I’m still editing after initial construction in spring 2019. In order to polish a piece, I need to edit a lot and still need an outside editor. I publish while still under construction because I need accumulating actual mental torture to stop.
This defense attempts to correct the record. It requires an elaborate time structure (which requires an extra amount of very painful editing). And documentation when one is falsely accused of delusion, hallucination and psychosis. This is not a memoir. This is me still trying to save my life from retaliatory criminal (not forensic) psychiatry.
Since the spring and summer of 2019, when I first drafted this website, I’ve been filing rounds of Michigan Civil Rights complaints in response to current retaliation and harassment from my many attackers (school, police, Catholics, state of Michigan), as well as surviving. My complaints have been accepted and are still under investigation, delayed due to COVID. They are means toward possible legal redress, as I understand it.
New Part Three Chapter Titles:
- Gaslighting
- Hack Shrink#1 The Wolf
- Compare and Contrast Evaluations Land of Motown Community College Hack Shrinks vs St. Mary Merciless Absent Doctor
- Hack Shrink #2 The Terminator
- Something Wicked This Way Came
- Set Up For Suicide Swatting

May 2012.
The first week of the month.
After William MacQueen’s two letters on behalf of Land of Motown Community College, in April 2012, dated April 13 and 19, 2012, retaliating, violating the contract and falsely accusing me of being suddenly crazy dangerous without cause.
Upper Oakland County.
I met William MacQueen and he met me, with my lawyer, Nick Roumel, by my side.
The day a man I had never before met, who had never met me, without honest cause, went beyond his two April 2012 letters and accused me of being crazy dangerous like a school shooter, like a mass murderer, to my face.
For me, he wore a bowtie.
My executioner looked like the guy from movie The Paper Chase, Charles W. Kingsfield Jr., played by John Houseman.

William MacQueen’s appointment had only been recently announced through school wide e-mail by the chancellor, Tim Meyer.
According to the chancellor, through e-mail, on April 13, 2012, William MacQueen had started at the college two days before, on April 11, 2012. But how could that be? Only two days was needed to launch his attack against me?
Later, in its July 2013 press release (previously posted), announcing William MacQueen’s permanent placement at the top of human resources, Land of Motown Community College said William MacQueen started in March 2012, when I stated my intention to file a grievance, an action protected from retaliation in the faculty contract.
Land of Motown Community College simply can’t be trusted about when William MacQueen began working on campus and what his true role was.
And it shouldn’t be trusted about its Big Lies about me, either.
If I was really such a physical threat to the community safety, all of a sudden, why did the school wait for some new old guy to handle me, then not get straight when William MacQueen was actually hired?

A skilled integrator, William MacQueen maliciously, but nonsensically and very unfairly and outlandishly, accused me of being a mass murderer.

Without any basis, William MacQueen stated, in a low slow voice, that a woman in Alabama had murdered co-workers, which meant Land of Motown Community College had to take action to stop me from doing the same.
He seemed to reference the case of Amy Bishop.
Amy Bishop had a history of being around gun violence while holding the gun, when her brother died, two decades before she murdered co-workers after being denied tenure.

My judge and executioner did not feel the need to support his claims with documentation, unlike the requirement for college writing students.
William MacQueen was hired to dismantle me and stop me from filing a grievance, so he cooked up the sickest, cruel plot.
William MacQueen said he needed to invoke a barely used clause in the 100-page teacher contract, which barely mentioned students.
Alone among 300 supposedly union protected teachers, who were constantly bickering over something, I would need to have my head examined, not my bully peers Ray Mort, Eric Abbey or Suzanne Labadie.
I was such a sudden danger, allegedly, I would need to pack a lunch and an overnight bag, and have my head examined, over a two-day, 11-hour period, like an accused mass murder, in police custody.
In order to keep my job, I was expected to comply.
Others just needed to teach.
~ * ~
This one fateful meeting changed the course of my life.
No threat, no threat assessment team, no criminal record, no violent history, no recent police interaction, no recent charges, no recent arrest.
No gun, no interest in guns, no interest in weapons other than words, pen, paint brush, a cellphone camera.
No evidence, no reason.
Behind closed doors, off the record, in modern America.
Suddenly I became a public enemy.
Being accused of potential mass murder material like this by Land of Motown Community College?
That’s mental torture.
I’m still defending myself.
I should not need to do so.
I need and deserve to have my name cleared in order to end mental torture.
~ * ~
Seven long years later (first draft, 2019). Nine long years later (edit, 2021).
On the news today, too many days. Another mass shooting. For real, of course.
There have been so many. New Zealand, my husband lived there. In the states, at Walmart’s, Kroger’s, malls, schools and movie theaters.
In Oakland County.
It wasn’t me. I didn’t kill any one. I’m not violent.

~ * ~
Nick Roumel, my lawyer I hired on the fly, sat next to me, but he didn’t prevent my death.

Nick Roumel began mishandling my case his first day on the job.
For the first meeting with William MacQueen, my lawyer Nick Roumel was late.
My Ann Arbor lawyer ran out of gas on the way to the meeting, and I had to rescue him. Nick Roumel wasn’t used to driving from Washtenaw County to Oakland County. He didn’t realize how many miles and roads and turns were involved in order to cross from Ann Arbor, arch over Detroit and land in Bloomfield Hills.
Because of Nick Roumel’s miscalculations, he and I arrived late, for a meeting that meant my life.
While sitting in my dirty brown Honda CRX, Nick Roumel called ahead to let William MacQueen know we’d be late.
I heard his jovial tone.
Immediately, William MacQueen was handed the upper hand by my own lawyer .

William MacQueen
My expenditure for a lawyer, my life savings of $6,000, about matches the $6,700 Susan Sarandon loses to Brad Pitt in a motel, in movieland.
Have you seen the film, Thelma & Louise?
Like fictional Louise, money did not stop or solve my problem.
In my case, my problem remains the sudden onset of sexist, bogus, retaliatory mental health care.
A real witch hunt, Mr. President, former president Trump, by my state and federally supported higher education employer, in modern America, in plain sight.
With about 300 actually protected tenured union teachers watching, silently.
Teachers are not necessarily nice people, any kid will tell you.
Furthermore, there is a great deal of corruption within unions.
The Machus Red Fox restaurant, where labor leader Jimmy Hoffa was last seen in 1971, is very close to Land of Motown Community College District headquarters, where I was accused of being school shooter material the first week of May 2012.
In Oakland County, there are a lot of dead bodies buried along with Jimmy Hoffa, I sense.
One year after I was thrown under the bus by the same union teachers,
they tried to get rid of the guy in charge, Chancellor Tim Meyer, who had announced William MacQueen’s arrival and later touted his accomplishments.

they tried to get rid of the guy in charge, Chancellor Tim Meyer. For those who like to read ahead, the ironies and coincidences only gets worse. After the chancellor who announced William MacQueen was eventually ousted, a few years years later, he was appointed Deputy County Executive of Oakland County under notorious L. Brooks Patterson.
~ * ~
When my attorney Nick Roumel offered no good come back to William MacQueen’s empty accusation, and provided me inadequate defense, I felt like I was being beheaded, in plain sight, because I spoke honestly about students learning how not to read in high school: students get away with faking reading at Land of Motown Community College, and beyond.
~ * ~
Mixed metaphors: using too many metaphors to describe something.
Forgive the mixed metaphors (gaslight, witchhunt, murder, execution, beheading).
In Composition I, I told students to avoid the roller coaster cliché when writing personal narrations. Many used the metaphor anyway. I understand.
I’ve been running around with my head cut off for seven years, nine years, ON A ROLLER COASTER RIDE THROUGH HELL!
The above editorial exclamation is dedicated to the students who stayed in my classes and honestly worked very hard to earn their grades.
Even when they lied and cheated, my community college students made for much better company than my peers.
~ * ~
What did my My Ann Arbor lawyer, Nick Roumel, do for me, if not save my life and stop William MacQueen?
Later, in November 2012, he filed a federal claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Nick Roumel told me filing with the EEOC was a waste of time, but a necessary step for any further legal action. It was determined I did not have the money for any further legal action.
First, however, dated April 27, 2012, fourteen days after the onset of William MacQueen, Nick Roumel wrote Land of Motown Community College a letter in my defense, invoking the 1944 film Gaslight with Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer and, knight in shining armor, Joseph Cotton.

~ * ~

April 27, 2012.
Nick Roumel was “extremely troubled” that Land of Motown Community College “was ordering” me “to attend a fitness for duty exam, citing vague concerns with worries about the state of her ‘mental and emotional health.'”
Me, too.
Please realize, there is zero agreement about “mental health.”
Mental, emotional, psychological and psychiatric so-called health care terms, alive in the world, are messier than the first drafts of student papers written on cellphones.
~ * ~
Nothing has stopped this train from running over my neck.
Certainly not Nick Roumel’s written response to Land of Motown Community College and William MacQueen’s retaliatory attack.
Nick Roumel: “ . . . in contrast to legal standards, you have articulated only a general concern about Ms. Fournier’s ‘well being.’ There is no evidence that her duties suffered, or that the problems were severe enough for you to prevent her from performing her duties. Instead, from all indications, you are primarily displeased that she exercises her First Amendment rights, including that of academic freedom, to question authority, the status quo, and sometimes to criticize her colleagues. Indeed, I am especially struck that her colleagues’ main complaints, stemming from November, 2008, and continuing to the present, involve things that Ms. Fournier has merely said or written. I also find it telling that your request for a mental health exam came on the heels of two grievances filed by Ms. Fournier in late March of this year, directed at the criticism of her colleagues, which is certainly an effective way to silence grievances (sic).”
Nick Roumel forgot to mention that I wasn’t dangerous and did not own a gun, therefore, in no way, deserved the accusation of school shooter material or the ordering of a mandatory two-day forensic psychiatric exam.
Nick Roumel did allude by date to Mr. Online Shakespeare Ray Mort’s 2008 character smear.
However, though Nick Roumel mentioned my March 2012 recent attempts to file grievances, he did not mention Land of Motown Community College’s violation of faculty contract in legal terms. He did not name prohibited retaliation, provide the relevant contract number or quote the faculty contract.
A serious ommission.
That’s what I failed to do when I filed in complete my first grievance in 2009!
Nick Roumel was hired to be a lawyer and use all legal means, but he failed to cross reference the school’s action with the faculty contract it was breaking.
~ * ~
Nick Roumel got the gist generally right, but was sloppy or short-sighted, and he screwed up my defense.
He was on the right track, but he failed to emphasize in detail the full picture and grand slam home the total lack of evidence that I had acted ‘erratically,’ as falsely charged.
He failed to stop my murder.
~ * ~
I never should have gone to any hack shrinks.
The hack shrinks carried the killer paper trail forward into action.
Disastrously bad call.
Sending me to hack shrinks was another one of Nick Roumel’s mistakes.
~ * ~
I should have walked away from my savings of 6 grand, my un-refundable down payment.
I should have ignored Nick Roumel’s advice and not subjected myself to the bias of psychiatry.
I did not listen to my gut.
My sick husband needed my health insurance.
Well. Hindsight.
~ * ~
Here’s the best line from Nick Roumel’s soft defensive: “I can only conclude that you are ‘gaslighting’ Ms. Fournier, trying to convince her she must have a psychological defect, in order to redirect the sting of her comments.”
At the time, I was overly impressed with his Hollywood touch.
~ * ~
Unfortunately, I think the usual suspects came between me and my first civil rights lawyer, Nick Roumel (there has been no second lawyer civil rights): money and sexism.
Deep down I wonder if Nick believed I had become the mad woman in the attic.
Counselling me to attend the hack shrinks was disastrously bad counsel based in sexism and a lack of understanding about the bias and sexism in psychiatry.
Bottom line, nine months later, Nick Roumel gave up, after screwing up.
Contractual violations should have been presented.
I should have refused the hack shrinks and forced the college to fire me, which I tried to do on my own later, on Facebook.
In January 2013, Nick Roumel counselled me to quit my tenured teaching position, sign away my rights to sue and take a one-time buy out of less than half a year’s salary.
I declined.
Soon after, less than a month later, I was suicide swatted by Land of Motown Community College.
Chapter: Hack Shrink #1 The Wolf.
May 10, 2012.
Land of Motown Community College hack shrink #1 of 2.
My soft touch lawyer got my brain-picking session reduced from two days to hours, which sounded better, but was still wrongheaded.
So, a shorter visit to the psychiatric henchman was arranged.
Wolf. That was his last name.
One thing I knew for sure sitting there: I should not have been sitting there.
I tried to bring a patient advocate.
No, The Wolf replied.
I, for sure, wanted to record the session.
No, The Wolf was opposed, and The Wolf had all the power.
Nick Roumel was incorrectly unconcerned with these details.

~ * ~
Ironically, my single-serving, mental health care mercenary psychiatrist, The Wolf, was agitated and hostile.
The Wolf was also white, male, a senior citizen, and a complete stranger, like the man who hired him.
Both were misusing tax payer and tuition dollars.
~ * ~
The Wolf asked me superficial questions about my life of 48 years.
He asked me questions about my relationship to co-workers.
He did not share with me any documentation of alleged specific objectionable behaviors of mine or describe any specific objectionable behaviors of mine.
It was assumed that I had been objectionable when in fact I had not been.
The Wolf told me women were naturally crazy, whether they were bleeding on their periods or not.
A University of Michigan diploma hung on the diploma on the wall.
There was no witness.

I didn’t have internet connection to reference any pictures of wolves. I can remember needing to hurry up and finish the painting of The Wolf, because I was so upset, like right now, in 2021.
Near the end of less than two hours, The Wolf asked me about my menstrual period.
Afterward, to complete his contract to pummel me without leaving external bruises, The Wolf wrote a single-spaced report of four pages, with a lot of words about me.
The most grating? “Grandiose.”
You know, like former U.S. president Donald Trump.
~ * ~
The Wolf: ” Prior to interviewing the claimant, I reviewed the documents you provided.”
What documents?
No documents were shared with me.
Just a paperchase.

