in Osceola County, which I will show is clearly connected.”
~ * ~
Coincidences gird this crazy story, dare I say like the hands of many angels in heaven, or devils in hell, guiding me on a very long journey, to hopefully a better time and place, when I finally can return home to me, minus criminal oppression and mental torture.
~ * ~
McFarland & Co. Publishers is small niche publisher that published books by me and bully teacher Eric Abbey, a bull teacher protégé of Mr. Online Shakespeare.

~ * ~
I felt badly when Land of Motown Community College librarians who I thought respected me well enough displayed his book but not mine.
Or was it that his book earned a top shelf placement and mine was nearly obscured on the bottom shelf?
Authors care very much about these exact details, of course.

~ * ~

~ * ~
I know I can’t afford to hope at this point that anyone on planet earth will ever help me.
But just in case, I have repeatedly requested that my attackers do the unthinkable: turn themselves in.
Me to Eric Abbey on Twitter in recent years: “Come clean voluntarily, I request due to suffering that you helped cause. You bullied, broke the contract, helped William MacQueen end my career. You were part of The Land of Community College effort that gaslit and suicide swatted me. I was police abducted & locked up which is torture.”
I know.
I must be nuts.

~ * ~
Eric Abbey was hired after me to teach in an old school union shop without any rankings among department members, except for union seniority.
The only rank that was supposed to count, say, in the case of staff reduction, was union seniority, which I had over Eric Abbey.
Teaching literature should have been shared among union teachers with no quibbling.

There is no designation “full professor of literature”
at Land of Motown Community College.
~ * ~
Eric Abbey was ‘allowed’ by Mr. Online Shakespeare and the others who hired him to teach literature courses from the start of his employment.
And, like Mr. Online Shakespeare, Eric Abbey did not want to share, not with me.
When I asked to teach literature courses, I was met with aggressive opposition from Eric Abbey and Mr. Online Shakespeare, who did not want to share turf they considered their own, with me, as if their turf was marked by stronger male urine.

Following Mr. Online Shakespeare’s attack, in late 2008, Eric Abbey read a prepared statement at a rare department meeting.
In the statement, Eric Abbey urged other teachers in the Royal Oak/Southfield English department to vote against me teaching literature, which they then did.
For years, while I fought and eventually won the right to teach literature, too, I asked Eric Abbey for a copy of that document he read.
Emboldened by the administration, Eric Abbey laughed in my face and never bothered.
Eric Abbey was paid handsomely to teach documentation, but refused to practice it.
Union leader Denis Bartleman sat in on the meeting during which Eric Abbey read his statement and later said it was the strangest meeting he had even witnessed.
~ * ~
Because of bulling led by Ray Mort and Eric Abbey, using faculty vote, often held blindly through e-mail, to help teacher sheep be teacher sheep without any checks or balances, I was locked out of teaching literature courses for quite some time.
When Suzanne Labadie was hired after Eric Abbey, she sided with the power duo and was allowed to teach literature courses immediately, without opposition, before I was.
Our small English department seemed to enjoy the fact that I was the only member who taught only composition courses, the heaviest lifting, compared to literature courses and teaching in the remedial program.
Meanwhile, since I did not condone the one size fits all nature of the remedial program, which I felt was poorly designed, I stuck with teaching Composition I and II.

Most community college students do not seek out literature courses.
All are required to take composition courses.
Remedial courses do not earn college credit, and the chances of a student’s success are not good, which I think they should be told forthrightly.
My teaching literature, too, meant less opportunity for Mr. Online Shakespeare and Eric Abbey to teach literature, meaning they were forced to teach more sections of the staples: Composition I and II.
Desperate and greedy to keep literature assignments, Eric Abbey even tried to rewrite union seniority in order to stop me from teaching literature, but was not successful. He didn’t need to rewrite seniority to defend his bullying, which was allowed to do by the administration, but I guess Eric Abbey knew he was in the wrong.
When I finally broke through the ranks of political wrangling to teach literature courses, under a generic make-it-yourself class title, I created a lit course, which I called The Michigan Reader.
Putting the word “reader” in the title was like puffing the smell of horse shit out a restaurant window.
Smile, even if I can’t.
~ * ~
As if there was a competition, in the chess-with-daggers world of our department and campus, with its clear division of sides, Land of Motown Community College choose Eric Abbey over me.

Irony. Opposite. Contrary. Obvious to all but the perpetrators. And teachers in the other departments.
In 2009, at Land of Motown Community College, Eric Abbey was even crowned diversity “king” ( I’m actually quoting a joke-phrase used in community), while he failed to practice diversity in the English department among teachers.
A Dean David Matthews suggested jokingly with handshakes and smiles at one campus senate meeting that all should “kiss the ring” of Eric Abbey, king of diversity!
I sat there feeling all sorts of thoughts and emotions, more than I could name or arrange with so many student research papers to read.
Dean David Mathews celebrated my bully peer in the most ironic and sexist manner, and it hurt.
But I was too busy to dwell.

while he was actively blocking diversity in teaching perspectives. Dean Lloyd Crews later married the 2014 Diversity Champ, Stacey Jackson.
~ * ~
I watched the campus fawn over Eric Abbey and wondered, why this guy?
A sexist in action, Eric Abbey liked to reign over me, perhaps especially because of the undeserved in-house accolades awarded to him about supposedly treasuring difference.

