by Gina Fournier
I’m still editing after initial construction in spring 2019. In order to polish a piece, I need to edit a lot and still need an outside editor. I publish while still under construction because I need accumulating actual mental torture to stop.
This defense attempts to correct the record. It requires an elaborate time structure (which requires an extra amount of very painful editing). And documentation when one is falsely accused of delusion, hallucination and psychosis. This is not a memoir. This is me still trying to save my life from retaliatory criminal (not forensic) psychiatry.
Since the spring and summer of 2019, when I first drafted this website, I’ve been filing rounds of Michigan Civil Rights complaints in response to current retaliation and harassment from my many attackers (school, police, Catholics, state of Michigan), as well as surviving. My complaints have been accepted and are still under investigation, delayed due to COVID. They are means toward possible legal redress, as I understand it.
New Part Nine Chapter Titles
- Please Stop Calling Them Welfare Checks
- Police Harassment: Suicide Gaslighting and Hostile So Called Welfare Checks, 2016
- Labor Day Weekend 2016 Lying Cops Strike Nine Months Before the Bogus PPO
- Police Harassment and so Called Welfare Checks 2017
- February 22, 2018, Conclusion, Coda Police Harassment: They Aren’t Welfare Checks!

Chapter: Please Stop Calling Them Welfare Checks
Well, reader, I know you want the juicy jail details more than anything else I have to say, but before the locals jailed me in remote mid-Michigan, right in the middle of the Mitten, first I was terrorized.
Yes, terrorized.
~ * ~
Writing tip. Former students and others. Learn your own patterns. Like me, your main idea may pop out later in the writing process. Learn to find your own main point. Move main points to the top to grab readers’ attention (to the top of essays, sections, paragraphs). Open strong. Still seems to be the Hollywood plan, too.
~ * ~
The lack of coordination between police agencies involving the Michigan State Police and overlapping the offices of the governor and the attorney general equal harassment.
My claims have been silenced, and I have been maligned, abused, gaslit.
That’s harassment.
And discrimination.
And mental terror, in my case.
~ * ~
When your public institution employer sets you up with hack shrinks, gaslights you, makes false police reports about you saying you are suicidal when you are not, in order to silence you in a sexist fashion; when your higher ed employer uses an illegal looney bin lock up to attack you; when your employer suicide swats you again, even after you are forced to quit, and the state attorney general still refuses to investigate or prosecute and instead the state attorney general retaliates–retaliates with the state police–in clear bad faith, subsequent misguided police visits equal harassment, discrimination, terror.
~ * ~
Writing tip. Save extravagant old fashioned punctuation for super special occasions.
~ * ~
I hope I am able to convince some people.
Enough people and in time to finally save my life.
Mental terror has become for me a through line stretching back to February 22, 2013.
Police visits to me are a very real dangerous threat.
They could take me back to a looney bin at any time.
~ * ~
Mental terror has never left me since illegal looney bin lock up, for good reason.
~ * ~
Police visits accomplish nothing but more pain.
But they have not stopped.
~ * ~
Still, right now.
Misguided damaging cop visits have not stopped.
It’s the first weekend in August 2019, when two mass shootings occurred in the United States, in El Paso and Dayton.
Mass shootings committed by angry white males with guns who are likely suicidal without any encouragement.
Only readers who started at the beginning may remember that way back in May 2012, my nemesis at Land of Motown Community College accused me of being potential mass shooter material, to launch this horror, witnessed by my lawyer from Nacht Law (law firm since split up) and a one day lady lawyer hired by the college, and therefore tax payers and students.
Seven years later, I have not murdered anyone, not myself or any else.
Suicide gaslighting has caused great mental pain, but it has not turned me into a criminal or an axe murderer, though at this point I could almost conceive drawing a crucifix slashing cartoon featuring nuns much like those I know in Livonia, Michigan, as both a child and adult.
~ * ~
It wasn’t just cops.
At the same time, up north at Lake Miramichi, eight miles outside of Evart, Michigan, I was hassled by state and county cops, the tax man, the health department and the Department of Health and Human services.
To this day, in Bay City, Michigan, someone at the door is NOT a good thing.
Criminal mental abuse imposes social isolation in so many ways.
~ * ~
But this chapter is about cops.
Cop harassment up north, after the looney bin, because of the looney bin.
Up north cops circled, hounded, pounced repeatedly, terrorized me.
They progressively moved in closer.
The lakehouse, as my deceased husband called it, sat on the county line between Mecosta and Osceola counties, meaning more jurisdictions.
~ * ~
Between November 19, 2015–when Bill Schuette sent the Michigan State Police to ask me if I planned on Killing Bill! (based on sarcasm that did not even name him, or anyone) and August 25, 2017– when I was arrested for supposedly violating the bogus ppo–too many cops were forced upon me due to mistakes in the past, mistakes by city, county, state and federal government, by my tally.
Cops. Mostly white males. All asking, Are you suicidal? Repeatedly despite my NOs!
~ * ~
The hell never ends.
I believe the police in Bay City have been called once since I started listing police harassment in this section, which does not sound good for my claims.
Please, officials, somebody, read this tale from the start.
You see, criminal mental torture works very well and left unchecked snowballs, mushrooms, terrorizes.
~ & ~
I now live very close side by side to neighbors who don’t like my crying.
I don’t blame them.
I don’t either.
~ * ~
Hell on earth: cops, mostly males, showing up to poke me: Are you suicidal? Are you suicidal? Are you suicidal? Even though I keep saying NO!!!!
I am tortured by suicide swatting since February 22, 2013 and now suicide gaslighting ever since my the resulting illegal looney bin lock up.
Suicide gaslighting.
Is worse than death and causes great pain.
~ * ~
No cop, not one cop, has ever looked me in the eye and believed that I had a story to tell.
No cop has believed that I was a victim of crime perpetrator by cops and doctors.
No cop came to talk and listen to me about what’s killing me: criminal mental abuse unchecked and allowed to grow.
~ * ~
Please stop calling them welfare checks.
~ * ~
~ * ~
The cops even showed up again one time after JAIL, with DHHS, the Department of Health and Human Services.
On the fifth anniversary of illegal looney bin lock up, February 22, 2018, for no reason at all, not on the surface.
I truly believe the forces with badges and cover were hoping to take me back to the looney bin, or jail, on the five year anniversary of my hell, because I would likely be more vulnerable.
Bastards. Bitches. (Watch the video.)
I wasn’t crying.
I had not called them.
On social media, I had only posted Tweets to the governor and attorney general: take appropriate action!
~ * ~
The cops circled and eventually pounced much like when a German Shepherd dog progressively terrorized then bit me as a teenager.
But first they did indeed terrorize me.
~ * ~
The Story of the German Shepherd That Bit My Butt While I Delivered The Detroit Free Press in the Early Morning Before Ladywood High School.
(Now defunct Ladywood High School on grounds with St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward.)
Circa 1980.
I delivered the Detroit Free Press newspaper early mornings before high school in order to dance after school.
Yes, that school, my all girl Catholic high school, Ladywood High School, now defunct, the existence of which taunted me while I was housed in the nearby looney bin.
I knew that German Shepherd dog wanted a piece of my juicy bum. And I was right. It terrorized me for months, creeping closer as I delivered the newspaper.
First, it stood inside the house, door closed, barking.
Then it was summer.
Then the door was open.
Step by step he, I assume it was a he, but I did not check!
I was a good Catholic school girl, who had barely done drugs, had never been kissed and had never had sex.
I delivered the morning newspaper to pay for my after school dance habit in conjunction with a ballet company in my hometown of Livonia, the one that turned so badly on me later in life.
The dog moved closer.
The screen door stood between us.
The screen door was unlocked.
The dog stuck his angry mouth and showed his teeth through the open door.
I think I started throwing the newspaper at the porch.
I must have.
Next, the dog stood outside the house waiting and watching.
One day, but not the first day it could, it did the only left to do.
Did it run along side me for few days first?
That certainly was his pattern and style.
As I feared, one day that dog jumped up and bit one of my buttocks while I was trying to pedal away on my bike.
I had asked the owners to restrain the dog, but they did not listen.
I knew that dog was going to bite my butt, and it did.
I could not stop it.
~ * ~
It’s alright to laugh.
I guess.
The image makes me smirk a bit, too.
~ * ~
Similarly, more recently, as an adult, keening toward old age, I kept telling social media, I’m in danger!
I kept telling state officials, I’m in danger!
And I was right.
I was also a target without protection.