Nick Roumel never should have counseled me to attend a hack shrink psychiatric appointment.
I never should have subjected myself to voluntary psychiatric mistreatment.
The Wolf described me as borderline delusional for being rightfully wary of a for hire mercenary shrink appointment.
The Wolf: “At the beginning of the interview, Ms. Fournier took out an audio recorder and insisted that she had a legal right to record the examination. I do not permit interviewees to record the interview . . . She phoned her attorney who apparently counseled her to proceed without recording and it appears that she did so.”
My own lawyer helped gaslight and murder me.
I told the Wolf that Land of Motown Community Community College was retaliating against me and my protected speech.
The Wolf: “Review of the documents . . . provided revealed numerous complaints voiced by Ms. Fournier about colleagues and supervisors, primarily contained in emails.”
Physical harm is not possible through email.
And no threats of violence existed in my emails, just concerns about the schedule and bullying peers.
The Wolf: “There are student complaints indicating that she has been demeaning and disrespectful . . . “
Where? What student complaints? From Rate My Professor?
No student complaints were shared with me or my lawyer.
I had no history of student complaints and did not suddenly act erratically with students to cause student complaints.
The Wolf vaguely mentioned ” . . . teacher complaints, which cite bullying and inappropriate behavior.”
Did The Wolf see an earlier version of Suzanne Labadie’s March 26, 2011, no she meant March 26, 2012, alleged “incident report,” filled with hearsay and no more than eye rolling behavior, which she submitted to an Oakland County administrative course as evidence on January 24, 2014?
At this point, I hadn’t.
Land of Motown Community College never shared Suzanne Labadie’s March 26 2011 or 2012 document with me.
The Wolf shared no documentation, no specifics about my supposed behavior with me during the interview, and no specifics exist in his slaughter of a pseudo medical report.
Ray Mort, Eric Abbey, William MacQueen, The Wolf: all sexist manipulators, following the course of sexist human history.
Here’s The Wolf describing a sane woman, me, and my response to inescapable killer sexism and psychological attack: “mildly anxious, often argumentative, and highly suspicious.”
Who wouldn’t be?
The Wolf covered all the ground he was hired to cover: initial diagnosis, which could be expanded upon by hack shrink #2, borderline delusions, which could be expanded upon by hack shrink #2, a question of possible “hallucinations,” which could be expanded upon by hack shrink #2, “no apparent suicidal, aggressive or homicidal ideation, intent or plan,” which could be expanded upon when the college suicide swatted me.
I was being set up for further abuse.
The Wolf: “Gina Fournier presented as an alert, full oriented, marginally cooperative, middle-aged Caucasian woman. She was properly dressed, and her grooming and hygiene were excellent. I would estimate her intellectual ability to be in the highest average range, at least. There was no evidence of cognitive impairment of an organic type. She was mildly anxious, often argumentative, and highly suspicious. Although there no clear evidence of a thought disorder of a psychotic type, there were clear suggestions of paranoia and grandiosity which at least bordered on being delusional. There was no history or evidence of hallucinations. There was no apparent suicidal, aggressive or homicidal ideation, intent or plan. Ms. Fournier thought it ludicrous that she could be regarded as posing a threat of physical violence to anyone in the workplace.”
~ * ~
Without actual cause, after one visit of less than two hours, The Wolf concluded that I had a “Personality Disorder with mixed features.”
Furthermore, he assaulted, “it is certainly possible that she also has an Axis I disorder, either Bipolar Disorder or Delusional Order.”
Given his appearance, age, belly, and horrible disposition, it’s certainly possible The Wolf suffered from Misogyny Disorder.
Please realize that no such thing as “bi-polar” actually scientifically exists, unlike cancer, which actually exists. Through reading, I’ve come to learn about: the rise of psychiatry in the 1980s; the creation of the psychiatric bible, the DSM; widespread labeling and mislabeling based on trends and bias, not the individual and her experiences; over-reliance on the biomedical model of mental health, which has never proven the chemical imbalance theory; that the chemical imbalance theory is a theory that has been debunked but without recognition by the mainstream; and the rise of misrepresented psychiatric drugs sold by Big Media and Big Medicine for Big Pharma, with lots of corruption, greed and ego in the mix–just like higher education, religion, life.
The Wolf had no basis for labeling me with psychiatry as damaged.
He was paid brute who bludgeoned me using unethical tricks of his trade.
~ * ~
Ironically, contradictorily, The Wolf criticized me for judging psychiatry based on my experience with one, once, twenty years early, but did not hesitate to box my body and mind and call me sick in the head after one visit with him.
~ * ~
February 22, 2013, the Livonia, Michigan Police were not told by Land of Motown Community College about Land of Motown Community College’s behavior in the three-quarters of a year before I was suicide swatted by Land of Motown Community College.
Over the course of a week, St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward staff did not speak with me enough to even ask.
I was worn down by psychological abuse.
~ * ~
At first, I naively thought The Wolf sounded torn, when he said I was both “entirely oblivious to the possibility” that I might suffer from a psychiatric disorder and that I should be “regarded as fit for duty.”
But now I better realize that The Wolf was acting and playing a role, both good cop and bad cop rolled into one. The Wolf tried to dress up as dear sweet Gramma, but underneath was ferocious and lethal.
The Wolf was hired by William MacQueen to lay the groundwork for hack shrink #2 and to crack open the door to progressively condemning the mind and mental health of Gina Fournier, in future paperchase paperwork, no matter actual Gina Fournier.
It was a chess move, ordering a second hack shrink, that Nick Roumel did not see coming, like Nick Roumel did not anticipate William MacQueen’s full plan: call me suddenly crazy dangerous, then call me suddenly a bad teacher, and connect the two, using The Family Medical Leave act, which would allow the school to stop paying me without firing me. That’s the bind I was in when Land of Motown Community College suicide swatted me: I was neither paid, given due process or fired.
~ * ~
Superficially, the Wolf described the undetailed supposedly serious matter on campus about me “personnel management rather than psychiatric disability.”
But speciously, The Wolf prepared for the next step in William MacQueen’s plan, for hack shrink # 2, and continued the false narrative of my rapidly declining mental health.
~ * ~
I responded to The Wolf’s written report with my own written report.
I had to defend myself. Of course, I did. Wouldn’t you?
How could I let one sexist hack to exert his voice without asserting my own?
When I told Nick Roumel my plan, he did not counsel me otherwise.

I thought for sure, once people heard what was happening to a tenured female community college teacher, enough of the right people would flock to my story in order to stop the attack.
Although it would be embarrassing, telling my story would save me.
So, I figured that I needed to parallel the false paper trail with my own and show that I objected from the start.
~ * ~
September 11, 2012.
My Rebuttal to The Wolf.
Me to The Wolf: “I met with Elliott Wolf involuntarily on May 10 at his office, to comply with the illegal and inappropriate demand of my employer, Land of Motown Community College, at the request of interim human resources director, William MacQueen.”
Perhaps the demand was not illegal in terms of existing federal or state law, but it was a violation of the faculty contract’s prohibition against retaliation and it was civil rights violation.
Forcing me to endure Elliott Wolf so my life could be destroyed should have been prevented by law.

Like I discovered William MacQueen’s teacher crushing past quickly online, I also got the scoop about The Wolf.
Me to The Wolf: “Elliott Wolf became defensive when I mentioned how numerous commentators voice extreme disregard for Elliott Wolf as a professional on various medical review internet websites based on similar involuntary meetings. These meetings are evidently more usually held at the request of health insurance companies seeking to deny benefits, rather than community colleges to silence faculty dissent. Elliott Wolf suggested forcefully that all of the many involuntary nonpatients who review him–some have wished his family bodily harm–hold unfair grudges and that none were good judges of his character.”
One reviewer from 2010 suggesting taking a recorder and advised that The Wolf would lie in his report following evaluation.
How come attorney Nick Roumel did not know what was really going on?

As writing teacher, I told students: Don’t over-quote. Write your own papers. Use quotes to support point, but quote sparingly.
Reserve quoting for emphasis.
All guidelines and rules about quoting were ignored by The Wolf.
Me to The Wolf: “Throughout his written report, Elliott Wolf placed quotations marks around words and attributed to my name words that were not my actual words. He knowingly and purposefully misquotes me, even thought he realizes that I am a college English teacher and professional writer who would naturally object to such practices.”
There was no reason just retaliation at play.
Me to The Wolf: “I made it very clear to Elliott Wolf that Land of Motown Community College had not presented ANY evidence evidence either to me or my attorney to support William MacQueen’s deeply offensive claim that he suddenly feared I might shoot and murder people. Not one student complaint, teacher complaint or administrative complaint has ever been shared in writing to date naming me in any nature, not as a bully or a physical threat, a fact which I made clear during the meeting with Elliott Wolf. Yet Elliott Wolf’s report purposefully and erroneously misstates the facts: “she complained that she had not been able to review some of the documents.”
“Misrepresent” would have been a better word. Wolf misrepresented the school and misrepresented me. He did not mention that he failed to show me the documents he supposedly had access to.
The Wolf did lie in his report when he omitted his discussion of my menstrual cycle in his report.
Me to the Wolf: “Elliott Wolf looked at the clock and told me the meeting was almost over. Hearing that welcome news, I let my guard down and fell prey to gender power tricks. After Elliott Wolf promised I could leave soon, he asked me about my menstrual cycle, though he purposefully omitted this topic of conversation from his lengthy, single spaced report. I objected to his question. In response, with agitation and a patronizing tone, he explained, in basic medical terms a few sentences, the old line, which isn’t true, that woman are prone to being subject to insanity because of their naturally functioning biology.”
In summary.
Me to The Wolf: “Based on our meeting and his report,” I countered, The Wolf “was determined to prove that I was being unreasonable and paranoid, whether I actually demonstrated those characteristics or not.”
I emailed The Wolf my response on September 11, 2012.
Immediately, The Wolf contacted Gary Casey.
Gary Casey was a long-time, inner-circle, Land of Motown Community College human resources lawyer.
Gary Casey could only be seen, like below, as a name lurking on e-mail chains, not at any faculty meetings.
The Wolf contacted Gary Casey instead of William MacQueen to diffuse causality and connection.
September 11, 2012.
The Wolf took the next steps to call my insane, “frankly delusional,” with a “psychotic thought disorder.”
Delusional about what?
The post-fact world hit my universe early.
My right and need to correct the record was used against me minus facts and evidence because psychiatry is the softest of sciences.
The Wolf to Gary Casey, who was working with William MacQueen: “As indicated earlier today on the phone, I received an email from Gina Fournier, whom I saw at your request last May for an independent psychiatric examination. I have attached a copy of her email for your review–it is replete with ideas and statements that are frankly delusional.”
Hack motherfucker.
Just another dominate white boy piece of shit in America allowed to destroy lives.

The Wolf raped me with his words, because he was paid and instructed, then to protect his ego and reputation.
The Wolf: “”You may recall that in my previous report I indicated that I was not certain that Ms. Fournier had a psychotic thought disorder. After reading the attached e-mail in my view that is no longer in question.”
I didn’t realize that psychiatry could be as diabolical as Catholicism. Then I learned how diabolical the Livonia Catholics could be.
Criticizing The Wolf meant I was nutz, “delusional,” right out the patriarchy handbook from which bully teachers Ray Mort, Eric Abbey and even Suzanne Labadie, and the school’s administration, played from before William MacQueen.
I still think Dean Lloyd Crews and other deans were merely willing pawns who mouthed what they were told to mouth.
But I’m still naive.
~ * ~
Here’s what kills me about being called delusional by all these strangers for hire: they don’t even bother to cite my supposed delusion. They can’t relay my story about little green men taking me away because none has ever been uttered. No think I’m god delusions. My concerns about the school setting up are heavily documented.
Psychiatry without personal consent or personal contact had begun.
Unfortunately, this was just the beginning.
By now, on social media, trolls diagnosis me all the time.
~ * ~
I was not delusional or psychotic, but insubordinate to my overlord’s henchman.
And I’ve paid dearly.
~ * ~
Wow. I fell short in my teaching duties. I should have told students that documentation, documented lies, can be used to dismantle a person, so be alert.
~ * ~
Chapter: Something Wicked This Way Came
Gaslighting was a conscious plan in action helped by psychiatry.
Land of Motown Community College proved it was willing to use cruelty, false concern for community safety and false concern for my mental mental health–it was willing to use tools of torture to my end career.

begins to negatively affect her.
October 2012 was a busy month.
Too busy.
Nick Roumel said I needed to see somebody for positive balance, preferably a psychiatrist.
Nick Roumel did not provide any recommendations for a psychiatrist.
Based on my newly emerging understanding of so-called mental health care, I was not interested in facing another psychiatrist.
A psychiatrist has way too much power.
Any psychiatrist who would cavort in the same medical association with The Wolf and The Terminator could not be trusted.
People simply aren’t automatically trustworthy.
My therapist was Dr. John Mlinarcik, who was recommended to me by my natural doctor, Dr. Julie Two Moon.

Dr. Julie TwoMoon helped me loose weight and administered acupuncture.
She also listened to me like no medical doctor has been willing to do since the onset of criminal psychiatry.

Dr. John went by Dr. John due to his unusual last name.
We began seeing each other on May 7, 2012. That’s the same week I met William MacQueen.
I had to get a therapist on the fly just like I was forced to get a lawyer, pronto.
Given the circumstances, Dr. John was my choice for defense against gaslighting.
After Dr Julie recommended Dr. John, and I began meeting with him, I stuck with Dr. John because he did not use standard mental health care jargon in our sessions.
Dr. John wasn’t helping me much–he was no match for the other side pushing against me–but I needed someone I could ideally trust, who could ideally speak positively for me in contrast to the mental health paper trail being constructed about me with malice.
Unfortunately, like my lawyer, Nick Roumel, my therapist Dr. John did not take William MacQueen and the Land of Motown Community College seriously enough.
Dr. John did not foresee the damage that could and would be done by the hack shrinks, either.
Dr. John smiled a lot, annoyingly, when things in my life were not funny.
We did not talk about behaviors I needed to correct.
I told him what was going on at work and at home. He listened and cracked bad jokes.
Maybe, in a roundaboput way, we talked about trying to be a strong female in a sexist world, very generally, but Dr. John had no experience and no tricks in this regard.
And he did not possess enough comprehension of the devastating sexist attack I was enduring, just like attorney Nick Roumel.
Switching to someone else untested would have been just as haphazard as staying with Dr. John.
October 9, 2012.
Dr. John wrote a letter on my behalf that was shared with Land of Motown Community College by Nick Roumel.
I did not approve of the language in the letter Dr. John wrote, which was shared through attorney Nick Roumel with William MacQueen.
I think the letter was weak, appeased my attackers and did not hold Land of Motown Community College responsible for causing the stress in my life unnecessarily.
Dr. John strived to sound like a psychologist willing to work with William MacQueen’s nonsense, not a life coach or the business man he was on paper. Dr. John’s office also counseled car dealerships and salespeople about how to sell cars.
I especially disapproved of more vague talk about my supposed “behavior,” but at this point, the plan set by Nick Roumel was to work with Land of Motown Community College and play softball.
They say if you hire a lawyer, you’re supposed to do what they say.

