Coloring with the Catholics:
My Story of Criminal Mental Abuse and Higher Ed Gaslighting in Larry Nassar’s Michigan
(New New Part One): Backstory: Land of Motown Community College Set Up
This story stretches back and forward for years beyond the onset of the initial attack and illegal looney bin lock up. Its sounds dramatic, perhaps grandiose and unbelievable, but I am a pawn being sacrificed because there are too many bad actors in my story and it’s just easier to silence me, even though it means my torture, and the end of a livable life.
A basic understanding of human history and current events reminds that there is no limit to human cruelty, still.
(New New Part Two): Political Backdrop
The political terrain needs to be established, before suicide swatting, before my abduction by hometown police and before my week-long disappearance in Catholic Siberia, and all the horribleness that has followed.
To explain the lack of equal protection I have received, and the retaliation that follows retaliatory looney bin lock up. And why I am still fighting to save my life.
Both Democrats and Republicans have turned their back on me, but worse, Republicans retaliated outright through the office of former state attorney general, Bill Schuette, who wanted to become governor in 2018, but did not.
(New Part Three): Gaslighting
May 2012.
Upper Oakland County.
I meet William MacQueen and he meets me, with my lawyer, Nick Roumel, by my side.
The day a man I had never before met, who had never met me, without honest cause, accused me of being crazy dangerous like a school shooter, like a mass murderer, to my face.
For me, he wore a bow tie.
(New Part Four): Crazy Lady on the Loose, Get Her!
How exactly did my body find itself in the emergency room of St. Mary Merciless?
Land of Motown Community College suicide swatted me. This means Land of Motown Community College made false police reports saying I was suicidal when I was not.
(New Part Five): Getting Locked Inside a Catholic Looney Bin: In God We Fuck? Sure, For a Buck!
Land of Motown Community College bogus paper trail, murdering me with criminal mental health care, continues. St. Mary Merciless emergency room admission paperwork. 10:56 am. February 22, 2013.
Lots wrong here, beginning with my address. I was verbal, complained Stupid Cop. They could have asked me questions, but St. Mary Merciless staff did not bother.
They had time, but I was not asked my religious denomination or my employee status, nor was I evaluated by Dr. Andrew Muzychka.
(New Part Six): After the Looney Bin? Worse than Life Interrupted, Life Dismantled
I knew I needed to heal, even before I understood my injuries and the extent of the damages incurred. Damages caused by criminal mental health care pretending to be a needed cure for a condition that does not exist, bi polar, that I did not have.
Damages inflicted by Catholics, ironically Catholics who believe in virgin birth and define looney, in my world view. Damages inflicted by the Catholics of my youth, who I rejected.
Damages caused as intended, by Land of Motown Community College, with support by bully teachers, administration, school law enforcement and the faculty union.
(New Part Seven): Am I the Only Case of Runaway Criminal Suicide Gaslighting Unchecked? Jesus Raped Me for Sure, Fox News!
Land of Motown Community College suicide swatted me again on, June 9, 2014, the same day I broke up with all three friends who visited me in the looney bin.
I think I need to record their names.
St. Mary Merciless left blank the spot for “visitors” on its erased staff records.
Melissa Andrade of Farmington, Michigan, Paula Nedzinskas of Dearborn, Michigan, Karen Rogers of Livonia, Michigan, at least two of three married last names of husbands.
(New Part Eight): The State of Michigan Attorney General Followed Me Up North
About a month after I escaped to the cabin after foreclosure down state, the state of Michigan attorney general, and there is only one, not only declined in writing to provide me with equal protection and declined to investigate my claims or review the license of the doctor or the hospital.
Even though the hospital admitted in writing to breaking the law on behalf of all patients.
The state attorney general–and there is only one per state–began targeting me and retaliating against me.
(New Part Nine) Police Harassment: Suicide Gaslighting and Hostile So Called Welfare Checks
When your public institution employer sets you up with hack shrinks, gaslights you, makes false police reports about you saying you are suicidal when you are not, in order to silence you in a sexist fashion; when your higher ed employer uses an illegal looney bin lock up to attack you; when your employer suicide swats you again, even after you are forced to quit, and the state attorney general still refuses to investigate or prosecute and instead the state attorney general retaliates–retaliates with the state police–in clear bad faith, subsequent misguided police visits equal harassment, discrimination, terror.
(New Part Ten), Ripe for Retaliation: Poverty’s Flush
Overtime, while living my Jeremiah Johnson/ Little House on the Prairie existence up north, I was stripped of my main lifeblood possessions: civil rights, phone, car, freedom of movement, liberty, dignity, home.
I don’t think this stripping happened all by accident.
I heard a phrase on the radio: “orchestrated traffic stop.”
I’ve wondered.
(New Part Eleven), To The Big House: If She Won’t Shut Up, Lock Her Up Again! Court Transcripts Featuring Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2
They took me away, again. The second time, to jail.
Which is humiliating to admit.
Upon review, I think maybe this was a plan cooking on the stove for some time.
No one stalks a cop.

(New Part Twelve), To The Big House: If She Won’t Shut Up, Lock Her Up Again! Court Transcripts Continued
Land of Motown Community College Lying Cop #2 repeated his lies so often, so daringly, he insured that his lies will be held against him in the public arena.
Or at least that I must try.
Like Democrats have no choice but to impeach Donald Trump, I have no choice but to defend myself and try to correct the record. I have no choice but to try and SAVE MY LIFE.
“I cannot go freely about my daily business.”
Horse shit.
(New Part Thirteen), In The Big House, Only Because I Was Poor and Could Not Afford Bail
I spent 35 days in the Osceola County jail, located in Reed City, Michigan, childhood home of my adopted literary parent, writer Jim Harrison, writer of the novella The Legends of the Fall. The movie adaptation starred Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins.
I watched tv footage of the state attorney general announce his campaign for governor while I was wearing prisoner orange in jail.
(New Part Fourteen), Losing the Lakehouse: It Only Gets Worse
I was released from jail on a PR bond, on September 28, 2017, without any idea what might happen next or when.
The District Health Department #10 could arrest me for using the gravity flush and remaining in the condemned lakehouse, after my denied appeal August 11, 2017.
Without a doubt, the actions of the District Health Department #10 were intent on harassment, not public health, because being technically condemned did not stop the sale of the house less than a year later.
(New Part Fifteen), “Someone Is After You”: No Good Ending?
When it served power to say I was crazy, without cause, they locked me up in a looney bin, “looney bin” named after the wardens.
When it served power to say I was a criminal, they chained me and whipped me best as they could, in and out of jail.
Frankly, objectively, I would say the jail warden did a better, more stand up job than the looney bin wardens.