Chapter: Police Harassment: Suicide Gaslighting and Hostile So Called Welfare Checks, 2016
I will now attempt to compile a list of dates for the police harassment and bogus welfare checks I’ve endured after Land of Motown Community College’s two purposeful deliberate criminal acts, suicide swatting me, February 22, 2013, after gaslighting me for nearly a year, and June 9, 2014, over a year after I was forced to quit.
This list is so long it requires multiple chapters.
~ * ~
This is extremely painful writing work, but it’s become my job, no choice, trying and failing to save my life, by documenting and narrating my story.
~ * ~
To do: list and count police harassment, including Bill Schuette’s Michigan State Police harassment and bogus criminal investigation of me possibly planning to Kill Bill! Nov 19, 2015, which was used to mislabel me mentally ill in the 911 system.
However, I can only create a list now.
This weight is so incredibly heavy.
~ * ~
I’m better at colors than numbers, but years ago, still at Lake Miramichi, I stopped counting at 30 cops overall, beginning with February 22, 2013, which started the count at five, and including the two cops who pulled me over for a loud muffler and took my car for lack of auto insurance, then left me to walk home a few country miles.
~ * ~
I can’t count right now, August 3, 2019, a total number of cops I’ve endured.
Because I might break down.
Things have been very difficult.
Lots of technical difficulties with this project, lost saves, time lost, undercut with panic attacks over money and my questionable survival, all jammed in a short amount of time, me worn out over the long haul.
Plus heavy duty troll attacks on social media.
Government officials pretty much ignore me, but the trolls pay attention.
~ * ~
Complete list of police harassment to the best of my ability.
Perhaps I’ll count heads later, or any readers may care to do so on their own.
Starting at the very beginning.
Livonia, Michigan:
February 22, 2013 Terry McCauley ordered by William MacQueen to suicide swat. Livonia Michigan. (five cops and a silent chaplain)
June 9, 2014 Terry McCauley ordered by William MacQueen to suicide swat. Garden City, Michigan. (two cops)
Garden City, Michigan:
November 2014 Chief Bob Meury Garden City Police sent by Oakland Community College. False claims of liking my writing on Facebook. Garden City, Michigan. (one cop)
April 25, 2015 Rodney Fournier, estranged brother, and no doubt estranged (and very disturbed and disturbing) Catholic mother, Eugenia Grzywacz, requested welfare check instead of calling directly or sending food. My hungriest (and thinnest) point in the attack. Garden City, Michigan. (one cop)
Up north, Lake Miramichi and Evart, Michigan:
Some unwelcome police welfare checks found me at the cabin. Others located me at the grocery store or outside of the library, in the small town of Evart, eight miles away from the cabin, that looks like something dusty out of the past, which is what it is.
November 19, 2015 Bill Schuette sent Michigan State Police Todd Parsons and Norma Naylor false claim of plotting to Kill Bill! The visit was supposedly used to mislabel me mentally ill in 911 system. Lake Miramichi, Evart, Michigan. (two cops; one female cop. Norma Naylor, who will return twice)
I have endured since Bill Schuette got involved by name:
January 5, 2016 Michigan State Police Lake Miramichi, Evart, Michigan, unneeded unwanted welfare check. (one cop)
I hate this story.
I hate what this story has done to my life.
Like the one called in by my estranged idiot brother, back in Garden City, based on poor reading plus poor behavior, this so called welfare check was called in by a person I think of as that idiot broad from Garden City.
Edit that description?
It’s honest.
Call me an awful person, but I got no good feeling for this woman.
~ * ~
A more benign nickname: homemade cheesecake with raspberry sauce on the side.
She came to my home to check on me nightly, after Jesus Raped Me and Fox News did a sexist hatchet job on me downstate, in the last days of Chez Garden City.
I told her not to, please do not show up to check on me every night, because doing so constituted suicide gaslighting.
This was years before I put the term together, piece by piece, as my story has mushroomed like United States’ A bombs over Hiroshima and Nagaski, August 6 and 9, 1945.
But she kept showing up to check on me anyway and leaving food.
Homemade cheesecake with raspberry sauce on the side.
~ * ~
Because I chaffed against the feeling and concept of suicide gaslighting, I stopped answering the door, ignored her, hid inside my own home and let her leave food.
A few people hung out at the house helping me fix my car and get a phone. The place had never seen much company before. The scene was chaotic at times. Jesus Raped Me gave the neighborhood something to talk about. Some people assumed I was crazy. The ones I let hang out did not, at least not out loud to my face, as we talked, drank and smoke pot on a few evenings.
~ * ~
Homemade cheescake with raspberry sauce on the side did not hang out.
She said her husband tried to set her on fire.
She said she knew Bill Schuette and tried to call him on my behalf.
She said she had a business making funeral clothes for dead babies. I was supposed to think she was pretty great, but I didn’t. She gave me her business card. I’ve got it in a pile of small records.
~ * ~
I recently discovered that she was profiled in the Detroit Free Press not long after she suicide swatted me, in “When babies die, Angels Above swoops in with comfort,” by Kristin Jordan Shamus.
She may be an angel on earth to others, but to me? We were not in the same tribe.
She didn’t get me at all, so her outward efforts, though perhaps likely of course, I guess, were kindly, she missed the intended mark, and she caused pain and problems.
~ * ~
Look at the amazingly large mushroom cloud of a bomb blast has been caused by criminal mental health care gone unchecked.
~ * ~
FOIA response. Michigan State Police police report: “The complainant contacted Central dispatch advising FOURNIER was suicidal.”
No, I was not!
~ * ~
One time, not long after this incident, as yet another exercise in the effort to SAVE MY LIFE, like I wrote on Facebook on February 22, 2013, when I was suicide swatted, police abducted and locked up for being suicidal when I was not, one time, as therapy, I wrote and posted a suicide note, but that came a little later.
And turned into two police visits.
~ * ~
NO ONE has the right to pretend to read a stranger’s mind and know what’s inside!
~ * ~
Michigan State Police: “The complainant advised Central Dispatch FOURNIER had posted on Facebook that she had enough and is done with life.”
No Facebook post enclosed.
Writing Tip. Be careful when summarizing. If you want to be fair, seek to understand the intent of the original.
I was done with lack of justice, I’m sure, and I may have been done emotionally with my life, and unhappy about the sexist Gaslight witchhunt not being over, but dissatisfaction does not necessarily mean a person has interest or intent to commit suicide, and certainly did not mean so in my case.
~ * ~
Skin crawling. Indignation rising. Seek home remedy therapy to balance. Get up and feed the birds, perhaps.
~ * ~
In my life, homemade cheesecake with raspberry sauce on the side is an idiot broad, a stranger, a poor reader, who should not have had this power over my life.
This was not the proper needed response to my story, words or requests, but I have no control.
~ * ~
Here’s the killer.
Michigan State Police: “According to the complainant, Fournier has had mental issues in the past.”
It is NOT ok for strangers to brain whip me and my name this way in public records with their projected misinformed psycho babble!
I am the victim of crime! A snowball of crimes involving mental abuse! Which have caused mental anguish!
But no one parses the differences.

