by Gina Fournier
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: THANK YOU! Story requires elaborate time structure. And documentation when falsely accused of hallucinations and psychosis. Look for my new website with navigational sections and chapters.
I would greatly appreciate public support and acknowledgement for my claims. Murdered by the Catholics of my youth and monster sexist William MacQueen, of Oakland and Macomb Community Colleges, with help from bully teachers still working as public servants.
Here, I’m adding documentation, and shaping and editing this portion of my narration. I’m still uncovering the big picture connections and language to describe my story across this telling, across all sections. Prayer. Peace and mercy. To all. I want and need resolution (even if I am in a bad mood and cursing). With no realistic hope at all, I crawl forward.
October 1, 2019. I’m working against clock and bank balance. I calculate the need to rush. Besides finishing this massive project and making it count, I need to submit a claim to the Judicial Tenure Commission. I need an income.
My aim is not to be taken out or hurt anyone else by speaking, only to save my life finally from William MacQueen, my Larry Nassar, and his devastating perhaps bigger than even he imagined mind rape attack, launched so long ago, April 13, 2012, from his desk at Oakland Community College, as new interim human resources labor attorney.
I need to SAVE MY LIFE by telling my story truthfully in my own voice before something really drastic happens in fallout, like I lose shelter and become more vulnerable to disappearance without a trace.
Part Eight Section Titles:
- No One Stalks a Cop! Personal Protection Order Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2
- To the Big House

Chapter: No One Stalks a Cop! Personal Protection Order Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2
They took me away, again.
The second time, to jail.
Which is humiliating to admit.
Upon review, I think maybe this was a plan cooking on the stove for some time.
No one stalks a cop.
~ * ~
The point seemed to be striking me personally as a target, not public health or even community safety.
~ * ~
There is one road around Lake Miramichi.
Regularly, people circled the lake on ATVS, in golf carts and walking dogs.
The Michigan State Police did not question any other households.
If I stood in the road and screamed at the house of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 for hours every weekend, as claimed in writing to the court and under oath, other residents with second homes would have noticed.
If I had actually threatened the lives of children, the cops would have questioned me, but instead I was set up.

~ * ~
Jail crept up and sprung itself on me just like the looney bin.
~ * ~
I must be a pretty big idiot.
Again, like the Catholic looney bin, I was set up in a series of steps, in this case, first a bogus personal protection order, then a bogus stalking charge.
And I did not recognize the mechanism at play the second time around either, but I sure felt it.
~ * ~
One cold April day, in 2017, April 5, 2017, became a big day in my story.
A lot happened.
The neighbor acted up, I responded, the cops came but ignored me, and post marked that day I got a bunch of suspicious mail.
~ * ~
I was gathering wood on empty lots with my dog, Hunter, using a wheelbarrow to move the wood back to the lakehouse lot.
I noticed the odd unpleasant neighbor woman was apparently taking pictures of me through her front window.
We had already interacted when her German Sheppard bit mine. On my property, when the her husband was not around.
She had already made false reports to the police on September 4, 2016, though she did not give her name. When she tried to trick me onto her property to talk to him, a carrot stick I did not bite.
I felt then and have ever since that the Land of Motown Community College Lying Cops, actually to that point only the wife, as I had never met or seen the husband, were messing with me.
Not the other way around.
~ * ~
I sensed her aim that day was not good.
I was right.
I thought to myself, Why the fuck is this bitch taking pictures of me trying to survive?
I went to jail for whipping the bird.
I am not proud or boasting.
Like former Oakland County executive, the notorious L. Brooks Patterson was known to do but without arrest, I wiped the wife of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 the bird as I stood in the road and she appeared to take my picture from inside her home.
~ * ~
Land of Motown Community College, readers may recall, is located in Oakland County.
It is very likely now deceased L. Brooks Patterson well knew about me.

~ * ~
I was walking in the road, not on her property.
I was walking on the road in front of her house.
With Hunter.

Hunter was following me off leash.
Because my hands were pushing or pulling the wheelbarrow filled with wood.
Readers may recall, my car had been confiscated due to witchhunt induced poverty.
~ * ~
The Land of Motown Community College Lying Cops really did not seem to like my dog walking habits, although my dog never bit anyone, and their dog did.
The Land of Motown Community College Lying Cops did not seem to like me walking my dog past their property.
~ * ~
That day in April 2017, I was pushing a wheelbarrow with kindling and small branches, and of course my trusty hand saw.
I am not a chain saw person.
Ironically, uncomfortably, Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 was.
I would hear him arrive up north through his angry chainsaw interrupting bird calls.

~ * ~
April 5, 2017.
This date was used against me for my arrest, August 25, 2017, even though the police report I will find and post here in the next chapter (terror dread) gives a random date for my supposed infraction causing arrest, random date July 11, 2017.
A timeline is dawning on me, presenting myself, as it has throughout this process.
That day, I knew April 5, 2017 was very important, disastrously important.
~ * ~
I saw her, she was obvious, she drew my attention with her body language, so I stopped in my tracks on the road and turned to look at her.

Rolling Stones
Evidently she took a picture.
That’s what it looked like she was doing, with a phone camera held in front of her face.
Without thinking, I whipped her the bird.
That picture landed me in jail, as if it had happened AFTER the personal protection order.
DOUBLE INDEMNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Double check.
Investigate the facts.
Keep going.
~ * ~
During the personal protection order hearing, that picture was accepted as evidence by Judge Kimberly Booher, daughter of Republican state senator Darwin Booher, that I stalked her Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop#2 husband, who I had never met and could not identify.
Just like I never met Dr. Andrew Muzychka at St. Mary Merciless on February 22, 2013.
What a coincidence.
~ * ~
It was a cold April.

~ * ~
It may sound unusual, but the times were unusual.
They still are.
~ * ~
Wife of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 took a picture of me in the road from inside her house, so I took a picture of her house, from the road, with my main civil rights protest sign placed in the road.
I have been saying over and over since February 22, 2013, since I escaped the looney bin, since I figured out what happened: I never met the doctor who locked me up! He lied! It matters!
Wife of Lying Cop called me a crazy.
Her husband called me delusional.
I am neither.
Why did they engage me?
I know it sounds childish, but William MacQueen and the wife started shit.

up at St. Mary Merciless Catholic looney bin on February 22, 2013. He did not evaluate me, nor did he supervise student Nicole Shattuck, who never evaluated me either. Despite committing perjury in his submission to Wayne County Court, Dr. Andrew Muzychka by name has been protected directly by former state attorney general Bill Schuette.
I have the proof, but proof hasn’t helped. This civil rights protest sign was stolen,
one of so many heart breaks.
I am not saying I am a saint, or blameless.

~ * ~
At no time did the complainant or his wife tell me they felt harassed by me, not in any way, which should count for something, right?
I never made any kind of direct communication contact with the complainant, and he never made any kind of direct communication contact with me.
The wife never told me like an adult: we feel harassed, so please stop.
~ * ~
I am really trying to understand, review and be as fair as possible.
It matters to me, to my soul.
Was I fairly punished?
I am not crazy dangerous, but was I criminal?
~ * ~
I was trying to document and stop harassment, not engage in harassment.
I was trying to save my life.
~ * ~
And I was right.
I was not safe around the Land of Motown Community College Lying Cops.
Because of them and with the help of their greed and lies, I lost my liberty when I was jailed.
Afterward, I was unable to save my home.
Of course, I lost the lakehouse cabin, with all the odds stacked against me.
~ * ~
I was afraid of being murdered or abducted on another welfare check.
I was afraid.
That fear was reasonable.

~ ~
My purpose was defensive, not offensive.
~ * ~
With such a mess, it seems to me that Judge Kimberly Booher should have called a truce, not sided with the Land of Motown Community College Lying Cops against me.
But we don’t live in that kind of a world.
~ * ~
Readers who trudged through earlier chapters may recall.
A lot occurred that week, the first week in April 2017, to coincide with a car parked in the neighbor’s driveway.
~ * ~
Please realize there were next to no year round people in my neck of the woods.
Sitting inside the lakehouse, the sound of car doors shutting in the clear outside alerted my ears.
~ * ~
I spent a great deal of time outdoors.
Anyone in my physical position would have noticed that someone was up at the neighbor’s house, which was unusual for that time of year, for people who did not winter at the lake.
This simple observation does not mean I was stalking.
~ * ~
Really, I think these piggy couple just wanted the place to themselves.
They did not want me around.
They wanted me to lose my property, and they weren’t alone.

make a small loop on the roads marked South Miramichi Drive and Navajo Trail. Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 seemed to think recent property purchases entitled him to private roads, according to his testimony under oath.
~ * ~
I commiserate with any readers, which is not the attitude to take if you want to sell your book to readers who read, I know.
I commiserate because of the length of this narrative.
At this point, this thing only serves me.
To sell a memoir I would need to make this narrative work for others, say others fucked over by sexism, psychiatry and the state.
Please know, I understand.
I’m not crazy.
And I know people don’t read.
I know no one else is likely to read this narrative.
I know.
~ * ~
I’m not crazy, but this story is crazy, which is the same main idea that occurred to me about the movie Thelma & Louise.
The women weren’t nutz.
They were coping, badly for the most part, in a crazy world.
~ * ~
When I this tale moved up north, I previewed the strange harassment I encountered, ironically, while I was accused of stalking a cop I did not know, to let any readers know that things become more not less bizarre.
Since I moved into writing this section, more FOIA responses have come in and the strangeness, the craziness of my story, has grown larger.
I already knew I was set up, twice.
Now I know more about exactly how and who helped.
A long list of Michigan State Police received a mass e-mail about me supposedly “acting up,” to my surprise, on March 2, 2017.
This supposed covert information was reported by my old lady neighbor, Jeanette, the woman who let me use her well.
There was no one else around in early March, still very much winter.
The old lady double-timed me!

According to internal police e-mails, she reported to the police about my Facebook posts, incorrectly, and the police spread the false word.
~ * ~
I never called Jeanette any name she could have heard.
I called Jeanette The Barking Lady in normal conversation with Someone.
We did not speak often, but she used a grouchy old lady small dog bark at everything voice, unless I interrupted her.
I learned if I complimented her, when she came out to bark on her balcony as I pumped well water on her property, which save my life, she would stop barking and smile like a young woman, then I would leave.
~ * ~
I swear.
I talk to myself.
Voices do carry at a lake.
Jeannette lived uphill.
Jeanette and I never argued.
In my witchhunt life, I may have called my Catholic mother names like the one ascribed of me by an informant, likely Jeanette.
“Dirty Catholic whore” is likely an approximation rather than an exact quote, however.
~ * ~
Jeanette could not alone report to anyone about my Facebook posts.
She didn’t have internet connection at home.

~ * ~
I’ve become much more a sleuth writer than I ever in my life wanted.
I stopped Nancy Drew and Agatha Christie at a point because I was not interested.
Most mysteries involve a dead body.
~ * ~
The gravity of all the people standing on my back is cracking my spine at the neck.

~ * ~
Here is a recap of the anonymous dog card note, the letter about my signs from the homeowners association and shitting on the lawn, and also the anonymous psycho note sent after the personal protection order, which were previewed in an earlier chapter to shape my innocence.
Post marked April 5, 2017, the same day Land of Motown Comunity College wife took my picture whipping the bird at her from the street, and called the cops, who did not visit me.
I received an anonymous note card picturing a dog in a hat like mine and a note about my dog walking habits.

~ * ~
Post marked the same date, April 5, 2017, I received a letter from the Lake Miramichi home owner’s association board.
Or possibly someone writing on their behalf.
I know.
I just recalled.
The acting secretary who lived at the lake year round, and who also volunteered at the food pantry in Sears, Michigan, never mentioned the letter to me verbally.
At some point she stopped talking to me.
It may have been at this point.

Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 was known to do.
~ * ~
In effect, I ignored the letter I received supposedly from the Lake Miramichi home owners association about my civil rights protest signs.
~ * ~
Oddly, this letter supposedly from the Lake Miramichi home owner’s association makes no mention of my back dues owed.
That seems odd.
I asked the real estate agent, who was on the board of directors for the association, about this letter, but he only gave me his typical fuzzy replies.

I have pictures! It was one of the strangest things in a story with a lot of strange things! That woman would have
honked or knocked, not skipped delivery. I bet the letter opens with a lie!
“This letter was originally sent registered mail . . .”
To whom was the supposed original registered letter returned?
Sounds like bullshit.
The mail lady at the time gave me gifts that winter! She did my laundry one time! Oh my god! What was her name? Strangely, she up and quit one day.
I forgot! I have pictures! In one of my cubby holes!
It was one of the strangest things in a story with a lot of strange things!
Her name begins with an A? Anita? No? Yes? . . . I’ll get it . . .
That mail woman would have honked or knocked, not skipped delivery.
I bet the letter opens with a lie!
I bet wife of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 wrote and mailed the lake association letter, dated April 5, 2017.
I could be wrong on this point, this guess, but I could be right, too.
Funny timing.
~ * ~
I bet my civil rights protest signs made the Land of Motown Community College Lying Cops upset.
Cops in America in general seem pretty disinterested in civil rights.

(move?)Documentation suggests that this couple was foolish and misled, in addition to lying, fabricating, building a fake story about harassment by a violent crazy woman. No other guilty parties employed by Land of Motown Community College have legally objected to my claims because my claims are supported, true. They all know they can’t sue me for defamation and have no grounds for personal protection orders.
To some degree, I am sure, I believe on a hunch, this couple wad used by my nemesis.
William MacQueen was named under oath by Lying Cop #2, who was grinning like a dumb mark.

~ * ~
Coincidentally, that week, or soon after:
A sign, a hard sign, with an American flag motif and the words “Proud to be an American” had been displayed on the neighbor’s house, until it was removed soon after I received the lake association letter about removing my signs.
I walked and gather wood off vacant lots nearby, nearby both our houses.
My senses were keen enough to notice.

I’m sure neighbors such as Jeanette with the well, who apparently was double agenting behind my back, had not asked for permission first to post Trump for president campaign signs in 2016.
Why would the lake association board send a letter about my signs in April 2017 and never bring up the issue to me personally?
I didn’t leave until August 2018.
Sure, my signs were removed while I was jailed, but I resurrected my display.

~ * ~
I received this anonymous psycho letter in the mail after the bogus personal protection order, in May, May 8, 2017.
Sounds guilty and afraid to me.