Picture accessed from Facebook 11/8/2021.
In Eric Abbey, even before he lost his hair, gained weight and revealed his tattoos, I saw a very aggressive putz, who wrote badly for a writing teacher, with a too-wordy style, overusing the passive verb.
Even the sound of his voice put me off.
The one time I listened to a recording of him sing, I turned it off after seconds because I heard a too-nasally sound.
Of course, I have reason to hate the guy.
~ * ~
Eric Abbey served as campus senate chair and Suzanna Labadie served as English department chair for our small campus department during this period.
To best fulfill my teaching duties, I was not interested in a leadership position. Leading my students through the nonfiction book assignment and other one-size-not-fill all assignments was time-consuming.
But I did attend campus senate meetings regularly, unlike Nicole Pitts, Lori Linden, Youmin Lee and Ray Mort.
~ * ~
Another round, me versus Eric Abbey, with help of Dean Lloyd Crews, at this point dean of English on the Royal Oak/Southfield campus.
At Land of Motown Community College, Dean’s moved around like they were hiding out in the FBI witness protection program.
During my time and tenure, Dean Lloyd Crews was my most memorable supervisor and held the position longest.
On March 3, 2009, Dean Lloyd Crews asked me to remove a cartoon from my school webpage. A student had asked me to post the cartoon, which joked sarcastically about exchanging bribes for grades.
At the same time, also Dean Lloyd Crews asked me to remove a link to my publisher’s homepage advertising my book on Thelma & Louise.

This is a good time to point out that our campus of Land of Motown Community College was located very near the Detroit Zoo.
Why were my peers were allowed to walk around while the wise gorilla and winged birds were caged?

~ * ~
No other teacher in our department was scrutinized like me.
It’s difficult to read a reproduced e-mail chain, but here it is.
“Oh good gracious,” was my response.
“Is this a witch hunt now?” I asked, three years before the Land of Motown Community College witch hunt was officially launched.

~ * ~
Meanwhile, Eric Abbey was able to link his book on garage rock to his school website, apparently without administrative objection.
My restraint in response to Dean Lloyd Crews: “As of today March 10, 2009, I have taken down the cartoon and link as directed. It saddens me that all the actions the administration could have taken in the past months in response to RO/SF English department behavior, concerns raised regarding pedagogy and student learning outcomes, and the ongoing serious problems regarding the creation of the annual schedule, the administration has chosen to act only to censor expression.”
As always, the root problem was the creation of the schedule, but the school had begun demonizing me and Dean Lloyd Crews was clearly helping.
I continued: “Will you please explain what ‘precedent’ has been set by the RO/SF English department regarding annual scheduling? I recognize no clear and consistent precedent. My requests for literature were dubbed extra and required a vote. All others were not considered extra a required no vote. As a result, the procedure violated’ the faculty contract.”
No answer was supplied.

~ * ~
Months later, Eric Abbey still had not been held to the same requirements as me: “As of today, Thursday June 11, 2009, Eric Abbey’s Land of Motown Community College webpage still advertises his McFarland book.”
I concluded, “I would feel less like the subject of bad press, harassment, a witch hunt, etc., within the ENG department if there was less evidence.”
“Witch hunt” was right.

~ * ~
While Dean Lloyd Crews was hassling me over a cartoon joke supplied by a Land of Motown Community College student, the faculty union and the administration were smothering my grievance filed in response to Mr. Online Shakespeare’s letter and mass academic lack of integrity committed by my peers.
My local union rep, Michael Vollbach, who I spoke with throughout this ordeal, was not trustworthy.
If he had been trustworthy, Michael Vollbach would have told me to hire a lawyer to write grievances, since grievances depend on contract language and legally based interpretations of legalese.
Through Dennis Bartleman, who stood about Mike Volbach, the union denied my grievance.
Instead, the union recommended mediation.
Mediation was not going to fix what was wrong.
Mediation never transpired.

On campus, a personality test was administered and it was determined that I was the only female department member whose personality grouped with Ray Mort and Eric Abbey.
I was in over my head, alone, not actually union-protected.
“It was never likely the union would find that a group of union members violated the contract with the help of the administration,” I pointed out to Dennis Bartleman.

Facebook accessed 11/17/2021
~ * ~
The administration responded formally to my grievance as well as the union, but in a super-cheesy fashion the administration did not do so on printed school letterhead. Still, the marks of authenticity are clear in the language, which was not likely written by the campus president, thought he signed the letter. The letter was written by a lawyer, purposefully avoiding the school’s brand.
~ * ~
Regarding my grievances, campus president Steve Reif talked to my bully peers, specifically Mr. Online Shakespeare and Eric Abbey, and extended to them protection for their bad behavior.
The campus president Steve Reif blew off my points about assessment.
The campus president Steve Reif said that ethics were suggested in the faculty contract but not required.
The campus president Steve Reif said that academic integrity was only required in the classroom, not in faculty interaction outside of the classroom, which is absurd.
The campus president Steve Reif condoned teacher-first creation of the annual schedule of course offerings and foul play.

~ * ~
Wow. It’s difficult to learn the hard way that I should have hired a lawyer much sooner.
Not that hiring a lawyer, when I did hire a lawyer, in April 2013, helped.
Campus president, Steve Reif, dressed like a low level Mafia Don, was called to the witness stand for another Land of Motown Community College dispute, in the Business department, between an aggressive male teacher, Michael Smydra, and a female teacher, Kathy Lorenz, who says she was physically struck by her peer in an argument, yes, of course, over the creation of the annual teaching schedule.