~ * ~
The cops ask if you need assistance, but they aren’t really prepared to listen or any action.
Which is maddening.
~ * ~
Michigan State Police report, regaling the interaction between the officer and me: “It should be noted that FOURNIER was extremely upset at this point, was yelling, and shaking significantly. I asked FOURNIER if she was in need of any type of assistance. FOURNIER stated she did not.”
Not incidentally, that is NOT what I said at all.
~ * ~
Watch the video, if readers want to compare and contrast police report to police behavior, and come to their own position.
I told this guy I was not ok and that I needed Bill Schuette to prosecute my criminal attackers.
The Michigan State Police officer did not listen and did not ask thoughtful questions.

The Michigan State Police report goes on to explain that the cop called back homemade cheesecake with raspberry sauce on the side back to report that he had not locked me up, and incidentally that I was not dead.
Apparently, my mistaken do gooder wanted me apprehended and locked up, like a dead baby wearing a gown in a casket: “I explained to her that the conditions were not for FOURNIER to be taken into protective custody.”

June 3, 2016 Lake Miramichi, Evart, Michigan, two Mecosta County Cop cars. (two cops)
Initial foggy memory: two Mecosta county cops showed up after I was at the library, I think it was, like they practically followed me home from the Evart Library, where, as always, if I posted, I posted what I consider to be nuanced cries for justice regarding the Land of Motown Community College sexist Gaslight witch hunt.

Thank you, eternally!
~ * ~
~ * ~
More information came in, as this section develops, from Facebook Memories and through FOIA.
I can not tell a lie, and do not wish to withhold any relevant information.
I posted on Facebook a “suicide note,” like I said, one I crafted the night before at home at Lake Miramichi, perhaps after looking out the window down the lot, my version of Snow White’s glade, down to the shore, to see swans, a beautiful sight.
~ * ~
But, I was not suicidal, because I have never been suicidal.
I have been forced to think about how I might become suicidal to avoid the trap of my story: recapture and detainment in a looney bin.
No question, even one second in another looney bin because of my illegal detainment February 22, 2013, because of Land of Motown Community College, because of bully teachers Suzanne Labadie and Eric Abbey, is something for which suicide does make at least some amount of reasonable sense.
I’ve been driven mad, felt trapped and wished I could become suicidal, more than once.
I’ve wondered what the hell I could possibly do to end my hell, to find the exit, but I have never actually been organically suicidal, not even close.
Suicide + Gina Fournier was William MacQueen’s idea, my nemesis, my Larry Nassar.
~ * ~
Others will disagree with my self-appraisal about posting on Facebook nuanced cries for justice, and in my indignation I can only wish they suffer my pain and be judged, too.
~ * ~
There is no established path for clearing one’s name from suicide swatting and suicide gaslighting.
I have tried so many ways to make one.
~ * ~
I did not realize that such a heavy pattern of harassment was beginning.
But I felt it.
~ * ~
There was no reason to hope, but every reason to feel hopeless.
The attorney general of the state of Michigan, Bill Schuette, had bitch slapped me down, by name, in response to my request for justice, twice, in writing, October 7, 2015, and in person, November 19, 2015.
I was hopeless, afraid, cornered, but not suicidal.
Writing a suicide note was my way of SAVING my life.
Or trying.
Making sure, obviously, I kept busy and documented my experience.
~ * ~
A writer has nothing without honest self reflection, so I speak earnestly.
~ * ~
Either I have already convinced or readers, or . . .
. . . well the affect of my writing is for any readers to decide.
~ * ~
Given my bizarre strangulating circumstances, I was asking for justice in a new way.
I was crying for legal help.
I was asking for appropriate public support.
I said I could not imagine killing myself!
That’s the opposite of suicidal!
In my story, not reading the nuances and responding with a welfare check equals suicide gaslighting.

Writing a suicide note is not the same thing as committing suicide.
I’m not dead.
I had no plans in mind except my constant simple Thelma and Louise derived, Just keep going!
I certainly recall writing this essay.
It’s a document I retain on the laptop I used up north.

The literary activity used to avoid suicide is writing the suicide note.
Non writers may be less likely to understand.
I was not suicidal.
I was not trying to avoid suicide, either, really.
Mostly, I was trying to stop my head from exploding.
It’s okay to say, but saying doesn’t help end the pain.
I was trying to not be locked up, not be driven crazy by the attack on my life
That’s what I was doing as I wrote, quite a few things, but nothing physically violent.
Intellectual, emotional, physiological, civic minded, but not physical.
I was trying to keep from going crazy, due to criminal mental abuse protected by Bill Schuette and the terror I felt without protection, with the police, the wolves knocking on my door.
~ * ~
Me. Facebook. Written at the lakehouse the night before. Posted June 3, 2016. “I thought social media would help but it didn’t. I discovered calling Help! only makes suffering worse when no one helps.”
I posted seeking mercy and justice, not another police visit.
~ * ~
Should I have known better?
Acted differently?
No one has any right to judge.
~ * ~
Readers of the essay inside the essay (you must have no lives, if you exist) will recognize the same story.
In my piece, everything stated after “I tried and tried for four years to win but I failed” speaks in past tense to maintain literary theme.
I’m a published author, former college writing teacher who said many things, most of which were ignored.
I should not still need to be defending myself against malicious suicide gaslighting.
But I do, and it is hell.

My ending is satirical and self referential, echoing the way I quit my supposedly cushy tenured teaching job, when forced to do so, after the looney bin.
I was definitely sarcastic in intention, keeping consistent with me.
I listed my attackers and said I would see them in hell.
“I went out fighting and forgave no one.”
I still like that line, still remember it.
In other words, I close the iron door upon you!
Another movie reference.
The Twentieth Century.

~ * ~
I never completely forgot writing this document.
I forgot the date it was written and posted online.
I did not recall that posting the document was accompanied by police visits, because there have been so many, and because I was not suicidal.
I have posted many hard-hitting essays over the last seven years.
I have said many similar things.

to Lake Miramichi, after a hearing about my plumbing at the Mecosta County
building, in quick succession, as I recall, first I was kicked off Facebook, which has
happened a billion times, then, after a big bump, a second account in my name
opened up and asked me to input my profile picture. Swear to god.
That’s how I remember it.
~ * ~
Honesty System.
Regarding my June 3, 2016 Facebook post.
I did not remember in full the larger picture until this process.
So much more bad has happened since.
~ * ~
“Suicide Note,” like “Jesus Raped Me,” worked well to bring the wrong kind of attention.
~ * ~
In this series of two videos, two Mecosta County cop cars are parked in the street partially blocking my driveway.
I stopped filming the first video because I wanted to draw my dog, Hunter, out of the street and back into the house.
Near the end of the second video, one of the cops, sitting inside his cop car, asked me from the street if I’m ok, so it’s hard to hear.
As always, when the police ask, Are You Suicidal? or some version, I responded with an angry demand that Bill Schuette do his job and equally protect me from criminal attack (until Bill Schuette was voted out office by the people of Michigan).
Two cop cars are seen leaving without listening or asking questions, if you ask for my take.
Why so angry?
Welfare checks are unhelpful, humiliating, dangerous, terrorizing.
The Mecosta County cops involved did not write report.