“choices,” such as “sense” and “insanity.” I bet wife of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 is responsible.
The envelop in which this letter listing knucklehead binaries was mailed from downstate, in the Detroit metropolitan area.
I say wife of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2
typed the address with a purposeful misspelling of “Evart” to again try to hide her identity, like when she called the cops Labor Day weekend and gave a non existent street address.
I am sleuthing.
She also used the alternate street address I thought was the street address for the lakehouse cabin for a time, which is something only someone following me on Facebook would know.
Someone following me on Facebook very, very closely with ill intent on their minds.
~ * ~
The upside down American flag stamp on the envelope?
I say it may be scary psycho harassment referring to her “Proud to Be An American Sign,” which she removed after she sent me the letter about my signs, posing as a board member, and which, at the time of this mailing, she just recently had lied about under oath in court during the personal protection order hearing.

These people gave off a terrible vibe. Like this mailing.
~ * ~
In order to communicate a single clear thought, compose a complete sentence.
subject + verb + complete idea = complete sentence (clear thought)
For example:
“It would be be ridiculous to extend forgiveness to criminal cop Terry McCauley for making purposely false accusations about me being suicidal when I was not, especially since he has not made good, and I am still suffering from the crimes he committed.”
Another example:
“It is a sign of insanity to believe in virgin birth, and a sign of sense to reject Catholicism.”
Get my drift?

Even when asking question, draft complete sentences in order to be clear.
For example:
“Confucius asks: Is someone who takes with one hand a giver, or is the person who gives with only one hand actually a beggar in disguise?
“Crooked cops who commit crime should be sent to jail, if justice really is blind, right?”
~ * ~
I bet wife of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 was harassing me regarding my signs.
In mid May 2017, she knew she had just lied under oath, in Judge Booher’s courtroom, in order to obtain the bogus personal protection order against me.
And she knew that the husband and wife Lying Cops had contradicted one another under oath as they lied.
~ * ~
People who are afraid sometimes act in strange ways.
~ * ~
She should be afraid of jail.
She lied under oath.
~ * ~
How much would I like to see these two go to jail for what they did to me, for their criminal and cruel actions?
I don’t expect it to happen, but wouldn’t it be loverly?

~ * ~
By April 2017, my next door neighbor Jim, a teacher and assistant principal, had told me, ironically, on my birthday, on August 30, 2014, when his very nice family invited me to dinner, coincidentally, which they did not realize, that a cop from either Land of Motown University or Land of Motown Community College lived across the street and was buying up land at the lake.
Lying Cop #2 references this dinner in his written letter officially submitted to the court and stamped by the court received.
With my bad luck, I just knew this mystery cop who I never seen just had to be employed my former federally documented hostile criminal employer, under the direction of my two-time suicide swatter, Terry McCauley, top cop for Land of Motown Community College, Lying Cop #1.

His June 4, 2015 crime is still within the statute of limitation, I think, I hope.

Recap for anyone perhaps just reading this chapter:
As ordered by my Larry Nassar, William MacQueen, interim head of human resources at the college, top school cop Terry McCauley suicide swatted me with knowingly false police reports about me being suicidal when I was not in order to cause chaos. Terry McCauley made false calls to Livonia Police on February 22, 2013 and to Garden City Police, on June 9, 2014. In Livonia, I was locked up with the Catholics of my youth for a week that ended my life. Terry McCauley has since retired from Land of Motown Community College and began working in the private sector. He does not fear being held accountable for the crimes he committed against me in 2013 and 2014. In 2015, in writing, the state of Michigan attorney general’s office under former AG Bill Schuette declined to provide equal protection for the crimes committed against me. On November 19, 2015, Bill Schuette sent Michigan State Police to my Lake Miramichi home to harass and silence me. The state of Michigan is liable for all harassment I have incurred after that date.
~ * ~
I bet the state cops know they helped a lying cop get rid of a neighbor.
How sad.
How maddening.
~ * ~
To my surprise, that day, on April 5, 2017, the day of the whipped bird that sent the former English Teacher, the Michigan State Police showed up in the neighbor’s driveway .
After I whipped the bird and we filmed one another.

Are smiling fuck yous better?
But the Michigan State Police did not approach me April 5, 2017.

I was afraid of the Lying Cops. For good reason. “I think these people are determined to chase me off the property.”
I watched the Michigan State Police action from my driveway, where I was building my second civil rights display of painted signs and where I may have dumped wood that needed working.
As long as they were there, I wanted to talk to the Michigan State Police, too, on April 5, 2017.
So I made myself available once I saw the cop car.
I waited outside, at the end of my driveway, on purpose.
A female and male cop seemed to go inside of the house and come out quickly, and then get back inside their blue cruiser.
Oddly, the wife followed them out, and after the cops got in the cruiser, she acted very chummy.
She leaned into to the driver’s window, something cops would not let people do generally, I thought.
Then, the police purposely, it seemed, drove away from me standing at my mailbox, instead of driving toward me, not following the same route they likely took on the way in.
I took a video.
I still have it.
~ * ~
The police took the slightly more complicated route back to the main road.
To avoid driving by me?
Is that what the wife of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop told them when she leaned in the car?
That I was outside and how to avoid driving by me?
~ * ~
Maybe I’ve seen too many movies or hope too much from democracy, but the Michigan State Police never questioned me ever, not one time, not before or after my bogus arrest for supposedly stalking a cop.
~ * ~
I knew the roads around the lake very well from a decade of dog walking.
I actually ran after the Michigan State Police cop car, strategically.
I ran down Modoc Trail, the way they likely came in, knowing that the extra road the police probably took, a road without it’s own name according to the street signs, circled back around the little lake and returned to Modoc Trail.

Little lake in the background.
My timing was decent, and my guess right on.
The Michigan State Police cop car appeared as I anticipated, on the short road that circled the little lake, the road and the little lake each without it’s own name, but the cruiser arrived first, no surprise.
The police drove a little a head of me, so that I was trailing behind the cops, running desperately, wearing my lumberjill outfit, as they turned onto Modoc Trial.
I ran like hell after them waving my arms and calling.
I did not whip the bird.

I believe they must have seen me in their rear view mirrors, unless the Michigan State Police hire blind officers, but they ignored me.
If I credibly had potentially threatened the lives of children, and threatened the life of a cop, as held against me, why wouldn’t the Michigan State Police speak to me on April 5, 2017, or at any time before my August 25, 2017 arrest?

Why has this story grown so long?
~ * ~
So many strange interludes have happened, my spinning heads need an axis like a globe.
~ * ~
It’s incredible.
The cop simply asked the judge to curtail my liberties, and she did.
I believe bias was at play.
~ * ~
One really appreciates spring when you survive a northern winter by going outside in the snow and cold every day, in order to feel warm inside a cold cabin.
You go outside to feel warmer inside to work your wood pile.

Imagine my dismay when I received these notices in the mail accompanied by this letter supplied by the complainant.
Personal protection court order scheduled May 8, 2017.
I had less than two weeks to respond, be prepared and show up in court.
I had to prepare without internet access to laws online or legal references at the lakehouse cabin, or easy access to the closet library eight miles away.
As anyone who read my Facebook posts clsoely would know.
“See Attached Letter.”
I certainly did.

I went into full bomb blast defense mode, or tried.
I spent a lot of time on the phone, on my new Safelink phone, seeking legal information, running out of phone minutes, getting to the end of the line without help available for my problem in my area.
I clawed my way to the library internet in search of information about what I should and could do in response.
Nothing much but show up and punt.

~ * ~
The cop kept a second home up north for years, apparently.
For whatever reasons, my dead husband and I had never met the people and we had never even seen people on the property.
Something like 11,000 inland lakes dot Michigan.
What’s that line from Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart says about Ingrid Bergman?
“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”
Which is what the Lying Cops evidently felt, too.

~ * ~
I was gaslit by the court and Judge Booher, who pretended like I was never harassed with this letter, which was sent to me by the court, from Land of Motown Community College Lying cop #2.
Our first chat, me and Lying Cop.
Extremely important: I have never screamed at this guy or threatened his children.
This is former Soviet Union level lying.

So we got along like oil and water, but the difference is that I did not lie to the court and the cops.
“I have planted trees in attempt to screen her from my home, my family, and guests at the cost of $500.00 but they have not grown big enough to offer us some relief.”
I have learned that cops like Terry McCauley, Owen Keaton, Bob Meury, Todd Parsons, Norma Naylor and Land of Motown Lying Cop #2 like to spin tall tales to suit their purposes.

Jokes alone won’t stop the damage caused to me by this couple.

All of the Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop’s spurious hearsay claims about a woman he admits he had never spoken to or stood physically near was designed to erroneously malign me.
I was not delusional, thinking about burning down his house or likely to use him to commit suicide by cop.
I did not threaten his guests or his children.
As far as I knew, there were no guests or children at the address.
This guy was largely full of himself and full of bloat, puffed up by his gender and occupation.
All his psychological commentary about me is bogus and an extension of the Land of Motown Community College witchhunt, and the guy admitted under oath to Judge Booher.

~ * ~
I just found news of a recent court case in Michigan.
U.S. Appeals Court judge says whipping the bird is protected free speech.
~ * ~
I must have been Hitler or Hitler’s bookie, in a former life.
I don’t even really know what a bookie does, but sense it’s like an accountant for street gambling, which happens to be illegal.
You’re supposed to have a lot of money and do your gambling off the street and hire someone who has a degree in accounting to cook the books.
To be respectable.

Think about how much time and money police and prosecutors spend on poor people crime versus rich people crime.

~ * ~
Frankly, I sometime feel like Anne Frank.
I am so sorry to bring human genocide into this story.
And I mean no offense, nor do I, at this time, feel like hurling hateful words, as I often do, home alone.
I am just trying to tell this crazy story, so I can throw this story off a cliff and finally live free of it once more.
In my case, suicide Gaslight witchhunt by my hometown childhood Catholics infantilizes.

Anne Frank’s diary must have been included in a book club mailing from Scholatic I got when I was very young, or I selected it.
Under the auspices of my Catholic mother and conservative Felician nuns, self-selected reading selections purchased for me stopped before puberty, after Little House on the Prairie and Farewell to Manzinar.
Before sex, drugs and rock n roll.
~ * ~
Is there anything else I can talk about besides going to jail, which I’m sort of avoiding?
~ * ~
Here is my reply to the court regarding the claims of Lying Cop #2, which Judge Booher ignored.
Why? Due to ineptitude or bad faith, or both?
~ * ~
I forgot about whipping the bird.
I simply forgot.
~ * ~
Judge Booher acted as if the court had not sent me the letter written by Lying Cop#2, shared with the court, in which he called me delusional and said little but inflated nonsense.
But the court had sent me that letter, which harassed me with it’s lies and brutality.
I was properly terrified by Land of Motown Lying Cop’s letter to the court, especially after Bill Schuette and the rest of the harassment I endured up north.
~ * ~
I redacted their names.
That’s the black lines.
Names and addresses.

~ * ~
And here are the court transcripts from the personal protection order hearing May 8, 2017
~ * ~
I am still summarizing and analyzing in my own mind and in this document all that transpired.
~ * ~
Big picture: Judge Booher handled the case poorly in a two against one no real evidence exchange that turned the courtroom into an aping clown.
Neither complainant or defendant had lawyers but Judge Booher played like we did, sort of, inconsistently.
Neither side had a lawyer, but she asked us to play lawyer on our own behalf, then sort of dropped that notion, on and off, as the morning wore on.
The complainant benefited.
He played lawyer to represent himself and “cross examine” his wife.
I was barely needed.

better than her boss, the lawyer. She lied at points. He lied too.
Little white lies to shut up my questions and concerns. People lie.
People are maddening. More about the perils of court appointed legal
representation in later chapters?

but he did not become involved until the bogus aggravated stalking charge later,
which was dependent on the bogus ppo.

The way it was handled, the complaint got to repeat his lies multiple times: in his letter to the court, in his opening statement, in his own testimony, when the judge asked him about how he felt, when he questioned his wife, when he cross examined me, and when he summed up his lies.

Judge Booher said she would not accept the letters shared with the court, which is problematic.
I was sent by the court that letter full of defamatory lies.
I certainly read it and was terrorized by what I read.

Judge Booher suggested she saw the written claims from the complainant and my response.
No, she stated outright she did read the complainant’s lies.

The complainant demonstrated over and over a sexist instance on assuming he could read my mind accurately.
I had not “just found out” about his likely employment.
I was told a cop, who worked for either Land of Motown Community College or Land of Motown University (both exist) lived in the hood on August 30, 2014, by my next door neighbor, who was giving me a heads up.
I know, because that date is my birthday.
The neighbors had invited me to dinner out on their deck with a magnificent view of Lake Miramichi.
It was the only time they invited me to dinner.
I’m positive about the date.
Their house was up for sale since it was built, years before, for investment, and was eventually sold during this ordeal.
~ * ~
“She has stated she wants to learn to shoot to make police officers eunuchs.”
For that purposeful bumbling of my persona, this guy deserves to be punished with castration, by the state of Michigan.
~ * ~
The complainant’s “eunuch” comment is nonsense, but likely inspired by the Bonnie Jo Campbell novel, Once Upon a River, about which I posted online in conjunction with my fight for justice and Bill Schuette.

I have never had an interest in learning how to shoot a gun.
I need metaphors and artistic expression in order to stay alive, not a gun.
~ * ~
My head is spinning.
The complainant accused me a slander for calling him a lying cop after I was served with the ppo court order containing a letter in which he lied to the court.
~ * ~
“It is impossible to go about our daily lives. . .”
Utter fabrication.
“I fear what she may do based on her past history.”
History of what?
Being set up by Land of Motown Community College?
~ * ~
Right out of the gate, Lying Cop #2 sinks way too low and dirty for someone who wants to be considered honest.
The complainant brought up my struggles with my husband in the ten weeks before his death, back in 2012.
And he did so incorrectly, on purpose to misrepresent and malign me.
“She has a PPO attempted by her husband, who is now deceased, that stated he was in fear for his life, that he was afraid poisoned, that he had to sleep with a chair wedged against the door, and I feel now that all this anger is being directed at me.”
You can’t understand the depths and layers of bruises to my full pain spectrum.