In this video, which I happened to find on Youtube, a classic pre-metoo# era sexist white male Oakland County judge, appearing on screen as an obese man with a distinctively nasal, central casting voice, assumes in a he-said, she-said, that she lied and just wanted to ruin his career. The judge berates Kathleen Lorencz. He accuses of her lying and trying to ruin Michael Smydra’s career.
Campus president Steve Reif sided with “he.”
January 2010.
Campus Senate meeting. Southfield campus.
Most fulltime union teachers blew off these monthly meetings considered service to the college outside of teaching.
I asked for time on the agenda and was given ten minutes to make a presentation I entitled, “Our Campus: Teacher-Centered or Community Based?”
It was not well recieved by those in attendance.


January 24, 2010.
I tried to file another grievance. But it was squelched.
I submitted this document (below) to campus president Steve Reif bearing the school logo and was reprimanded for using the school logo.
My letter addressed to campus president Steve Reif: same stuff, same culprits.
In vein, I tried, too hard.
In closing, me to campus president Steve Reif : “Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to resolving these issues. Let’s correct annual scheduling transgressions and get back to an undisturbed focus on student learning outcomes and community building.”
Accept for retaliation.

March 18, 2010.
William MacQueen and Land of Motown Community College gaslight witchhunt attack, launched in writing April 13, 2012, referenced an “April 2010 memo.”
The memo was actually dated April 13, 2010, ironically, coincidentally or on purpose, exactly two years earlier, by calendar date.
William MacQueen called the April 13, 2010 a “written reprimand.”
The April 13, 2010 memo referenced the March 18, 2010 ambush by deans, which was labeled a “due process” meeting.
Dean Lloyd Crews April 13, 2010 memo: “You have continually had issues/concerns with the annual schedule even though there are no contractual violations as to how its been developed.”
Wrong. The contract called for “coordination,” which did not happen when teacher bullies maneuvered to hog teaching schedules.
According to the faculty contract, English teachers were required to meet with the discipline to “discuss college-wide scheduling and coordination of courses.” The English discipline automatically accepted campus decisions and the teacher-centric action of teacher bullies without discussion.
Dean Lloyd Crews April 13, 2010 memo: “And you have continually badgered your department colleagues about these issues through harsh, negative and un professional communications, both is person and in writing.”
Wrong. Ray Mort started badgering me in 2008, and ever since the administration had mishandled employee relations.
Dean Lloyd Crews April 13, 2010 memo: “You have been repeatedly asked to stop but have not done so.”
Wrong. I had been repeatedly bullied over my views and voice, in violation of the contract.
The April 10, 2010 memo, referenced in the April 13, 2012 letter (two year gap), referenced the presentation I made at the January 2010 campus senate meeting (four month gap), about scheduling procedures on campus (a year after Mr. Online Shakespeare wrote his grandiose letter.)
I was punished and targeted as retaliation for my January 2010 Campus senate presentation.

Southfield location, closest to Detroit.
Dean Lloyd Crews and Dean David Mathews (who was later briefly promoted to one of five campus president positions) said something to me about how wrong I was over nothing substantive, nothing I could hold onto.
The two deans made little sense, with double the middle-man power.
As I recall, the only thing these two deans did was to initiate the administration’s brand new position that I alone was a problem, which I knew was wrongheaded.
It was two years before I was told by my lawyer, in 2012, that the school was “gaslighting” me, giving my experience a term to dangle.
I was shaken by the the March 18, 2010 ambush but could take away nothing except obvious hostility coming my way.
The administration in charge above the deans knew I had been labeled easy prey.
So I was set up, two deans to one bullied tenured teacher.
He was supposedly present, but I don’t even remember Michael Vollbach’s presence or speech.
I don’t remember anyone telling me my job was on the line.
No one in union or administration was nice enough to clearly and outright warn me.
I was teaching literature classes by this time period. That fight had ended.
I thought I had tenured protection that would close the iron door on all this undue hostility toward me.
I was wrong, but that does not mean I deserved to be locked up a looney bin.


For no reason, according to Dean Lloyd Crews, who I’m sure did not write the April 13, 2010 memo, I was to:
- “Keep email messages brief and to the point” [with no evidence I did otherwise or for any contractual reason]
- “Be mindful of the tone of your verbal and written communication and refrain from language that could be deemed discourteous or uncivil” [like Ray Mort’s detailed objections to me]
- “Maintain confidentiality between colleagues regarding department matters and refrain from printing, copying or distributing communications to parties not directly involved” [because we worked for a spy agency?]
Well, at least I wasn’t accused of murder. Or accused of being murderer material. Not yet, anyway.
Chapter: Witchhunt, Officially
Ironically, after I was thrown off the bus, on run over, the changes I had pressed for, on behalf of students at Land of Motown Community College, transpired.
Mr. Online Shakespeare was restrained in terms of scheduling unnecessary sections of online Shakespeare, and the remedial program was broken up.

accessed June 2019
After the attacks against me by Land of Motown Community College administration in the spring 2010, two years passed in relative misleading piece, but something told me something was up.
I had the sense I needed my own paper trail.
March 7, 2012.
Again, I asked through school email Eric Abbey for a copy of the statement he read to the Royal Oak/Southfield English department after Ray Mort’s November 10, 2008 smear letter.
Me to Eric Abbey, cc’ed to Lloyd Crews and Suzanne Labadie, department chair (because no one else wanted to take on the job): “At the December 2008 RO/SF department meeting, you voluntarily read a prepared written statement you’d composed in advance about me by name, Gina Fournier, and read (it) in front of our workgroup and additional attendees. In that statement, you explained why you would vote against me, alone, among all ENG discipline and department teachers, and seek to prevent me from teaching literature courses. You used your First Amendment to decry my professional abilities, which I think showed terrible taste, but none has a right. However, one does not have a right to withhold documentation. Since that date, on a number of occasions, you have promised verbally to supply this documentation, but have never followed through. My legal files are still missing a copy of that document. Please supply a copy of that document immediately. I will attend the campus senate meeting on March 8. Before that meeting, inside the meeting room, I will approach you for a copy of that document. Please also note that English teachers should not have to be asked so many times to do the right thing, especially concerning the written word. Any teacher who refuses to practice documentation while being paid to teach documentation may not exhibit adequate integrity.”