~ * ~
My guess about who called the heat?
Spoiler: my guess is wrong.
~ * ~
But here is is anyway because she appears soon as a character in this tale anyway.
A woman named Claudean.
Claudean put a Hallmark type greeting card in my mailbox with a friendship ring inside.
This woman, a complete stranger, from Kentucky, thought a friendship ring from a stranger, an unidentified stranger, might be comfort to me.

Longtime social media followers may recall Claudean.

It turns out, I discovered months and months later, that a few houses down, which meant up and down a hill and around a bend, some guy’s girlfriend, Claudean, may have called the cops.
She mentioned quickly under her breath much later, when I finally tracked her down in the flesh, that she may have called the cops, or someone, about me, at one point.

I was squeezing her for a ride to the library, well after I lost my car.
She was feeling guilty and bought me fast food, too.
We never spoke again, though I would see her on occasion driving a golf cart around.
We ignored each other for another year or so until I was run out of the bi-county area.
I have been a magnet to a few characters who have used me as a sounding board for their own stories.
~ * ~
I did cry loudly.
Inside my house.
On the water.
~ * ~
The Land of Motown Community College Lying Cops’ house was not on the water.
~ * ~
When I finally solved the mystery, I was pissed off.
My thought was, “Why doesn’t the state of Michigan lock up these idiot broads in the Catholics’ god damn nut house instead of me?”

When I finally tracked Claudean down, seasons later, she told me about her abusive ex husband, her abusive ex boss and her abusive ex neighbor who killed dog.
Abusers all male, but you may have assumed that detail.

still am seeking public acknowledgement as the criminal victim of heinous sexist mental abuse crimes committed, not mislabeling as the Madwoman Across the Water.
~ * ~
But Claudean, who may have contacted DHHS, did not call the cops, or at least, did not call using her own name.
Some guy I’ve never heard of contacted the right police department June 3, 2016, according to documentation obtained through FOIA.
I’m jaded, I’ve been in this story for a long time, and I’m suspicious.
Who is Nick Tallidis?
The phone number listed is no longer in service.
As the 911 report shows, I did not want or need the police: “SUBJECT WAS YELLING STATING TO GET OFF PROPERTY AND SLAMMED DOOR AND WINDOW CLOSED.”

Some guy, well intended but wrong headed, or malicious, who knows, according to 911 Meceola dispatch, which services two counties, Mecosta and Osceola, called the cops.
OMG. Did I pick up this guy as a Facebook follower after Jesus Raped Me, Fox News?
Is this guy a Fox News viewer and very bad reader/thinker?
Who the hell is this guy?
He may be this jazz musician.

He may have lived one block over during Jesus Raped Me, Fox News in Garbage City.
He may know homemade cheesecake with raspberry sauce on the side.

This guy did not contact me.
As far a I know, we have never met.
This guy could be a raging sexist idiot, or any kind of idiot.
He could have swung by one of many yard sales, maybe purchased some of my dead husband’s many cds, including jazz cds. Online references repeatedly show this guy playing something called drone jazz in Chicago and Detroit.
~ * ~
How closely did this guy follow my posting?
For how long?
How much of my story did he comprehend, read?
Did this guy contact state government or someone like Debbie Stabenow (U.S. Senator with mental health bill) to advocate for me?
Maybe this guy was suicidal and projected.
I sent a message to him through Pinterest.
Are you aware you could have gotten me killed or locked up?

I did not post an urgent suicide threat.
Did the fucking guy even read what I wrote?
Did this guy contact Bill Schuette and ask for my claims to be investigated, or just react perhaps while drinking alcohol?
Strangers should be far more careful.
Better mental health care awareness about the real Big Picture would maybe help.

June 6, 2016 Lake Miramichi, Evart, Michigan, one Mecosta County cop car (one cop).
There is no cop body recorded in the video I took.
I had a camera malfunction until I got rid of the cop by talking through the closed door.
Eventually, I learned not to open the door until the camera was properly running.
~ * ~
Based on the time stamp on my up north laptop (which looks like a Mad Max character at this point, meaning one beat up computer, from all angles), the cop had harassed me at my door at 7:30 am on a Monday morning, which is corroborated by the 911 dispatch report.
Who called the cops and asked them to harass me first thing Monday morning?
Answer thanks to FOIA response from 911 Meceola Central Dispatch: Facebook!

Facebook suicide swatted me from Ireland, through an individual named as Patricia Dias.
I bet she wasn’t working in the touchy feely department.
I bet it’s more likely she is a lawyer.
In other words, I bet Facebook wants mostly to protect itself, not so much me.
Big surprise.
If Facebook cared about me, they might report to the attorney general that I claim to be the victim of crime that has gone unchecked and grown, crime involving criminal mental abuse, but I doubt that has happened.
I’ll correct myself and apologize, if appropriate.
~ * ~
Perhaps the involvement of Facebook originated from outside contractors and content review centers in the Philippines that I’ve heard about.
Did anybody actually read what I said?
Probably not.


The Mecosta County Sheriff’s Office remitted their own incident report, upon request.
When Facebook got involved, a report was written.
Categorizing the victim of criminal mental abuse under “CHECK WELL – MENTAL,” adds insult to injury.
I am the victim of crime, not this thing born diseased in the head, some lesser being for more healthy people to poke at.
Please take better care with your terminology and handling.

Mecosta County Sheriff’s report June 6, 2016
~ * ~
Tip for writing teachers: grade fairly. Remove as much bias as possible. I would grade papers in the order in which they were handed in, read once without marking, read a second time with marking (purple pen only), then order according to rough grades, As, Bs, Cs grouped, then I would grade.
~ * ~
Well, I must give the Mecosta County police officer/writer of this report kudos and the highest marks for police report writing, in my experience.
Good start, with room for growth: B/B-
I hardly ever handed out As the first go round. All work can be revised for a higher grade.
~ * ~
What I like in this police report is the lack of fabricated quotations and the depth of thoughtful summary. Sentences are complete, and the paragraphs flow reasonably.
“When I knocked on the door she asked who it was and I identified myself as the Sheriff’s Department. She advised if I had a warrant. I stated that I did not. She stated to get out of there. She then came to the window of the door. She asked again if I had a warrant and I stated no. She then stated again go. I then advised her the reason I was at the residence indicating to her that someone had called regarding her Facebook suicide note. At this point she started yelling about Bill Schuette and 02-22-2013. She then told me to get off her property.”
The guy was not taking notes. Did he remember the date? Did he reference the date from a source other than me?