~ * ~
I discussed my husband, my poor dead husband, in the beginning of this sordid winding tale, since he died in the first year of the witchhunt.
On November 1, 2012, a Wayne County judge granted me a personal protection order against my husband, who verbally abused me out the door of our home.
My husband verbally abused me out the door solely due to the pressure applied by school’s attack on our lives.
My husband did not really think I was crazy or dangerous.
He asked for a divorce to protect his financial holdings, and to protect his holdings, the two houses, he lied.
It was not his best moment.
My husband was afraid, for good reason, that the onset of William MacQueen, my nemesis, my Larry Nassar, meant both the homes left to him by Harry and Ethel, downstate in Garden City, Michigan, and upstate at Lake Miramichi, would be lost.
I was the main bread winner.
He knew he was sicker than his Garden City Hospital doctors recognized.
He was right, about his health and the houses. He lied about me. He used William MacQueen’s attack against me, because he felt cornered.
I asked the court for a personal protection order to protect myself in divorce, to stop the verbal abuse I was enduring and mostly to stop William MacQueen and my husband from speaking.
Instead, William MacQueen talked to my mother, but that’s in another chapter.
~ * ~
I am building this section September 28, 2019, two years to the date after I got out of jail, jail because of lying cop employed by my suicide swatters.
Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 has more than harassed my life since May 8, 2017.
My husband died December 26, 2012.
He can’t speak for himself, so I must, unlike the complainant’s “children” and “daughters” old enough to be married, as the husband and wife testified.

~ * ~
“She disobeys the laws of the association . . she is allowing her dog to be off leash and I believe it’s hopefully a confrontation with my canine, which stays on my the property, has never left the property.”
Wrong. His dog bit mine on my property, when he was not present.
“She states in the letter she sent to you, she has never gave anybody the finger . . .”
I stand corrected.
I did write in my letter to the court that I had whipped the bird, simply because I forgot such a minor action.

But I didn’t knowingly and willingly lie under oath.

She was filming me in the public road gathering wood to keep warm.
My turn for initial statement.
I should have gone longer and said more.
“Please deny” the complainant’s request. “I want peace in all relationships,” is what I actually said. “I’ve extended olive branches over the years to all the parties involved in the Land of Motown Community College witchhunt including police, teachers union, the State of Michigan, the Catholic church and even the Lying Cops when I gave them Easter lilies on Easter.”

Lying Cop’s letter “reveals inappropriate relationships with” the school and the cops, I testified.

The founder of McDonald’s was said to say Keep It Simple Stupid, so I did.
“Mr. xxxxx can’t read my mind, or speak for his wife, or speak for others who may have spoken with me. I am not delusional. His suggestion that I might start a dangerous fire equals character assassination. Please deny his request.”
Judge Booher changed her mind about procedure like she was talking to another girl at a pajama party about who should first ask a Ouije board question about boys: “Okay, would you like to testify first do you want to have a witness testify first?”
I’m guessing Judge Booher is inept and dirty.

Judge Booher said she only wanted direct “personal knowledge,” but she did not hold to that line, not consistently.
Land of Motown Lying Cop #2: “Okay. Ms. Fournier has repeatedly directed her anger towards me, by driving around my property, and we’re not talking one time, it’s constantly, yelling and screaming at me as I’m in my backyard.”
Not even one time did I scream at this guy.
Roads at the lake were not his private domain.
Lying cop’s testimony, “Since she has been served, she posted outside my house with a sign,” is wrong.
April 5 events happened before the May 8 hearing.
Their lakeside property was not adjacent to my lakeside property, which was very narrow.
I take a lot of pictures outside.
I have none of this man, and he would not know it I did or not.

The Judge could not keep to her own plan for this hearing.
She did ask some questions, but not enough.
“When was the most recent incident?”
Easter day lilies, which is does not support his claim about yelling at the complainant or causing fear.

For Easter, I had given the strange and hostile new-to-me neighbors’ household a bucket of orange day lilies dug up from my property.

purple paint used in my upstairs office in Garden City and
civil protest signs up north) dug up from my lot at the end
of the neighbor’s driveway, with a card. I also gave a bucket
to Someone. And spread bulbs around my own lot, now sold.
Out of hope for peace, swear to dog, I gave these people my flower babies.

With a quickie 8 1/2 x 11 note on purple paper, written in black sharpie, I wrote a quick card.
I did not put much time into the note card that I included with the day lilies.
I placed the flowers and the card at the end of their driveway, after the bird whipping incident, followed by the state cop visit to the neighbor’s house.
It was an earnest peace offering.
Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 mentioned the flowers under oath, indicating the card was received, and not blown away, lost on the wind.

Maybe if I took the time to paint something more special, who knows?
Things may have evolved more peacefully.
Probably not.

Boy, was I wrong.
~ * ~
That morning in court wore on forever.
The complainant switched to social media, Facebook and presumably Youtube.
An interlude regarding technology transpired.
No videos were shown in court.
The complainant looked frantically through a stack of papers, my Facebook posts.
“Here is the I want cops to be in my opening statement, I want cops to be mistreated in an equally sexist and disruptive manner I’ve been mistreated–“
I wanted the cops mistreated by the state like I have been mistreated by the state.
What’s wrong with equal justice for all?
I don’t yet have the exhibits to post.
At this point, I figured wrongly the Judge would see that the guy was a clown.

The complainant flipped through more papers and tried a different post.
He read: “I swear I smell a crooked cop. I’ll apologize if need be.”
I don’t think I need to apologize.

Judge Booher allowed indirect testimony to be applied to the question before her court because the complainant lacked actual evidence.
Another Facebook post was read by the complainant: “No one has come clean. I think xxxx lied, and is employed under Terry McCauley. Fuck me.”
I know I was talking about the identity of the person who called the police Labor Day weekend, but did the judge?

which was dangerous for me.
Judge Booher did not ask about Terry McCauley.
She allowed the complainant to name my suicide swatter without any introduction or clarification.
Did she know not to ask?
Me: “I post thousands of posts, I definitely posted this, it’s over a Freedom of Information Act video of Terry McCauley making false calls about me to the police and there’s no threat of violence.”
The post Lying Cop #2 provided referred to 2013 or 2014 criminal action, criminal action by the Land of Motown Community College top cop Terry McCauley, against me.
It had no connection to the neighbors UNLESS they did have an inappropriate relationship with the school, about which the judge showed no concern.
I need to understand what happened in court so I can present a strong claim to the Judicial Tenure Commission.

Because I was curtailed in presentation of defense, and I am not a lawyer, I did not bring up the “s” word or “welfare checks” to contextualize my concerns about people calling the cops.
Judge Booher either already understood the larger story or didn’t care.
~ * ~
The complainant presented posts showing me concerned about the neighbor’s possible harassment of me.
The neighbor’s harassment of me on Labor Day weekend 2016 and April 5, 2017.
The Judge asked me if I posted to Facebook the comment read by the complainant.
ME: “Yes, I’ve been trying to figure out who made the malicious call to the cops.”

Lying cop reading my words: “I think Land of Motown Community College has slandered me at Lake Miramichi through these neighbors. The husband is a cop that works for Land of Motown Community College under criminal cop Terry McCauley. I’ve not given this woman any reason to harass me for being crazy, I don’t even know her name. They moved in not that long ago.”
I referred to the couple as new neighbors, indicating my lack of familiarity with them.
“This month they flew a drone over my house and then denied the existence of the drone just after it landed. I think they called the police maliciously Labor Day weekend 2016, and I fear they will do so again . . . it is dangerous to be the object of fake malicious cop to cop request for a welfare check. The cos are sexist, poorly trained and given to corruption. The only thing cops can do is shoot or lock you up. I need neither, the story needs to end.”
I said two or three times that morning (count?), yes, that’s my post, but there is NO threat of violence in my words of concern.

The judge said she read the complainant’s letter earlier, but said here she did not read mine.
How could that be fair?
Lying Cop: “Your Honor, also I would like to put into evidence, pictures . . . which is direct rebuttal to her statement, her letter to you.”
Judge: “I will tell you, I did not read the letter.”
Lying Cop said he did read my letter, which flustered the court.
Judge: “–unless, was it–it was given to you? I did not read it, because it had not, my understanding through my staff was that it had not been served on you and I cannot read anything that has not been served on the other party, so I did not read it before coming out here today.”
Lying wife took the pictures of me whipping the bird, which I forgot I did, on April 5, so the Judge said to wait until she was on the witness stand to bring up her pictures.

Apparently no pictures were taken by the Lying Cop to support his claims that I spent hours yelling at him, so he returned to Facebook, evidence culled from when his family trolled my Facebook page.
The courtroom turned into a circus tent.
I remember telling this joke about fat thighs and retribution on Facebook.

“Uhm, here’s one that pertains to her wish for violence. Joke, the number one reason I want to kill you all, replacing in my diet due to induced poverty, spinach, grapefruit with macaroni and cheese and pop tarts, means my thighs touch again. After all the work I’ve gone through to reduce them, prepare for the ultimate torture. In fact, rather than face me immediately, you might want to drink the special death kool aid, or use a Louisville Slugger to bash your own God Damn knuckleheads.”
Telling bad jokes is not a personal threat to this man or criminal.
Lying Cop: “I believe it shows the propensity for violence and towards OCC and me being an employee of OCC. I also believe in the propensity for violence, and it shows that her anger directed at me, that she has the capability of doing these things.”
A joke shows capability of taking violent action?
Then why aren’t many people jailed based on similar logic? Using the Lying Cop’s logic, people who act in Halloween haunted houses, artists who draw violent cartoons, filmmakers who make violent movies, death metal rockers who make music that sounds like rape and murder could also be said to be capable of violence, but they aren’t, for good reason.
I smell William MacQueen talking through this horrible man, two horrible men, metaphorically together knifing me in the cunt with character assassination. (I may edit later. I like alliteration.)

I defended my joke, as a non germane joke.
The joke was not allowed due to one time suggestion from the judge that I object.
But I get the sense she did not care for my sense of humor and that she used her lack of appreciation against me unfairly when she made her ruling.

The Judge did try to rail in the Lying Cop’s testimony, at the beginning, but her efforts wore out.
Lying cop was reading a post from August 26, 2016, right before Labor Day Weekend when the wife did, in contrast to her testimony, call the cops.
ME: “I am a comedic writer. If it says it’s a joke, it’s a joke. I really–I can’t read this font, I’m not trying to be difficult, my eyes just can’t see this small font. And so what I remember you reading was a joke about fat thighs and it has nothing to do with you.”
Lying Cop repeated his sexist claim: “Your Honor, I take that to mean that’s capable of this kind of violence and this anger is directed toward the school and it’s employees.”
Sounds like a line out of William MacQueen’s mouth.
Judge Booher: “I’m not going to allow that to be entered into evidence. I do not see where that is directly related to you or–these other posts actually have your name in them or referral that could mean you.”

The school is named throughout these transcripts.
“Your Honor, when she directs her anger towards school employees, wouldn’t I be included in that group? Because right now, I’m the sole representative of OCC, that’s close enough for to vent her anger at.”
“school representative”?

~ * ~
I need to take a break.
I need to save my life.

~ * ~
I am not a lawyer.
But I know the complainant aimed low to bolster his lies.
I was so accustomed to people maligning me, I did not object to Lying Cop bringing up the “s” word, suicide.
I was not dangerous to live nearby.
After the Judge reigned him in, and disallowed not relevant comments, the complainant spurted out, again reading my words from a stack of paper he was shuffling through, “Uh, I need justice immediately or a neighbor may kill me. I may drop dead of an aneurysm, be forced to take my own life to stop the pain.”
I did not object, and the Judge did not object or ask questions.
Judge Booher did not ask questions she should have asked about “Terry McCauley” and “suicide.”
Why not?
On a murderous roll, the complainant continued, “I will say that I am worried that there may be an attempt for her to do suicide by police officer and I believe that directly is something that the court should take into consideration too.”
Judge: “Alright, I think that you could make that argument to me, but that doesn’t give me more evidence that you’re in harm from her.”
Was this asshole trying to have me locked up again in motherfucking psychiatric ward? (edit later)

The complainant failed to prove a direct connection, as Judge Booher directed he do, which she pointed out, which led me to believe incorrectly that I was treading water.
But the complainant was so desperate, after another reprimand from the Judge about making direct connections, he read a post in which I asked for “help!” three times from my fear of the neighbors, his household, his wife, the school’s long reach, about my fear of the existence and possible ill-intent of the complainant reading my words in court.
Fucking insane inside of insane inside of insane. (edit later)
Trapped in hell on earth.
Please note: Because of this courtroom murder, I was lorded with paperwork announcing subsequent mandatory appearances in this courtroom and court house, and was forced to stand again in front of Judge Booher many times, but I never lost control, swore, shouted or screamed in court. Or whipped the bird. Please give me credit. I am not crazy. I cry in my own home because I am human.
Petitioner: “I think these do show a state of mind though, that makes it dangerous to live by her. Being my profession, who I’m employed by . . . Help, help, help, I am trying to load a YouTube video from the neighbor harassing me. The neighbor who is married to the cop who works for Terry McCauley at Land of Motown Community College. The crooked cop who has made multiple false reports false reports to police in Livonia and Garden City.”
This horrible man was employed by my criminal suicide Gaslight employers!
And he was suicide gaslighting me!

Judge: “Alright, what’s the date?”
No date.
Who prepared for this guy?
Who prepped Judge Booher?
I don’t remember if I brought videos with me.
I think I hoped for internet access through which I could access YouTube, but no videos were shown.
ME: “What you read doesn’t name you, correct?”
ME: “Uhm, so you are following me pretty closely, cause there’s no date on this, because it says it’s one hour later. So I’m wondering who’s talking whom? And I post during the day, I wonder what hours he works at the school? Sounds like there’s more proof that there’s maybe an inappropriate relationship. I wonder if Land of Motown Community College is helping him prepare at all? But, I can’t read this, really, it’s a color copy, so it looks a little better, but as I recall what he read did not name him. And it is true that Terry McCauley, his boss, who is a cop, can be a called a crooked cop because he made false claims about me, cop to cop. But I don’t see XXXXX I see the word neighbor in her, I didn’t hear him say XXXXX.”