Dr. John about me to Land of Motown Community College: “This woman possesses exceptional intelligence, strong creativity and prolific writing skills. She reports being actively engaged in her professional work, personal life and related matters. Some of her behaviors, however, within the past six to eight months, have apparently increased her psychosocial stressors, in many spheres of her life.”
Grade: No.
Land of Motown caused me grief.
More unwelcome brain picking, that I paid for, at a discount rate because Dr. John was not covered by my MESSA health insurance. (Neither was Dr. Julie.)
Dr. John about me to Land of Motown Community College: “In my office and throughout my interviews with Ms. Fournier, while she has demonstrated signs of distress, hurt and anger, she has been oriented to time, person and place. Further she has not revealed any thought, plans or threats of harm to self or others. Rather the opposite showing high levels of compassion and sensitivity.”
Grade: Better.
I was not delusional or crazy. I was “compassionate.”
Dr. John about me to Land of Motown Community College: “This Land of Motown Community College instructor is attentive, very spirited, and driven with high emotions. As such, she has been experiencing conflicts in some of her relationships. Reportedly, there have been recent displays of anger with the expression of emotions and opinions via her work setting. In fact, she may be ‘guilty’ of intense vigilance, as expressed through her passions toward her work and perhaps defensiveness leading to socal or vocational complications. We continue to work on settings and maintaining appropriate boundaries.”
Grade: What a load of crap. What displays of anger? What “appropriate boundaries”?
Life tip: Avoid mental health care workers who will write notes that sound nothing like you and your life.
I have no self left.
My self was destroyed years ago.
That’s mental torture.
Dr. John about me to Land of Motown Community College : “In order to ensure that Gina remains a positive contributor to Land of Motown Community College’s academic mission, she would benefit from continued supportive measures. In this regard, she has agreed to work with me on a continuing course of treatment to stabilize her focus, establish appropriate boundaries and curtail some of her creative behaviors.”
Grade: Complete failure with no chance of passing ever.
Under no circumstances did I need help ‘stabilizing my focus.’
I needed the school to stop ripping me apart.
Under no circumstances did I need help ‘establishing appropriate boundaries.’
I needed the school to stop ripping me apart.
Under no circumstances did I need to ”curtail” my “creative behaviors.”
I needed the school to stop ripping me apart.
Furthermore, I did not discuss “focus,” “boundaries” or ‘curtailing my creativity’ with Dr. John.
This was language Dr. John cooked up after talking to Nick Roumel using trade jargon that we did not use between us.
And this is the problem with the biomedical model of mental health on display: it blames all on the person and fails to acknowledge external causes for stress.
Even Good White Guys Are More Sexist Than They Realize
In October 2012, in the parking lot of Land of Motown Community College District Office, before a final face to face meeting with my nemesis, William MacQueen, Nick Roumel and I had a disagreement over Naomi Wolf’s new book, Vagina.
Of all the things.
I don’t recall the specifics. Neither of us had read it. It had just come out. I brought it? He brought it up? I don’t recall. Small talk.
This time Nick Roumel did not run out of gas, and we were both early.
A New York Times book review prompted the exchange.
New York Times reviewer, Toni Bentley, former New York City Ballet dancer: “The trouble begins on the dust jacket with her title, Vagina: A New Biography. (It remains unclear if this biography was authorized.)”
There is no law requiring that the newspaper hire a sympathetic vagina to review another vagina.
Never a bad time for a quick reminder of the established scientific names for a woman’s body, established no doubt, not by women.
Bentley continued: “A quick geography lesson is in order: the word ‘vagina’ refers uniquely, and only, to the cylindrical passage that leads from the external world to the internal world of a woman’s sexual arena, and why it has now come to mean, erroneously, the entire shebang is beyond me. Not that praising any of the other equipment in the female arsenal — labia, clitoris, urethra — is exactly what a girl wants to hear in the back of your pickup truck either.”
Bentley was annoyed by Wolf’s decision to use “vagina” to describe the entire woman cave.
In the classroom, where literacy was barely hanging on to life, I reduced simile, hyperbole, and other figurative language to “metaphor” or sometimes something like “poetic language.”
~ * ~
In any case, when I heard my lawyer start to deride a book called Vagina, based on one negative review–and I still don’t remember any of our words, just tone–I started to sense things were not going to work out with me and my lawyer.
~ * ~
I later read Naomi Wolf’s book, Vagina, and would recommend it. My vagina, my mind. Of course a person’s body is integrated. Madonna says the same on stage when she grabs her vagina and sings. Vagina. The place out which all babies, even historic Jesus, rise.
~ * ~
Did my own lawyer start to wonder if I was crazy?
Of course, I wonder. I surmise. I fear.
October 10, 2012
Malicious mental health care murders, in more than one way.
Garden City, Wayne County, Michigan.
My husband, Christopher Allen Wysocki, freaked out about the Land of Motown Community College sexist Gaslight witch hunt, as any spouse would do.
Chris feared rightly that we would lose our two modest homes, which eventually did happen.
Both homes were inherited from his parents. In Michigan, union ground zero, it is or was possible to have two homes, one downstate and one up north, worth together about a 100K.
Of course, Chris was right about financial devastation accompanying the onset of William MacQueen.
At the end, I think there are protocols that weren’t followed in our marriage, like both man and wife can’t actually go crazy or be falsely accused of going crazy, at the same time.
While I was falsely accused of being nutz, my husband went temporarily nutz, hallucinations and all.
How ironic.
I have never hallucinated, though I’ve been accused.
Chris told me he was hallucinating for the first time in his life due to 1) lack of sleep and because 2) he really thought he was going to die, which his doctor dismissed.
Chris thought he was dying, even though his primary care physician–who was featured on the commercials for the hospital which he ran, Garden City Hospital–said my husband’s mysterious blood disorder was stable.
Telling me he was having hallucinations for the first time in his life was my partner of ten years last private admission to me.
Chris had already told the most difficult thing, that his oldest brother sexually molested him.

Due to the snowball effects of bogus mental health care, on October 10, 2012, I had to leave our home suddenly in the middle of the night.
My acutely abusive husband called the police and asked them to take me away, like they might automatically send in the men wearing white coats, pronto. So I called the Garden City police, too, and said my husband was verbally abusing me.
The Garden City police showed up.
Suddenly, Chris wanted to divorce me, so he could try to save his two homes.
Chris was behaving uncharacteristically extremely mad.
He wanted me to leave, had been hounding me for weeks, so I left, at a very bad time, mid-semester, during the Land of Motown Community College sexist gaslight witchhunt.
Chris finally convinced me I needed to leave him. So I moved out. At 3: 00 am. With Garden City police escort.
I left my suddenly crazy dangerous husband with his dog, toy poodle Bridget, inside his childhood home.
I took my dog, a Puerto Rican street mutt, Dalva, and my computer, and went to a friend’s house. Then I found a place to rent and moved in.
I thought our separation would be temporary, like the witchhunt.
I can’t stop clawing at new ways to describe effectively how bogus mental health care is torture. Gaslighting spreads like wildfire, it turns out, or it did in my life. Ironically, my husband went crazy in part due to bogus mental health care applied to me.
October 12, 2012
As contractually obligated, I attended the October 12, 2012 so-called “discipline” meeting, when all English department full-time union teacher members, from all Land of Motown Community College campuses, met, after a free lunch, made by the food studies students.
Discipline Day was the only time we teachers met each year.
Annually, the full discipline of English department teachers usually met for less than two hours and got out as quickly as possible, as most of us were not used to working on campus on Fridays.
But this was maybe the longest Discipline Day meeting ever.
We met in a small theater with a stage. English discipline teachers sat with seats between us spread out, in small clusters or in my case alone.
Each year, it was always a very cold room.

No one appeared to be physically afraid of me.
That week, my husband Chris chased me out of the out with emotional abuse and I stayed in my friend’s spare room until I found a place to rent.
At Land of Motown Community College, precious little time was spent annually discussing what classes would be offered when, who would teach which sections, classroom assignment, and other matters relevant to students.
The school’s full collection of English teachers allegedly “coordinated” the creation of annual schedule of classes for Land of Motown Community College through vote, in minutes, always passing each campuses proposed schedule, without discussion.
The entire English discipline knew about my experience with my campus bully peers, enough of it, but kept quiet, dog eat dog.
At the October 12, 2012 English Discipline meeting, ironically, it was decided that Ray Mort, Eric Abbey, and I, along with one faculty member from another campus, were supposedly going to meet going forward, in the future, about coordinating literature course offerings, in other words, discussing how many sessions of online Shakespeare were needed and who should teach them, which never happened.
Eric Abbey agreed, meaning he was not afraid of me. No one was really afraid of me.
I was police- escorted off campus less than a month later, as an alleged potential danger.
Very strangely, a dean from another campus, Sally Hanna, put on a display in which she impersonated a roof top shooter, jovially. She mimicked pointing her fingers like a machine gun and mock sprayed the room with bullets, then laughed and promised no one would be fired unless they murdered.

Swear to dog.
Some teachers apparently felt their jobs were threatened due to the proposed department split between the Academic Literacy program, which was a disaster, in my opinion, and the for credit college courses, Composition I and Composition II.
Historically, the English discipline at Land of Motown Community College had paid very little attention to our main offerings, Composition I and Composition II, because so many full-time teachers taught in the Academic Literacy program, which required working with a drastically reduced number of writing students and a much lighter work load.
I was on the discipline-wide committee that was finally looking at things like pre-requisites and assessment in composition. Our recommendation was to change Comp I and Comp II from three credit to four credit courses, a change which would begin to even workloads.
No teacher from another campus complained that I made them afraid at these meetings. One, Karen Robinson, now retired, allowed me into her Oakland County home for our meetings.

~ * ~
November 1, 2012
I last saw Chris upright and conscious on November 1, 2012, in family court, in Wayne County.
On November 1, 2012, I stood across from my husband Chris in probate court. A Wayne County family court judge granted my request for a personal protection order, but denied my husband’s retaliatory request.
I asked a judge for a restraining order and was granted my request.
Mostly, I did not want Chris talking to William MacQueen. Chris had been talking to my estranged Catholic mother, Eugenia Grzywacz. My mother had spoken to William MacQueen. I understand she was told I was inappropriately messing with the lives of my co-workers, and she believed what she was told.
The same week I was also served divorce papers. Divorce discussion did not proceed. Nothing more transpired because Chris soon died, as he intuited.
November 6, 2012.
Union scoundrel Mike Volbach had told me that Eric Abbey was stirring up trouble for me.
November 6, 2012. Me to Eric Abbey through Facebook Messenger: “Eric, OCCFA [the faculty union] has reported that you have a vendetta against me and are trying to get me fired. OCCFA is reporting that you are claiming you feel physically threatened by me, which is ludicrous. Quit lying. If you are behind recent actions that seek to ruin my personal and professional life, I will sue you. I can promise as stated briefly in work e-mail a legal and fair response to any and all defamatory words or actions. But man up. Please quit being such a pussy, in common parlance, meaning show some backbone. Because of your documented aggressive behavior toward me, I stay away from your sorry ass unless required. And you know it. You lack talent and integrity, and you can’t sing either; at least quit acting like a pussy by falsely claiming that you feel I am physical danger, if true, as OCCFA has reported. I am not a physical danger to you, or anyone, and you must be smart enough to know it, though you are horrible writer, which does suggest you may not be such a great writing teacher. It is certainly problematic that you teach documentation and honesty but refuse to practice those skills. I suggest Strunk and White Elements of Style. You overuse the passive verb and write in a terribly wordy and empty fasion. Furthermore, it is documented that in Nov and Dec of 2008, and apparently since that time as well, you have sought to negatively affect my paycheck and my life. Again, expect legal action in court and your behavior regaled in a memoir. That’s it. Fair and square. You’re the one with the belt in karate, not me. Again, quit being such a pusssy [sic]. Thank you. And peace. ” It was Mike Volbach who told me as union rep that Eric Abbey had a “vendetta.” Eric Abbey shared my Facebook Messenger message directly with William MacQueen. Eric Abbey did not work through any dean or campus president. Eric Abbey worked directly with my nemesis to end my career. Eric Abbey to William MacQueen: “Below is an email form (sic) Mrs. Fournier last night through Facebook. This is just for the records and files. Thank you for what you all are doing. Have a good day.” Because of Eric Abbey, I can’t hear “have a good day” without thinking of my slaughter by Land of Motown Community College.

~ * ~
November 7, 2012.
November 7, 2012, the next letter from Land of Motown Community College was dated, which fell between hack shrinks #1 and #2.
I did not receive the letter on November 7, 2012.
November 7, 2012, the date of William MacQueen and Land of Motown Community College’s next blow, entitled “SUSPENSION PENDING FURTHER REVIEW (Non-Disciplinary).”
I was suspended and treated like a criminal due to an alleged “personality disorder.”
How can a suspension be non-disciplinary?
“Personality disorder” is a medical condition that does not exist, which I therefore did not have.
And I was not delusional about anything.
November 7, 2012 letter on behalf of Land of Motown Community College: “This letter is sent to inform you that effective immediately you are suspended from your teaching duties at Oakland Community College with pay and benefits until further notice as authorized by Article 6.2 of the Faculty master agreement. Furthermore, you are hereby directed to undergo an independent medical exam to determine your fitness for duty.”
November 7, 2012, Land of Motown Community College ordered another hack shrink.
Like The Wolf notified Gary Casey, not William MacQueen, with his retaliation, on September 11, 2012, the November 7, 2012 was signed by a new dean.
Another dean position, another dean, another minion, more discombobulation.
My nemesis arranged for a new vice chancellor to sign this document, Richard E. Holcomb, Ph D.

The administration started seeking old white male consultants, including a controversial and pricey consulting firm, the College Brain Trust, a name indicating the opposite. Holcomb may have been connected to that misguided effort. He arrived at the same time.

~ * ~
November 7, 2012 letter on behalf of Land of Motown Community College: ” Beginning on September 15, 2012, and continuing over a period of 10 days, you made repeated requests via email and telephone for the investigation of numerous students in your online class, including a student named Lue Jackson, in the stated belief that they posed a danger to you of some kind. There was no apparent objective basis for the requests, and the college public safety department found no evidence of threats or other misconduct.”
Just when things couldn’t possibly get worse, they did.
Nearly ten years later, they haven’t stopped.
November 7, 2012 suspension decoded.
My version of the paper trail: Gina was not suddenly a bad teacher or delusional.
I was beyond stressed out due to psychological attack William MacQueen and Land of Motown Community College, as intended, by design.
The only thing I was guilty of was teaching too many sections, just like Mr. Online Shakespeare Ray Mort.