~ * ~
What I don’t like about this report? Faulty conclusions:
“I advised her if she did not wish to have the police coming to her residence then she should not post suicide notes on Facebook as we would the receive calls. She continued to yell something about 02-22-2013 and Bill Schuette. I advised her I was not there regarding anything that occurred in 2013 and I was there regarding a suicide note she left on Facebook a couple days prior to the reported date.”
CORRECTION. The ONLY reason the guy was there was because of what happened to me on February 22, 2013 and Bill Schuette’s refusal to extend equal protection followed by his willingness to retaliate.
“I then asked her multiple times if she had intention of killing herself or is she was suicidal. At one point she then screamed “no, no, no” and she was yelling that she was involved in a political protest.”
~ * ~
Harassed over suicide.
Suicide gaslighting.
And it’s still happening over three years later.
My claims as a victim of crime ignored.
Being asked “Are you suicidal?” instead of testifying against Dr. Andrew Muzychka or suicide swatting Land of Motown Community College Terry McCauely causes a range of negative emotions, all mind bombs.
Saying does not help end suicide gaslighting, not so far, but it is absolutely necessary for me to express myself, so I don’t crack my skull from within.
~ * ~
I was not before this hell like I am now.
My mind has been changed by the negative effects of criminal mental health care.
Mental torture does all kinds of damage.
But I have not become suicidal.
I have been forced to consider the milieu.
If I don’t win my name back and clear my record with public acknowledgment for my claims, I risk the danger of losing my mind due to mental torture, which means I run the risk of a subsequent looney bin lock as a result of the first, which is not a risk I want to take.
~ * ~
Why in the fuck do they repeat themselves and badger with their question?
There is nothing caring about this approach.
I picture myself badgering a white male cop in return, asking over and over:
Do you put your cock up you daughter’s cunt?
Do you put your cock up you daughter’s cunt?
Do you put your cock up you daughter’s cunt?
Do you put your cock up you daughter’s cunt?
Until the white male subject breaks down and wants to blow his own head off.
~ * ~
~ * ~
Mecosta County cop: “I determined that she did not appear to be in immediate danger to herself or others.”
I was not suicidal.
I was desperate to keep my sanity as perhaps the first the victim of long-term suicide gaslighting.
If the state of Michigan had properly handled the crimes committed against me, I would not need to find creative ways to redress the government.
~ * ~
No one who actually knows me was worried.
~ * ~
It’s not evasive word play on my part: writing a suicide note is NOT necessarily an urgent threat of suicide at all. It was not in my case.
And no one else can correct me.
Do not try or god fuck you dead. Do not cross that line. You’ve been informed. No one has the right.
That’s the danger of suicide gaslighting. There is no way to talk about the suicide label and the real pain caused without people, particularly strangers, making hasty self serving judgements.
Suicide gaslighting is a trap, a terrible irony, unlivable, life ending.
~ * ~
You don’t want to feel the pain I feel.
~ * ~

Facebook sent the Mecosta County sheriff’s office a print out of my Facebook post, which was included with the police report.

~ * ~
At the end of this video, taken June 6, 2016, I called a white male police officer a white male pig repeatedly after he harassed me about suicide.
But not to his face.
He wouldn’t leave the drive way.
He was hovering in his cop car.
Even though I told him NO! GO! multiple times.
Two hes. Two cop cars. Two against one.
The cop, cops, didn’t know it, due to a lack of equal protection from the start, a lack of proper state coordination, but they were part of a too long chain of police discrimination, harassment, terror.
~ * ~
I’m sorry, copper, for calling you names.
Especially because he’s the best writer among police report writers in this story, which means something to me.
I wish things were different.
But I am only human.
Clearly, I did not feel cared for by this unwanted visit.
Long time followers know I have requested restorative justice with police for years.
~ * ~
For years, the last three years, my guess about who may have called regarding the June 6, 2016 early Monday morning hit?
Well, my guess was wrong, obviously.
Because I am pretty sure he told me he called the cops in an e-mail (double check), I assumed it was Marty Froman, the DHHS agent who began showing up, again uninvited, in April 2016.

DHHS agent Marty Froman refused to tell me who sent him.
Can you imagine?
The state sent someone from the department called Adult Protective Services.
Instead of providing equal protection for the crimes committed against me, DHHS wanted to treat me like a special needs adult all of a sudden, which did not sit well on top of suicide gaslighting.
(I just FOIAed the Department of Health and Human Services. July 22, 2019. Poor response, short of meeting legal requirement. More in next chapters.)
Back to police harassment.

while I was crying, four neighbors, all drunk, appeared. The most drunk among them circled my house talking
absolute drunken nonsense into the windows while I hid inside, about hating the government, too, about hating Obama. They asked to come in; I asked them to leave. I knew two of the people, from the marina. The other two I met eventually
and lived across the cove. The most drunken, a female, walked into the lakehouse through the open sliding glass door, appearing from behind the closed curtains, scaring the crap out of me. I started screaming and the others pulled her out.
The next day, I may have started painting.
Chapter: Labor Day Weekend 2016 Lying Cop’s Strike Nine Months Before the Bogus PPO
September 4, 2016. Labor Day weekend. Lake Miramichi, Evart, Michigan. Combo attack: Mecosta County and Michigan State Police. Michigan State Police one cop car and Mecosta County two cop cars. (three cops)
(Note: MI State Police only agency to not yet reply to FOIA. They have replied. Still need to load.)
I did not give this Mecosta County cop much time at my door.
This guy’s face is starting to look familiar to me, and I don’t like it.
There is nothing caring about his facial expression, demeanor or action.
I’m biased, but I see a smirk, a grimace, fear, ignorance, like he’d rather be elsewhere.
Same goes double for me.
~ * ~
No warrant?
Do not keep asking me about suicide.
~ * ~
I named Bill Schuette in the first video of two videos taken on this date.
The cops were staking my house from the street, as recorded in the second video.
~ * ~
Were the cops showing off for the Land of Motown Community College Lying Cops across the street?
The cops positioned themselves in view.
The cops positioned themselves in view of the Lying Cops’ compound.
~ * ~
Cops told told me a neighbor called.
None of my immediate neighbors in either side next door on my street called.
I asked.
911 Meceola Dispatch updated systems and can’t access the actual call.
I wish they could.
~ * ~
When I asked her directly, Lying Cop’s wife said no they did not call Labor Day weekend 2016.
She was a bitch on wheels and acted like she was lying.
Actually, she was standing on her balcony.
Very snottily, she said sarcastically that I should go down to the shore on their property to ask her husband, which I knew was a bad idea, and did not do.
I need to be clear: this woman was purposely a cunt bitch to me when I asked from the road if anyone from her compound called the cop to request a welfare check.
(I may edit and soften later. I may not.)
I don’t recall me crying.
I recall the cunt bitch.
~ * ~
After the police harassed me, I spoke to her from the road.
She remained on her balcony.
Later, in court, land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2, her husband, said they did call.
~ * ~
Here’s the 911 Dispatch Meceola report.
Nothing can be done about what exactly?
I wish I had the recording of that phone call.
Why did three cop cars including the state show up to harass one female?
Simply because it was Labor Day weekend?

Anonymous called.
Gave a fake address.
Phone number was still operating when I called and checked it recently.
My guess?
Wife of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 answered the phone.
~ * ~
911 dispatch report, relating the incoming call:
Fake address.
Not next door to me at all.
Why lie?
I don’t recall screaming any such thing that morning before 9 am.
I did in general often cry, inside my home.
Also, I have been known to speak loudly in distress and anger, at home, inside my home for the most part.
And, I am sarcastic.
I have used phrases like “kill me now” plenty, but sarcastically.
Same goes double for me, right back at her, anonymous.
This caller, I believe, has disturbed my peace.
Or would like her locked up?
All together now!
I’m biased, but that list of short sentences sits uncomfortably with me, knowing what happened later.

It took a while, much longer than the five day window stipulated by law, meaning cops bent the FOIA law, in a few ways (no FOIA coordinator named, for example), bent the law as I think cops are prone to do, but a report from Mecosta County Sheriffs just came in the mail.
I think the the cops, a cop, the cop who wrote this report, fabricated details to make me look worse and the anonymous caller look better.
Stop calling them welfare checks, please!

The call to dispatch from anonymous came in at 9:13:59 am.
Police reports are written much later.
This one is dated 11-10-16, two months later.
Report written two months later: “I made contact with Dispatch and confirmed they could hear FOURNIER in the background at the time, which they could.”
This statement with its repetitions sticks out.
Dispatch didn’t say anything in their report about hearing me say anything.
“Dispatch advised they received a call from a subject who wished to remain anonymous reporting that Gina FOURNIER was acting erratic, making references that she was going to be killed and raped by Jesus.”
Which was it? ‘Kill me now’ or ‘Oh no Jesus is going to kill me!’ or both?
Too bad dispatch recordings were erased.