Judge Booher appeared eager to protect the college and the complainant.
The post read said I felt harassed by the neighbors, which she ignored.
I was taking notes, taking in slaughter, trying to think on my feet as a lawyer, but I’m not a lawyer.
I’m human.
I said again: “And there’s no threat of violence in there.”
~ * ~
At this point, scrambling what was happening inside my head, I realized that the complainant’s print outs did not have that line of information at the bottom, showing the online footprint.
I don’t know that line of information’s name. Look that up. Put that on my too-long list.

I am still sleuthing. Were dates of printing removed? Were screenshots used?
I need to see the exhibits.
~ * ~
The complainant brought up FOIA, the Freedom of Information Act.
Claims he FOIAed the college about me.
“I had to FOIA” the college “to get information.”
About what?
About action in Wayne County court in 2012 between me and my dead husband?
What information did he ask for?
What was he given?
Why did he think that would be helpful to him at Lake Miramichi four years after I was forced to quit?
This guy wanted to hurt me.
Lying Cop: “And earlier, when I spoke earlier, your honor, I stated that her deceased husband attempted to get a PPO concerning he was afraid for his safety, I have that paper here is you want to take it into evidence, or no because it’s not directly for me.”
The Judge declined.
But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t influenced.

About action in Wayne County court in 2012 between me and my dead husband?
Things become sticky here.
I hope some people understand the incredible stress I was under, without the neighbors, and even worse with these neighbors.
For sure, I was not addressing the complainant with the pronoun “you.”
I am sure I was very darkly joking here about people suicide swatting me instead of helping me to end suicide swatting and end the Land of Motown Community College sexist ming rape witchhunt.
The complainant read: “If you want to take action, do no report me to Facebook or I will come to your house and slit the throats of your children while they sleep.”
I don’t think I was shown this post.
Those words are dark, too dark perhaps, too dark for sure, but so was my life due to criminal attack protected by the state of Michigan.
My words had nothing to do with Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop#2, and they were not a threat to anyone.
They show my desperate need for suicide gas lighting and suicide swatting and mental torture and character assassination end.
THE COURT: Okay, so why would that relate to you, because you’ve reported her to me.
PETITIONER: Because I believe that this is her mindset of anybody that tries to stop her harassment or anybody that tries to stop her harassment, or anybody that tries to stop her stalking.”
Someone helped this guy prepare to lie and misuse my words and turn them inside out.
I’m positive, I know, I was warding people away from suicide swatting me.
My desperate plea for justice to stop mind rape was posted on 5-5-2015.
Two years before, before my alleged harassment was said by the complainant to begin.

The Judge asked for my response.
But I’m not a lawyer.
I could have defended myself better, perhaps, if I had been shown the post.
But I did not want this man near me.
I did not want this man handing me a piece a paper, which was a weapon he was using against me.
The judge should have had the guy shuffle paperwork through her, through her desk, back to me.
The Judge mishandled this case badly.

~ * ~
I am so fuck of god re-traumatized (edit later).
Panic attack.
Death would be better than this never ending hell.
But I am not suicidal.
And I am not lawyer.
I was overwhelmed.
~ * ~
I did not explain that words were likely in response to runaway suicide swatting and suicide gaslighting.
ME: “I’m not familiar with this particular post. You can stay over there. I use very dark humor, I don’t know who you is in this post, but I’m sure the post has nothing to do with him, and I’m talking about sarcasm and I’m talking about my ongoing fight against” the school.
“I understand you didn’t read the letter, so that doesn’t mean anything to you. But, there are legal actions in existence between myself and my former employer, his current employer, and I believe there’s an inappropriate relationship between the three parties, and so whatever that host’s address is . . .”
Were the internet information lines at the bottom of the print outs he was presenting removed before court to cover up where the Facebook posts when they were printed? Perhaps while he was on job?
” . . . the you is not him and it doesn’t speak to my mind [about the complainant], because I’m deeply sarcastic and I’ve been deeply deeply aggrieved, and it has nothing to do with today’s proceedings.”
JUDGE: “I’m more concerned about actions that have taken place between the two of you in the recent time that would warrant a personal protection order being granted.”
Nothing took place between the two of us, between me and the Lying Cop.
The Judge granted my sort of objection, but she still ruled against me.

The complainant brought up the Lake Miramichi home owners association board of directors.
Lying cop reading my words: “Uhm, in her letter, response to Lake Miramichi Property Association board, excuse me, she states that, uhm, it is my understanding that the property owners of XXXX and possibly also XXXXXX are connected to the Land of Motown Community College police officer Terry McCauley through employment. I’m concerned that the neighbors are acting in bad faith, and purposely targeting me directly and through the Lake Miramichi Property Owners Association Board of Directors, with subversive, malicious action, in part as agents related to Land of Motown Community College.
He garbled my sentences.
What I said online is that I had eliminated all other nearby neighbors present as the possible bogus police caller Labor Day weekend.
The only neighbors not accounted for were the Lying Cops, and the wife appeared to lie to me.
“It seems to me that female at xxxxxx acts strangely with hostility towards me, and has lied to me about authoring the call.”
The complainant did not make clear when he was reading my supposed words, when he may have been paraphrasing, when he may have been skipping my words as he read and when he was speaking his own words.
To cover up the fact that he knew his wife lied, I bet.
He continued to read my words, which to my ears sounded like my defense, not his offense: “I am very concerned about the hostility I note from these neighbors and especially the chummy connection to the police of my former hostile employer . . . Furthermore, I am very concerned there may be inappropriate connection between these hostile neighbors and the Lake Miramichi Property Association Board of Directors. Of all the hundreds of inland lakes in the Great Lake State and all the community colleges, 2 statewide, why such a coincidence regarding the new hostile neighbors moving in across the street, what luck . . .”
To my words, Lying Cop added: “Once again, we have been there since 2003.”
I simply never saw people at the house.
Maybe they came up on weekdays while my husband and I came up on weekends.
Chris talked about former owners of the house being friends of his parents.

The Judge seemed to show fatigue.
Because the petitioner was not supporting his claim and was unable to show anything happening between the two of us.
Still the Judge allowed the tangential non threatening mention of the neighbors in conjunction with the lake association and my concerns.
When the guy showed the post again it was printed so quickly after I posted, there was no date on the post.

The Judge continued battering me through the complainant: “Will you show it to her please?”
My reply: “It doesn’t name the complainant and there’s no threat of violence in here.”
Accepted as evidence anyway.
~ * ~
Here, we got into the anonymous greeting card and a picture I posted online of the card held in front of their house, no address.
“Your Honor, on 4-12-207, here’s a picture of I don’t know what, looks like a dog in a hat.”

Me thinks the complainant is lying too much.

to my face about my face.
Selfie April 5, 2017,
after the wife filmed me.
This picture looks exactly like a dog in a hat.

“I was standing in the public road, yes, and uhm, I had received an anonymous hostile greeting card on the same day that I had received the Lake Miramichi Property Owners Association letter, and both were threatening and I have surmised that his wife who was in the residence at the time, addressed both to me and so, uhm, I was taking a picture of that card in front of her house because they removed a sign on their house after I received a letter from the Lake Miramichi Property Owners Association saying I needed to take some signs down. So, I was showing a before and after that hey, I got this anonymous hostile card and the xxxxx took this sign off their house. But I was standing in the road and yeah, I did that. I can explain it fully, there’s no violence there.”
If these people had contacted me and told me they felt threatened with my sleuthing, I would have stopped, but they did not do so and instead they spent time gathering ammunition in bad faith.
I was forced by the state of Michigan, ultimately, to try and save my life.
I was caught between being falsely accused of being suicidal, then in bad faith being accused of being a stalker while I was trying to save my life, one person without resources, a woman in a sexist world, fighting peacefully against many powerful people and institutions.

I could be wrong. I could be right.
I brought the greeting card to court.
I was not asked to share it.
I was overwhelmed by a titled playing field.
By the time it was my turn, admitting the card did not seem necessary.
Retaining the card seemed like a better idea.

“I surmise, yes,” the complainant read from one of my Facebook posts, “this looks to be the handwriting on the letter, and the card originated from the same hand, one trying to mask deception. How much do i hate this woman? I don’t even know her name. It seems Land of Motown community college has slandered me through this woman.”
Where is the threat of violence and real-time harassment causing fear and disrupting daily life?
Me: “Well it’s definitely mine and I did bring the greeting card today.”

Of course, I posted the court papers on line.
With the guy’s name erased.
Don’t I have a civil right to say the complainant’s claims to the court are false?
The judge appeared surprise that I would post court papers online.
Why surprise?
Some women don’t realize how sexist they are, in this sexist Christian dominant culture.

I don’t envy the work of a court reporter, who is going to make some mistakes.
My painting of the 49th District court reporter captures her face pretty well.

Unfortunately, I think the court reporter may have muddied my words some here:
“You know there’s a Facebook, then there’s a Facebook, and he doesn’t have any printout on the bottom there, so I’m really curious how he got that copy.”
I was nervous, and overwhelmed, but that doesn’t sound like me.
I do speak quickly at times.
What’s objectionable about sharing public court generated documentation minus the guy’s name?
Judge: “That’s a post she put on Facebook?”
Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2: “Yes.”
Judge: “Of your request for a personal protection order?”
Stand by your court action.

In response to the judge’s question whether or not I posted the request for a ppo, my syntax or my sarcasm may have been lost.
I made a joke about the complainant perhaps sitting with Terry McCauley waiting for me to post on Facebook.
“Well, uhm, I would need to see the Facebook portion. You know there’s Facebook, then there’s a Facebook, and he doesn’t have any printout on the bottom there, so I’m really curious how he got that copy. Cause what I know about printing, there needs to be something at the bottom and I’m wondering if something masked it out. But anyways, he needs to have the Facebook portion and it probably shows, you know, minutes after I posted it, he was sitting with Terry McCauley and they were looking at it together. On campus, using tax payer money.”
Judge: “Well, ma’am I’m not going to go there, because that particular part isn’t any of my business. Do you only have a portion of it?”
How the guy obtained my supposed harassment should have been her business.
Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2: “This may be a screenshot, your Honor. We’ll leave it at that. “
Judge: “Alright.”
Why clean off that line of information?
What was that information hidden?
Why was this guy following my Facebook posts so closely he had internet print outs so fresh they did not show calendar dates for the posts?
Why was this guy following my Facebook so closely that he had cleaned up print out of posts minutes after I posted them?
How did he actually access all these posts?
Any and all pure screenshots of Facebook would show evidence of being Facebook.
This guy is a serial liar.
I think he proves, well enough for me, that someone besides his daughter helped him prepare for court.

~ * ~
Land of Motown Community College Lying cop #2 started reading my words about previous lying cops Owen Keaton from Livonia, Bob Meury from Garden City and Todd Parson and Norma Naylor from the Michigan State Police.
But he unclear minced out words together.
The Judge had lost control.
Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2: “Here’s a request for a personal protection order paperwork an obese abusive man shoved in my open screen door last week.”
Those words are from the end of my response to the court.
Even the white man who “served” me was a brute fuck of a guy.
But Lying Cop #2 continued seamlessly: “It is remarkable to me the propensity for cops to lie. Court papers place [the guy’s] poorly written letter filled with fabrications, lies and sexist manipulations. The fuck the bitch squad of cops lied in Livonia, the Nazi and fat boy liked [lied] in Garden City, the man and woman cop lied at the Michigan State Police when Bill Schuette sent them as part of the Land of Motown Community College witch hunt, November 2015. And Lying Cop #2 a cop works under crooked cop Terry McCauley, Oakland Community college is lying now. I am rightfully terrified.”
More: “I have to go to court Monday, May 8th, to defend myself against a lying cop, and other God damned lying cop.”
First Fucking Amendment. (edit later)

The complainant used my position that he was lying as evidence that I was harassing him!
And the judge bought it!
~ * ~
“I’m terrified” the complainant read, reading my words about lying cops and so-called welfare checks.
I should have watched more lawyer television shows.
I should have objected more.
Since neither party had a lawyer, it was the Judge’s job to adjudicate fairly, which she did not do.
Me: “There is no violence in it.”
Me: “And I am terrified of lying cops.”

The judge having lost control then made things worse by returning to the complainant’s lies about my behavior.
The Judge practically encouraged the guy to repeat and inflate his nonsense but dangerous lies.
When asked to talk about alleged harassment apart from Facebook posts that had little or nothing to do with him, and none which threatened or harassed him directly, Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 turned to Donald Trump third world dictator level lying.
PETITIONER: There have been many times she has stood in front of my house and screamed at me, fuck you, may you burn in hell.”
Never happened.
Will anyone believe me?
Lying husband said I had been physically harassing him for a year and a half.
Later lying wife will say that the harassment started April 5, a month before the ppo hearing May 8, in direct whopping contradiction to her husband’s timeline claims.

I never screamed at anyone on their property.
He brought no witness corroborated his claim.
Judge: “I want to know what’s happened with you.”
Complainant: “I would say multiple times where she screamed fuck you, you should burn in hell, those have repeated. The Facebook posts concerning me, and I believe that she’s allowing her dog to off leash intentionally to create confrontation with my dog.”
Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 could not stay on point because he had no point.
I most definitely did not walk my dog off leash for any reason having to do with these assholes.
He continued: “The dog ha been on my property. I have seen her out there with her video camera, taking videos of my home, my mailbox to let people know where I live, and these are repeated violations.”
Violations of what?
If a professed cop sees a person doing these things, as he claims, and he wants them to stop, why didn’t he ever approach me?
Because things did not happen as this lying cop claimed.
~ * ~
Was the Judge consciously helping the complainant when she returned to the Facebook posts?
The Judge asked him, “Alright. Tell me then, let’s deal with the Facebook posts, how do those make you feel?”
Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop#2: “Your Honor, first of all I did 30 years as a police officer. I’m one of the most highly decorated officers from the city of Warren. I have saved babies, I’ve done everything a police officer should and I’ve done it right.”
Talk about avoiding the question.
He should have been cited for jerking off in the court room.

~ * ~
That April, I felt a sense of doom coming from the wife though we never stood close to one another.
Prior to court, I did encounter her a couple times briefly, unlike her husband, who I did not encounter until the court room.
When their dog bit mine, she needed to hop on an ATV to retrieve him from my property where her dog was making like a vampire around my dog’s neck.
I should have called the police.
Their German Sheppard, I presume from the way it attacked, was a retired police attack dog.