I threatened another grievance over this issue. Documentation is the cornerstone of academic argument.
I thought, stupidly, but earnestly, with a more specific charge, I could gain some traction.
I was dead wrong.
~ * ~
March 8, 2012.
As usual, I attended the campus senate meeting.
Despite the school’s mission statement, ” Land of Motown Community College is a student-centered institution,” the bureaucracy that controlled Land of Motown Community College was disconnected from student experience and failed to put students first.
Each campus held a monthly senate meeting, which was accompanied by a monthly all campus senate meeting. Most full time teachers did not attend either. Stupidly, I wasted my time attending both, trying to do a good job and fulfill the contract.
At the campus senate meeting on March 8, 2012, for which bully teacher Eric Abbey served as campus senate president (an unwanted position, for most teachers), once again, he did not supply a copy of the document he wrote and read to the campus English department, in 2008, decrying me alone among teachers and my ability to teach literature courses, so he could teach literature courses without sharing.

March 15, 2012.
Following established patter, year after year, even after I was allowed to teach literature, the RO/SF ENG department and greater Land of Motown Community College fell short of ‘coordinating’ the annual schedule of classes for the next school year on behalf of student need.
On the Royal Oak/Southfield campus, our small group, with two new hires replacing retirees, newcomers hired by Ray Mort, Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie, voted on the annual teaching schedule, through e-mail, without meeting in person.
One of my online sections, ENG 2770, a literature course, was disingenuously rejected by the department after being approved by the discipline.
Because out meetings utilized Robert’s Rules, I made a motion through email to put names next to votes: “The results of any votes called regarding the annual schedule should include full time faculty names and their individual votes.”
The faculty contract did not protect or shield faculty from a failure to “coordinate.”
My motion was ignored.
Through email, I told Dean Lloyd Crews that I wanted to grieve that action.

March 23, 2012.
Less than a month before the Land of Motown Community College sexist Gaslight witch hunt was official launched, I made clear my intention to file another grievance against Eric Abbey by name. Union leader Dennis Bartleman had attended the December 2008 meeting and had witnessed Eric Abbey’s performance.
Despite the criminal notion that ethics could be contained in certain rooms at certain times, espoused by campus president Steve Reif, “It is not reasonable to trust or respect a college ENG teacher who is paid to teach documentation but who is unwilling to practice it,” I told Eric Abbey and Dean Lloyd Crews in an e-mail, cc’ed to the campus president, Steve Reif.
They all ignored me.
Or so I thought.

Through email, I informed RO/SF ENG department members that
I was also grieving the actions around the creation of the annual schedule and the recent blind vote through email. Prior to the vote, a department meeting had been held online without adequate numbers to meet a quorum, which was ignored by Suzanne Labadie, the department chair.
I referenced the pattern of teacher-first scheduling and lack of coordination on behalf of students.
I said these problems dated back to Ray Mort’s November 10, 2008 letter, which was initiated before it was written by a majority of the current department.
Me to the department and my supervisors: “Lastly please note how bad this situation might look to the public, to the tax payers: RO/SF department members are currently hiding a lack of integrity behind blind votes, their names protected, their mouths shut tightly in self preservation, yet I presume all teachers appreciate seeing their names on a paycheck and maybe eventually pension checks.”

After speaking with my supervisors, I sought to file a grievance, following procedure.
Dean Crews and the campus president Steve Reif were cc’ed.
My attempt to file a grievance was ignored, smothered.
Instead, less than a month later, Land of Motown Community College retaliated with William MacQueen and his gaslighting, a teacher crushing papertrail and mandatory hack shrinks.

March 26, 2012. Or was it March 26, 2011? Suzanne Labadie isn’t sure.
Along with Ray Mort and Eric Abbey, Suzanne Labadie initialed Ray Mort’s letter without reading it, bullied me and hogged literature classes and voted against me teaching literature courses.
Like Eric Abbey, Suzanne Labadie was hired after I was, and she began serving as department chair in her early thirties, because no one else wanted to do so, including me.
Eric Abbey and his partner in teacher to teacher bullying, Suzanne Labadie, reappear after the looney bin, during my lost battle for unemployment insurance. Both were subpoenaed to court.
At some point, it is not clear when, in reality, Suzanne Labadie created an entirely bogus document, typed and dated March 26, 2011, which she then crossed out in pencil to say March 26, 201`2.
Suzanne Labadie’s bogus document is the only attempt by the school to explain what I did that required William MacQueen’s April 19, 2012 demand that I submit to a two day mental health exam in order to keep my job: eye rolling.
Suzanne Labadie submitted the entirely bogus document to an Oakland County administrative court, in 2014, and thus committed perjury, too, in addition to violations of the faculty contract (bullying, academic dishonesty).
(Eric Abbey also lied under oath in the same court room, in 2013.)
By the spring of 2012, in retaliation, because I professionally countered her behavior, Suzanne Labadie falsely claimed she was afraid of me and worked with William MacQueen to end my career.