Complicating matters greatly, in Fall 2012 online Composition I course, most students did no work, and, according to the guidelines in my syllabus and federal attendance guidelines, they were dropped.
Students can’t start a fifteen week writing course half way through the semester and expect to learn and grow.
Please understand, for the most part, the teaching work of full-time faculty was largely ignored.
Never had my teaching been so questioned in the previous seven years.
I am sure my bully teacher peers were not equally scrutinized.
~ * ~
If there had been regular actual review of my syllabus and course materials, over the previous seven years, which I doubt, only the slightest outward motions, I had passed all those reviews with pretty much the same exact course materials and design, which the school now found problematic.
I had always allow students to turn in late work, but with limits, like the end of the semester.
Fall 2012, in my online courses, the schedule was simply posted separate from the syllabus, not missing.
The syllabus contained a disclaimer: subject to change.
When students failed to do work, I added cut off dates.
When cut off dates were not met, I dropped students, as required by my job duties.
Most of the students who complained about being withdrawn with a WF final grade were online students who were dropped for doing no coursework, and they were dropped because I was required to drop them by the federal government who had instituted an “N” grade for non-attendance.
My syllabus allowed me to take such action.
Of course, as online students, I never met those students in person.
The Strange Case of Lue Jackson: Online Troll?
Land of Motown Community College named Lue Jackson in the November 7, 2012 suspension letter.
My understanding of the FERPA law, protecting student privacy, is that it is Land of Motown Community College’s and the federal government’s job to protect student privacy. Not mine. Not after the school named students in my suspension letter and in subsequent letters used to destroy me, in a prolonged act of retaliation, in violation of the faculty contract.
I mean no ill will toward any real students named in my quest to save my life.
Lue Jackson, if you’re a real person, please do come forward. So I can apologize.
Big claim: I’m betting Lue Jackson may not exist, along with some other names registered in that section.
I could be very wrong, as I fully realized all along.
In the internet age, it is also possible that I could be right.
In 2012, online Composition I was not a good idea, not with 20 writers in the group. Community college online writing courses are not a good idea, in most cases, was the impression I had, based on experience. However, they are popular, I surmise, due to low standards, lower costs and usually no one looking over any shoulders, student or teacher.
To teach online community college writing course and actually work with student writers takes a great deal more time than in classroom-based courses.
I decided to try teaching online composition because my co-workers were doing it and racking up the overtime by teaching extra sessions. I wanted to rack up the overtime too. I was greedy, too.
Fall 2012 was not my first semester teaching online.
Online composition was newish to all, however, plus the school had dumped Blackboard and was using a new software system, Desire2Learn, and there was no Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
Fall semester 2012 my online Composition I course was packed full of students.
That fated fall, in one too-large combined section of online composition, students assigned to my section were acting very strangely. That was my assessment after ten years of teaching, six years of teaching bullying and six months of psychological warfare.
Fall 2012–not Spring 2012 or Summer 2012, or any other semester–online students kept me running around the internet after them, asking ill-thought questions I needed to answer. They made references that I need to check out. They kept me busy while they did no course work.
It was like students were trying to do nothing but waste time.
More than any other online group in my experience.
Outlandish as it may sound, students were acting like internet trolls.
I know, I know, I know.
Sounds nutz.
Chief among strange actors, notably, was student Lue Jackson, self-ascribed “Grumpy,” who did next to no coursework work, who did not appear to try to complete coursework, who became rude and dropped the course very early in the semester.
Lue Jackson, aka Grumpy, spent more time complaining then he did working.
He quickly dropped, as I suggested, in time for a refund.
~ * ~
I kept the course list with the names of students registered.
I am not trying to hide or hurt, but to honestly and earnestly clear my name and survive this attack, though there is little left of me at this point to save.

~ * ~
Chapter: Something Wicked This Way Comes
My memory tells me that Ryan Allen was one of the two male students who chose Ray Bradbury’s science fiction title Something Wicked This Way Came for his nonfiction book selection.
Also memory tells me that Aaron Suttles was one of the two male students who chose Ray Bradbury’s science fiction title Something Wicked This Way Came for his nonfiction book selection.
Please forgive me if I am wrong, and feel free to step forward.
Ryan Allen and Aaron Suttles, two of about six students who actually did coursework, both stubbornly chose to read the 1962 Ray Bradbury science fiction novel, Something Wicked This Way Came, written before I was born, written well before the students were supposedly born.
Refusing to choose nonfiction and picking such a dated title was certainly an unusual occurrence in my ten years of teaching and asking students to find a nonfiction book to read and review in Composition I and Composition II, in which students were asked to write nonfiction essays.
The actions of Ryan Allen and Aaron Suttles were unprecedented.
In addition, the two male students claimed to not know one an other and never supplied good answers about how they found their oddly obscure fiction selection, which did not meet the nonfiction book assignment.
Most students are non readers, and when forced to read a book, find something contemporary and popular, like Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle.
Plus, the assignment called for a nonfiction book.
Both students fought me over this title.
So, I had to read it.
I am not a fan of science fiction.
The book is sexist and dated in that regard.
The novel features two main characters, two boys, friends Jim and Will.
Their school teacher is well, kind of gaslit, in a way, by a haunted traveling carnival.
Adult Miss Foley is reduced to the body of a child and is trapped in a special hell.
I remember the page number, page 162.
Only the two main characters understand what happened to their poor teacher.
Ray Bradbury: “Oh, Jim, I bet she’s pounded a dozen doors this morning, wanting help, scared people with her screaming and yelling, then run off, gave up, and hid under that tree. Police are probably looking for her now, but so what? It’s just a wild girl crying and they’ll lock her away and she’ll go crazy. That carnival, boy, do they know how to punish so you can’t hit back.”
What a crazy coincidence!
As a gaslit school teacher, I was locked up unnecessarily and have been telling people my story for years, crying, but have been dismissed as crazy and locked up, twice.
Ryan Allen and Aaron Suttles, you are invited to step forward an explain your inappropriate nonfiction book assignment choice.

Something Wicked This Way Comes
Mr. Online Shakespeare Ray Mort was assigned to take over my classes after I was pulled from the classroom.
Shakespeare, Macbeth, witches: “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.”
~ * ~
November 7, 2012 suspension letter on behalf of Land of Motown Community College: “Since October 23 against the foregoing backdrop, the college has received allegations from numerous students of i) similar abusive behavior toward them involving your use of the WF mark, ii) your mismanagement and confusing direction of your classes, and iii) your outbursts of anger, scathing criticism, and emotional instability in dealing with them.”
My behavior regarding the WF mark was not abusive but necessary to maintain academic standards and integrity.
What “outbursts of anger”?
What “scathing criticisms”?
What “emotional instability” manifested where, what, when, how?
Without witnesses?
Fake news.
Totally fake manufactured news.
The next fabricated nonsense in the November 7, 2012 suspension letter?
Regarded my bully teacher peers, Ray Mort, Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie.
Classic gaslighting follows.
November 7, 2012 letter William MacQueen on behalf of Land of Motown Community College: “In addition, in recent months you have made numerous remarks in writing or to others about fellow teachers or representatives of the College that would lead a reasonable person to believe that your remarks are beyond the realm of professional discourse and suggest, without any apparent basis, that many of your fellow teachers or representatives of the college are endeavoring to undermine you.”
If the school had reason to fire me, they should have fired me, not continue to mentally abused me.
William MacQueen and Land of Motown Community College, you rat motherfuckers, you knew about the November 10, 2008 character smear and that these same coworkers had long bullied me.
More formal rebuttal: Representatives of the college were “endeavoring to undermine” me. They had been doing so for years. As the school well knew.
November 8, 2012.
On November 8, 2012, I was pulled from the classroom by Lloyd Crews, who was no longer my dean.
I was escorted out of the building with police escort.
At that point, my former supervisor, Lloyd Crews, and a campus cop, Calvin Boylston, walking me to the front door was humiliating but not a surprise, although I had not yet received the suspension letter date the day before, November 7, 2012.

November 8, 2012, I was removed from the classroom and campus, two months before I was falsely declared unfit by hack shrink #2.
Was the November 7, 2012 suspension letter spurred by Eric Abbey forwarding my November 6, 2012 Facebook messenger to him to William MacQueen, on November 7, 2012?
Another possibility:
I found out February 6, 2013, when William MacQueen sent a binder of materials to my home, that on November 6, 2012, Suzanne Labadie, who was not my supervisor, told an on-ground student, in a classroom-based Composition II course, to not attend class the next day, November 7, 2012.
Was I suspended because Suzanne Labadie told one student to stay home, since the student allegedly felt afraid, but did not tell all of my others classroom based student to stay home?
I was reprimanded and suspended for telling students not to show up one day early in the semester.
I showed up and students who did not read the course site messages showed up. The students who showed up were behind and got extra attention to help them catch up.
Education is messy.
~ * ~
The night I was pulled from the classroom like a criminal, I went to see Madonna in Detroit, at Joe Louis Arena, Red Wings Hockeytown.
Madge was ridiculously hours late.
I sat waiting with my group within the larger group all alone in a daze.
My separation from the rest of humanity began in a large buzzing room with a few thousand annoyed concertgoers listening to taped dance music.

November 9, 2012.
The day after I was pulled from the classroom.
Me to Suzanne Labadie through Facebook Messenger.: “OCC has completely screwed over my Fall 2012 students. Who are they putting in the classroom? Have you made claims that you feel I am a physical danger to you? It has been alluded to by the HR office that you have. You have already made clear your lack of integrity on Nov. 10. 2008, when you signed blank OCC letterhead in an effort to smear me and hog literature classes. Have the three sets of lips to put any claims now in writing and be prepared to say them under oath. I can’t wait to sue you. You should have been forced to resign back in 2008. It will be my life’s goal to fix my name and give back to those who have ruined my life what they deserve: fair, legal, very public response.”
Suzanne Labadie forwarded my Facebook message to Richard Holcomb and cc’ed William MacQueen and others, including Dean Tony Ingram, who was supposedly serving as the dean of our department.
Suzanne Labadie claimed my message “frightened” her “a bit.”
What a lying cunt.
She may have been frightened by her own evil actions possibly coming back to her.
It’s clear Suzanne Labadie along with Eric Abbey was working with administration to end my career.
Suzanne Labadie stated in her school email: “I thought you and others involved in this situation should be informed.”
The “situation”?

Tony Ingram was the new dean of English on our campus, one of the administrators Suzanne Labadie cc’ed, though I can barely remember speaking with him, maybe one time.
I swear to dog, Mike Volbach, union scoundrel, told me Tony Ingram had been caught having sex in his office and was trouble to look out for.
I maybe saw this guy sit behind his desk once, briefly, that semester, and I was not comfortable.

~ * ~
To all my former community college students, large-scale, I must correct my mistaken instruction about research papers and argumentative essays: honest evidence does no good outside of empty college exercises because there is too much lying and subterfuge in the world, in and out of college.
I’m so sorry.
I wish things were very different, and much nicer.
~ * ~
Chapter: Hack Shrink #2 The Terminator.
After my November 7, 2012 suspension, the Land of Motown Community College paper trail and gaslight witchhunt attack moved toward hack shrink #2, no evidence, no academic integrity.
December 13, 2012.
Land of Motown Community College hack shrink #2 of 2. Fineman? Friedman? I can never remember which.
Dr. Howard Friedman, freed-man, who trapped this female.
Dr. Howard Friedman, The Terminator, was ready to convict me before we even met.
The greater set up was building. I didn’t see it coming intellectually, but I felt the trap closing around me.
Dr. Howard Friedman, Terminator, saw me for a mere forty-five minutes and wrote his report recommending my termination on the same date.
~ * ~
This time, I recorded the visit on my cellphone.
In advance, via phone message, I clearly informed the guy, again, a white, male, senior citizen, a complete stranger, mercenary hack shrink #2, Dr. Howard Friedman, The Terminator, that I would definitely tape the session.
I would not accept “no” for an answer.
A Ladywood High School classmate and a court reporter created transcripts.
Transcripts of December 13, 2012: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GbkKP_SMig8Ze5jxlUpsP25XS-cKwXjc/view?usp=sharing

~ * ~
After forty-five minutes, when hack shrink # 2, The Terminator, realized I was directly documenting his grilling on my cellphone, he jumped up like a character actor in amateur community theater, with large mannerisms and a loud, very upset voice.
Then he abruptly ended the interview.
I later drew and painted The Terminator cartoon-style in this scene, waving his arms above his head.

I’d like to start over and attend art school. Maybe.
~ * ~
In his single-spaced report with many words and pages, hack shrink #2 Dr. The Terminator said I was totally unfit to teach, at any level, at any time, based on no actual anything: no words, no actions, no behavior.
Again, the report written by hack shrink #2 makes even less sense than hack shrink #1.
All claims unsubstantiated.
The real deal? Same as hack shrink #1, The Wolf. I disagreed with the in-house teachers union and my long time bully peers, therefore I was unfit.

December 13, 2012, Dr. Howard Friedman, hack shrink #2, The Terminator: Top paragraph.
The paragraph contains a list of documents between named staff people supposedly about me and my objectionable behavior, alleged documentation that I was not shown at the time.
Other than letters mailed to me and posted here, at this point, December 13, 2012, I was not shown by hack shrink #2, The Terminator, any of the other alleged documentation hack shrink #2 referenced in his top paragraph.
What document between Dean Beverly Stanbrough and Eric Abbey dated March 30, 2012?
During our 45 minute session, hack shrink #2, The Terminator, brought up nothing from any document he listed obliquely, in total shadow.
Interestingly, hack shrink #2 referenced bully teacher Suzanne Labadie’s March 26, 2012 (not 2011) so-called “incident report,” which I did not see until January 24, 2014.
At that time, in an Oakland County administrative court, over unemployment insurance , which the school successfully fought against me receiving, Suzanne Labadie presented the document with the date March 26, 2011, crossed out to read 2012. The document was not shared through school email, on a school memorandum or on school letterhead. The document she presented on a blank piece of white paper without any signs of authentication was a bogus document. And her concerns were nonsense fabrications with the strongest claim being that my eye rolling made her feel afraid.
What’s the real story behind Suzanne Labadie’s March 26, 2011, no March 26, 2012, so-called incident report? Was there a document that hack shrink #2, The Terminator, saw? If so, was it actually dated March 26, 2012? Was he bullshitting? Did he see a different document than the one Suzanne Labadie submitted as evidence over a year later? If so, what did that document say?
When did Suzanne Labadie write the document on blank white paper that she first typed and dated March 26, 2011, then submitted to the court as evidence under oath on January 24, 2014, with a pencil-corrected date of March 26, 2012?

~ * ~
To take me down, the second hack shrink brought up student, Lue Jackson, which he spelled “Luke Jackson.”
December 13, 2012, Dr. Howard Friedman, hack shrink #2, The Terminator: “Ms. Fournier made several references throughout the exam as to her questionable incompetence . . .”
Mark of the hack, like a visible scar.
” . . . and suggested that the administration is looking at only one situation, that involved one of her students Luke (sic) Jackson, who took her course online. He alleged to the administration that she was rude, and in her opinion, there was no other reason for the concern on the part of either the student or administration.”
Lue Jackson, online student, with the self-appointed nickname and screen icon, Grumpy, was not a legitimate complaint.
In my experience working with thousands of students over ten years, Lue Jackson’s strange introduction to online Comp I sounded contrived and then spooky, ending: “P.S. Sometimes I tell white lies to get along.”