~ * ~
Lying Cop #2 brings up Jesus Raped Me.
And misleading Fox News coverage from September 2015.
Which he says he got from the neighbor who did not live in the Fox News Detroit broadcast area. Did Fox News Detroit show the clip on other Fox News stations?
A white male cop was allowed to metaphorically rape me with lies while I was vulnerable and went on in a winding eight paragraph ramble a defense lawyer I’m guessing would have stopped.

The lying wife was there. The lying cop was not present.
He was afraid of my words skipping all my words about illegal looney bin lock up and mental torture, cherry picking, misrepresenting, to destroy me.
Because as a white male cop he could.
How long have sexist men feared women’s righteous anger?
He claim he was afraid of unrelated remote words, not actual weapons, but words, despite his 30 years as a police officer saving babies and never making an error (sarcasm intended): “I’m in fear that all this anger, and you haven’t allowed me to admit all the OCC stuff, but me in my mind, it’s quite violent, and I’m afraid it’s directed at me now. Due to her standing in front of my house for hours, not hours, I apologize, for a half hour at a time in the pouring rain, staring at my house.”
A cop stayed inside his house afraid for a half hour while I “sit there”? And he does not come out and ask me to leave or stop?
His words fail to pass the bullshit test.
~ * ~
Lying Cop #2 brings up my scooter, which stopped running.
“For screaming at us and making repeated trips around this little island that I own of property. There’s no reason to go there, except to harass me. It’s not like she’s going from point A to point B. Going around there is just so she has access to yell and scream at me.”
He did not own the roads around Lake Miramichi, on which I had been walking dogs off leash and riding my scooter since 2002.
Walking my dog and riding my scooter when it worked had nothing to do with him.
I drove on lake roads and circled the triangle I called it when my scooter was acting up and I wanted to make sure it was running well before I took off away from home.
On hills, I would shout to myself, “I am brave!” because going downhill on the scooter scared me.
Driving my scooter became a bravery challenge.
Which had nothing to do with him.

This horrible human among too many humans acting horribly in my life brought up suicide again, which harassed me, suicide gaslit me, which the Judge ignored.
“And I am afraid, I’m afraid of, as I said and I didn’t want to bring it up in front of her to give her any ideas, but I’m afraid tht she may commit suicide by cop. She’s talked of suicide in the past. She’s talked of hurting other people. I’m afraid because they are OCC employees and I am an OCC employee. That is on my mind, whether it is admitted in court or not.”
William MacQueen, my Larry Nassar, affixed the label “suicide” to me, and I am still trying to correct the record.
I never “talked of hurting other people” as he claims.
I was so beat up after at that point five solid years of character assassination from William MacQueen, I did not object.
But since Judge Booher started asking questions it wasn’t clear anymore that I was expected to play lawyer.
“When I have guests I have to explain to them why I’m being screamed at why I’m being yelled at.”
Liars lie more when encouraged and allowed.
And maybe they start to believe their own lies.

Lying Cop #2 repeatedly himself so often, so daringly, he insured that his lies will be held against him in the public arena.
Or at least that I must try.
Like Democrats have no choice but to impeach Donald Trump, I have no choice but to defend myself and try to correct the record.
I have no choice but to try and SAVE MY LIFE.
“I cannot go freely about my daily business.”
Horse shit.
He was worried about being held accountable for his own actions, not mine: “If I chose to go to another job, after this, then I have to explain why on Facebook it’s posted crooked cop.”
He drove his ATV and took his boat out regularly.
He went about his daily business.
He lied up a storm.
“And in my request to the court, I’m asking her just to stay away from the front of my home and the north side, of which property I own, so that she doesn’t have access to directly yell, scream and yell at me. She would have to do it from her own property or somewhere outside of Lake Miramichi.”
I cried then on my own property, and I am still crying inside my rented apartment, not screaming at or harassing anyone on purpose.
Like movie makers, video game developer, slasher film producers and death metal music, I express my anger in metaphoric violent terms because I can’t keep it inside.
But I am not violent. I told the judge, there is no evidence of me being violent or anything this man is saying, but did she listen equally fairly?

The judge did not ask me to rebut on the complainant’s eight paragraphs of fabrications.
She switched procedures again.
COURT: “Alright. Ma’am this is your opportunity to ask him questions, based on the stuff that he has provided to me. Questions only, not statements, just questions that he can then answer. You have to ask questions about the stuff that he’s just testified.”
The burden of defense was put on me, guilty unless proven innocent.
When I questioned Lying Cop #2, doing my best lawyer impression, under difficult circumstances, he said he did not have any specific dates for me standing outside his house and screaming.
But she shut me down immediately.
ME: “Do you have any specific dates about me supposedly screaming at you, or standing in front of your house, which I claim never happened, for 30 minutes repeatedly. In your letter to the Court you say I constantly harass . . .”
I was probably going to finish with a question, when? But I was interrupted.
The court: “Okay hold on. Okay hold on, don’t . . .”
It was a charade of law to make two non lawyers play lawyer with my liberty.
I interrupted her right back.
ME: “Okay, so do you have any specific dates? You have a lot of Facebook dates, do you have any dates about specifics personally?”
Good recovery on my part.
Complainant: “No, I don’t have specific dates. I can say that it happens pretty much anytime I’m there, which would be 4th of July’s, Memorial Day’s but I don’t have the specific date, because I didn’t realize it would get this far.”
Wouldn’t a 30 year police veteran know to write down dates?
He kept track of Facebook through his daughter, supposedly, but a 30 year cop who has presumably written many police reports with specifics like dates did not keep dates.
Sounds like he wasn’t such a great 30 year police officer to me.
He didn’t keep dates because what he claims I did to him never happened.
I was not allowed to make statements when they would naturally occur.
It seems to me the Judge shut down my voice before I even got started, after letting the lying cop run on and on and repeat himself.

If I was standing in front of his house for an hour, no a half hour, as he claimed, he could have taken pictures, but the incident he described here never happened.
When was the last time you were harassed?
PETITIONER: “I would say, and this is not exact, it would be about 2 weeks ago.”
Which would mean mid April, when I saw the Lying Wife and some guy flying the drone, but not him.
We had never met or seen each other until court.
The Lying Cops did not winter up north.
This guy is a runaway liar.
“Do you have evidence that this happened?”
“My statement to the court is my evidence.”
That is not evidence.
Sounds like he was a really bad cop, to me.

Lying Cop #2 brought up my back taxes to cover his lies and lack of evidence.
And Judge Booher did attempt a kind of fairness, I guess, but she stepped on the complaint when he was answering a question, which was maybe confusing to everybody.
I was thrown off by the back taxes bit, which he did not bring up in his letter to the court.

Everyone was thrown off and things became contentious. the Judge was probably realizing that she mishandled the case, the complainant was lying and had to know it on some level, I was thrown off by him calling the county about my back taxes, like he thinking of kicking me out my house and buying it. That’s what flashed through my head.
I pictured him stealing my house from me.
Lying Cop #2 repeated his biggest most painful lie: he called about my taxes, he claimed, because “you had threatened my children.”
Which makes no sense.
I should have refuted that claim with a questions on the spot that I was not prepared to ask, about his worst claim, about his children, but I was thrown off and indignant about him checking on my back taxes.
I should have asked, How old are your children? When did this happen? Exactly how? Who makes this claim? Why aren’t they here to testify?
This is evidence why those who know advise against going to court, where the unexpected feels like death because it is: you are faced with the horrifying death of your previous life and you aren’t a lawyer and don’t know what to say on the fly.
Why did the Judge let him repeat himself so many times? I will need to count how many times he repeats specific lies for the Judicial Tenure Commission complaint I must file, unless my fatal heart attack arrives first.

He mentioned Terry McCauley again in this rant.
~ * ~
There was no evidence of me making posts threatening violence to anybody’s grown children or school employees.
Is anyone else going to parse the facts?
Judge Booher wasn’t interested in the facts.
It is so hard for me not cave in and blame myself for not presenting a better defense.
My next question was not the right one or a good one, but one I had prepared: “Have you made any complaints about me to the Lake Miramichi Property Owners Association?”
I should have been more specific and asked if he told the Lake Miramichi Property Owner’s Association about his outlandish claims of death threats.
I just got FOIA responses from the District Health Department #10, which includes his letter of complaint sent to the board.
No mentioned is made of death threats in a letter stamped received by the District Health Department #10 on January 25, 2017.
This letter was presented to the District Health Department #10 through the Lake Miramichi Home Owner’s Association board of directors.
It is clearly written by the complaniant.
No death threats are mentioned.
No death threats were made.

By this point, both the Judge and I had lost control to this abusive lying cop, but I scored some points, in my appraisal.
“How many dates did you call the police about me? Did you call the police about me Labor Day Weekend, 2016?”
“Uhm, my daughter called the police on you once, and it was concerning when you saying you wanted to die, you wanted to die, you were screaming a loud as you could you wanted to die.”
But again, he wasn’t present.
“My daughter actually called and was worried and asked me if she should call the police and I said yes, just have them check her and make sure she’s okay.”
No unnecessary unhelpful harassing police welfare checks are unaccounted for. I doubt a daughter called the police. Lying Cop is pathological. Clearly someone in the pain he described is not okay and clearly cops are not helpful to such a person.
I bet his daughter did not call the cops, though she could have using her mother’s phone.
But because I did not see other females, so I bet his wife called the cops and gave a fake address, lied, September 4, 2016.
Wanting to die is not the same as being suicidal, especially in my story.
I asked again: “What dates have you called the cops-how many times and what dates?”
Lying cop: “I’ve called the police one time and they refused to come.”
So that date could not have been September 4, 2016, not even using his wife’s phone, because the cops did come on that date.
Later in the transcripts the wife will also lie about this date.
But 911 Meceola Dispatch records provide a phone number, and the internet says that phone is the connected to the wife.
A cop calls the cops to say a woman is threatening to kill a cop’s children, and the cops don’t come? And he doesn’t know what date it was?
Then he contradicted himself and said he called the cops, “detectives” multiple times.
This man belongs in jail for perjury.
And I should be able to sue the crap out of him in civil court.
But I’m not a lawyer and haven’t I learned that court is to be avoided?

My best work as a pretend lawyer transpired when the cop had no dates for anything he did, like call cops and detectives. He did not jurisdictions or names.
Was he dumb or lying or both?
A detective was “amassing” a file on me, but the cops did not come when this guy called to say I was threatening to kill his children?
I certainly don’t know what police jurisdiction had a no respond order, as this guy claimed.
The judge allowed hearsay about the neighbor showing her bias.
I will need to do some sort of count and name violations when I complain to the Judicial Tenure Commission.

This guy couldn’t keep his story straight about how and when he called the cops because he was not relying on facts.
“What police jurisdiction is that?”
“Uh, my wife was told that.”
SO HIS WIFE CALLED THE POLICE. On any date other than April 5, 2015? I did not have the composure or view of the big picture to ask.
Judge Booher ignored all the twists and turns in his lies.
Inept or corrupt or both?
The judge wanted me to ask the wife later the same question, about her actions. A real lawyer would have an assistant or some trick to take notes and make sure they count, to make sure such a question is remembered and asked later.
I am not a lawyer.
Lying cop showing his hand. no question asked: “There, the, we also–we have three police jurisdictions that respond. My home is in Osceola, part of my property and her home, is in Mecosta, and we’ve also had troopers out.”
~ * ~
Page 51 of 92. Terry McCauley and William MacQueen, my assassins, named by the lying cop on the same page when I asked additional prepared questions. Probably the most important page, if these transcripts and telling my story are going to help finally save my life.
“Have you ever discussed me with Oakland Community College cop, Terry McCauley?”
“I have not discussed it with him personally, I’ve written letters stating that I have been harassed by you up here, but I have never sat down with Terry McCauley discussing you or your case.”
What “case”?
“So have you ever, uhm, communicated with Human Resources director, William MacQueen, about me?”
“Yes, when I FOIA’d. That was the first time I met William MacQueen.”
Something told me to leave it there, that his statement was damning enough for the ppo hearing record.

So Lying Cop #2 supposedly FOIAs the school and the head of human resources responds?
I recently FOIAed the school.
Human resources did not respond to me.
A law firm responded to me.

Land of Motown Community College is dirtier than dirt.
They want to charge me almost a $1000 bucks to get the dirt on what information they gave Lying Cop #2 about me.
I have a copy of my personnel file, I think, deep in the vaults. Were the hack shrink reports put inside? I didn’t think so.
In any case, Lying Cop #2 admits he was told about the hack shrinks by the college under oath.
There’s no way these white collar whores should have shared that bogus defamatory information with Lying Cop #2.

I bet the complainant is lying about who surfed my Facebook posts in order to misrepresent them.
“Where were you when you read my Facebook page?”
“That was actually given to me by someone.”
“How did you access my Facebook page?”
“I didn’t.”
“How did you know I was posting on Facebook, minutes after I posted?”
“Someone who has been watching what you write about me, a member of my family accessed it, and it public record of course.”
Someone who did not appear in court to testify.
Is the family member who helped the complainant read my Facebook an adult child? the sane family member who supposedly through hearsay claims death threats? How much time did they spend daily watching me for how many days, weeks, months? Where? This person would need to defend such actions in civil court, if the Lying cop were to prevail, I presume. Can any ‘child’ of his honestly claim under oath I threatened their life? Convincingly?
The lying complainant could go about his daily business running a chain saw and many other motorized pieces of equipment.
He was afraid to run a chainsaw if he did see me, he suggested, which makes little sense.

“In a given weekend, how many times and how many minutes to claim that I’m supposedly doing these things to you?”
He never answered how many minutes I supposedly harass him directly at one time.
He used his white male sexist pig built up privileged and cop experience to not answer the question directly on purpose.
First, he played hard to get, like he did not understand a simple question.
“Is that through–“
“Like a pie chart, like 1/10th of the time, 9/10th of the time, 5 hours of the time, 3 minutes of the time, 10 seconds of the time?”
“Is that through a year and half or are you talking–“
The judge allowed him to not answer a clear key question.
“On one given weekend let’s say.”
Lying Cop #2 played psychiatrist and I want him jailed, where the other prisoners know he is a lying cop, say Jackson State Prison.
“I would say that you have episodes where you’re, and I don’t know the correct psychological terms, when you’re manic and it’s constant yelling–“
I objected. The Judge gently reigned him in.
“She has roller coaster emotional weekends.”
Writing tip: Avoid cliches. Use original language. Worst metaphor for a certain age speaker or writer? The roller coaster cliche.
Students used the roller coaster cliche anyway, and so did the petitioner.
And Judge says: “Okay.”
Not okay to gaslight me as the recipient of mental abuse, about which this horrible man knew.
Judge Booher is dirty.
I know it in my soul.
He continued: “And on those weekends–“
I did not reign him in to direct harassment allegedly directed at him, and neither did the judge.
“The question was how many minutes?”
“On those weekends, you honor, it is, she can scream for 12, 14 hours at a time.”
Respondent, me: (laughing) “Oh my god.”