Allegedly. According to bully teacher Suzanne Labadie.
A document.
Dated March 26, 2011.
Date changed in pencil to March 26, 2012 before it was submitted to the court.
How many writers involved could not get the year date correct?
Clearly, Suzanne Labadie did not write the document in 2011 before the March 8, 2012 meeting, which is referenced.
The end of March is a little late to still be using the previous calendar year.
This document by Land of Motown Community College’s Suzanne Labadie was not shared prior to January 24, 2014, when Suzanne Labadie appeared in an Oakland County court room, although the date March 26, 2012 and Suzanne Labadie’s named is referenced in hack shrink #2, The Terminators, December 13, 2012 mercenary hack shrink report.
I suspect with help and encouragement from William MacQueen, somehow, Suzanne Labadie produced this document for a January 24, 2014 court date, in an Oakland County administrative court room, for which she was subpoenaed regarding unemployment insurance.
It is the only document ever offered by Land of Motown Community College to back the claim that other teachers thought I was crazy dangerous on April 13, 2012.

Suzanne Labadie is the only Land of Motown Community College teacher to ever make the claim that she thought I was a threat to public safety in Spring 2012.
Suzanne Labadie’s document was admitted as court evidence, along with Mr. Online Shakespeare’s Nov. 10, 2008 letter, imitating the Gettysburg Address and maligning my pedagogy and person, which peers including Suzanne Labadie initialed before it was written.
The document equals perjury.
And further retaliation.
But it does not reflect adequate grounds for calling me suddenly crazy dangerous.
Like campus president Steve Reif’s denial of my first grievance, Suzanne Labadie’s document is not printed on school letterhead or set within school e-mail. Steve Reif had no good reason not to print his denial on Land of Motown Community College on school letterhead, just nefarious reasons, to further distance the administration and school brand from contract breaking.
Likewise, there is no good reason for a genuine document supposedly written at some point by teacher Suzanne Labadie and shared with Dean Lloyd Crews to not bear some mark of authenticity.
Through what means was this document allegedly shared with Dean Lloyd Crews?
School email? Private email? U.S. Mail? Handed to him in person? Carrier pigeon?
Suzanne Labadie’s March 26, 2011, no she meant, March 26, 2012, document is not genuine.
~ * ~
Deans at Land of Motown Community College moved around campuses and positions like they were dodging bullets.
Lloyd Crews is the dean of English named by Suzanne Labadie and William MacQueen in Spring 2012, though Dean Lloyd Crews was removed from the position before he escorted me off campus, November 7, 2012.
~ * ~
I wager Suzanne Labadie’s document was coached into being by William MacQueen.
Suzanne Labadie sat with my bully peer, behind pricey lawyer hired by the school, Robert Boonin, in the Oakland County administrative court room, on January 24, 2014.
And she still teaches for Land of Motown Community College.
~ * ~
Suzanne Labadie’s bogus “incidence report” March 26, 2011 or March 26, 2012: “Ms. Fournier moved an online class in her schedule in a such a way that it conflicted with other offerings of the department.”
The Royal Oak and Southfield English department “coordinated” the schedule like Mafia dons dividing up territory, on behalf of teachers, not students.
Suzanne Labadie greatly misrepresented movement around the schedule.
~ * ~
Suzanne Labadie’s bogus “incidence report” March 26, 2011 or March 26, 2012: “Over the course of several e-mails, she threatened legal action against me and other members of the department (though the emails were between the two of us), refused to take part in our department’s coordination of the schedule and described another department member as ‘unsafe,’ a bold and false accusation.”
Threatening legal action was not a contract violation nor does it amount to a physical threat.
I most certainly did not refuse to take part in the department’s so-called coordination of the schedule.
How would Suzanne Labadie know if Ray Mort, Mr. Online Shakespeare, made me feel unsafe with his behavior and body language toward me?
How would she know if Eric Abbey made me feel unsafe with his behavior and body language toward me?
In her bogus document, Suzanne Labadie did exactly what she was accusing me of doing: calling me unsafe, using “bold and false accusation.”
~ * ~
I was the bully, according to my bully peer, Suzanne Labadie.
Suzanne Labadie’s bogus “incidence report” March 26, 2011 or March 26, 2012: “I was called a liar, told that I was morally bankrupt, unfair and lacked academic integrity. These baseless accusations, which amount to libelous ‘name calling,’ are a threat to my professional livelihood. Beyond that, however, I feel harassed and bullied into complying with the wishes of one faculty member over nine others who work in this department. This behavior has made it incredibly challenging to complete college business.”
Suzanne Labadie was unethical and a real “threat” to my “professional livelihood.”