Why does a young person align himself with Grumpy, a character from 1937? Lue Jackson did not say but suggested he may have been black. Strange avatar? Or am being sexist? If so, please pardon me.
It’s not clear how and when did Lue Jackson’s complaint reached William MacQueen.

Students were instructed to first introduce themselves and read the entire syllabus and all assignments to make sure they wanted to take my course online.
Without doing the first assignment and perhaps not reading, Lue Jackson wanted a schedule of due dates that did not exist.
The schedule of assignments was self-paced and my syllabus open to change. Students were required to do work weekly.
When most students had not done the first assignment three weeks into the semester or so, I added cut off dates within the semester.
By the end of a brief email chain with Lue Jackson, it was clear he was not well-served in my course.
Student Lue Jackson: “Aren’t you a ray of sunshine?”
Teacher, me: “Please drop the course and seek another instructor.”

This paperwork came from William MacQueen’s paperchase binder?

Was every other teacher on campus at Land of Motown Community College subjected to hack shrinks because of rude online students?

my beloved first big screen movie, which I wrote about online on social media. Lue Jackson used a picture of Grumpy as his online avatar.
A pattern emerged regarding the so-called experts’ superficial concern with my orientation to time, my appearance and my so-called mental health, as exhibited in their mercenary hack shrink reports.
Hack Shrink 101: How to destroy a person in a few moves and make money: No one reads, so open strong, encourage skimming, collect your paycheck. Obfuscate. Sound like you know what you’ re talking about. Assume false authority. Pretend pseudo-science is real. Pronounce as if you are God.
December 13, 2012. Dr. Howard Friedman, hack shrink #2, The Terminator summary, marked “discussion”: “Ms. Fournier was oriented as to time, place and person. Her memory was intact for both recent and remote events. I would estimate her to be of above-average intelligence. Both her intellectual and personal judgments however were significantly impaired. She lacked any reasonable insight and could not account for her unreasonable and irrational behavior in the workplace. . .”
The Terminator’s knife wounds hurt still. He assumed without question that I was unreasonable and irrational and he maligned me for a buck, the marks of a paid hack.
“. . . I chose not to detail each of the comments mentioned in the material I had which reflected what her coworkers and administrators, as well as her students felt to be her unreasonable and irrational behavior. I felt that doing so would only cause her to repeat over and again her ‘innocence,’ and lack of concern of validity for any of these issues.”
Too bad no reads, certainly not on my behalf, because Dr. Howard Friedman’s stated reason for hacking me to pieces without reason or evidence is ridiculous.
December 13, 2012. Dr. Howard Friedman, hack shrink #2, The Terminator: “In summary, Ms. Fournier suffers from a sever impairment in her thought processes which are manifested by paranoid delusional thinking, impaired insight, and significantly impaired intellectual and personal judgement. She is unfit, in my professional opinion, to teach at any level of the education system.”
Translated: Howard Friedman, hack shrink #2, The Terminator, felt the need to crush me financially so the recorded tape and transcript never made it to a court room.
I didn’t bother to respond to Howard Friedman, hack shrink #2, The Terminator.
When I read the second hack shrink report condemning my person, I did not know it, but I felt it, feared it, was psychologically on edge: looney bin lock up was coming.
I did not know that someone could be locked up so easily in a mental ward.
I did not know that the Catholics of my youth ran a mental ward in the heart of their large tax-free campus.
I bet most Livonia, Michigan residents do not.

~ * ~
Chapter: Compare and Contrast Evaluations, Land of Motown Community College Hack Shrinks vs St Mary Merciless Absent Doctor
My students needed to pump out at least a couple pages of actual original words and ideas, with creative and thoughtful detail, in order to honestly express themselves and earn a passing grade.
Yet it only took a very small couple of handfuls of automated terms and clichés psychiatric words sentences to eradicate my civil liberties and basic human rights.
First by The Wolf and The Terminator.
Then, by a man I have never met, Dr. Andrew Muzychka.
I found the face of the doctor who locked me up in a psychiatric ward without evaluating me, or visiting me, the week I was held, after the torture he inflicted, later, on the St. Mary Merciless website.

Compare and contrast is a basic critical thinking skill and rhetorical device.
Assignment: Compare and contrast hack shrink reports #1 and #2, written by The Wolf and The Terminator, to the clinical certificates of the two St. Mary Merciless Looney Bin doctors, with the help of one disastrously positioned and unsupervised first-year student intern.
Pick either Dr. Andrew Muzychka or Dr. Suhasini Mistry, both hacks employed by St. Mary Merciless.
For this example assingment, the former teacher chooses Dr. Andrew Muzychka’s bogus clinical certificate.
Dr. Suhasini’s Mistry’s bogus paperwork will be covered later.
Land of Motown Community College hack shrink reports:
After relatively brief, single, in person sessions, the Land of Motown Community College hack shrinks wrote wordy, doth protesting too much, guilty of pernicious fabulousity, multiple pages of skewered detail, reminiscent of my actual life, though handily re-iterated to make me look like I was suddenly and precipitously likely losing my mind and dangerous, when I was not.
Hack shrink # 1 and hack shrink #2 saw me and wrote lengthy, malicious reports to make a buck as mercenary hack shrinks.
Dr. Andrew Muzychka’s bogus clinical certificate, St Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward, February 22, 2013, a day we did not meet:
Very brief, indistinct, cliched, rote, dehumanized, objective not subjective in its inappropriate brevity about the supposed patient, replete with a suspicious and complete lack of detail for all claims.
Dr. Andrew Muzychka’s bogus clinical certificate contains few words and is completely erroneous in its conclusions because Dr. Andrew Muzychka did not evaluate me.
We have never met.
I can’t say it enough.
Unlike hack shrink #1 and hack shrink #2, I never even met Dr. Andrew Muzychka.

This copy of clinical certificate #1 of 2 was given to me by patients rights advocate, Jennifer Gorman, while I was held illegally and inhumanely inside St. Mary Merciless Catholic Looney Bin. I used little mini-golf or later I found out jailhouse pencils with which to takes notes inside Catholic Siberia. At the time, February 22-28, 2013, I assumed student intern Nicole Shattuck was a full fledged doctor, “Dr Shaddock,” I guessed, after Jennifer Gorman told me her name. I found out later after I got out, while looking at the hospital website, that she was a first year intern. According to the hospital’s website, she’d had little instruction and obviously little, maybe no experience, dealing with so-called mental health patients and administering so-called mental health care, in compliance with the state mental health code. Legally, she was not allowed to do what she did: lock me up without signing a clinical certificate.

~ * ~
Compared to hack shrink #1 in May 2012 and hack shrink #2 in December 2012, on February 22, 2013, at St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward it would only require checked boxes and a few pat sentences and phrases, without any specific detail, in support of the false claims that I was psychotic, suicidal and likely to hurt others, and needed to be locked up.
Unlike hack shrink #1 and hack shrink #2, Dr. Andrew Muzychka did not even need to see me or talk to me EVER.
I was declared delusional and suicidal because of my actual story about the school’s behavior, which I told to a first year intern, Nicole Shattuck, who was not supervised by Dr. Andrew Muzychka.
Minus evaluation, just a few words locked up this former English teacher for an unneeded illegal week’s stay in a psychiatric ward.
Delusional, check, likely to hurt herself or others, check, suicidal, check.
Delusional? I’ve been maliciously mis-labeled delusional for nine years now!
About what exactly was I ever delusional?
~ * ~
Page two of Dr. Andrew Muzychka’s bogus clinical certificate consists of a near empty form, checked boxes, rote sentences, not clearly written by any particular person about any particular person.
Murdered by a form.
A bogusly filed form, promising prosecution for perjury that never transpired.
The worst thing Dr. Andrew Muzychka said?
Like hack shrink #2 after less than hour, angered like hack shrink #1 over my self agency and reasonable self defense: “Pt has poor judgement and no insights.”
My judgment and insights were just fine.
What nerve to call yourself a doctor and scientist, Andrew Muzychka.
~ * ~
Andrew Muzychyka, no matter when the guy was informed and when he signed the clinical certificate (if he did), knew he had not evaluated me, so he’s more than complicit, he’s guilty.
~ * ~
Bottom of Dr. Andrew Muzychka’s clinical certificate submitted to Wayne County Probate Court.
With each progressive white male doctor, hack shrink #1, then hack shrink #2, then ghost doctor Andrew Muzychka, the collective medical community showed less regard for me, truth and the law.
A court-required clinical certificate subitted to Wayne County Probate clourt was checked and signed by a white male doctor I never met.
Dr. Andrew Muzychka: “I declare under the penalties of perjury that this certificate has been examined by me and that its content are true to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief.”
That’s a lot of nerve.
Perjury. With jail time up to fifteen years in the state of Michigan.
But, because of Bill Schuette and the office of the attorney general, perjury was protected by the state of Michigan under the guise of so-called necessary mental health care.

~ * ~
Chapter: Equal? Employment Opportunity Commission
November 11, 2012.
My lawyer Nick Roumel went through the steps of preparing to file a federal suit, meaning he filed a claim with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), in November 2012. The response did not come until after we parted, until after the looney bin.
When Nick Roumel filed the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission claim, dated November 11, 2012, I did not have money for a federal suit. Nacht Law was not willing to fund a suit.
For one thing, Nick Roumel had already made the mistake of sending me to hack shrinks.
Subsequent lawyers, females I approached, said a federal suit should have been filed, no hack shrinks, but there was no going back.
The damage from Nick Roumel on top of damage from William MacQueen was already inflicted.

The nut of the real story was pretty clear, as Nick Roumel deftly expressed to the U. S. federal government.
Nick Roumel to the federal government’s EEOC: “Ms. Fournier is (tenured) full time faculty and has been with Land of Motown Community College, the Respondent (“LMCC”) since fall, 2005. She is a teacher who is refreshing, engaging, and extremely popular (and well-rated) by students. A published author, and recognized expert in issues of how women are depicted in Hollywood movies, Ms. Fournier brings impressive academic and writing credentials to your college. However, her outspoken nature has led to disputes with LMCC, and caused them twice this year to improperly order two fitness for duty exams, on the basis of expressed concerns over Ms. Fournier’s “mental health,” and ultimately to suspend her from employment.”
Nick Roumel to the federal government’s EEOC: “Ms. Fournier raises four issues.”
In summary:
- There was no reason to order the hack mercenary shrinks.
2. Land of Motown Community College retaliated against my voice and views.
3. My own therapist countered that I was not suicidal, but the school did not listen because they were retaliating. There was no real need for the hack shrinks.
4. I was not “disabled” and should not have been gaslit and treated as if I was.
Nick Roumel to the federal government’s EEOC: “Wherefore petitioner Gina Fournier respectfully requests that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission order Respondent to cease and desist from its discriminatory and retaliatory practices, and to take such affirmative action as permitted by law, including but not limited to reinstatement, all lost compensation, seniority and other employment rights, non-economic damages, and attorney fees.”
Sounds good.
Federal government, stop them.
Too bad it was a meaningless gesture that did not help.
Nick Roumel said the EEOC was useless.
December 26, 2012
My husband, Chris, who was always very intuitive, was vindicated.
Like he foretold, after five days of precipitously deteriorating health, he died.
He died two months after we split, at age 53, hours after Christmas Day, on December 26, 2012, in Garden City Hospital, after a five-day stay.
We were separated the last ten weeks of my husband’s life. I was not there for him until the very end.
In 2010, Chris had undergone emergency kidney removal due a mysterious issue with his blood, both clotting and thinning. We guess he picked up something through water or a bug bite south of the border. On December 26, 2012, the condition, whatever it was, killed him. The last five days of his life, Chris was cared for in the same local neighborhood hospital that removed his engorged kidney and saved his life a couple years earlier.
After his surprise death, after the looney bin, February 22-28, 2013, while I was discovering just who in the hell was Dr. Andrew Muzcyka at St Mary Merciless, the doctor I never met, I discovered that Michigan essentially does not protect citizen patients from medical malpractice.
So I paid a lawyer, who worked with a nurse, for answers.
At Garden City Hospital, the third string staff, who were covering the holiday week, made many rookie mistakes, like giving Chris a test known to kill people with only one kidney.
Chris had only one kidney.
And then he had none, became unconscious, and died.
If I had been there, I may have interrogated the staff enough to stop them from killing my husband.
But I was not there because he told staff not to contact me. Because of the restraining order.
Thankfully, one of the staff mistakes was to contact me anyway, a couple hours after Christmas ended, about six hours before Chris died.
Thankfully, I answered the phone.

Isla Mujeres, Mexico
Chapter: Set Up for Suicide Swatting
Land of Motown Community College: Teacher first vs. Student first?
The old teachers first model, which says teachers need a private office, was a horrible waste of school resources that mostly benefited a very small number of union teachers who won the lottery. The old school teachers first model left most teachers who worked with students without an office.
If you did have an office, the most reliable way to get students to come to office hours was to cancel class time, divide up class time between students and make office visits a requirement, which is not a good way to use classroom time.
Otherwise, requiring students to come to your office during other hours, outside of class, was a nightmare of empty expectation and impossible scheduling, with 27 hard working adults per classroom section, all with demanding lives.
The bully union peer teachers hired after me arranged to get faculty offices with windows to the outside world, better than my office with a window opening to a grey hallway. The move of offices was done by the English department without me.
Seniority and student need were overlooked.

With the help of his minions, including those who thought they deserved more, better schedules, better offices, mastermind William MacQueen took action to call me crazy dangerous and a bad teacher, suddenly, after seven years on the job.
No other peer recieved the same scrutiny and psychological abuse.
Even after I was pulled from the classroom, as if I were a criminal and suspended with pay and benefits, William MacQueen and Land of Motown Community College kept adding to their bogus paper trail in order to psychologically overwhelm me and to bury me.
Most devastating, no legitimate student complaints had been shared with me. Grumpy Lue Jackson and students who did not do coursework online did not count. Phyllis Harden, the other name that will be supplied in the paperchase, did not count enough to end my career.
For seven years, my record with students in terms of student complaints had been great, a fact the Land of Motown Community College sexist Gaslight paper trail seeks to obliterate.
I took great care to create a classroom that students did not find objectionable.
After and his threat to terminate me, November 7, 2012, hack shrink #2, the Terminator, William MacQueen sent more and more paperwork, officially, on school letterhead, like subsequent rounds of mortar shell.
There was no limit to the depravity exhibited by Land of Motown Community College.
The school capitalized on my husband’s death.
~ * ~
January 4, 2013.
About a week after Chris died.
I was put on forced leave. And it was announced that the school would stop paying me.
I don’t even know if it’s legal to force an employee to use the Family Medical Leave Act.
It can’t be legal to force someone against their request to take a medical leave for a condition they don’t have, a condition that does not exist, as determined by mercenary hack shrinks.
Whatever you can get away with is legal.
January 4, 2013
Re: FMLA Leave Notification
“Serious Health Condition”
Sounds like what killed off women in classic Hollywood movies, “serious health condition,” a non-specific tragedy.
My only “serious health condition” was lack of protection from sexist mind rape.