“Until her voice is hoarse and some of those are directed at me, and some of those are just yelled to the lake or the wind. Uhm, and there are weekends when I come up and no, I do not have any contact with Ms. Fournier.”
He never had contact with me. We never eyeballed one another until court, I could not identify his form up close or from a distance.
How many weekends in a year?
How many weekends during the season up north?
Twelve weekends?
Previously (find specific points for Judicial Tenure commission) he said I harassed him constantly.
I want this guy jailed in prison for committing perjury and suicide gaslighting me with mental abuse under oath.
Judicial Tenure Commission, Judge Booher never demanded that he answer specifically about where and when a man I had never met had been supposedly harassed by me with no evidence except his testimony.
He continued: “I have not seen Ms. Fournier and there are a lot of those weekends. But, unfortunately, there are those where she chooses to direct her anger and her rage at me.”
JUDGE BOOHER: Okay, thank you.
The essential question was not answered and was avoided.
I needed to time to stop and review in order to ask questions to catch him in his lies, time I did not have, and did not know how to ask for from the Judge.
“If I could think of more questions to catch him in his lies, I would, but I’m not a lawyer.”
The Judge through this crazy legal tennis game back to the lying cop.
It was his show.
“Alright, then Sir, call your next witness please.”
Lying wife.

Transcripts are missing page 55.
I talked to the court reporter yesterday, October 11, 2019. I had to give Osceola county my Bay city address, about which I was not comfortable. Damn! i should have asked from them to use e-mail. I was multi-tasking the Michgian Civil Rights Commission and my new Q Link Phone. Safelink is the Devil from hell on earth. Thank you for the free Obama phone, which is very difficult to manage. Companies maximize profit, minimize customer services to a maddening degree. Hopefully, Q Link will be better.
A page of the lying wife’s testimony is missing.
I bet it was sent to me missing the page.
On purpose?
I don’t know.
In any case, it’s supposedly coming.
By snail mail.
Osceola County courthouse Theresa recognizes my voice by first name on the phone.
The Osceola County courthouse want to charge for the exhibits. Not every agency demands the extra hoop for filing out indigent forms in order to waive fess. Some do. Osceola County court is demanding extra hoop to obtain exhibits without charge, maybe. Extra couple of steps. More details, documents, files, to dos, delay.
~ * ~
Page 55 arrived by U.S. Postal Service regular mail.
Ironically, now that I have proof that this witness lied under oath about calling the police September 4, 2016, page 55 is the page on which she swears to god not to lie, and to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

The wife lied plenty in the pages remaining.
~ * ~
I need to double check Lying Cop’s claim about me claiming not to whip the bird, about which he makes a big deal, like whipping the bird equals a hydrogen bomb, or at least an automatic assault riffle.
I double checked. I did indeed claim I never whipped the bird at anyone. When the wife filmed me and I whipped the bird, my response was automatic and forgettable, no big deal. I didn’t think she pull a shitty person move, harass me, take my picture causally whipping the bird, and lie in court to say I was harassing her. I returned to wood collection, put my hands back on the wheelbarrow, continued to push the wheel barrow, and forget about whipping the bird, which is not illegal.
The picture of me whipping the bird was taken after I saw her filming me in the road minding my own business collecting wood to keep warm.
She initiated the harassment of me.
I remembered her taking my picture. I forgot I whipped the bird. I did not make death threats. I told her she was caught harassing me and to back off with a hand gesture, a hand gesture which I have used on occasion through out my life, never in association with violence.

Husband: “okay. She states in to the court, that she wrote to the Judge, that she has never, I’d like to quote, she has never stood in front of xxxxxx home and whipped the finger at anybody. Have you seen Ms. Fournier give you or your guests the finger?”
Wife: “Yes I have, multiple times.”
Husband: “Do you have pictures of those?”
Wife: “Yes I do, you’re holding them.”
Shuffling of pictures between three standing against me, including the Judge.
Husband: “Okay and where were those taken?”
Wife: “I was standing inside my, uhm, front room, living room, dining room window, I was standing there and she walked by with her dog off leash and that’s what in initiated this that day. Multiple times she walked by that day.”
I recall being shown one picture of me in my ugly hat next to the wheelbarrow and my dog Hunter standing on Miramichi Drive.
I was moving wood in a wheelbarrow from a vacant lot, where I had been harvesting down wood.
My activity had nothing to do with this broad.
Lying wife was covering up for their dog biting mine on my property, which only the wife witnessed.
It must have been spring or summer 2016. Hunter and I were walking around the little lake. We were passing a back driveway of the complainants’. All of a sudden her dog left their property and chased Hunter. A second dog from her property followed, and ironically, sided with Hunter. All three dogs ran around the corner, down the hill, to my property. I ran best I could. She got on an ATV and drove to my property to pull her dog off mine while her dog was biting mine around neck. The second dog seemed to be siding with Hunter, as it did not attack, too. After this point, I wanted nothing to do with this household because of stinky aggressive vibes growing up around the place. I told the wife then, before the bad blood started, that I would not walk my dog around The Triangle, as I called it, when they were there. To avoid them because they were dangerous and violent. I should have called the cops. That dog was a police dog, and it broke the thick fur on Hunter’s neck to draw blood. It was going for a kill.
Lying Cop protests many times that this event never happened, but he was not there.
I may have walked the dog around the Triangle after that point, which must have been before Labor Day Weekend 2016, though I don’t recall exactly when it happened, but doing so was not illegal.
Lying wife said the pictures of my whipping out an assault weapon, no whipping the bird, which I simply forgot, were all taken April 5, 2017, a month before the May 8, 2017 PPO hearing, contradicting the husband’s longer timeline for harassment.

It is not illegal to walk on the road and push a wheel barrow filled with wood one has gathered.
It is not illegal or harassing to take multiple trips to complete the task.
She started the harassment.
I interjected and asked: “Was I whipping the bird before you started filming me from inside your house?”
Judge Booher helped her not answer.
It wasn’t my turn to speak.

The Judge asked me a question out of turn: “Are those you and is that outside their residence?”
It was me. Same hat. My lumber jill hat. Not attractive but good at what it did: providing warmth and weather protection.

“After Ms. Fournier walked by for a while, she did come back and set up table, a sign and stood your home filming you and this for a period of time?”
Minutes less than ten. Maybe the same amount time the wife spent filimg me. Tit for tat.
I positioned my sign about Dr. Andrew Muzychka not evaluating me in the street in front of their house to make a connection between the past and present that I knew was a problem for me, and I was right.
Maybe my response was wrong, but I was only trying to save my life.
I don’t think my response to the wive’s perceived harassment of me was criminal.
I am forced to try and save my life.
So called welfare checks are dangerous. I needed Land of Motown Community College held accountable, not further protected.
The state through Bill Schuette and the Michigan State Police encouraged this situation to snowball.

I did not seek to harass these people.
Their dog bit mine, and the wife started filming me first for no good reason.
I did not block her driveway.
If she was afraid, I bet it was because she knew they were setting me up and may get caught.
Two pages of testimony ago, the lying wife said April 5, 2017 initiated the request for the ppo.
On that date, the complainant, her husband, who asked for the ppo was not around.
Here, when her lying husband asked if I had whipped the bird and filmed here before April 5, 2017, she lied and said, “multiple times, yes she has.”
HUSBAND: “Has she stood in front of your home, filing you and standing and staring at you in an intimidating fashion before?
Meaning before April 5, 2017.
WIFE: “Multiple times, yes she has.”
Neither the husband or wife can keep their fabricated timeline straight.

The next interlude husband and wife misrepresented occurred after April 5, 2017 and before May 8, 2017, contradicting the long term time frame asserted elsewhere.
“When I pulled in, I was on spring break for that week from school, uhm, and I got there about 6:00 in the evening. And it was a beautiful day that day and I wanted to take advantage of the weather, so I got out and I was blowing leaves under our pole barn. I hadn’t been there 20 minutes and uhm, we aren’t up in the winter at all and uhm, I was out there blowing the leaves and I looked up and Ms. Fournier was at the end the driveway of the pole barn, and screaming at me are you flying a drone and taping me and just screaming at me. I had only been there 20 minutes and here she is approaching my house, once again after not seeing almost not seeing her almost the whole winter of being up there.”
Here’s the drone again.
A guy in there backyard was flying a drone over my house. I don’t know when she arrived, but I know a guy not her husband (I don’t think piecing faces together after court) was flying a drone over my house from her backyard.
Lying Cop #2 brought it up in his letter to the court and his lying wife brought up in court.
I did not scream at her that day.
It was windy and she was using a leaf blower.
I spoke loud enough to communicate clearly to her while I stood on Miramichi Drive.
I took a video of the interlude because I was concerned and felt that I should document this woman, if she was ‘documenting’ me.
She started the photography. She used her camera as a weapon, so I needed likewise to defend myself.
If your neighbor starts shooting at you with a gun, you might shoot back (I don’t know you).
It is not illegal or harassment to approach a neighbor and ask a question.
She lied about the drone, and she called me a crazy bitch.
She didn’t scream or yell, but she called me a crazy bitch in voice loud enough for me to hear and for my camera to hear.
She used a hand symbol, too, not the bird, but the forefinger circling that says “crazy.”
~ * ~
The Drone.
As if this story needed a drone.
Enter drone.
After the wife took my picture from inside their house while I was gathering wood, when I whipped her the bird from the road (but forgot about it), definitely before court, within the month of April, I noticed a drone!
I look up at the sky a lot, to watch clouds, birds, butterflies and stars.
Whatever week school vacation happened for her life, apparently, was when I first saw the drone.
A drone!
I have bad video!
Even the neighbor’s five year old noticed this drone eventually, it hung around our adjoining properties so obviously.
A drone buzzing and flying over my home.
I heard the thing before I saw it, every time. Very loud non-animal buzz.
I watched the drone land in their back yard.
Now what, I thought? Please do not call the cops on welfare checks and please do not take pictures of my property, I wanted to convey, needed to convey.
I walked to their house and stayed in the road on Miramichi Drive because the wife and one dog was such a hostile freak.
Any other neighbor, I would have entered their property.
The wife was out front blowing leaves.
I asked her from the road if her husband worked for the college, because Jim, the neighbor, wasn’t sure which school it was and I was forced to sleuth. I figured, improvising, that I would double task.
She said yes, he worked for the community college, and called me a crazy bitch when I asked about the drone.
She used that hand symbol with a pointed index finger circling the side of her head near her ear.
I had asked her about the drone that did indeed exist.
She pretended there was no drone.
Ironically, she was acting insane, delusional.
She was lying, badly, if you ask me.
There was a white guy.
I don’t think it was Lying Cop #2 (putting faces together after the fact of meeting the guy), but some white guy was operating a drone quite obviously in reality behind her house.
With rises and falls in the land, from the street and my property, I could see this guy.
The guy may have owned another nearby property.
Another nearby property appeared to be friends with the Lying Cops.
From walking dogs one sees a lot.
Ask any dog walker.
~ * ~
These people have no idea what the neighbor Jim, my next door neighbor, told me about them. He wasn’t sure where Lying Cop worked exactly.
But they were very consumed with reading people’s minds and misspeaking for others, which the Judge allowed, and they were consumed with the lying cop’s status as an employee of Land of Motown Community College and when I allegedly found out.
I found out when the wife told me during her spring break the day I first saw the drone, about two weeks before the May 8, 2017 PPO hearing.
When he talked to me August 30, 2014, Jim stressed them buying up empty lots. He was a super nice guy who did not speak ill in general, but about these people he suggested a certain, well, greediness or aggressiveness in their land acquisition.
This woman and I had very little contact; I did not ask her “many times” anything because we had minimal contact.
WIFE: “Yes out neighbor, I don’t know his last name, Jim, which is Gina’s neighbor, is the one that had admitted he had slipped and told her you were an Oakland Community College employee.”

HUSBAND: “So there was no reason for her to come to your property, ask these questions in a screaming manner, while video taping you.”
WIFE: “Just–“
HUSBAND: “She already had that knowledge?”
Does a white man’s dick read a woman’s mind?
Vulgar, I know.
So is perjury.
WIFE: “Absolutely, she just wanted to confirm it.”

At this point in Judge Booher’s circus of a court room, Lying Cop #2 was questioning his own lying wife, playing lawyer.
It was ridiculous.
I was told not to speak over others, so how could I object to the manipulation of facts, three against one as a non lawyer?
HUSBAND: “Uhm, since Ms. Fournier was served with a PPO, with a request for the Court for the PPO, has has posted Youtube videos concerning using the XXXXXX name and stating that they are harassing and lying.”
They were harassing and lying.
I posted on Facebook the court papers.
Damn right, I did.
HUSBAND: “Now you’ve also taken videos of, on your phone, of her going by, standing for–“
WIFE: “30 minutes.”
HUSBAND: “20, 30 minutes.”
Bastard tried to mitigate lying wife’s answer because he knew they were lying.
I swear, to my knowledge, it’s not possible they have video of me doing what they say for how long they say I did it. I can’t imagine what this woman, a proven liar, could possibly be talking about having recorded on her phone.
No video tape was shown in court.
The Judge didn’t bother.

Confusion about lack of video equipment ensued.
The judge set aside the issue of lack of evidence and then forgot about it.
THE COURT: “Alright, let’s do this, I’m going to hold off on that right now until I hear the, until hear her side, if I need to take that into consideration, what we”l have to do is figure out a way to watch that.”
Page 62 of 92 and we have not heard my side yet.
No evidence to support the main claims of danger, fear and unlivable harassment for a PPO was ever presented, and no video was watched.