Libel refers to the written word, “libel” like “library,” is how I remember the distinction.
~ * ~
Words were used not honestly by bully teacher Suzanne Labadie, but instead to tie a noose for my neck.
Suzanne Labadie’s bogus “incidence report” March 26, 2011 or March 26, 2012: “Further, every attempt of mine to adhere to the process this department has in place for scheduling has been met with undermining, insidious reactions from Ms. Fournier.”
Writing tip: don’t overuse adjectives like “insidious.”
Avoid editorializing regarding alleged facts, lest you may sound like you are protesting too much.
Scheduling “process”?
Correction: A grab bag, a political grab bag for teachers, a very small group of well-paid, prima-donna union teachers, not including adjuncts, adjuncts for whom students paid just as much per credit hour, and who greatly out-numbered full timers.
Adjuncts had no say in the schedule.
~ * ~
For the Fall 2012 semester, which was being arranged in Spring 2012, Suzanne Labadie misused her power to have once of my class sections moved from a computer classroom minus discussion, during a computer classroom time slot which I had held for some time, to teach demanding Composition II.
My section of students was moved across the hall to the computer classroom with poor sight lines.
Suzanne Labadie took the better computer classroom for herself and her students.
Without vote or discussion, Suzanne Labadie re-arranged the schedule for her own course section of something, which did not meet weekly on campus. She took this action for one of her own hybrid courses, held part online, part on campus, which means the better computer classroom went unused by Land of Motown Community College students for half the semester.
It’s in this group of Composition II students that one student, Phyliss Harden, complains–the only student to complain that she was allegedly afraid of me, six months after William MacQueen stated in his April 13, 2012 letter that many had complained, which was a ruse and a lie.
In part, the student complained due to her vision problems not being met by the appropriate student with disabilities’ office. As well, the student was in danger of failing.
~ * ~
A liar can either stop lying, or continue lying.
Suzanne Labadie continued.
In her bogus “incidence report” dated March 26, 2011 or March 26, 2012, Suzanne Labadie eventually worked up to a crescendo, describing “serious concern for the safety of attendees” at the March 8, 2012 monthly campus senate meeting, in which my alleged but nonspecific behavior supposedly “frightened” her.
Because her past misdeeds had been protected by the administration and because she was working with the administration to take me out, Suzanne Labadie had the audacity to falsely claim I frightened her due to my allegedly “shaking voice” and “erratic responses to conversation in the meeting (like laughing out-loud at the comments of other attendees).”
“Shaking voice”?
Saying what to whom?
I always laugh at clowns and the antics of ludicrously acting human animals, who behave so much worse than betrodden and caged zoo animals down the street.
Suzanne Labadie went way out of her way to sound like the hack psychiatrist she isn’t. She attributed to me “physical shaking and tics, refusal to make eye contact, and an emotional and flustered departure from the room at the end of the meeting.”
Uh, eye rolling?
Eye rolling requires looney bin restraint?
Suzanne Labadie’s March 26, 2011, no she meant March 26, 2012 document, is very dramatic.
The language is very closely cultivated to mock concerns in a voice mimicking a mental health care worker such as The Wolf and The Terminator, the hack shrinks to come my way, in May 2012 and December 2012–hack shrink appointments and subsequent reports, which had transpired before this bogus document may have been written–certainly before it was shared with me.
We never liked each other personally, but I did not butt my head into Suzanne Labadie’s personal and professional life.
Who was acting the bully?
~ * ~
In addition to help from hack shrinks, no doubt, only a lawyer could create hearsay like the following.
Suzanne Labadie’s bogus “incidence report,” March 26, 2011 or March 26, 2012: “I was not alone in my concerns about safety, a sentiment expressed by numerous attendees after her departure, including a licensed professional.”
Who? By name? Did not make a complaint directly?
Suzanne Labadie was no one’s supervisor. If others had complaints to make, they were free and required to make them directly to a supervisor.
March 8, 2012 at the campus senate meeting.
I did not all of sudden become physically frightening.
I didn’t wave a gun.
I didn’t make any threats or allusions to threats regarding any future plans to take action or enact physical violence.
I didn’t shout or interrupt.
I did not physically touch anyone.
Nothing happened. No one was hurt. No one was frightened.
People can speak and should for themselves in such serious matters.
No one actually or sincerely complained about me being scary and frightening all of a sudden.
~ * ~
April 13, 2012.
Land of Motown Community College decided it needed bring in bigger guns and outside ammunition in order to attack me and take me out: William MacQueen, my higher education mind rape Larry Nassar.