This Mecosta County police report doesn’t distinguish betweenmy supposed words and actions.
However, Jesus did rape me, metaphorically, February 22-28, 2013, at St. Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward. In actuality, the god damn Livonia Catholics, growing like a toxic mold out of the Felician Nun motherhouse, Spanish hacienda style home to the conservative old world brides of Christ who raised me in Catholic school and also later life raped me, due to the Land of Motown Community College attack on my life, as regaled in detail in earlier sections.
~ * ~
Why did I probably do and say that morning?
I probably said something about Jesus rape outside on my property in anger over something.
I may have let out a sarcastic, Jesus fucking kill me!
~ * ~
Not incidentally, are people complete morons who can’t recognize sarcasm?
Or, due to sexism, do people refuse to recognize sarcasm, wanting to label me, a female, with bushy hair and a summer dark complexion, blood a little bit native and a little bit black, crazy?
Maybe people are so unquestionably Christian in culture, conservative types can’t hear sarcasm spoken about their Jesus and assume anyone who does must be nutz.
~ * ~
God, I hate Jesus culture, which holds so much responsibility for sexism.

~ * ~
A favorite line from the high school bad girls film Heathers, with Winona Ryder?
Fuck me with a chainsaw.
~ * ~
Please note.
It was a very busy weekend, Labor Day Weekend, at Lake Miramichi.
Not all holiday weekends were busy and populated, but this one was.
My point is that people shout all sorts of things and make all kinds sorts of noise up north, around campfires, late into the night, during the day on boats and riding for recreation ATVS.
People tend to be loud at times, including the Lying Cops’ compound, as I recall.
~ * ~
You don’t like “Jesus raped me”?
Then keep your sexist Jesus out of my civic and personal life.
~ * ~
How I wish I were the first to file a police report, but I was not.
The wife and ex-police dog of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 (#1 being my two-time suicide swatter Terry McCauley, top cop at the school) had already mixed with me and Hunter.
When we walked by, in the street, her German Shepherd dog chased Hunter, my German Shepherd dog, to our house and while on my property bit him on the neck.
The incident was so disconcerting and her dog so vicious, she drove the distance of her property to my property, not that many feet, on an ATV, to get her dog off mine.
Bite marks were left on Hunter’s neck, despite his very thick fur.
~ * ~
It was a busy weekend.
Another neighbor called the cops later that day, it turns out.

Jeanette. Lived across the street. We were friendly. She let me use her year round well to retrieve water, which was a life saver.
She let me use her well, daily, well after this date, until something like November 2017, when I got my well working.
During the winter of 2016-2017, I guess it was, one of her grown children who farms and sells to the public asked me to use my painting skills to rehab a couple of large farm stand signs, duplicate images of a farm scene, with sun rising, barn, tractor and bushels of produce.
I did a yard project for her my last summer at the lake. I cut down the brush on her property in exchange for her kindness regarding the well.
We were neighbor friendly until she sold her house and moved, and simultaneously I was carted off to jail over the bogus claims .
We weren’t truly friends, however.
She was a senior citizen widow, who was worked over by, lied to and believed the Land of Motown Community College Lying cops, about me harassing them, which is nonsense and in this police report, pure hearsay.
How the hell would she know?
Don’t the cops know better than to report hearsay?
Or do they do it on purpose?
Anonymous, from the earlier call, was named by Jeanette aka Elizabeth, and I don’t think that was an accident.

~ * ~
I don’t expect to be believed or have another happy day in my life, but for this record I certainly did not threaten neighbors.
I asked her relatives, who were camping on the lawn, closet to my property, if they called the police.
They said no.
~ * ~
Mecosta County police report: “STRATTON also advised me the other neighbors Land of Motown Community College Lying cop #2 and his wife were also being harassed as the male was a former Officer in the area that FOURNIER lost her job originally near Oakland Community College.”

This report is dated 11-18-06.
I am very suspicious about it’s content.
This old woman was completely disinterested in my story. Never asked me any questions. Did not want to hear one word from me about it.
She wanted to talk about her dead husband. She wanted me to listen to her, so I did, to keep the well connection open. Otherwise, I would not have dealt with her at all, likely.
~ * ~
CORRECTION: I did not lose my job.
I was forced to quit my tenured teaching job at Land of Motown Community College, which I had held for seven years, after a year of gaslighting and suicide swatting, which resulted in my illegal detainment in St. Mary Merciless human trafficking looney bin.
Due to non payment and lack of due process, in addition to criminal action (false police reports), I was forced to quit, after I talked my way out of the Catholic Siberia, after the Catholics human trafficked my body for the five days automatically okayed for payment by insurance companies.
~ * ~
Chapter: Police Harassment and So Called Welfare Checks 2017
January 20, 2017. City and County cops outside Evart Library, Evart, Michigan. Evart and Osceola county. (two cops)
Note the date. Donald Trump was sworn into the presidency.
I hate this coincidence.
Police unions support Trump, the pussy grabbing president.
Lock her up!
Have they no self respect? No perspective? Don’t they know citizens are watching?
~ * ~
I was standing outside the library in the rain at the end of the day, round 4:30 pm, waiting for a MOTA bus minding my own business.
Bus service was very limited in the country, mostly designed for special needs adults, I guess is the term, and cost five bucks a trip.
Five bucks there, five bucks back. Special needs adults given preference.
Long bus rides on bumpy country roads.
No change. Bring your own.
~ * ~
I was sad, but that isn’t a fucking crime.
Or sign of imminent suicide.
Or indication of need for white male sexist police to harass.
~ * ~
Librarians said it wasn’t them who called the police, and I believe them.
Of course I had posted about my need for justice and mercy from suicide gaslighting and the Land of Motown Community College attack in my usual fashion at this point usually sarcastic, pissed off, hopeless and terrified.
It took much time and energy to figure who to contact with a FOIA request, which i still doing.
(NOTE: I haven’t yet contacted 911 Meceola dispatch for some of these calls. check. Received.)
The woman manning the tiny police station in the tiny town of Evart where I was able to easily walk in said forget about it, nicely, verbally, with added prayers and niceness for me, so I let it go at that, short of legal response.
I let it go because Osceola County responded.
I wasn’t able to pay for the full associated costs of FOIA including transportation until I got a lump of initial cash from the sale of the lakehouse at Lake Miramichi.

No named caller.
The day the worst president in United States was sworn into office. President Pussy Grabber Lock Her Up!
What an unpleasant coincidence.
According to the Osceola county police they were looking for another woman but found me.
One of the cops did not realize that there was bus service in Evart.
I was simply standing on the street, not smiling, waiting for a bus, in the rain.
It’s hard to believe I have been given the entire true story.