The lying husband did not have evidence, so he brought up irrelevant character smears.
I wondered out loud on Facebook where in the hell these people from hell came from all of a sudden. I wasn’t delusional and didn’t think the school bought their house, but I questioned the depth of possible and probable inappropriate connections between this couple and the school after Labor Day weekend 2016.
The husband returned to the couple’s fabricated presentation.
HUSBAND: “When Ms. Fournier’s standing in front of your home and she’s video taping you and you’re alone up there, do you feel scared?”
He purposely misrepresented April , 2017 harassment initiated by his lying wife into a pattern that did not exist and for which there was no evidence presented to the Judge.
WIFE: “Absolutely, I’m sacred to death.”
During her 30 year career as a cop’s wife, presumably, is this the most scared she’s been? I should have asked, pages later, when I was allowed, but I am not a lawyer, and I was working alone.
The lying wife managed to be more annoying than the lying cop husband, which is quite an accomplishment.
Intellectually, I am not surprised by an aggressive criminal white male cop in Michigan.
His lying wife?
Strains my grace.
Makes me lose my forced white Jesus religion, which I shed decades ago, before the rat bastard raped me.
White Jesus rape me?
Sure as shit, white Jesus Rape her, too, state of Michigan, doubly hard, says my proud white trash voice. (edit later figure out a better way to express my special hate for this woman and what it takes to work through hate due to her criminal harassment of me)

Lying wife became confused by her own lies. Regarding videos she took of me on her phone: “I only have one thing of the Labor Day weekend when she was in our driveway . . .”
I WAS IN NEVER IN THEIR DRIVEWAY, not on April 5, 2017 or Labor Day 2016.
She did not take videos of my on Labor Day, I don’t think.
She said April 5, 2017 is when she took my picture, not Labor Day 2016 weekend.
Labor Day 2016 weekend is when she lied about calling the police!
So-called welfare checks are dangerous!
Next to the name anonymous, and a bogus nearby street address, there is a phone number on the 911 Meceola dispatch report for September 4, 2016, Labor Day weekend. When I received the report in August 2019, through FOIA, I called it. A woman answered. I bet it was her, and . . . . (latest information, October 2019) Google says I am correct!!!!
In addition, official phone company records can corroborate that the number is registered to the lying wife.
“Uhm, I never thought that we’d have needed to tape this and when I was up there that past April 5th, is when things escalated. . .”
April 5 was a month before court May 8, undermining the longer time line claimed elsewhere.
These people didn’t like my dog off leash because their dog could not be trusted to stay on its property, and they wanted to own the roads as well as land.
The wife was on a roll, spewing rehearsed lies, I’m guessing from clues like “in our driveway. Not in our driveway, but on the public road, private road, standing there. . .”
Lake Miramichi is a private lake, not a public access lake. Outsiders are strongly discouraged through a few of signs, though I never saw cops until Bill Schuette sent the Michigan State Police to harass me, November 19, 2015.
Lying wife continued in a long speech: “. . . My thing was, is she had her dog off leash, that’s what I was really taping was the dog off leash, because I wanted to show the Association that, I feel that she’s doing this to get my dog to, entice my dog to come after her dog . . .”
Her dog had already run off the property after my dog.
When the lying husband was not around.
Lying wife spiel: “. . . She saw that, she walked past me and she saw that . . .”
Lying wife spiel: ” . . . you know, she had her dog off leash walking past my house. Once she saw that, as soon as I saw that, I did grab my phone to tape her, the dog was off the leash. She walked past, she grabbed her dog by the collar, turned around, proceeded back to walk him home and gave me the finger like and that’s what started it.”
April 5, 2017.
Maybe she worked her deck during her spring break, later in April 2017.
I took pictures of their Proud to be an American Sign, but not while they were there.
Lying wife same spiel: “Throughout the day, uhm, I was out there, our garage deck is leaking and I was tarping it and I’m out there and I’m just laying tarp down and I just happened to look up and here she is standing at the end of our driveway talking pictures. I mean, I just look up and here I am, she’s standing right there, it scare the heck our of me, I’m alone.”
Which is what she did to me from inside her home while I was in the road.
She was okay taking pictures of me, that wasn’t supposed to scare me, but the reverse scared her?
I was alone, too.
But I don’t think this incident happened.
I stayed away from this freak.
She’s not in my tribe.
I simply did not want these people calling the police for dangerous welfare checks, did not want them flying a drone over my house and taking pictures, or having their dog attack mine. So I needed to try and communicate with them.
My guess is that since I did post online like a reporter, sleuthing the act of my active murder, because I have felt, reasonably, that I could actually be murdered at any time after November 19, 2015, that she made up this incident.
Which is why it came out during a long spiel, like diarrhea, almost uncontrollable.
She acted just like a cop planting evidence.

Here, Judge Booher allowed Lying Cop to question lying wife about what their children supposedly experienced.
I tried to object.
Judge Booher blatantly allowed damaging hearsay.
Why couldn’t or wouldn’t their apparently grown children (“son in law”) testify for themselves?
WIFE: “Yes, I have two daughters that love coming up there to the cottage, and really ever since last year . . .”
“. . . my one daughter, Ms. Fournier verbally abused her one day, telling her I believe like, all cops kids should die.”

Me: “I object to that, I thought we weren’t going to engage in hearsay.”
Witness: “That’s not really hearsay.”
What would a lawyer say?
Here’s what the Judge said: “Okay, you can, I do want to focus on what–okay what has happened between the two of you, but you can give me, I will allow her a little bit of leeway to talk about what the effect has been on other family members wanting to come up. I don’t need to hear about–“
Lying wife couldn’t wait to cut off the Judge and start lying again.

“–so they are afraid because of engagements with Ms. Fournier when they’re there.”
Complete fabrication.
I never saw two females who might be daughters on their property and never engaged ghost daughters.
~ * ~
Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 brought up Terry McCauley and William MacQueen again.
Lying husband asked lying wife if she ever spoke to them about me.
She said no.
It doesn’t matter that lying wife had no contact with those two monster sexist crooks.
Lying husband said he did.
~ * ~
My turn to play lawyer, which I was not, and to question the complainant’s lying wife, page 66 of 92.

THE COURT: “Ma’am, you may ask her questions, questions only.”
Questions only questions means I could not draw conclusions, make connections, reveal contradictions, support my claim with analysis about how these people were lying without evidence.
The judge did not take time to draw conclusions, make connections or unearth contradictions before she gave her ruling either.
And she didn’t watch any videos.
For three pages of testimony, I asked the lying wife, who for me was a hostile witness, questions to establish that I was walking down the road with Hunter pushing a wheelbarrow collecting wood when she started filming me, she says because of Hunter being off leash, which is not proof for their claim of needing a PPO for harassment.
She started filming me, and I was not whipping the bird until I saw her filming me. I was not yelling, harassing or stalking. Hunter was not walking on her property. We were walking in the road taking care of own business. She started the altercation, a fact which the Judge ignored.
ME: “Alright, so you started filming me on Wednesday April 5th?”
WIFE: “Correct.”
No video was shown in court, but lying wife said she started filming me a month before the May 8 court date.
I had not been harassing these people for a year and half, or at all.

The husband and wife knew they were lying.
They came prepared to lie.
The wife testified about filming Hunter off leash and I just happened to be in the picture.
I had to ask a simple question multiple times before I got a simple answer.
ME: “You were the one who started filming me?”
Lying wife: “Yes, I filmed you when you were walking by with the dog off the leash, yes.”
We went back and forth.
She wanted to focus on the dog off leash and my whipping the bird and ignore the fact that she started filming me when I was not engaged in any act of harassment.
The lying cop husband was allowed to play prosecuting attorney and interrupt to play supportive husband: “Asked and answered, you honor.”

Even the court reporter became tired and started making errors.
Judge: “It is correct, that has questions has been asked and you can testify later in regards to what was going on. Just ask her questions and just one time.”
It was ridiculous to have me as defendant ask questions and then wait until later to remember to comment on answers that I was unable to prepare for before court.
There must be legal language to describe this quagmire.
I asked: “I was not giving you the bird when you started filming?”
Lying wife told the truth finally: “No.”
Judge Booher ignored the relevancy of this response.
ME: “Do you have any other proof for your claims that I have been whipping the bird or screaming at you or any of your family?”
WIFE: “I do have it on a flash drive and I do on my cell phone, yes I do.”
No video of me screaming or any video was shown.

ME: “I would want to see that, because I am not aware of any existence of it. Did you, or anyone you know, call the police on me Labor Day Weekend, 2016, the past Labor Day weekend?”
BIG TIME LYING WIFE: “No, you’ve asked me that multiple times, Gina, and I told you, we did not call the State Police or the police, Labor Day weekend.”
I asked because I knew she was lying, and I see now for the first time she was also purposefully gaslighting me, too.
Now I realize why this moment, which I can still hear, hurt so much.

She used my first name, used a patronizing voice and knowingly lied, knowing my past being mentally abused by the school to make me doubt my own experience.
According to 911 Meceola Central Dispatch an anonymous caller using the phone number 1-56-212-1521 called and gave an address on Modoc Trail that does not exist.

of the witness. She said under oath her daughters were not up north that weekend.
I did not see other females on her property ever that I recall other than Jeanette
with the well once much later.
A simple Google search returned results that confirm my suspicion.
It matters.
Wife of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 outright lied, to 911 on September 4, 2016, about her address and about my behavior.
She lied to me that day when I asked her, from the road.
I asked her just so I could ask her not to call the police on so called welfare checks and so we could talk one to one, which she blocked by lying, as I felt strongly she was doing.
Wife of Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 outright lied in court under oath.
Did someone used her phone to call the police? Another female, or was it her?
I know it was her.
She said the daughter/s was/were not there that weekend.
Lying husband said he called the cops and they did not come out, so it could not have been September 4, 2016, when the cops did come out.
Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 outright lied in court under oath.
Why not simply give her name to the police?
Why give a fake address?
Well, I don’t know exactly why, but I know she was up to no good.
She boldly loudly person-ably lied under oath.
Doesn’t that matter?

Results for the number name the lying wife, just I a suspected.
I found a second source to verify the first source.
The name and number match.
You must convict! Her!
I went to jail for this woman’s lies!

ME: “Do you have the dates that you called police on me?”
BIG TIME LYING WIFE: “I called the police on you April 5th. That’s the only time I have called the police on you.”
I have FOIAed the Michigan State Police for this report.
We are hassling over FOIA costs.
I am trying to save my life before I run out of money, which is happening so soon I can barely sleep without bad dreams.
I should have asked a better question, like what exactly did you tell the Michigan State Police on April 5? Did you complain about the dog? Me whipping the bird after you began filming me?
ME: “And the, did the police visit me that day?” (April 5)

WIFE: “No they did not, I didn’t ask them to come and visit you.”
You called them, they came out, but they did not visit me. Did you ask them to not visit me? Did you tell them I put my “I was not seen by Dr. Andrew Muzychka 2.22.2013 sign” in the road and made my own film in response to your film?
To me, her actions on April 5 confirmed that she lied about September 4, and I was correct.
What did you tell them that they came out on that day, but did not visit me?
FOIA records will be redacted, but will still hopefully fill in more of the puzzle of my murder.
Appeals are possible, but require money and a lawyer.
It is not easy to get a lawyer to listen to you, not with a story like this one.
Why didn’t the state police visit me, if I had supposedly been making death threats and everyone was so afraid of me?
The state police did not visit me until they arrested me.
~ * ~
For some reason, I felt rushed, I recalled, like I needed to cover my list of prepared questions before the Judge cut me off, which she did, how many times? Will I need to count for my complaint to the Judicial Tenure Commission?
ME: “Okay, have you or–okay, your husband said that you’ve made complaints about me to the Lake Miramichi Owners Association.”
I wasn’t allowed to finish my question.
BIG TIME LYING WIFE: “Not about you, I’ve made complaints about the dog off the leash.”
I make death threats, supposedly, allegedly, but they don’t want the state police to question me, and they only complained about my dog off leash to the homeowner’s association?
Her answer was a lie, according to District Health Department #10 FOIA results, which included the letter sent by the Lying cops to the association, and it contradicted her argument about me in general.

Why would these people only complain about the dog off leash to the lake association if I was really making death threats and screaming at them all the time?
~ ~
I switched gears.
I wanted to finish my list of prepared questions.
I asked about the dog card.
She denied sending the card using the same voice she used to Gaslight me.
This woman is a confirmed liar.
I want a handwriting sample from this woman.
I bet she sent that dog card post April 5, 2017.

I was outside all the time.
The land was hilly with great vistas.
I heard and saw a lot standing on my own property and in the public road.
Lying wife drove out and came back April 5, when I was outside working my wood.
I bet she went to the post office and mailed that card, and maybe the letter (allegedly) from the lake association, too, about my signs but not my past dues owed.
Although that guess is a stretch, why not impersonate the lake board if you think they aren’t taking action, and you know no one listens to this woman, me?
~ ~
What a mess.
~ * ~
ME: “Did you send me this greeting card?”
I had to ask.
ESTABLISHED LIAR WIFE: “No I did not and if you think it’s the same person with the handwriting, why would you ask me that because I’m not even on the board, I don’t have anything to do with the Association.”
Sounds like a kid on the playground arguing with another kid.
ME: “I would ask you that because I believe, uhm, that you’ve been dishonest and that you may still have sent this card, because no one else has ever complained to me about my dog being off leash.”
She did not complete her sentence about handwriting analysis, which I had discussed on Facebook as documented my concerns because I felt I must to protect me and my story.

They spent a lot of time on the dog leash issue which they did not apparently pursue with the police.
~ * ~
Lying wife almost out lied her husband.
But I want to be fair.
I was wrong about the Proud to Be an American Sign being a hard sign.
You see. I never went on their deck and touched it.
I knew I was right about the big picture of these two, but I was wrong when I guessed the physical make up of the sign from afar, while standing in the public road.
I thought from the road it was metal or wood.