In William MacQueen’s bogus papertrail, no teacher complaint will be documented until January 24, 2014, with Suzanne Labadie’s bogus misdated document (March 26, 2011 vs. March 26, 2012). No student complaint will exist until October 31, 2012, when one classroom student, Phyliss Harden, out of 27 complained about my alleged behavior. And that student was in danger of failing the course.
The faculty contract prohibited retaliation by the administration for filing a grievance.
Faculty contract: “No restraining, coercive, discriminatory or retaliatory action of any type shall be taken against a faculty member by any supervisor because of the faculty member’s desire to file, initiate or participate in a complaint or grievance.”

In violation of the contract, April 13, 2012 marks the official start of the school’s bogus papertrail and the Land of Motown Community College sexist gaslight witchhunt.
In a few paragraphs, my rights to academic freedom and to file complaints and grievances was subjugated into a thoroughly fabricated concern for public safety.
Nemesis, attacker, teacher crusher, my Larry Nassar, the devil, an evil one.
There are not enough terms to condemn or control William MacQueen.

I knew war had been declared, on me, alone, by name, dated April 13, 2012, when I read, at home in my Garden City, Michigan garden, William MacQueen’s circuitous communication.

I’m a non believer but took care of the Lady that came with the backyard, thanks to Ethel, my husband’s mother, whom I never met.
Note the strange timeline established when my executioner officially launched the Land of Motown Community College bogus papertrail, in William MacQueen’s first words to me.
William MacQueen on behalf of Land of Motown Community College: “In April, 2010,” two years before, vaguely, to avoid calendar date comparisons, “your supervisor (whose roomy apartment oddly for an academic did not boast a bookshelf, as I noted, when attending a small department holiday party), “directed you in a written reprimand to keep your e-mail messages brief and to the point and be mindful of the tone of your verbal and written communications. He specifically directed you to ‘refrain from inflammatory language that could be deemed discourteous or uncivil.’ ”
On behalf of Land of Motown Community College, William MacQueen officially forgot Mr. Online Shakespeare’s letter about me, with the its inflammatory language, the English department’s gross lack of academic integrity since 2008.
Officially, aggressively, I alone was the villain. I alone was the hunted witch.
War on.
War on me.
~ * ~
Ok. I’ve worked through many metaphors trying to tell this whopping story. I stopped using Russian nesting doll metaphors years ago, but need to bring it back now.
I finally found the April 2010 document referenced in the letter the started the school’s bogus papertrail, dated April 13, 2012.
I had no idea I would be keeping paper and internet records for so long, so I didn’t establish a filing system or set and follow naming conventions.
I’m a bad secretary, good pack animal.
When I received my death notice, dated April 13, 2012, and for the longest time afterwards, I couldn’t find the April 2010 reference, and it was not supplied by the school, just like evidence for the school’s claims that I was crazy and dangerous in the view of many were never provided.
Flashback thanks to William MacQueen: Spring 2010 ambush.
The campus president, Steve Reif, was my supervisor. Why wasn’t he there?
Two deans, including Dean Lloyd Crews. One of the deans, Dean Mathews, was not my dean. Dean Mathews was not my supervisor.
Two black deans, at the campus closest to Detroit, with the greatest percentage of black students, tag teamed me.
That sounds racist.
I gotta say: I got the feeling by spring 2012, when I received the April 13, 2012 death sentence letter from William MacQueen, that upper administration, which leaned white, perniciously used black deans to do their dirty work on the ground.
That’s a claim based on racist culture.
And my experience with deans Lloyd Crews, David Mathews, Beverly Stanbrough and upper administration.
Weren’t the deans at the Southfield location all black, which is not true of the Royal Oak Location or any of the other four campuses, further away from Detroit?
Land of Motown Community College has five campuses in Oakland County, five presidents and a chancellor, who sits at District Office, which is remote from all campuses, and located in the very richest (and whitest) area of the state’s richest county.
Even now, in 2021, of eleven current college officers at Land of Motown Community College, sitting above the deans and five campus presidents, and below the Chancellor, one is black, the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Ironically, the only physically and threatening incident that transpired on campus at the same time as William MacQueen’s April 13, 2012 death sentence letter?
Around the April `13, 2012, a dean, yet another dean, became inappropriately physical with me.
Another ambush. In person. Involving a dean. In March or April 2012, around the time I received William MacQueen’s letter declaring war in my home mailbox.
Mostly teachers spent time with students not deans and other teachers, but one day without notice, I was, there is no other word, again ambushed, this time with great urgency, emergency style, as I walked down a hall minding my business.
Was it union rep Michael Vollbach who ushered and herded me? Or the Royal Oak campus secretary, Jan Akehurst, the one who wanted to be a full-time history teacher instead?

I was chuted into an office, like a beef cow going to slaughter.
Dean Beverly Stanbrough, who not my dean or my supervisor, physically grabbed me to tell me something, but I don’t know what, because she did not use adult college-level words. We were both seated at a round table, she sat to my left, and she grabbed me with her right or left hand around my left wrist, pretty strongly.
That’s my main memory: Dean Beverly Stanbrough aggressively grabbing me, with a look on her face that said, “Something Wicked This Way Comes.”
Dean Beverly Stanbrough, mother-handled me very unprofessionally, like I was a child she was warning or reprimanding.
Dean Beverly Stanbrough’s actual grown child taught on campus as an adjunct for a period of time and may still.

When Beverly Stanbrough manhandled me, I was shocked.
What is going on?
Who is the physical danger around here?

Oh god. This is not safe or fun.
For me, Lloyd Crews, David Matthews and Beverly Stanbrough were the administration’s thugs on the ground, on campus. After my demise, they each were promoted. They may have been promoted regardless, and may have each deserved promotion, but people who know Oakland County, home of Land of Motown Community College, know it has long been accused of using the city of Detroit and its majority black residents, of using black people, for their skin color. Hopefully things are changing for the better, but what better way to show your loyalty than to help murder and keep quiet?
~ *~
Dean ambushes aside, the rest of William MacQueen’s April 13, 2012 letter.

The April 13, 2012 horror continued, after returning from April `13, 2010, back to the present, to April 13, 2012.
William MacQueen: “Notwithstanding these directives [from April 2010 to shut up], faculty members, administrators and students have complained that they currently feel bullied and harassed and/or fear for their personal safety because of your inflammatory statements (in person and via email) and erratic behavior and demeanor in recent months.”
Multiple complaints from teachers and students about my behavior causing concern for personal safety?
An outright lie.
I had been on the job for seven years.
I was tenured.
I had not exhibited any “erratic behavior.” Dean Beverly Stanbrough, however, had.
I wasn’t approached by any student or any immediate supervisor about any student complaints whatsoever. My record with students was very good. Year after year, I didn’t have any issues with students.
What “statements” of mine caused concern for physical well being? None were provided. Suzanne Labadie’s March 26, 2011 or March 26, 2012 bogus “incident report” was never shared by the school and did not appear until unemployment court in 2014.
Thankfully, I rarely encountered my co-workers. We did not meet more than once a semester, at best, and usually less.
~ * ~
Nothing had transpired over the past months except the back channel set up to silence me.
~ * ~
Reading William MacQueen’s first letter, finally, I realized that I needed a lawyer, but you can’t get a lawyer overnight, or get the right lawyer in two weeks.
I informed William MacQueen through e-mail that I would not attend a bogus due process meeting without documentation about what I’d supposedly done, provided to me in advance. No documentation, no actual due process.
Meanwhile, I sought legal aid.