~ * ~
William MacQueen used hack shrink #2, The Terminator, but not to terminate me.
William MacQueen used hack shrink #2, The Terminator, but to wear me down, ideally drive me mad and force me to quit, which he did, after the looney bin, March 13, 2013.
January 4, 2013 William MacQueen on behalf of Land of Motown Community College to me: “On December 13, 2012, you met The Terminator for an independent psychiatric examination and we received Dr Friedman’s evaluation on January 2, 2013.”
The Terminator wrote the report on that day he met me for 45 minutes, on December 13, 2012.
If this situation was so critical to public safety, why did it take 20 days to e-mail a report to the school?
The Terminator’s mercenary hack shrink report was used as reason to put me on forced leave.
Clearly, attorney Nick Roumel’s plan to play softball and acquiesce to hack shrinks The Wolf and The Terminator was a bad plan.
Clearly, attorney Nick Roumel did not find me crazy dangerous at the start, or he would have declined my case.
William MacQueen’s circular reasoning and sarcasm were never finer.
January 4, 2013 William MacQueen on behalf of Land of Motown Community College to me: “By granting this leave of absence, . . . “
” . . . the College is not waiving its right to proceed with due process procedure . . . “
“. . . as it relates to your conduct during the period prior to your removal from duty.”
“In the near future, you will receive a notice of charges from me regarding that conduct.”
~ * ~
I was overwhelmed.
I could not read every word of William MacQueen’s letters by this point, like I would have put up my hand and tried to run away to stop William MacQueen from stabbing me to death.
January 10, 2013.
William MacQueen’s next blow.
RE: Notice of charges Under Article 6.3 (Discharge)
January 10, 2013 William MacQueen to me on behalf of Land of Motown Community College: ” As you are aware, the administration has been reviewing its concerns about your conduct during the Fall term of 20`12.”
What a fucking shyster.

Fact. Correction: William MacQueen started making accusation about my alleged behavior in the Spring term of 2012, on April 13, 2012, when he was newly hired, months before he was able construct bogus charges against me.
William MacQueen started wearing me down much earlier, but he purposely changed the time line to bury me, and to bury the truth on behalf of Land of Motown Community College.

Did Nick Roumel see this letter or any of the letters? I assumed he was also sent the letters but my guess may have been wrong.
AS a litigator, William MacQueen used Rich Cunningham’s from the AG’s office preference for the second person pronoun “you.”
January 10, 2013 William MacQueen to me on behalf of Land of Motown Community College: “Our investigation regarding your conduct is near conclusion and we now have the results of your fitness for duty exam. While it appears that you are unfit for duty based on Dr. Friedman, we believe it to be necessary and important to apprise you that the conduct relating to suspension still presents the college with concerns about your continued employment.”
William MacQueen stretched out seven points to support charges of termination, none of which concerned “conduct” in the Spring or Summer 2012, when he called me suddenly crazy dangerous and potential school shooter.
Summary: to use paraphrase not quotation.
Paraphrase: to put another’s words or ideas in your own words.
William MacQueen’s latest attack summarized:
- I told online student Lue Jackson, self proclaimed Grumpy, after he was rude, to drop if he did not want to do my assigned coursework. The contract did not forbid this action.
- Through the course webpage, I told classroom-based students to skip class September 18, 2012, and suggested maybe they use the time to start buying books and start doing some coursework. The semester was already off the rails, even in the classroom, due to student non-action. The students who did not read classroom notes as instructed came to class, got individual attention and learned to read class messages. The contract did not forbid this action.
- I requested that Land of Motown Community College double check student registrations because there was so much odd behavior in my online students, who I never met in the flesh. I also asked William MacQueen if he hacked my writers website, which had been taken out. The contract did not forbid this action.
- I dropped students according to my syllabus and federal guidelines for non-attendance. My syllabus was subject to change, as stated. When I saw that students were trying to get away with doing no work, I had to take action to add cut off dates for submitting work, amending a self-paced policy. The contract did not forbid this action.
- I wrote bullies Ray Mort, Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie through Facebook Messenger about being pulled from the classroom. The contract did not forbid this action.
- One classroom based student, Phyllis Harden, allegedly and apparently complained that my behavior scared her on October 31, 2012, but I question this charge, especially coming so long–six months–after William MacQueen’s April 13, 2012 sexist gaslight witchchunt launch. William MacQueen finally dredged up one real-life student five months after claiming students had complained, two semester’s worth of students later. One student out of how many? The student was my age, around 50, and she was having trouble moving from Comp I to Comp II. She could write summaries but not arguments. Comp II required argumentation. She had stopped attending the classroom based section, and, according to my syllabus, I could drop or fail her. There’s just too much coursework to miss two weeks in a row. If a student stopped doing coursework, they likely would not complete coursework and the course. Comp II required students to write a research paper. I did not drop the student, but she she not come to me with her concerns, either. Furthermore, her alleged complaint was not handled like a usual student complaint. The student did not talk to me, fine, but no dean talked to me about her concerns either. The department chair was not supervisor, according to the contract, but bully teacher Suzanne Labadie, the department chair, contacted William MacQueen directly about the student’s alleged concerns. The student stopped coming to class, because Suzanna Labadie told her to stop coming to class, then I was pulled from the classroom. Before she stopped attending, the student received a great deal of attention from the group, which functioned as a writing workshop.And she seemed to enjoy that attention. Her self-chosen topic was education reform, but she was having trouble after the first summary assignment with the need to compose a research question and narrow an argumentative thesis statement. Classroom help was available, help through email was available, but the student did not reach out for help with her coursework. Ironically, when she did attend, and shared her first summary assignment, she reported proudly a history of complaining to school boards in Oakland County on behalf of her children. The contract did not forbid my actions with or in front of Phyllis Harden.Classroom help was available, help through email was available, but the student did not reach out for help with her coursework. Ironically, when she did attend, and shared her first summary assignment, she reported proudly a history of complaining to school boards in Oakland County on behalf of her children. The contract did not forbid my actions with or in front of Phyllis Harden.Classroom help was available, help through email was available, but the student did not reach out for help with her coursework. Ironically, when she did attend, and shared her first summary assignment, she reported proudly a history of complaining to school boards in Oakland County on behalf of her children. The contract did not forbid my actions with or in front of Phyllis Harden.
- The terse form of business communication I used to inform students they were dropped. The contract did not forbid this action.
Phyllis Harden was not named in William MacQueen letter, but referred to as an “on-ground” student.
Quote: the absolute exact words used by a speaker or writer, placed in quotation marks and properly attributed.
What I did not say in class in front of Phyllis Harden and 26 other students as one of my farewell lectures, as falsely accused: “A building is on fire and there are people inside that need to be rescued. I go in and the building collapses and we all perish! Don’t let anyone know what I said!”
Hearsay. The Telephone Game.
A very dangerous game.
Phyllis Harden, I mean you no harm. It seems you intended me harm and manipulated the facts. You may have also been manipulated. I don’t think there is any law that prohibits me from naming you. You complained, and Land of Motown Community College named you in my discharge documents.
I still need to save my life and stop mental torture, at least try.
In her group, no other student was concerned because I used metaphoric and sarcastic language about a fire on Halloween. I did say something, metaphoric, in context, but certainly not the fabricated quote above about me being savior and a building collapsing.
I don’t recall the particulars.
I was alluding to the pressure I was placed under and corruption at Land of Motown Community College, would be my guess.
It would be easy for me to connect corruption to research and writing in the college classroom, where students are expected to be honest and do honest work, unlike Land of Motown Community College’s administration and faculty union.
Phyllis Harden had vision problems. She told me she was working with the appropriate office to get additional computer equipment in our computer classroom, as she had done in previous semesters. Otherwise, I spent a great deal of time speaking with her about coursework in September and October of 2012, until she showed considerable trouble moving from writing summary to writing argument and stopped attending.
Meanwhile, my lawyer, Nick Roumel, and the lawyer hired by Land of Motown Community College, Robert Boonin, fought viciously on the phone, but the school would not budge, would not stop charging like a bull. My team was out lawyer-ed.

How much did the school pay Robert Boonin to end my career? Shouldn’t tax payers and students know?
How much have tax payers and students spent to murder me?
What kind of cash would it have required to take immediate civil action in federal court for breaking the faculty contract and having no basis for the claim that I needed my head examined?
Would enough cash and the right lawyer have worked? How much did John Bonnell spend defeating my nemesis William MacQueen in the 1990s at Ronald Reagan Democrat Community College in Macomb County, to the east of Oakland County?
If you need a lawyer, things are in bad shape.
In my experience, lawyers do not take any extra time explaining things to clients.
My Ann Arbor lawyer Nick Roumel simply said state courts in Michigan were too conservative. He said federal courts were too conservative, too.
The only grounds for suing Nick Roumel discussed involved the Americans with Disability Act.
The Eleventh Amendment was also involved. The state can’t be sued in federal court, says Google, about the eleventh amendment, in simple terms. Plus other possible limitations existed regarding the in-between status of community colleges, sitting between K-12 public schools and public universities, in terms of sue-a-bility.
But Nick Roumel’s approach and counsel never made sense to me. I never had confidence that he would slay or even stay William MacQueen.
I think money, and sexism, played much larger unspoken roles.
January 19, 2013.
E-mail from my lawyer, Nick Roumel, to me.
I was offered a lousy buy out, for much less than one year’s salary, a month before I was suicide swatted by Land of Motown Community College.

Nick Roumel: “I think this is a realistic counteroffer.
$65,000 payment within 14 days.
Convert FMLA leave from involuntary based on bereavement or personal medical.
Official termination date end of the semester–vountary resignation.”
Nick Roumel’s cut?
$15,000 grand.
My payout? Less than one year’s salary.
Nick Roumel told me he would give the same advice to his sister.
Later, I joked, without mirth, on social media, talking to myself, I’d advise his sister to look elsewhere for legal advise.
I don’t know how fair and deserved that joke may or may not be.
Sometime people are screwed. And nothing can be done.
Nick Roumel had screwed up, and he wanted to cash out.

~ * ~
To take the money, I’d have to agree to shut up.
I’d have to admit I was crazy.
I wasn’t crazy.
There was no way I could shut up.
I said no.
Which meant the end of me and my lawyer, Nick Roumel, and no $15,000 cut for him: “As a next step, you can expect new charges from OCC to be filed. Be sure to alert your union and remind them of the letter I sent, and demand that they advocate for you going forward.”
I was alone.
William MacQueen knew it.
~ * ~
I reiterated my “no” to the buy out the school made to me through my lawyer, Nick Roumel on Tuesday, January 22, 2013, my dead husband’s first dead birthday.
Chris would have turned 55 on January 22, 2013.
On that date, I turned down the lousy buyout offer.
Turner Classic Movies replayed Gaslight.

January 2013.
I was outside, at night, in the backyard of the Wysocki family house, in Garden City, burning debris in the firepit, when I got the word on the phone, another thoughtful courtesy call, directly from the crematorium.
It may sound gruesome: my husband’s body was being sent back to ash. As we spoke, Chris was making his last exit by way of fire. Standing next to fire, I found the gesture of the phone call assuring.

Goodbye, sweet prince. I wish things were very different.
~ * ~
Beware of killer hospitals, whether they work on your body or mind. That’s a theme in this story. After it’s too late, there’s no legal recourse. Not in Michigan.
February 1, 2013.
No surprise, William MacQueen struck quickly after my lawyer Nick Roumel and separated.
Land of Motown Community College: “. . . you received your last bi-weekly pay as of the pay (sic) of January, 2013.”
William MacQueen bombed me, knifed me, raped me, with every shyster maneuver available.
I was not being paid because I “exhausted” my “paid leave as an employee,” but I did not ask for Family Medical Leave, and I was not seriously mentally ill. Nor was I suddenly a bad teacher.

February 4, 2013.
William MacQueen sent another “Notice of Charges under Article 6.3 (Discharge)”: “This notice constitutes a summary of the charges at issue and serves as an amendment to those previously provided to you.”
Listen to this monster sexist malign my mind as if I were a child who could not comprehend that I was being screwed over.
February 4, 2013 William MacQueen on behalf of Land of Motown Community College: “Following receipt of the fitness for duty report on January 2, 2013, overtures were made by your attorney to explore a possible mutual resolution of the various issues at stake.”
Who began the discussions?
I wasn’t there.
February 4, 2013 William MacQueen on behalf of Land of Motown Community College: “Due to those discussions, the College agreed to withhold serving the formal charges regarding your conduct (which had already been prepared) pending the outcomes of those discussions. Those discussions ended on January 26, 2013.”
No, those discussions ended January 22, 2013, according to my records, a Tuesday, the first dead birthday of my recently departed husband.
In his February 4, 2013 letter, William MacQueen added more details from my actions as teacher intended to corral online students and maintain academic standards.

~ * ~
William MacQueen did not name Phyllis Harden in his February 4, 2013 letter, either. Again, he referred to her as an “on-ground” student.
February 4, 2013. William MacQueen on behalf of Land of Motown Community College to me: “The above charges together (or individually in some cases), may warrant discharge, if they are sustained. At this time, but still subject to the due process procedure, it appears that such an outcome is possible. The charges are serious, and some relate to concerns about your conduct which have been previously addressed with you.”
February 4, 2013, William MacQueen on behalf of Land of Motown Community College, parting words: “Please inform me by 5pm February 15, 2013, whether you wish to attend a due process meeting with Dr. Maize and me in the coming weeks without regard to your current family medical leave status, or alternatively, defer the due process meeting until your current leave ends on April 2, 2013.”

Cathy Maize was no one to trust. She wasn’t going to buck the tide.
~ * ~
February 6, 2013.
I opened the door of my rented Livonia home to find that an actual binder of documentation had been delivered by the U.S. Post Office.

February 6, 2013.
Inside the binder, organized by tabs, I found much, including school emails between me, Phyllis Harden and Suzanne Labadie dating back to early November 2012.
Inside this binder, Phyllis Harden was named by Land of Motown Community College via the documentation included.
I emailed Phyllis Harden using my Gmail account and her Hotmail account on February 6, 2013.
I was appropriate in my language.
Me to Phyllis Harden: “recently, I have been informed that you contacted Suzanna Labadie of Land of Motown Community College after I contacted you through school email back in November 2012. Upon review, it seems to me, if you had exercised greater integrity and thoughtfulness, you would have shared your concerns with me directly. In retrospect, your message to me appears disingenuous, which saddens me because I was forthright in our communications. Please realize that the school is using your complaint alone among students to discharge me as a physical threat. Legal action will ensue . . . .”