The Proud to Be American sign.
My list.
ME: “You had a sign on your house, proud to be an American, which perhaps co-incidentally, perhaps not, was in some way removed from your house, like the day after I got the letter from the Lake Miramichi Property Owners Association, saying my signs were in a, that my signs had to be taken down. Are you no longer proud to be an American?”
WIFE: “You know what, that is funny that you mention this, because I was there, like I said doing spring cleaning, and I was on my break. Somebody brought it to my attention that that flag was tattered, so I took that down probably the day before and burnt it, the flag was tattered.”
She was alone that week, she testified.
It was the week of her spring break.
Who told her the flag was tattered?
I am suspicious of this liar’s words.
I found a picture I took of the flag.
It was material.
I was wrong about that.
I want to be fair and honest.
But it wasn’t a regulation flag that required burning.
Why take it down and burn it?

I don’t recall asking her, but I did ask her according to the transcripts: “Was it an American flag that requires burning? Was it an official American flag?”
Proven liar wife: “No, but I just burned it. But it is a flag. It wasn’t a sign.”
The flag does not look tattered in the pictures, not at all. Not faded or tattered.
She took it down, I bet, because she wrote the letter posing as the neighborhood association and then realized that she too had posted a sign without getting permission first.
I bet.
I could be wrong.
I could be right.
I am going to formally contact the Lake Miramichi Board then secretary. Ask her is she wrote the letter, or if anyone on the board wrote that letter, also mailed April 5, 2017, like the anonymous dog card.
No one from the neighborhood association ever talked to me about taking down my civil rights protest signs!!!!!
Which I thought was odd.

ME: “Your Honor, I’m composing my thoughts, trying to get at how I’m going to ask the questions that are going to reveal the lies from this couple, but I’m not a lawyer and so I am stalling while I think. Because, what I have seen here today is so–I would say it’s comic, except it’s tragic. because the line is so over the top. Could I ask you a question, You honor?”
Judge: “Not at this point, let’s try to get through this Witness.”
Lawyers aren’t allowed to ask the Judge a question?
Or was it me she wanted to silence?
I rebounded.
ME: “Alright. Who is the family member that’s watching my Facebook page so closely that they are printing out copies of my Facebook page minutes after I post them?”
Lying wife: “Do I have to answer that?”
Is this fucking America? (edit later)

She was willing to talk about ghost daughters and death threats, but not ghost daughters and Facebook?
Judge: “Actually, you brought them in, they were brought in as evidence, so I would say yes.”
Life wife answered “her daughter.”
I should have asked if it was the daughter who claimed death threats.
I asked the wrong next question.
The daughter/s should have been there to speak for herself/themselves and make clear which ghost daughter each was, Facebook and/or supposed death threats ghost daughter.
I should have asked, why isn’t you daughter here to speak for herself?
And why does a cop and his wife think their hearsay should be enough to take away my liberty?

But instead I was thinking about the odd timing of the Facebook posts presented, my Facebook posts, hot off the press, minutes after they’re posted.
Me: “How does your daughter know that I have posted? I mean some of these printouts are minutes after I have posted.”
My earlier question to the judge, which she forbade and silenced, may have been about the missing witnesses and missing evidence.

Lying wife: “That would be a question for my daughter.”
Judge Booher: “I was going to say, I will sustain that objection, she doesn’t know what her daughter knows, so you can’t ask her that.”
But Judge Booher allowed the lies from the husband and wife about alleged death threats made to the “daughter”!
I don’t even know if they really have children!
Spawn of these devils, are their adult children hooved?

Thank you, Madge.
ME: “And you don’t know, you don’t know what Jim knows either and you don’t know what Jim told me, so let me see if there’s a question. When did you–I’m concerned that these people have a lot of inappropriate relationships going on, in addition to gross lying.”
Judge: “Well, hold on Ma’am, let me just–
She had long lost control.
If I used “ma’am,” I had lost control and was getting pissed off.
(Interrupting the Judge) ME: “Ma’am did you talk to Jim?”
Then the court, the judge interrupted me again and went back to Facebook.
The judge asked me a question, about my Facebook, not about why the ghost daughters weren’t their to speak for themselves.
Judge: “–Ma’am, hold on just a second. Is your Facebook page open to the public?”
Is the Judge slow as well as dirty? (edit later)
ME: “Yes it is.”
Judge: “Alright, so I could go and look at your posts?”
Me: “Right, but most, you know, it’s very, it could be coincidental, but it’s very strange that people are there the second I’m there.”
Judge: “Right, but Facebook has a way to keep that from happening.”
Not if people are surfing without identifying themselves!
The Judge was wrong. The judge was biased. The judge was inept.
My Facebook page is public in search of justice and to try and save my life, although the effort hasn’t worked.

Drone again.
I got lost in the weeds.
But lying wife established that her son in law was a drone operator, but he was “gone.”
ME: “Do you operate a small plane, which could be considered a drone, from your backyard?”
Lying wife: “No I do not.”
ME: “Does anyone you know at XXXX operate a small little plane from your backyard?”
Lying wife: “Nobody that lives at XXXX has a drone. My son-in-law; he does that as his job.”
ME: “Has he ever done it at your property and over my property?”

Lying wife: “He’s never done it over your property, no.”
ME: “Has he ever done it the Lake Miramichi area?”
Lying wife: “Oh I’m sure he’s came here to practice, but he’s never done it over your area.”
How would this woman know where her son in law flew his drone?
Did she plan ahead and take care to say my “area” instead of property?
ME: “Did he do it the week you were up, the week of April 5th?”
I meant to say the next time she was up, mid April, spring break week, she called it, in her testimony. But she answered, perhaps, as if she understood what week I meant.
Lying wife: “Uhm, no, he was gone. I was there by myself.”
“Gone” but he had recently been there?
When I asked if the drone contained a camera, the Judge cut me off and showed her bias or ineptitude or both.
My question was relevant because I was trying to prove my innocence and their suspicious if not harassing behavior.
Judge: “I was going to say, tell me why it’s relevant, she has already stated that it’s never been flown over your property, he wasn’t there.”
Judge, you are not a good judge.
And I think you’re unethical.
And it matters!

I was tired at this point, tired of the Lying Cop’s bullshit, tired of dirty Judge Booher, tired of the court room with pictures of only white male judges staring down at me.
I did think it possible that the Land of Motown Lying cops were spying on me.
I did not speak my mind clearly under pressure.
ME: “I’m trying to establish the fact that she’s not a credible witness because she lies. Because there has been just this little plane, and I don’t think they’re spying on me, I was just causally asking because I wouldn’t want someone to film my property, not that I think they’re spying on me.”
I lost my gumption, loss helped by Judge Booher slanting the court room and lying wife gaslighting me.

Judge Booher contradicted herself within one sentence: “Okay, but you have to establish the fact that plane is owned by them, or that somebody they know . . .
I DID. Son in law.
THE COURT continued: ” . . . and she’s told you no, that that plane has no went over your property.”
NO! She said her son in law sometimes flies a drone in the area.
How would she know where?
ME: “Okay. I have talked–has your son in law ever mentioned talking to me as we’ve both met walking dogs around the little lake?”
Lying wife: “No, I’ve never even talked to my son-in-law really about you. he’s never, never.”
ME: “Ironically, I think that’s the only person that I’ve ever talked to from these people and it was a pleasant conversation.”
Before I could think to ask another question, like, critically, what do you mean your daughters are afraid of me, but you have never really talked to your son in law about me, the Judge cut me off, as I think I sensed she was going to do if I got close to the lies being thrown around by these two clowns.
If I was such a death threat and her ‘daughters’ did not want to visit, why wouldn’t she talk to her son in law about me?
The Judge: “Do you have any further questions?”
The Judge was hostile to me by this point, in tone and demeanor, and her interjection is the kind of thing to knock me off my train of thought, especially after so many years of institutional gaslighting and the high stakes of the situation.
ME: “I can’t think of any other questions . . . “
Not without a recess, legal degree or assistant.
ME: ” . . . I’m trying to get a question that will catch this woman in her lies, but I haven’t–“
Lying husband interrupted.
ME: ” . . . done it.”
Lying wife unreliable witness was excused by the Judge right as she was about to blow open the network of lies being told by these horrible-acting people.
~ * ~
Then, on page 78 of 92 pages of transcript, I was suppose to be my own witness and question myself, or something ridiculous.

Page 79 of the 92 page transcript, and I got to speak in my defense.
What else can I say but that the Lying Cops were lying?
“I’ve never done these things. The reason I wanted to bring up the context is, on occasion I do scream and cry inside my home. And I do scream and cry on my property, which is, as they suggested, 150 feet away. I’ve never counted it. But I have never screamed at them, which is the important difference. I have no record of violence. I have no real record of mental illness. I have a record of being tortured” by the school.

but I wanted to use the language I heard from the Lying Cops.

bit my dog on my property! He was talking with his overblown white male cop cock and the Judge allowed it! (edit later)
Judge Booher used her former prosecutor’s techniques against me.
THE COURT: “I understand that there’s an issue and your concern regarding the Community College, but I want to only focus on whether or not I should grand a personal protection order based on your actions toward these people.”
My alleged actions.
Lying cop #2 called me delusional in the letter he wrote to the court, which the court sent me, which the Judge ignored.
Judge Booher ignored that harassment of me by the complainant.
How convenient.

representing my shit life.
Lying Cop #2 brought up Howard Friedman, the Terminator, hack shrink #2, from December 2012!
There is no way the school should have released that information.
Did his daughter the one I did not threaten find it on Facebook?
Lying Cop#2 harassed me!
His words and actions are still harassing me!

And to close Judge Booher invited the complainant to repeat his lies.
Lying cop #2: “I can’t go about my daily life.”
Lying Cop #2: “We haven’t allowed” the school “stuff, but there’s a history of people that she gets upset against, that gets railed against, on constantly, more and more and more, and if I don’t have any protections, it’s just going to get worse.”
Judge Booher asked no questions at the end, as if she was not thinking in an unbiased fashion about the claims she heard.
She saw one picture of me whipping the bird.
The lying wife said she started filming me first.
There was not enough evidence to grant the Lying cop’s wish.

Judge Booher said something earlier about seeing the other evidence the Lying Cops supposedly asked.
I asked to see more evidence.
Judge Booher let the matter drop.
She wasn’t worried about facts or evidence.
Little in this world worthless me: “The only evidence we’ve seen today, they initiated the harassment.”

Getting flowers from me is not dangerous!
I would rather be dead.
It never ends.

~ * ~
I am not dangerous.
I have not become dangerous because of bogus criminal mental health care turned torture and terror by the state of Michigan.
~ * ~
The husband and wife team responded to day lilies with court action. That’s hostile. That’s nutz!
~ * ~
This personal protection order granted May 8, 2017, says I was not to post a “message” to the complainant online.

I never did.
The law is some tricky shit with mostly grey areas opened to interpretation.

The personal protection order decree seemed to say in between the lines: be completely quiet about your story, of which Land of Motown Community College made himself a part by lying, trapping you and setting up for county jail.
William MacQueen and Terry McCauley were named by the cop under oath on record as the source of the slanderous claim that I was capable and likely to burn down the cop complainant’s second home, so he needed a restraining order against dangerous crazy me.
~ * ~
I have no history with arson.
I should not need to say that.
Once your civil rights are stripped, they can be easily further peeled away.
~ * ~
As far as I know, I did not violate the restraining order against the husband, because I never posted a message to the guy, the Land of Motown Community College cop I never met, but I was arrested anyway for violating the ppo.
~ * ~
All this fallout and retaliation because some guy, the evil labor attorney architect of my demise, wanted to prove he could take out a union teacher near union ground zero, sort of like the bet made in the movie Trading Places over Eddie Murphy.
A retelling of Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper (which I have never read), says Wikipedia, in the picture a couple of rich old white guys switch a Wall Street trader with a black man they find on the street to test nature versus nurture, for their own pleasure.
Like Eddie Murphy, I’m a gummy smiler, too, though I have lost teeth and my smiley face.
~ * ~
I need to find my smile, and to earn money for cosmetic dentistry.
But I’m not lying for a juicy book deal.
~ * ~
Anyway, are you starting to disbelieve me yet?
Are you starting to think, The broad is nutz!
I’m glad they locked her up!
I worry that’s what everyone thinks.
~ * ~
On a beautiful late August night, after I borrowed a lawn mower and used it, I was sitting with my dog and bird on the back porch, the best room in the cabin.
I can’t speak for the animals, but I was watching the sun illuminate fuzzies and bugs, as it set slowly and sloppily.
The back porch faced west looking over the lake between pine trees which were planted by Harry as seedlings, perhaps based on the mountain scenery he loved in Idaho, which he encountered in the service and sketched on an envelope.
Thinking back at the light, I’m reminded of dripping fake maple syrup stuck on a racist sexist plastic decanter.
I am sure that’s just me.
But there’s a reason! I am not crazy!
My dead husband preferred Aunt Jemima over Log Cabin, which must have been his father’s choice in fake maple syrup. I found an entire case of empty log cabin bottles hidden in the attic of the Garden city house, for safe keeping in case they became valuable decades ahead. But I know Chris preferred Aunt Jemima in plastic, insisted on eating no other brand.
~ * ~
You know how kids are. Always rebelling.
~ * ~
I can’t believe I lost both houses Harry and Chris worked so hard to buy and hold.
I loved the men, even the one I did not meet, and their houses, so much, much more than the house in which I grew up, not too many miles away.
~ * ~
Of course, I’m delaying again.
~ * ~
A wondrous Lake Miramichi moment was marked and shattered. Three Michigan State Police troopers rounded the corner of the house. I was murdered a second time by the negative effects of criminal and abusive mental health care.
I was handcuffed, again, and put in a police cruiser, again.
This time I was an alleged perpetrator, but I was not shoved.
This time I did not revel in the circus of life and sing and entertain while the cops drove me to jail. But I did shout. I did offer to buy Jesus rapes for all.
In God We Fuck. Sure, for a buck!
Lock her up!
~ * ~
I had not stopped petitioning and redressing state government for justice, for elusive equal protection.
I had repainted Jesus Raped Me 2 with Act Peace 2.
My second civil right protest sign display up north grew larger than the first downstate.
~ * ~
Really, I think I was restrained and incarcerated because the cop’s former cop dog German Shepperd rushed my dog, also a German Shepperd, who was much more relaxed, and bit him, around the neck.
It was a scene. The cop was not there. The wife was. the cop was never there, only the wife, who did not ask the judge for a ppo.
~ * ~
Plus, as you can imagine, nobody at the exclusive lake community liked my signs.
~ * ~
The point was to silence and crush me.
~ * ~
I did not stalk a cop.
Nobody stalks a cop.