~ * ~
William MacQueen moved before I could locate and secure a lawyer.
Because the plan was to take me down, regardless of the facts.
On April 19, 2012, another letter from William MacQueen quickly followed the first.
Less than a week after his first letter, six calendar dates later, my nemesis stuck again, with a follow up letter pushing his deviously constructed narrative that I was suddenly acting erratically on the job.
I had told him my lawyer would be in contact.
And then we could meet.
But my nemesis did not wait.
William MacQueen, letter number two.
April 19, 2012.

William MacQueen carried forth his plan to take out, successfully eradicate, a tenured union teacher, if not a male English teacher at Ronald Reagan Democrat Community College (John Bonnell) then a female English teacher at Land of Motown Community College, me.
William MacQueen April 19, 2012.: “These allegations [vague and totally unsubstantiated]. . . give rise to concern whether your mental state poses a threat to your colleagues or others. To assist in making an informed about your behavior and determining an appropriate response to it, you are directed to undergo a mental status examination by a psychiatrist selected by the college.”
I was directed to undergo a mental status examination by a psychiatrist selected by the college.
There was no behavior to analyze, just the torches to light.
April 19, 2012 letter my Larry Nassar put his fingers up my vagina in front of all the other teachers, the union and the administration, who just watched and let him.
William MacQueen April 19, 2012: “Because you have not responded to my request, it is necessary that I specify the date and time of your mental examination without your input. You are directed to undergo a mental examination by Linda Forsberg, PhD, beginning at 9 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2012 and beginning at 11:00 am and ending at 2:00 pm, on May 2, 2012.”
“Necessary?” No. Retaliation.
A two day event? Ordering a two day mental health exam under these circumstances can only be seen as combat.
This extraordinary lengthy exam is generally reserved for people, in society, in police custody, AFTER they’ve committed mass murder.
~ * ~
When lying, go big.
William MacQueen April 19, 2012: “Ms. Fournier, your colleagues and administrators are very worried about your emotional and mental health not only because of the effects of your behavior on them as colleagues but also out of deep concern for you and your own well-being.”
Clearly, my colleagues did not care about me and the suggestion they did is abhorrent.
~ * ~
William MacQueen April 19, 2012: “Your failure to comply with this directive will leave the administration without medical opinion regarding your alleged behavior with your colleagues and, most critically, whether you pose a threat of injury to them or others.”
Despite the obvious inversion of who was harassing whom on campus at Land of Motown Community College, there is no way to determine who is going to pull the next mass murder in America.
More plainly, I’d done nothing! I’d touched no one! I’d not made any threats! I’d no police record or history of crime or violence!
I was set up!
~ * ~
My nemesis William MacQueen made his plan known and clear: my full-scale termination as a human being.
William MacQueen April 19, 2012: “Because this opinion is needed to determine an appropriate response, if any, to the questions raised by your behavior, the administration will be left with no choice but to move for the termination of your employment under Section 6.3 of the OCC-OCCFA Master Agreement.”
Submit your mind and body, or be fired.
William MacQueen: “Termination.”
The first utterance. April 19, 2012. About ten months before suicide swatting and looney bin lock up.
This must be what that the accused in Salem felt.
~ * ~
Gina’s Law. Called to the witness stand, Lloyd Crews, addressed as Dean Crews in William MacQueen’s April 13, 201`2 letter that launched the Land of Motown Community College witchhunt.
“Dean Lloyd Crews, please tell me, how would you explain your role in my murder today?”
He has remained silent and safe.
Please look at this email dated 5/3/2009, from me to you, Dean Crews, about how I felt unsafe around Ray Mort.
ME: “Please be aware that I feel very uncomfortable around another member of the RO/SF ENG department. I just took the PDTC course “Renewing . . . .” and believe that [Mr. Online Shakespeare] Ray Mort’s behavior toward me is clearly ‘hostile’ and has been for years, with cumulative negative effects. . . I am fully unnerved at the prospect of sitting in meetings with him.”
“Jury of my peers! When I told him in writing that Mr. Online Shakespeare made me feel physically uncomfortable in May 3, 2009, you guessed it, my dean, Lloyd Crews, ignored me.”
“Dean Crews, why did you ignore my concerns about my safety on campus dating back to 2009?”
“Dean Crews, did you feel coerced by the administration?”

~ * ~
Since my demise, Lloyd Crews has worked a world he told me was “fucking weird” at the one Christmas party held, maybe in 2005, early in my Land of Motown Community College nightmare.

~ * ~
I gotta give the guy credit. Lloyd Crews did tell me to not become comfortable, when he welcomed me to campus, in 2005.
Outright with a smile and no malice, it seemed.
Genuinely, to me in his office when I began working at Land of Motown Community College, Dean Lloyd Crews said maybe a few of us, who really wanted to put students first, could make the place better.
Or start our own school.
~ * ~
Seven years later, in November 2012, Dean Lloyd Crews walked me to the door with police escort.
I swear on my life Dean Lloyd Crews told me, again I thought honestly, that I would be able to “sue the crap” out of the place. I get the feeling he would deny saying so now.
My comments in response were more vulgar, though not shouted, purposely not shouted.

~ * ~
Since I last saw him, in November 2012, Lloyd Crews has done well for himself.

After I was thrown under the bus by the teachers union?
Lloyd Crews won election to the city of Southfield city council and befriended Brenda Lawrence, former mayor, now Democratic U.S. Congresswoman.
Did Lloyd Crews walk over my dead body to lift his career rise?
Did keeping quiet about my murder help elevate Lloyd Crews, in any measure?
Did Lloyd Crews help throw me under the bus and then keep quiet in order to improve his standing and connections? Brenda Lawrence moved from state of Michigan to federal politics during this time period.

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