Suzanne Labadie cc’ed Robert Boonin, the lawyer hired by Land of Motown Community. She also cc’ed Lloyd Crews who was not dean of the English department at the time. Tony Ingram was dean.
Suzanne Labadie even cc’ed Terry McCauley, top school cop, who would become my two-time suicide swatter.
Two email chains were lumped together, one between me and the student, and the next between the student and Suzanne Labadie.
The email chains must be read backwards for chronological order.

Through my school email account, as teacher, still in the classroom, but not for long, I had written Phyllis Harden on November 3, 2012. It was a friendly email encouraging her to continue with her coursework. And I apologized for “letting my frustration show in class this past week.”
Me to Phyllis Harden November 3, 2012: “I’ve been thinking about you and wanted to check in. It’s amazing how one week can feel longer. It’s amazing how much can happen in a half month. I want to apologize for letting my frustration show in class this past week. I’m surprised to to see you lagging, frankly. I didn’t think I had to worry about you, but perhaps I was wrong. It seems you are having difficulty with the course design. Are you more clear now? Do you have any homework to share with me? I hope your son’s shoulder (was that it?) has healed and that you are on course with your coursework.”
There are a couple of typos but nothing in my email to Phyllis Harden that suggests I was crazy dangerous.
As I did in class, I gave the student lots of my attention, in a positive fashion.
Me to Phyllis Harden November 3, 2012: “Please let me know how you are doing.”
I encouraged her to do her missing homework, which would help her find her focus and thesis argument.
However I also needed to know that she was behind in her coursework and needed to catch up.
Me to Phyllis Harden November 3, 2012: “I need to see more coursework, more regularly, following the course design, going forward, please understand. You can definitely do it!!!!!!”
Smiley face. “Best wishes.”
Phyllis Harden wrote me back, responding to my email, as teacher, to my my school email account, the next day, November 4, 2012.
Phyllis Harden responded: “Hi Gina, I have been thinking about you too and hoping you are well. I am not lagging in this course, I will have all my homework completed and ready to turn in on Wednesday.”
Wrong. Wishful thinking.
Phyllis was old school, and she was uncomfortable writing argument as a student in my workshop style course.
And she was lagging in the course, which may have been a jolt to her.
Phyllis Harden continued: “After last week, I think I have a handle of what you want from us . . . . Receiving a “WF” in any class is totally unacceptable for me, so I will rise to the challenge.”
Then she told me about her son’s shoulder, which she said caused her to missed class and fall further behind.
Phyllis Harden ended: “It would be nice if I could take advantage of the classroom time to complete assignments. It’s unfortunate we have not been able to fully resolve computer issues. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.”
Phyllis had sight issues. My understanding was she was able to see some. She sat upfront. The appropriate office was supposed to be working on her computer accommodations.
On November 6, 2012, Phyllis Harden forwarded our email exchange to Suzanne Labadie.
Phyllis Harden apparently spoke on the phone with Suzanne Labadie.
Suzanne Labadie responded to Phyllis Harden: “Thanks for your email and for talking with me today. I would like to help you out with the situation in your classroom. As we discussed on the phone, please forward information about what happened ion the classroom with Gina last week. I will share the information with my supervisors and see what we can do. Also, since you do not feel safe in the classroom, I strongly recommend that you do not attend class tomorrow. ”
Suzanne Labadie assumed the student’s story shared was accurate and she told Phyllis not to attend class since she did “not feel safe.”
What about the other students who did attend class?
Wednesday November 7, 2012 was my last day teaching on campus. The class in which Phyllis Harden was registered met on Wednesdays.
Suzanne Labadie and the administration did not talk to any other students in that section of Composition II. The other students were not told to stay home for the safe of safety. Because no one was actually concerned there may be an issue concerning student safety. I attended class that day, and so did other students. And no one was harmed.
At Suzanne Labadie’s request, Phyllis Harden then wrote a lengthy email describing my alleged behavior and her concerns.
Phyllis Harden’s attack of my character sought to earn an A in her own fantasy version of Comp II, in which the student gets the teacher fired.
Phyllis Harden to Suzanne Labadie November 6, 2012: “It is with dismay that I write this email describing the events and behaviors of Gina Fournier on Wednesday’s from 12:00-2:55 pm.”
Phyllis Harden described me in our least class meeting as “disheveled and somewhat agitated.” She created the quote William MacQueen included in his paperchase papertrail binder about my posing myself as a failed savior. She made up additional quotes. She used the “r” word “rant.” She said I seemed “explosive.”
Phyllis Harden to Suzanne Labadie November 6, 2012: “I have noticed that her temperament has changed over the past few weeks.”
I bet she was coached by Suzanne Labadie.
Of course I felt the pressure. As designed.
Yes, I bitched about the administration and education some, as the student indicated, but not for three hours each week, not more time than I spent on coursework. Recall, ironically, that Phyllis had chosen the problems with educational administrators as her subject for Comp II coursework.
In computer classroom based Composition II, we worked as a group using the overhead projector to start each class meeting. Then students were allowed to spend course time on assignments, as I checked in individually with each student about their coursework.
Yes, I showed the class a copy of the book I wrote. Quickly, to show I practiced what I preached.
Phyllis says I mentioned trolls online. I likely said that my online students were acting like trolls running me around cyber space, not doing any work.
I knew I was running frazzled and felt compelled to explain in my usual sarcastic some people say I am funny kind of way.
I did not “constantly talk about how teachers are not teaching or doing their jobs.”
I did compare old school one size fits all approaches with my course design, which was likely very different. For their last ever required English course, to warm up, students first wrote about themselves as student writers. Then they picked a topic of interest, picked a nonfiction book about that topic, read and reviewed the book. The semester concluded with an argumentative researched essay on the topic for which the book could serve as source.
Unlike old school approaches, students were not handed a book or topic and allowed to regurgitate what others thought. Students needed to develop their own interests and thoughts. Students needed to develop their own argument and thesis statement about a topic of interest.
Much really great student growth and writing came out of my course design, which I sought to improve each semester.
As usual, classroom students were performing much better than online students.
Outside of Land of Motown Community College, Rick Snyder, governor of Michigan, that year had launched his “Any Time, Any Place, Any Way, Any Pace Program.” We were on the same page pedagogically.
Unfortunately, he did so within impoverished Detroit Public Schools, under emergency management. The state’s worst students were not strong enough test subjects. Nor were they ready for the change, which does not mean his ideas about individual pacing were poor ideas.
Rick Snyder was not accused of being crazy or dangerous, not by the state of Michigan.
Phyllis Harden’s email to Suzanne Labadie reminds me that the Land of Motown Community College was so intent on my destruction that at one point in the Fall 2012 semester, I was forced to attend some sort of disciplinary meeting about my alleged behavior that was scheduled during class time, during the section in which Phyllis was enrolled.
I think I said no and did not attend due to the scheduling conflict, but I’m not sure. It was a long time ago.
Such a scheduling conflict was a clear sign that the school was acting in very bad faith.
February 8, 2013.
William MacQueen emailed me about posting the February 4, 2012 letter naming students online, which I did with their names crossed out.
I started to put the papertrail on Facebook after the school put me on medical leave and stopped paying me.

William MacQueen also brought up Phyllis Harden and again threatened termination, if contacted Phyllis Harden again.
February 8, 2013 William MacQueen on behalf of Land of Motown Community College: “. . . it has come to our attention that you have sent an intimidating, if not threatening, communication to one of your former students (her initials being P.H.) in the form of an email dated February 6, 2013 at 12:09 p.m. While we respect your right to pursue your legal interests and communicate with witnesses, you do not have the right to make explicit, or even implicit, threats. You have a right to pursue your rights and to make complaints, and so do students. The communication you sent to P.H. crosses the line of appropriateness. The College cannot condone or tolerate any member of our faculty communicating with any of its students in this manner. The student has asked the College to direct you to refrain from communicating with her or approaching her any further in any respect. You are hereby directed to refrain from communicating with or approaching P.H. in any respect. Your failure to comply with this directive will subject you to discipline for insubordination, up to and including termination of your employment.”

February 8, 2013.
Despite William MacQueen’s warning, I emailed Phyllis Harden again using my Gmail account and her Hotmail account, after receiving William MacQueen’s email to me, on February 8, 2013.
In my February 8, 2013 email to Phyliss Harden, I asked her what phone number she used to call Suzanne Labadie to complain about me.
Had she used a school phone number or Suzanne Labadie’s private number?
I wondered about the chain of contact.
I had received next to no student complaints in seven years, but understood that students usually talked to the department secretaries first, who pointed students towards the appropriate dean’s office, as department chairs were not supervisors to other tenured teachers.
How did Phyllis Harden find Suzanne Labadie? Who directed Phyliss Harden to Suzanne Labadie?
In my email to Phyllis Harden, I said she had not told me and Suzanne Labadie the same story.
In my email to Phyllis Harden, I said I would sue her for defamation if applicable because she was taking action to ruin my livelihood and smear my reputation.
And, in anger, I made a hurtful joke about Phyllis Harden’s very heavy almost Hitler-like mustache.
I sarcastically questioned her possible gang involvement, alluding that I had my own fears about her appearance, too.
Phyllis Harden had reported something about my appearance being allegedly frightening, so I returned the favor. Not my best moment.
I tried to point out how off-base and damaging her comments about me were.
I was made desperate.
By design.
February 8, 2013. Me to Phyllis Harden: “I am aware that you contacted Land of Motown Community College. Be aware I promise to take appropriate legal action . . . “
I continued “Since you initiated this conversation through your action, please allow me to ask: Is your moustache a sing of gang involvement by any chance? It is so pronounce, and so unusual, I assume it is a personal choice and open for discussion, as you brought up my appearance in your email to Suzanne . . . . Please realize that your charges are ridiculous, but highly damaging.”
William MacQueen did not contact me about this second email to Phyllis Harden.

There is something very fishy here.
Wanda Harris ran the students with disabilities office that was supposed to be getting student Phyllis Harden extra computer equipment to help her see better in the computer classroom. Phyllis was not new to the campus, so the technology she needed were supposedly already known and in the mechanisms for acquiring it already in place.
According to a lawsuit available online, Wanda Harris was battling Land of Motown Community College at the same time I was, circa January 2013.
Wanda Harris used the Americans with Disability Act to say the the school was giving her a disability, mental stress, because Land of Motown Community College did not adequately fund her office, then the school retaliated against her for speaking out.
Did Wanda Harris cover up for not taking care of student Phyllis Harden and use me as an excuse?
Did Wanda Harris point Phyllis Harden to Suzanne Labadie?

I am named in Land of Motown Community College employee Wanda Harris’ lawsuit against the school, and student Phyllis Harden is referenced.
Lawsuit: “In February 2013, a student asked her instructor for an extension on an assignment because she was being harassed by a former instructor, Gina Fournier.”
As there is no protection for me and my name, in this lawsuit, and because Land of Motown Community College named Phyliss Harden as the stole student to ever complain the she was allegedly afraid of me, I don’t think I have any legal obligation to not name Phyllis Harden.
As the lawsuit states, Land of Motown Community College included Suzanne Labadie’s email, about Phyllis Harden, with Phyllis Harden named, to William MacQueen, amid its paperchase papertrail paperwork, within the binder of materials that William MacQueen used to psychologically abuse me.
Lawsuit: ” Plantiff [Wanda Harris] responded to clarify that when she spoke of Defendant [Land of Motown Community College] mishandling the situation, she meant the college official had inappropriately forwarded the harassed students email complaining about Fournier to Fournier herself and Defendant had failed to provide escort services for the student as promised.”
In other words, if Phyllis Harden has a beef, it’s with the school, and the school did not think I was a danger, not really.
The one classroom-based student, who was used to take me down on charges of crazy dangerous, who did not appear or complain until six months after William MacQueen began lobbing bombs at me, stopped doing coursework, stopped attending the course, and even used me to complain about not doing coursework her following semester–according to Wanda Harris’ lawsuit–when I was not campus.
And the student appears in another employee’s simultaneous contentious lawsuit that revealed a politically tumultuous Land of Motown Community College.
Did Wanda Harris and Phyllis Harden know each other apart from Land of Motown Community College?
Wanda Harris and Phyllis Harden were close in age, not young. While I am now 58 years old, Phyllis Harden may be currently 63 years old, according to online records.
Later in the Wanda Harris legal summary, Deans Lloyd Crews and Dave Matthews are mentioned as actors in bad faith who started to give Wanda Harris the cold shoulder on behalf of the administration after she complained about insufficient funding for her office.

I should have seen Phyllis Harden coming.
She told me with pride and smile she was practically a professional complainer about education to Oakland County school boards on behalf of her children.
She wrote about her experience complaining to school boards for her first personal narrative essay.
The inflated complaints of one real student ended my career after seven years service in good faith.
February 11, 2013.
William MacQueen emailed to me through my Google Gmail address and entitled his communication “Publication of Student Names.”
In reply, I simply said, “Schedule the meeting, MacQueen,” meaning the much delayed due process meeting over my suspension then threats of termination.
I added in follow up, “I double checked. No full names are showing. I did accidentally leave two last names but they are not identifiable as people. Another non issue.”

February 13, 2012.
William MacQueen in my Google email again. This time titled, “Meeting Date.”
First, he said the due process meeting was scheduled for February 22, 2013, the day I was suicide swatted.
What a coincidence.
Then, William MacQueen sent a correction. The due process meeting was re-scheduled, again, for March 8, 2013, two weeks later, four months after the first suspension.

February 6, 2013.

William MacQueen’s binder was crammed with documents, including the street addresses of students, including Ryan Allen and Aaron Suttles, who both chose Something Wicked This Way Comes strangely and stubbornly for their nonfiction book.
If I was such a community danger, why did the school send me home addresses for students?
To prove that all students were actual people? By breaking FERPA?
Students, talk to Land of Motown Community College with any complaints about the sharing of your address.
I still need to “save my life” and stop mental torture.
If someone complains, the school may be forced to explain its actions.

The same address documents said neither Ryan Allen or Aaron Suttles received financial aid. Many other students did.
What happened?
Was Something Wicked This Way Comes a coincidence only?
Was there any merit to my theories?
Were Ryan Allen and Aaron Suttles party to fraud?
February 6, 2013 binder inclusion.
Who was assigned to take over my online courses when I was pulled from the classroom?
Mr. Online Shakespeare, longtime lead teacher bully, Ray Mort.
Why was Lloyd Crews and not the actual dean of English, Tony Ingram, included in this email chain?
Ray Mort to William MacQueen: “I did begin to modify existing classes, but did not delete anything that contained work. Instead, I hid it from students to avoid confusion. I did think to archive Ms. Fournier’s course and would send it to any of you who want it.”
Why was longtime bully peer Ray Mort left to archive my online Composition course?