I have the page two elsewhere with little info, I presume.
The cops were contacted by Meceola Central Dispatch “for a subject screaming on the sidewalk,” but not me.
In the video, I started getting very upset and made sure I recorded my story, but previously just been standing there waiting for a bus by muself, not screaming.
The cops “had previously made contact with the subject while looking for another subject . . . At that time . . . . subject Gina Fournier advised that she was waiting for a MOTA bus . . . We continued to search” for the other subject, whom they did not find, so they “returned to speak with Fournier.”
Why did they return to speak to me?
After putting the piece together, I can see why the police returned.
Plus, in the video I took, the nicer cop says they were aked to check on me.
They harassed me unnecessarily, traumatized me, and then were asked to check on me? Sounds like a set up
~ * ~
Of course because the MOTA bus stood me up, which it did maybe one other time, and was otherwise dependable, I was still standing there.
I had no zero zilch contact with police outside of a few traffic tickets, until Land of Motown Community College set me up, and since I can’t get rid of the cops.
They are like the flies on me, a piece of human shit.
~ * ~
I was more calm when the cops returned and harassed me the second time.
In the video, I misspoke when I said I was sexually harassed.
I was nervous and meant to say something like I was gender harassed or harassed due to sexism.
~ * ~
Even before the cop arrived, as I recall, some kids and mothers in the video story across the street had been seemingly watching me, too, laughing, glaring, and taking pictures, like they’d never seen a person wait for a bus outside a library, or something.
It was strange.
~ * ~
So why didn’t the cops talk to them instead of me?
~ * ~
Osceola County cop report: “I was aware that Fournier lived just inside Mecosta County in the Lake Miramichi subdivision.”
How? Why?
Why was the cop aware of where I lived?
My police interaction in the area had been with the Mecosta County and Michigan State Police, not the Osceola County police.
~ * ~
The cop’s superior “approved dropping off Fournier at her resident rather than have her remain the weather waiting on an already late ride.”
~ * ~
Please know I was very very very very nervous, extremely nervous, about getting into a cop car, but the MOTA bus was not going to show up and home was eight miles away.
Because the bus never came, I was given a ride home, by one the cops, which was very nice, and I told him so.
~ * ~
But more cynically, was this possibly a planned ruse for police to appraise my behavior?
~ * ~
“Subject Fournier was transported to her residence without incident.”
The other cop “followed in his vehicle due to weather, road condition’s and temperament of the subject.”
~ * ~
There was no reason to accost me on the street and no reason to refer to my “temperament,” unless these cops heard of general desire of authorities to manhandle, mislabel and contain me.

I have the page two elsewhere with little info, I presume.

~ * ~
June 20, 2017. I left the Evart library, walked to Foster’s Grocery store, shopped, waited for the MOTa bus again, when Michigan State Police accosted me. Two Michigan State police, in two cars. One county cop? Osceola County? City of Evart? I can’t tell which for sure. (three cops)
Little Norma Naylor returned.

~ * ~
Norma Naylor harassed me November 19, 2015, over the Kill Bill! nonsense used to mislabel me mentally ill in the 911 system, which was used against me by all subsequent police harassment.
To me eyes and ears, she was not at all caring, not at any time.
She wanted to keep asking me the suicide question, what until she could justify apprehension?
~ * ~
What is the fucking point of the drilling?
Please stop calling them welfare checks.
Which Norma Nail-her did.
She came up with an even worse title.
~ * ~
BTW. The comical-looking little bitch returned on August 25, 2017, to arrest me, sent special just for me, I’m sure.
Three strikes you’re out.
~ * ~
At the end of this video, for my own ears and to blow steam I curse out the cops.
I’m not proud, but I can’t say I blame myself for poor behavior either.
~ * ~
Who was watching my Facebook page with intent to hurt and silence, not help?
Bill Schuette? Rich Cunningham still in office? Land of Motown Community College? Trolls?
Who ordered this hit?
No suicide swatter named by the Michigan State Police.
~ * ~
God damn, I hate Norma Naylor.
Sound out her name.
~ * ~
Look at the label this out of control police woman bitch put on this Michigan State Police report: INSANITY/POSSIBLE SUICIDAL SUBJECT
May Livonia Catholic Jesus of St Mary Merciless human trafficking mental ward rape the living fuck out of her, too.
Criminal Catholic Jesus Unnecessary State of Michigan Bogus Mental Health Care, Inc.
I may edit later. I may not.
~ * ~
More professional language?
This interlude and especially the follow up report equal discrimination, harassment and terror in the form of gaslighting and suicide gaslighting fabricated maliciously by a Michigan State cop.

Norma Nail-her: “Tpr Benavides and I were dispatched to assist Chief Beem with a suicidal subject Evart. Dispatch was contacted regarding some posts indicating that GINA FOURNIER was going to attempt to kill herself. “
No Facebook post included.
Norma Nail-her: “FOURNIER’S current location was the Evart Library. Library personnel advised FOURNIER was there and very emotional.”
The library is not big. I overheard this phone call and figured I was being discussed.
Norma Nail-her: “Prior to our arrival, FOURNIER left the library but was later located at FOSTER’s grocery in Evart.”
Think Bitch and be honest: do people who are going kill themselves spend money on groceries?
~ * ~
Norma Nail-her: “Officers contacted FOURNIER who denied being suicidal and claimed we were harassing her.”
Norma Nail-her: “FOURNIER is known to officers and has frequent contacts.”
No thanks to Bill Schuette, the state attorney general who refused to provide me with equal protection for the crimes committed against me, October 7, 2015, in writing, through the underling office of Rich Cunningham, and instead retaliated with Norma Naylor on November 19, 2015.
Norma Nail-her: “Most of these contacts were the result of Facebook posts made by FOURNIER.”
No! All of these contacts were the result of crimes committed against me going un-prosecuted and allowed to caused real serious damage and the need to redress the government.

I appealed, not according to law, exactly, apparently, but the Michigan State Police responded and refused to say who called them about me.
My appealed was denied.

~ * ~
This anonymously generated harassment occurred after the bogus ppo, but before the bogus arrest associated with Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2.
With restorative justice, I can heal and stop needing to curse or something as release valve. I have already installed many types and numerous release valves.
Gardening, photography, dog walking included.
~ * ~
Last Last Lake Miramichi police harassment, though I wasn’t nabbed or harassed directly?
Something like August 12, 2017. Right before jail.
Which may have encouraged jail less than two weeks later!
The locals were sick of me.
~ * ~
At this point, I think it best to find another place for inclusion of two additional suicide gaslighting police harassment that did not connect physically with me.
One time, August 12, 2017, the day after my appeal to District #10 Health Department, police did not connect with me because I hid up the hill from the lakehouse. I saw them coming as I walking the dog, so I used my knowledge of the terrain to avoid them. I watched them drive off on Modoc Trail without me.
And another time, on December 2018 (double check date) cops did not connect with me because cops were sent to my old Livonia address not good since 2013. It occurred when I clearly lived elsewhere, and I believe the instigator had to well know that I had moved three times in the six years since I did live in Livonia.
Perhaps this missed hit suicide gaslighting action was taken on purpose as some sort a test of the Livonia Police, I’m guessing, daring to hope . . .
These misguided hits and suicide gaslight misses came from two very upsetting sources, WCMU Public Radio and the Detroit Free Press, and will be squeezed into a later section.
Chapter: February 22, 2018, Conclusion, Coda Police Harassment; They Aren’t Welfare Checks
Lake Miramichi, Evart, Michigan. DHHA Kristi Barron, a co-worker and a Mecosta county cop. One civilian car. One cop car. (one cop)
Please note: February 22, 2018 was the five-year anniversary of my illegal lock up in the Catholic nut house due to suicide swatting by Land of Motown Community College.
There is no chance the date is a coincidence.
Because this harassment was 100% contrived.
And, yes, of course I’ve got the documentation to back my claims.
~ * ~
This harassment was the result of the combined efforts of Mecosta County and the Department of Health and Human Services.
And the Mecosta County prosecutor’s office, a guy named Brian Thiede named on letterhead.

~ * ~
No one wishes this story were shorter more than me.
But it isn’t.
~ * ~
Kristi Barron took over for Marty Froman, who was more likable.
~ * ~
Over time, DHHS agent Kristy Barron actually harassed me by visiting multiple times promising help with my plumbing that she never delivered.
Initial FOIA responses are very disconcerting.
See dedicated DHHs chapter soon coming!
~ * ~
Kristi Barron even managed to visit me in jail.
Evidently, she was informed of my whereabouts by the back channel communication that was strangling me, to inform me that she would not help me if I did not get out of jail.
The February 22, 2018 police harassment visit in which she participated is the culmination of that DHHS harassment, which needs its own space.
~ * ~
Mecosta County Sheriff’s ON PAPER had the nerve to say this event did not happen, or at least that no record exists.

If it is legal for police to not make record of visits, then that’s a handy loophole for police harassment.
~ * ~
Well, Mecosta County Cops and the Brian Thiede the prosecutor both said they do not retain written documentation.

Thankfully Jaack Boden at Meceoala 911 Central Disptach for Mesocta County and Oscoela county said he did have written record.
Kristi Barron got a call from Brian Theide with orders to harass me February 22, 2018, the five year anniversary of my death, February 22, 2013.
But neither of them are talking about why.
Who sent the heat?
Who ordered this hit?
Dispatch says two cop cars where dispatched. Was one lying in wait just in case they decided to abduct me to the looney bin or jail?
Two Mecosta County cops who did not write police reports:

Thank you, Jack!
It did happen.
I took video footage.

~ * ~
I got paperwork from 911 dispatch before Mecosta County could close down my FOIA access!
At least that’s what my life feels like sometimes.
Yes, Tom Petty!
I have been forced to live like a refugee!
~ * ~
According to 911, the Mecosta County prosecutor made the call.
Who called the Mecosta County prosecutor?
Bill Schuette?
Someone from his office?
~ * ~
A lot to deal with, carry around in files and load to the wild dangerous world of the global internet.
~ * ~
Like an hour before the false front arrived, meaning the three people who showed up on this this, two DHHS women actually and a male Mecosta county cop, I tweeted the Governor Rick Snyder and Attorney General Bill Schuette.
Which I screenshot, then kept in a computer cubbey hole, I’m sure.
~ * ~
Watch these public servants act like shriveling worms. It’s incredible. Tax dollars at work.
The visit is a total ruse.
I did not call about stolen protest signs, I had not been crying, I was not suicidal because I have never been suicidal, no post was remotely harassment worthy.
I barely had connection on Twitter up north on the lot.
Facebook was even more difficult, especially since my original account kept closing due to troll attack.
Forget Youtube.
Trolls have followed me all alone and have worked the system. Trolls trying to make me feel pain and be silenced. Sick world.
~ * ~
DHHS Kristi Barron and the Mecosta County cop slunk away.
Just like trolls.
~ * ~
Loss of chronological order.
To conclude.
Police harassment definitely included my earlier arrest.
~ * ~
Oh my god I forgot. Kristi Barron harassed me the morning I was arrested, August 25, 2017, with a Mecosta County cop, then later the state cops showed up to arrest me, two hits in one day.

I just realized! There are two Mecosta County cops in this video! One opens the door? and hides behind me! I was set up! The locals were determined to silence me and lock me up, either in the looney bin or jail!
Wow. They were trying to lock me up in a looney bin the morning I was arrested!
I just realized!
(Note to self: I never FOIAed this visit.)
I was set up!
I was drawn in between bodies surrounding me on a ruse.
I bet the locals were determined to silence me and lock me up, either in the looney bin or jail!
I said on the video that DHHS was trying to make me a ward of the state!
And I was right!
I said on the video that the police could arrest me at any time for my toilet, that they could come back and arrest me any time, which they did, later that day.
Right after I cut the lawn.
Before I had a beer.
~ * ~
This video is more proof, on top of Bill Schuette’s Michigan State Police hit earlier, of what I have been saying for years and why I am so traumatized: I AM IN DANGER!
~ * ~
I will never be able to complete this never-ending project.
There’s too much proof, and it still feels like people are ready to pounce me.
~ * ~
Last cop visit? This week! Two years later. They are still after me, which is terrifying because my criminal attackers are all free and doing well, according to the internet and social media accounts.
~ * ~
Police harassment without end, it seems.
Because I cry and have a big mouth?
Former community college English teacher becomes public enemy number 1?
~ * ~
Norma Nail-her came to arrest me, on the bogus stalking charge, connected to the Land of Motown Community College sexist suicide gaslight witchhunt, through the Land of Motown Community College Lying Cops of Lake Miramichi.
August 25, 2017, when Little Norma Naylor returned for a third time to harass me, and worse. Slapped hand cuffs on me, like she wanted to do from the start, seems to me. Two Michigan State cop cars, three cops, two females, including just baked very young Brittany Campbell, who wrote the police report. Motherfuck of god in hell on earth. Look at all of this documentation and my corrective paper trail someone, please. A youngster cop Brittany Campbell was used by the Michigan State Police to write the police report, I assume because a young female statie would not notice the set up of an older woman, would not notice the red flags indicating police on citizen crime, would not of course break arms and speak out. Along with Norma and Brittany, the Michigan State Police sent a fresh baked tall ignorant white male, also fresh baked, who sat in the back of the squad car making stupid comments about the pronunciation of county names, while upfront I was cursing Jesus rape upon Brittany driving.
At first, one is not told WHY they have been arrested, and so I had to press her WHY. I did not know if i had been arrested because of my toilet or because of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2.
~ * ~
I don’t think I violated the bogus ppo thanks to Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #.
But the locals were not interested in fairness, or my civil rights, or my health, not in any way.
~ * ~
In America, a person can be held for no reason, really, especially if poor, especially if prosecutors and the powerful in a county convene, which I think they did on my behalf, on some level.
Poor people can be held indefinitely without being found guilty due to bail practices.
You may want to read up on the topic.
~ * ~
For clarity.
I moved out of the beloved lakehous cabin finally giving up posession on some date in the second half of August 2018, not long after the 15th but before my birthday on the 30th.
Next police harassment? Bay City, Michigan, August 30, 2018, my 55th birthday.
I had a panic attack before work, my new work, close to the first day back as a teacher after seven years, at a new community college, my fifth in Michigan, Inside the Thumb Mid Michigan Community College.
Across the country in Los Angeles County, an actress lost her life on a botched police welfare check, on the very same day. (add here?)
Please stop calling them welfare checks.
~ * ~
To be thorough, since leaving Lake Miramichci, cops have come to Bay City, Michigan, where I live in close quarters in a row of duplexes, numerous times, I regret to document.
Bay City, Michigan.
FOIA requests. Mess of city, county and staties.
List. The first time on August 30, 2018, my birthday, I was crying. My land lady called, I think.
February 27, 2019. During the six year anniversary of looney bin lock up. Why wouldn’t I be crying without acknowledgment of what actually happened to me? I’ve talking about and documenting to save my life since it happened. Still no resolution. Definitely Bay County.
Maybe more police agencies. Lots of overlap. Hard to keep straight.
Michigan State Cops came again March 17, 2019; the neighbors called. Crying.
Michigan State cops came again April 3, 2019. I wasn’t crying at all.
Something about the neighbors supposedly called because I wasn’t crying and because of my Facebook.
How do the neighbors who called in Bay City know my name?
~ * ~
Local city? County? Cops came again while I was writing this section.
~ * ~
July 24, 2019. I wasn’t crying. The cops said they didn’t hear anything.
Oh my god.
Was I hacked?
I was elaborately phone hacked the next day.
Then the police showed up.
You just won’t believe the phone hack followed by a Facebook hack of my post about the phone hack.
That’s the pain.
No one will believe me.
~ * ~
This will never end until I am dead.
Suffering until I am dead.
Because of bogus malicious criminal runaway unnecessary mental health care plus retaliation and fallout.
~ * ~
August 19, 2019.
This must stop!
Suicide gaslighting must stop!
~ * ~
Was I hacked?
I had been riding my exercise bike for almost an hour, not crying.
~ * ~
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