Ray Mort next showed concerned about his income, then showed concern for his publicly safety, BASED ON WHAT?
Ray Mort to William MacQueen: “Please not that I only have one hour left for compensation purposes and I do no want to have nine hours credited to me which would destroy my summer schedule. So if there is any compensation for me, it would be for i hour ( of a 3 hour course) for the contemplated over-break class.”
After prioritizing his pay, Ray Mort pretended he was afraid I would hurt him.
Ray Mort to William MacQueen: “I’m not sure when Ms. Fournier entered the WF’s (especially if only done in the classes I took over. . .”
WHAT? I had online literature classes too. Why was Ray Mort asked to take over my Composition I class, a course he avoided teaching, and not my online literature courses, which he only reluctantly after years fighting ‘allowed’ me to teach through his bullying and his vote?
” . . . but if it occurred after her nonfiction last Thursday, it raises considerably my anxiety level, particularly after events at the Southfield police station yesterday.”
What events at a police station in Southfield on November 12, 2012?
On campus with campus police at the Southfield location of Land of Motown Community College or the city of Southfield police station?
If I was such a danger and Ray Mort was supposedly so afraid of me, why did William MacQueen and Land of Motown Community College share his plan to avoid me (reduce his office hours) and lock his classroom door?
Ray Mort to William MacQueen: “I would like a meeting with Public Safety and an administrator present to discuss what I should/should not be doing to decrease this.”
Ray Mort to William MacQueen: “Until this happens, I’d like permission to minimize my presence on campus like cancelling office hours or holding them in an open area. As it is, my office would be an easy trap.”
This is what happens when you feed bullies.
Ray Mort to William MacQueen: “Also, I’m varying my campus routine and not parking in the parking structure. Also, making sure I lock my classroom door. I know this sounds paranoid, but there have been too many instances . . . “
“. . . for me not to at least take some precautions.”
This is what happens when you feed bullies until they are fat, overprivileged and granted undue power.
William MacQueen’s binder also included evidence Ray Mort shared my November 9, 2012 just-pulled-from-the-classroom Facebook Messenger message with William MacQueen through school email.
William MacQueen asked top cop Terry McCauley, my suicide swatter, on Ray Mort’s behalf, with help “dealing with a potentially harassing or threatening conversation on Facebook.”
I told Ray Mort I would out him legally, fairly and peacefully. Is that what he reported to police? That he was afraid of being outed for his own bad behavior?

Me to Ray Mort via Facebook Messenger when I was pulled from the classroom in November 2012: “Ray Mort, since before Nov. 10, 2008, you have sought me out by name for undue defamation and attack on my person and my livelihood. You coerced the RO/SF ENG department staff to sign blank OCC letterhead dated Nov 10, 2008, after which you wrote a scathing letter about me, among other nonsense, objecting to my preference for complete sentence outlining over Roman numeral outlining (you incredible asshole). Your letter made no sense, revealed your serious lack of integrity (and probably talent, as well), and supported my worth as a teacher, ironically. My calls about program assessment simply predated the schools. At present, HR alludes to the fact that you have claimed I am physical danger to you, you Mr. Online Shakespeare, the poster child for greedy union teachers in America. What a fucking joke. You have climbed down my throat numerous times in meetings. Even your wall of wife gave me the super evil stink eye at Crews’ house. Since you have made my life a living hell, let me add that two of you make a disgusting couple. Very unattractive. You have a bad case of short man’s complex. You stink of it. Know that I will sue you. It is now my life’s mission to sue you and to reveal your nasty person in print, by name, in the biggest, most legal, fair and peaceful way possible. In my life, you are scum. I remember the godawful day I met you. It was at Southfield on the first day of my first year back in 2005. It was lunchtime. Nicole, the one without any backbone, the one who told me you made people sign blank OCC letterhead against me, was sitting with us. You asked if Chris and I had any kids. I said we didn’t want any. Your face changed. The moons and the stars shifted gear. I did not know what happened, but I knew something happened. You excused yourself. Nicole told me your wife and daughter had died. Since that moment, you have sought to bludgeon me with your pain. Well, it has worked, fucker. My husband cracked under the pressure, started to abuse me and I had to flee the house in the middle of the night just a few weeks ago. Are you happy, you scum, that they escorted me out of the building like a criminal, while the real criminals, you and Eric, stay safe and overpaid inside? My life has been ruined. Happy? I can’t express how much I hate you. But I will not physically hurt you. I am going to sue the fucking crap out of you. But I won’t even show up in the courtroom. You are too repulsive to draw near.”
NOT in the February 2, 2013 binder.
My Facebook Messenger message to Lori Linden, Royal Oak/Southfield English department faculty, who was NOT working with William MacQueen to end my career, unlike front-line bullies Ray Mort, Eric Abbey and Suzanne Labadie.
Lori Linden sided with bullies to protect her own interests, but she wasn’t as cutthroat, and she knew that she screwed up royally, along with group, back in 2008, when Ray Mort coerced college English teachers to sign a letter before it was written.

Me to Lori Linden via Facebook Messenger when I was pulled from the classroom in November 2012: “(edited version) You signed the defamatory Nov 10, 2008 letter written by Ray Mort on OCC letterhead before it was written. At that time, you should have been forced to resign for gross lack of academic integrity. English teachers should show more respect for the written word. Since, you have taken additional steps to attack me by name and by livelihood. You have kept quiet at most other times to protect yourself above all else, like so many prima donna union teachers. You have failed to step forward on behalf of students in regards to program assessment and scheduling issues, revealing your ultimately selfish teacher’s nature. At present, the HR office alludes that members of the RO/SF ENG department have claimed I am a physcial [sic]danger (to people I avoid). If you are in this group, be prepared to make a written statement and to swear under oath. Know that I will sue you. Even better, I will seek to reveal your behavior publicly. I will not hurt you. Frankly, with a face like that (Rod Stewart’s song reminds me of you), I don’t want to come near you, because I know how ugly you are on the inside, too, how weak and small your commitment to doing the right thing is. I will tell the story, over and over, in a memoir, I hope, of how at first you nicely told me to “teach Academic Literacy” because it was so much “less” work that teaching composition. At first, you were open, you were honest and friendly and nice, but that was the last time, a long time ago. Since, you’ve acted like lying scum, and you will be held accountable–peacefully, legally and ideally very publicly–so your sons can be proud of their mom! Please know that your ill behavior has indeed contributed to the ruin of my life. Happy? Yes, I was escorted out the building like a criminal, while the likes of your overpaid ass probably was at home with her kids. My one kidney husband recently cracked under the pressure, began to abuse me and forced me to flee the house in the middle of the night. Happy? HR is trying to have me declared insane. Happy? You are not the fully good woman you maybe like to think you are. You do have a slightly rotten core, isn’t it true? What do they say in Catholicsim [sic] (usually with rote monotony and complete emptiness), “and god be with you.”
So many coincidences. Lori Linden attended Madonna College on campus with St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward and the Felician nunnery.
NOT in the February 2, 2013 binder.
My Facebook Messenger message to John Mitchell, an English Discipline member who taught at another campus.
Only a very small number of select teachers was working with William MacQueen to end my career.

Accessed March 31, 2022
Me to John Mitchell after I was pulled from the classroom in November 2012:
(Edited version) I can’t go down quietly. On behalf of the OCC ENG discipline, please be aware that on November 9, 2012, I was escorted off campus by police and given a paid suspension without due process or any evidence presented. As my lawyer put it, the school is “hellbent” on having me declared mentally insane, regardless of documentation or fact. In May 2012, MacQueen, on the job for three days, ordered me to take an eleven hour mental health exam, the type given to Jared Loughner after he committed mass murder. Why? Because of the fair and talented beauties in the ENG department at RO/SF, who now claim supposedly that I am a physical danger to them (though I avoid them). They complained about my preference for complete sentence outlining over Roman numeral outlining in Ray’s bogus Nov. 10, 2008 letter, and now they are supposedly afraid for their lives! Yes, a witchhunt still works at OCC. Eric Abbey, a pussy who can’t write, can simply say he’s afraid, and my life can be ruined. I knew the place was backward, but I had been thinking 1960s, not 1600s. Motherfucker. It is amazing but true: a huge percentage of the nation’s greedy union teachers work in one place!!!!!!!!!!!! The school is not consistent, clear, fair or legal in its scant explanation thus far, but the overall thrust is certainly very clear: they are trying to fire me, ruin my name and ruin my life. I am to undergo another mental health exam, more torture, so I can maybe return to the welcoming scheduling habits of Eric, Ray and Suzanne, which of course the school has no intention of allowing. My livelihood and name have been ruined by a small group of talentless schmucks, and when the ENG discipline could have and should have done something, about program assessment and about scheduling, a room of overpaid prima donna “union mafia bastards” (thank you, South Park) did nothing that might interfere with their paychecks and cushy pensions. Who really cares about students and teaching and academic integrity? Not OCC full time ENG teachers. My current students have been royally screwed without thought, not incidentally. But who cares about the students, I mean really? The school has never talked to mine about my teaching, never completed a performance evaluation, not since my arrival in 2005. John, you seem like a nice person, as do others, but the group sucks. I can’t imagine a more lackluster or cold group than the OCC ENG discipline. The room in which we meet for Discipline Day–a block of cement, inside a larger block of cement, inside a human cement habit trail–is a pretty apt metaphor for the cold, hard culture of the group. Well, doing nothing can cause harm, please realize. Here’s a juicy tidbit: My husband recently cracked under the pressure aimed at me, started abusing me, forced me to flee my home of ten years in the middle of the night with the help of the police. Get this. He was holding MacQueen’s paperwork in his hands when he called to report falsely that I was suicidal. My husband has come unhinged, not me (not quite yet). I have had to move, go to court for a ppo against my betrothed, and now be removed from the classroom all in one hellacious semester. My husband would not have cracked up if I had not been put through hell for the last four years, hell building, not receding. At this point, my life has been hit by a full scale hurricane. This story in full can read like a novel. I hope I get a memoir deal. Sue? Fuck yes, of course, everyone involved. And in writing and in court, my now evidently former ENG discipline will not look good, please realize. What first? Sue or write? Or maybe check out my belief in reincarnation. God I hate Oakland County.”
The Full English Discipline knew about what was being done to me and kept quite.
I made phone calls and sent emails through school email, too.
They know.
February 6, 2013 binder.
To be fair, at the very back, the binder included a small number of student complaints.
Apparently, in an unprecedented move, Land of Motown Community College sought out complaints from online students.
Out of 60 possible students, eight complained (one student’s complaint was included twice).
One student dropped on 8/31/2012, which was less than a week into the semester, and his complaint is included, meaning the school went fishing for students to speak out against me.
Email communication from not dean of English at the time, Lloyd Crews, documents the school’s action to create a body of student complaints.
One student complaint said a hospital stay prevented the student from doing work. Another claimed religious holidays prevented the student from doing work. That student complained about two teachers at once.
Neither Lue Jackson, Aaron Suttles or Ryan Allen, all potential trolls or bad actors, are included in student complaints.

The February 6, 2012 binder also contained some email exchanges between and my students, too numerous to include. Plus, I’ll give students the last word.
I see no evidence of “abrasiveness” or hopes students would perform poorly in those exchanges.
I see a woman torn to shreds by bullying and psychological attack, who took on too many students–but no more classes than Ray Mort regularly taught–in a schedule that was tacitly approved by administration before the onset of William MacQueen.
I swear on my dog’s life, I was a good teacher with next to no student complaints between 2005-2012, before the onset of William MacQueen.
You can’t imagine my pain. Nothing is this worth mental torture and the destruction of one’s self.
February 21, 2013.
On February 21, 2013, the day before my nemesis, William MacQueen, ordered the top school cop at Land of Motown Community College, Terry McCauley, to suicide swat me, William MacQueen updated his February 4, 2013, paperchase document.
Land of Motown Community College had it delivered by special mail that day, to my house, the day before I was murdered, February 22, 2013.

~ * ~
The February 21, 2013 amendment went on for eleven pages.
Three new points were added to the existing seven points.
In summary:
8. Posting student names on Facebook when I posted Land of Motown Community College bogus papertrail documents, even though I did so with names crossed out. William MacQueen said I did not cross them out well enough.
9. Land of Motown Community College named Phyllis Harden and referenced my private Gmail emails to her, especially my act of insubordination of emailing her a second time after I was threatened with termination if I do so again.
10. Objections to my First Amendment protected speech on Facebook.
By this point it occurred to me that Land of Motown Community College and William MacQueen did not want to fire me.
Because firing me with a union contract in place that the school was violating would have improved my legal position.
To test my theory, I started saying purposefully outlandish things on Facebook, and took on William MacQueen directly, to which William MacQueen objected and over which he threatened my termination but did not take action.
For example:
“May I say that William MacQueen’s mother and Howard Friedman’s mother, for my tastes, could have chosen and old fashioned coat hanger abortion instead of birthing anti-christs? I mean, given the circumstances.”
“And so I met hack shrink #1, Eliot Wolf, who climbed verbally up my vagina, but declined to include his findings in that regard in his single spaced report.”
“Bullshit right from the start. MacQueen started riding my funky progressive female behind in April 2012.”
“MacQueen, know that I will be thinking about you, for the rest of my life, like cancer on the brain, like my own private Hitler. You evil piece of effluvia from hell. I hav enever before admitted that evil existed until I met you, and that says a lot because I attended two all girl Catholic high schools!”
“Please do not cut up the contents or intent of my syllabus UNLESS I can take a baseball bat to your pancake old man balls. Fair?”
“Deep concern” for my “well-being.” Fuck you. With this kind of concern, I’ll take hostility. It can’t be worse.”
The last change from the previous February 4, 2013 version of the document?
Was at the end with the date of the scheduled so-called due process meeting: March 8, 2013.
William MacQueen’s paperchase papertrail was paperwork my nemesis did not want me to share with the world, apparently. And my voice dared to show insubordination.
I posted the growing papertrail on my Facebook page, but somehow the paperwork kept disappearing.
I re-posted the paperwork, especially the with student names blacked out, said I was trying to “save my life,” and that’s the day I was suicide swatted, February 22, 2013.
Was the school in communication with Facebook about my posts and alleged violations of the contract and federal law? Documents I had posted from the school were removed, I confirmed again, on the day I was suicide swatted. Was my account hacked?
Was the school watching which days Dr. Andrew Muzychka did and did not show up in the St Mary Merciless emergency room?
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